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6160555 No.6160555 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientists censor studies that even hint at differences between groups based on genetics?

Why must we believe all human groups are identical in every way?

>> No.6160557

yes, its the scientists that censor it...

>> No.6160556

not scientists


>> No.6160558 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 536x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-599-1001-20,_Frankreich,_Wartung_von_Bordwaffen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not politically correct, but you probably already know that. Jews want a homogenous slave not diverse one's, easier to control. Who runs the world? Kikes.

>> No.6160560
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social cohesion is more important than truth, and scientific fact?

>> No.6160561

They don't

Stop shitposting.

>> No.6160563
File: 363 KB, 612x3982, 20130312.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


be more civil, it's hard to have interesting discussions on /sci/

>> No.6160576

im sure there probably are natural variations within the species.

but why do you all take the same meds?

>> No.6160583

What are you talking about? All human differences have been clearly defined biologically and anthropologically.

No one is 'censoring' anything.

Wish you conspiracy fags should stay on /pol/ or /x/ or wherever you slither from.

>> No.6160584

> Why do white people take sickle cell anaemia meds
Oh wait...

>> No.6160585

>there are no white people who carry the sickle cell trait

Your retard is showing

>> No.6160589

>>there are no white people who carry the sickle cell trait


>> No.6160591

you mean mixed race

>> No.6160594

What the hell is mixed raced? There is no pure race on the entire planet.

>> No.6160603
File: 1.58 MB, 245x220, 1384362246325.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6160614

>There is no pure race on the entire planet.
yes there are, we define a race to have some attributes, anyone with those attributes are in that race, by definition if someone has sickle cell, they are not white.

>> No.6160616


>"There are 17 American men in history who have run under 2:10 in the marathon," Epstein says. "There were 32 Kalenjin who did it in October of 2011."

>Academics told him they had evidence of genetic advantage but wouldn't share their research with him for fear they'd lose their jobs. "And these were professors with tenure," he says.

If you talk about genetic differences between races everyone calls you a nazi

>> No.6160618


Completely unrelated but OP I fucking love you. YEARS ago I found the pic you posted but didn't save it (I didn't save anything). I've wanted it ever since. I spent quite some time trying to find it, going through google images and forum searches and crap like that trying to find it (It wasn't in my history). After a few weeksit fizzled out and I gave up hope of ever finding it.

You made my day, OP. I thank you for that.

>> No.6160619

>>Academics told him they had evidence of genetic advantage but wouldn't share their research with him for fear they'd lose their jobs. "And these were professors with tenure," he says.

I'm not even fucking surprised. Tenure is retarded

>> No.6160620
File: 871 KB, 245x230, 1384476856381.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahah I know that feel, I remember searching for it in vain using crazy terms like "alien god space fantasy background"

>> No.6160621


Are you me?

>> No.6160632
File: 41 KB, 552x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-443-1582-32,_Nordafrika,_Generaloberst_Erwin_Rommel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the ultimate censorship is happening fellas

they deleted my post explaining why Censorship is happening in science, not to mention all over, and who is behind it - kikes

>> No.6160635

> > > > >

this isn't /pol/ you have to be more subtle and clever.

>> No.6160637

>no one is censoring anything
>straight from headquarters troll

>> No.6160650


its more that your dealing with a sociological 'truth' that A> science has been majorly burned on before (hello eugenics) B> is an unpopular truth C> has very little utility.

So yeah your right, they do this , just the same way the higgs-boson guy was almost laughed out of the community before lol proof and even then the community only really seems to be shutting up about it instead of revising.

Scientists are almost as succeptible to group think as everyone else. Big surprise science doesn't make you immune to being human.

>> No.6160652


i have no sickle cell does that mean I'm black.

>> No.6160660 [DELETED] 

I literally just typed in alien god and it was the first image in the top left


>> No.6160663 [DELETED] 

I literally just typed in alien god and it was the first image in the top left

>> No.6160667

I literally just typed in alien god and it was the first image in the top left

>> No.6160668

>Why do scientists censor studies that even hint at differences between groups based on genetics?
...We dont.

We even use genetics as a tool to probe individual differences in cognition. Here are a few examples:


There are literally thousands of studies like this.

>> No.6160671

>...We dont. censor we are truthful

refer to >>6160616

>> No.6160673

>But some scientists did talk to him; and they explained one aspect of innate biology that clearly helps Kalenjin: the shape of their bodies.
Not no mention that this is not about scientific publications at all, or censorship for that matter. Do you even know what censorship is?

>> No.6160675

>>Academics told him they had evidence of genetic advantage but wouldn't share their research with him for fear they'd lose their jobs. "And these were professors with tenure," he says.

>Academics told him they had evidence of genetic advantage but wouldn't share their research with him for fear they'd lose their jobs. "And these were professors with tenure," he says.

>> No.6160677

Yeah, just ignore what I said altogether. Or the examples of genetics studies I gave you. Then just repeat what you said, and stay convinced that it's an actual argument.

Stay classy /pol/.

>> No.6160683


plenty of psychologists and geneticists who come to conclusions showing racial differences are prevented from publishing, i.e Rushton, Jensen, et al

>> No.6160689

Quit fucking shitposting and stay on >>>/pol/lution fucking faggot. You need to get banned. What you are talking about isn't even science. It is something that sociologists deal with and sociology isn't a real science. To make it science you must present a control group, instead sociologist use arbitrary points called norms and their findings report irregularities from that. Essentially it's a matter of perspective.

>> No.6160695

>plenty of psychologists and geneticists who come to conclusions showing racial differences are prevented from publishing

Have fun getting funding for that research in the first place. Would you feel comfortable pitching that research proposal to a room of people? "I want to investigate race in relation to xyz". You'll have your motivations heavily questioned for ages, and you'll be wasting your breath because "pursuit for knowledge" will just sound like "I'm a white supremacist" to their ears.

"No-one is censored from publishing results!"

That's because they can't get results if they can't do research. Those that do and get results that aren't acceptable to our taboos are also disuaded from publishing them, like in >>6160616

>> No.6160700

ITT: people outside of the field of science pretend to know how science works

>> No.6160708

>I'm mad and confused

A geneticist published a study on a MAO gene that regulates mood and behavior and one race has more of it than another....media went crazy over it and ppl demanded he apologize and retract his study

Yet Mao inhibiting drugs are known to work to alter mood and his study was very modest

>> No.6160718

>media went crazy over it and ppl demanded he apologize and retract his study
yes, a clear example of <span class="math">scientistis[/spoiler] censoring results.

Fuck off idiot.

>> No.6160720


>> No.6160725

The media articles quoted butthurt liberal scientists and their handwaving, race is a social construct shit

Media always uses scientist personal opinions against these studies

>> No.6160805


having sickle cell anaemia trait means that you dont contract malaria.

but everybody knows that.

but on the other hand predominantly white countries dont have malaria so i guess its a null argument.

>> No.6160812

That's because we don't drink sewer water, don't shit in the kitchen and have a civilisation.

Wait, no, they don't drink sewer water sorry.
They don't have the resources and ability to build and even less maintain sewers.

>> No.6160818


the irony is that those places seem like bottomless pits for charity money.

its ironic because nobody can fix the situation.

although i agree that civilisation is maintained by civility.