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6161301 No.6161301 [Reply] [Original]

Computer Engineering

>> No.6161307

and can't even post in the right thread, oh lawd

>> No.6161325
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>> No.6161333

Why would you expect philosophy from EE and CE

>> No.6161343

The cute azn lady is a lie!

>> No.6161401
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Chemical Engineering

>> No.6163176

my anus is not prepared

>> No.6164435

How do you know?

>> No.6164967

well OP since you posted it, I'm curious to those in computer engineering just how difficult it actually is? I've heard horror stories about engineering but I want to know how it really is; a friend of mine is trying to figure out what he wants to do and computer engineering strikes his fancy. Does anyone know anything about the actual graduation rate, things you wish you knew before you got started in engineering, miscellaneous advice, etc?

>> No.6165008


Depends on the type of engineering to be honest and how far you want to go. Forget about the drop out rate, those people probably had no talent and would've dropped out of other STEM fields and ended up in CS anyways. Engineering just gets most of them.

If you can do applied math (mostly following steps) competently, then you can do undergrad engineering. The other part of is the tedium of large projects, lab reports, etc. Even if you're extremely bright, you still need to manage your time very well.

My ranking of the big 4:

chem E
mech E
Civil E

Civil E is considerably easier than mech E though, the other 3 are pretty close.

>> No.6165072
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Why dont you fucknuggets understand that embedded systems are the fucking future!!!!!????

wEE will have control. wEE will prevail. wEE will have no mercy for civil engineers and liberal arts students.

Any other field that has to do with electrons and voltages/current/fields is good too.

>> No.6165090

how much of those diciplines are relatable

i.e how many of the classes taken for EE will also be taken for mech E?

>> No.6165103

(Not the guy you're replying to)
Besides some intro circuits lab and signals and processing, not much

>> No.6165110

>mfw im transfering to Missouri S&T to do Computer Engineering instead of doing CS here

>> No.6165125

do engineers of different specialties get along?

>> No.6165138


I'm a CompE grad.

In a department of 400 people I had 20 fellow undergrads graduate with me.

When I got started I read on a graph that engineers make a lot of money, so I wen't into it knowing I would have student loans I would have pay off and I needed a definite way to pay them.

It would have been nice if I had been better at math. I had a girlfriend that did most of my work for my in CS classes, but getting through autism central is tough, especially when very few math instructors had english as their first language.

I wish I had done something like philosophy or business, granted I wouldn't have had as many tangible skills, but I would have been more well rounded, had the opportunity to study abroad and would have had more connections and people skills to give my self better employment opportunities.

>> No.6165155

Mech-Aero-Civil engineers are the frat bros

Chem Engineers are the somewhat introverted

Electrical and Computer Engineers never leave their basement

>> No.6165189

None really. EE's 1st 3 years overlaps a lot with CompE but other fields are mostly disjoint outside of the math and science foundation.

>> No.6165233

>I had a girlfriend that did most of my work for my in CS classes
really?? what are you doing now?

>> No.6165315

>Pleb Civil engineer detected
Don't try to associate your kind with the glorious Mech and Aero Engineer masterrace, filthy civil peasant.
Everyone knows we build weapons, you build targets.

>> No.6165606

I do Computer Systems Engineering, the first year is identical to EE, and from the 2nd year on it's basically the same stuff, with a few CS modules thrown in.

>> No.6165646


This is so true that its scary.

ME, Aero, and Civil are all the fratty white dudes and the rednecks who like cars.

EE, CE, CS = Neckbeards, Spergs, Asians, and Indians

>> No.6165669

MD with specialty in Big Macs.

>> No.6166564

Oh whoa this thread hasn't died yet, I even tried deleting it since it was an accident.

I do think it's pretty demanding, but I was a lousy student all my life, but through hard work I'm getting there and I'm actually doing great. It's all about how interested you are in the subjects. Math and physics is a huge part of our beginning curriculum, but it's kind of fun and not super hard although some of it seems to be at first. Horrible sleep deprivation and little free time, but it feels so rewarding to do problems on the whiteboard and explain them to the class with confidence.

I've learned more about math, physics and computers during this year in CEng than all of my previous studies combined.

>> No.6168271

Why didn't you delete it you faggot?

>> No.6168723

It's a metaphor. Fact of the matter is you're less likely to encounter a qt3.14 if you go into engineering. Not like it should matter, though, if your primary goal is actually to learn something, besides how a gril or several prefer to be screwed.

>> No.6169160

nand2tetris.org is pretty cool

>> No.6170053

Geology is literally the hardest science.

>> No.6170056


>> No.6170079

how did you not expect to be working with circuits/breadboards

>> No.6170256



>> No.6170275

Computer > Electrical > Aerospace > Mechanical > Bio > Chemical >>> Civil > Environmental

Chemical engineering looks cool on the surface, but most likely you'd end up synthesizing paint thinner with as few impurities as possible. Chemists are the ones who come up with new substances; chemical engineers just deal with the synthesis.

Civil and environmental are jokes, and anyone who chooses them has low self-worth.

>> No.6170533

you forgot petro. should be in-between area and mech

>> No.6170544

Why do civil engineers get paid more than mechanical engineers (to my knowledge) if mechanical is harder/more advanced

>> No.6170588

Diamonds are chemistry, not geology.