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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 260x600, Orbitals_acetylene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6160521 No.6160521 [Reply] [Original]

/r/ing the chart that shows a relationship between IQ and choice of major. Can anyone help me out?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6160523

I get the feeling you don't belong in higher education.

>> No.6160535

people link IQ to GRE. I don't buy that

>> No.6160552
File: 38 KB, 856x702, 1384103868029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no idea about it's validity, but i thought it was funny

>> No.6160565
File: 28 KB, 823x565, rudesill083005D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir.

You are one cheeky cunt m8

Not sure if i do either. Mostly need the chart for trolling purposes though, so it's a nonissue in this case.

>> No.6160622

I doubt this is real, but it validates me somewhat

>> No.6161248

>IQ of 134
> Field: Biology

Well okay then.

>> No.6161257

>tfw below communications

>> No.6161263

I'm pretty sure this is bullshit but I'll believe it since I'm on the internet.

Cool chart though.

>> No.6161460


Wow, economics majors doing work. Did not expect that one up there.

>> No.6161493

Yeah? I'd say economics majors are just lazier/cooler/misguided/greedy maths kiddos. I guess that makes sense if they're measuring IQ since higher-level babby maths is still maths.

>> No.6163203

This chart is very accurate.

>> No.6164214

As a non-americlap I don't even know what GRE means.

>> No.6164218

An admission test required to enter most graduate school. Like all other graduate admission exams, it only tests the first two years of college material

>> No.6165322

Why do amerifats need an admission test? Why don't they use the grades as admission criteria?

>> No.6166893

Biology is a very hard science.

>> No.6167917
File: 153 KB, 1303x1306, academic_field_GRE_scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty. It is based on GRE scores, a fair proxy for IQ (correlation ~0.7).


>> No.6167919

Because grades+test gives a better predictor and thus wastes fewer resources.

>> No.6167922

I'm frankly surprised to see materials engineers so high up there.
Standardized tests are inherently more objective and indicative of an individual's knowledge than grades, which can vary widely from school to school or even instructor to instructor.

I, for one, know I've passed plenty of classes without actually learning shit from them.

>> No.6167939

Wow, apparently Russian is the god tier of language majors.

>> No.6168319

philosophy has such a large amount of people going into it that it's very improbable for the average to be that high.

But I'm physics and this validates me so I'm not going to argue it that hard.

>> No.6168335

CS is more mathematical and more intelligent than physics. OK.

>> No.6168396


>GRE scores
>a measure of IQ


>> No.6168403

verbal gre is strongly correlated with intelligence. or was

>> No.6168496

/r/ing the /sci/ major tier list for shitflinging

>> No.6168538

>chemistry lower than business and CSI

God damn. And I've been thinking about how retarded my chemistry classes seemed lately.

>tfw too late to change major to physics

>> No.6169272

>but i thought it was funny

Thank you, it is very funny.

>> No.6169278

biological or biotechnological engineering is not even on the list


>> No.6169290

>look on sci
>half of the threads IQ-bullshit

Well yeah, I guess I should return to reviewing today's lectures, this place has gone into retard mode once again.

>> No.6170855

What was your lecture about?

>> No.6170868



>> No.6170874


>> No.6171000

Hard =/= difficult.

>> No.6172796

Hard and difficult are synonyms.

>> No.6174142

What did you learn?

>> No.6174874

>dat significant drop of IQ in engineering fields

>> No.6174920


>tfw might be possibly majoring in comms but not sure yet. Why so much h8 m8?

>> No.6174970

Chemical engineer here.

Don't worry, bro. You're gonna make it.

If it means a good income and the ability to move to any developed country

>> No.6175003

Synonym and "the same thing" are synonyms, but they're not always the same thing. "Hard" in the context of science has nothing to do with difficulty.

>> No.6175004

>Physics > Math

Certainly not.

>> No.6175005

now that chart is just bad.

>> No.6176172

>not the most mathematical


>> No.6176746
File: 26 KB, 402x374, 1275302604339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another chem eng bro here. I majored with only taking first year basic maths and been winging it ever since 'cos I fucking hate maths XD. I'm hot shit when it comes to chemistry, materials and CAD though, so my boss calls me his 'chemical and materials expert'.

>tfw never touch anything more mathematical than an excel sheet since i graduated years ago.
>feels good man

>> No.6177487

This must be shooped.

>> No.6179186

What materials did you design?

>> No.6180446

I can confirm this data is very valid.

>> No.6180556

im doing economics on the side for a conjoint degree. Shit is so fucknig easy if you have already done undergrad math

>> No.6180578

fukn lold

>> No.6180581

iq is a scam to get your $$$

>> No.6180613

>estimated from average GRE
You don't take a GRE to get into an undergrad program.

>by intended major
You don't call the field you're trying to get a PhD in your "major".

>> No.6180619

So Operations Research is the most intellectual and mathematical option to take?

>> No.6182259

Operations research is a field of applied math.

>> No.6183716

That's why I only take free online tests.

>> No.6185280

They don't make much money with it.

>> No.6187398

>You don't call the field you're trying to get a PhD in your "major".

How do you call it?

>> No.6189009

Why do you get that feeling?

>> No.6190157


>> No.6190198

studying both communications and business administration

No wonder i feel smarter than everyone else in my majors

>> No.6190335

Yea, sounds like bullshit to me. No reason to take it serious imo.

>> No.6190337

Would lol again.

>> No.6190386


Designed a loop reactor to mix xanthan gum and certain additives at biomedical grade in a fraction of the time normally needed. Acquired 3 patents in 5 years.

>> No.6190572


That's because you can't read a graph. Physicists are smarter. CS's are math lopsided, yes.

>> No.6190588

same here

but i like biology, would only change it for chemistry or physics maybe

>> No.6192839

The graph is wrong nonetheless. By definitoin math has to be the most mathematical field.

>> No.6192943

>still cannot read a graph

>> No.6193777

The graph has two axes. Read both of them.

>> No.6193801

I know how the graph works, >>6192839 and
>>6190335 apparently can't.

>> No.6193840

This is what happens when a special ed. class makes a chart.

>> No.6193928

I guess bioengineering's not a thing then.

>> No.6193931

Shit son, I know how you feel.

>> No.6194018

>This is what happens when a special ed. kid attempts to read a chart.


I mean, really? How difficult is it to read the source and understand a graph?

>> No.6195037

You have no idea how the graph works. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.6196469

My special ed class never made charts ...