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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6161456 No.6161456 [Reply] [Original]

So I went on Reddit and I said psychology isn't a real science because they can't do proper experiments.
The replies :

"As a Media Effects major who wants to be an experimental researcher when I am done with my schooling... You're just plain wrong. However I feel that you're probably a hard-headed chemist or engineer or some other "hard scientist" who is currently sitting somewhere with a smug look on your face, and that nothing I say will ever change your mind because you don't WANT to believe otherwise. No matter what kind of information I post from academic journals, you will find some sort of inane and asinine reason as to why it isn't correct."

"Surveys are experiments the same way looking through a telescope in your backyard is an experiment. Every psychologist knows this, and everyone who knows anything about psychology should. Surveys, like telescopes, are used to get ideas for experiments and to gather data that can't be observed. In a study about anger or depression, they don't care about the exact information, but how it changes.
Oh, and those assumptions you refer to? Every science makes those. Now, physics doesn't seem like it because it's been around since the Greeks, but psychology has only been around for a little over a century. For instance, most psychologists recognize that Freud's theories aren't science because they weren't falsifiable"

"Google the Little Albert experiment.
Or the Asch conformity experiment.
Or the Milgram experiment.
Or Harlow's Monkeys.
Or Derren Brown's wallet experiment.
These are all famous experiments that are mentioned in most intro to psychology classes, so don't give us the "can't do experiments" bullshit."

Are these niggers for real?

>> No.6161469


I was actually just thinking about how psychology is a worthless pseudo-science while I was in the shower today. What a coincidence.

>> No.6161513

I love thinking when I'm showering too.
Seriously though, are these idiots for real?

>> No.6161519

considering the variables and fluxuating structures, it's about as scientific as chemistry.

>> No.6161528


typical synchronicity.

>> No.6161534

Psychology research is a lot like medical research on humans. It's hard to control for all the variables, and a lot of people fudge the results to support their hypothesis.

>> No.6161535

All psychology needs to do is quantify their shit. Seriously.

Some fucking biochemists need to figure out the detailed chemical reactions of the brain and emotions, give them a wonderful mathematical basis and bitchslap the shit out of plebchology. Make it obsolete.

>> No.6161539


People who think psychology research is still Freudian herp derp shit are retarded.

Statistics and controlled experiments have become a very important part of psychology.

>> No.6161545
File: 2 KB, 187x147, 1383345752887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rebbit is full of SJWs, equality advocates, anti-racists, self-hating whites, gays, feminists, hipsters and all other kinds of retarded libtard cancer. worst of all, most of them are stupid and yet they think they're smart because their public schooling has deluded them.

just don't go there. it's bad for your sanity. remove rebbit from your bookmarks. block it in hosts file.

>> No.6161546

I think psychology should only have ever been a lecture series developed by neuroscientists for presenting to people in other fields.

>> No.6161547

Statistics aren't scientific.

>> No.6161548


> Implying being racist, homophobic, anti-feminist, white-power redneck makes you intelligent.

Yeah...I'm sure all the worlds' most brilliant scientists are like this.

>> No.6161552


> Implying science does not depend on statistics.

>> No.6161561


>use basic statistics
>it's science!!@@@@@@!!!!!!@@@@!!!

not like psychologists actually know shit about the statistics their using.

>> No.6161559

(g + b + m)8

>> No.6161563


There's plenty of incompetent people in every field. Even in hard sciences lots of people make statistical mistakes.

I took engineering statistics and most of the class did not know shit by the end of the course, and it was babby tier.

>> No.6161566

>engineer takes math class and fails to understand what he's doing

I see.

>> No.6161577


I'm a physicist and I thought it was babby-tier. It was specifically an engineering stats course and most people failed to grasp even the most basic concepts.

The point is most people are shit at stats.

>> No.6161579

>omg, they disagree with actual arguments, are they for real?

>> No.6161601

Reddit can be useful when used for it's original purpose: as a content aggregator. It only becomes terrible if you look at the "community" or stay within the default subreddits.

>> No.6161612

The only reason psychology isn't a real science is because psychologists take that freshman-level "statistics for the social sciences" course and proceed to abuse the living fuck out of all their data because they don't know shit about stats.

In theory, psychology is at a state where it should be fairly scientific; you can hypothesize and test your hypotheses and that's pretty much all you need.

It's just held back by tards who can't into a little bit of math.

>> No.6161609

you can actually search this online yourself.

just go around to different university websites and look at the phd programs. Each department will usually have a little site with phd candidates and a little description of what they are doing for their doctoral thesis. just compare psych candidates with chemistry or physics candidates and it's a total joke.

i just don't see how psychology can be considered scientific. take a variable for example like a person's economic situation, but then that variable also has variables associated with it. For example a poor person might feel worse about their situation if they used to be rich, or live around rich people. or they might feel better for opposite or other reasons.

>> No.6161610


Most people are pretty fucking stupid. The more popular a website is among people in the general population, the more it will reflect the intelligence of the general population.

>> No.6161613

It's all shit. Voodoo correlations and shit.


>> No.6161618


Medicine also has this problem. Something like 40% of results in medical papers, even in prestigious journals, are not reproducible.

>> No.6161633

I can't shake the fact that psychology is only like 100 years old. Most fields didn't even make their worst mistakes in their first 100 years.

>> No.6161635


I fudge my physics research too to support my hypotheses to achieve the maximum possible number of positive results and literary commissions to supplement my income. once my fudge state achieves critical mass I change my nom de plume.

In my day job I just write "we learned a lot from this experience" so whether the hypothesis applied or the experiment worked at all is irrelevant really.

>> No.6161638


I hope you get caught and lose your job. You're a piece of shit.

>> No.6161644

you better be fucking jokin, you motherfucking shitcunt niggerasshole faggot bag of cocks dickbutt

>> No.6161667

What would this even look like? A crack with a shaft sticking out of it and balls drooping over the hole?

>> No.6161671
File: 66 KB, 356x239, dickbutt-cartoon-fram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, you buttdick

>> No.6161681
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>> No.6161679


People fudge shit all the time. My boss fudged a meta-analysis by selectively omitting data to make the results seem more interesting.

>> No.6161686

Whoa bro, calm down. I ain't the charlatan, I was merely curious about the D & A merger.

>> No.6161700


>not respecting knowledge and truth as the ultimate good

You'll meet a horrible end

>> No.6161704

>look up who darkseid is
>Like Hitler, Darkseid is a jackboot-wearing megalomaniac and warmongerer who, in fascist style, sees every citizen as an extension of the state and himself.
gotta love dem citation less wikipedia sentences.

>> No.6161705


I went to a gay porn site the other day (today) to check out some trannies and I saw an ad with a guy sticking his dick into his own butthole with the caption "I like to fuck myself"

at first I thought it was a dildo, but it looked so real, then i realized that he bent it in a weird way.

well, I learned a lot from that experience.


once you graduate high school and go through college and get a job in research you'll realize that's how you're supposed to do it, because the equipment you're using is basically just a gigantic sandpit for the engineers to twiddle their screwdrivers around in and when you have 2000 people working on a single machine that's ridden into the ground by material budget cuts, affirmative action, employment programmes, favoritism, nepotism and incompetence, so giving your blonde boss who's fucking the director the impression that you're progressing science is about the only thing you can do.

>> No.6161708


the greater good is a tau philosophy and the messengers of the omnissiah the machine god, the confederates of the empire of man shall not submit to such heresy.

>> No.6161711
File: 15 KB, 139x150, 1383115633269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to rebbit. you don't belong on 4chan.

>> No.6161735

Most mathematicians (and a lot of statisticians for that matter) would strongly object to the classification of statistics as a branch of mathematics.

>> No.6161745

OP here, the stupidity parade continues :

"My friend, for your own good, stop being so stubborn and do some unbiased research on the matter. You're only holding yourself back hanging on to such a silly notion."

"Actually, they really don't do this, and good experiments state that there are unknowns, and they attempt to work around this by focusing on macro, where anomalies can be correctly spotted."

>> No.6161754

So, if psychology isn't a real science, can we still gain insightful knowledge from it?

>> No.6161765


that question is hard to answer, because you can't know whether the knowledge you gained was insightful or not, because you make no attempt at looking inside the system.

>> No.6161768

>insightful knowledge

You can certainly gain insights, and maybe some forms of knowledge, but not true scientific facts.

Philosophy has given us many insights and ideas, but no real facts.

>> No.6161928

/pol/ is universally mocked.
The rest of 4chan laughs at your secret club.

>> No.6161964
File: 45 KB, 620x620, 1383947165029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol… someone's severely butthurt. truth hit you hard, didn't it? lol

>> No.6162959
File: 13 KB, 318x248, mah-nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical reddit subhuman animals, this doesn't surprise me at all. Did you know that they even allow niggers to post on their web site? Everyone knows that the social sciences are not concrete sciences, as far s I'm concerned, they are more a branch of philosophy than anything.

>> No.6162963
