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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6158117 No.6158117 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have some fun.
State your major, and have others judge your inherent job security.

>pic unrelated

>> No.6158126

International Studies/Spanish and Economics

I'd say it's pretty tite.

>> No.6158131

Chemical engineering with a minor in German language.

Realistically, you have a good set up. A foreign language with a business career is a valuable asset.

>> No.6158133

I concur.

Chemical Engineering and pre-med major

How secure am I?

>> No.6158134

Mathematics with an option in finance and minors in chemistry and finance. Taught myself C ++, and R.

Applying to Carnegie Mellon computational finance next year.

>> No.6158136

* minor in econ

>> No.6158155

Math and Biomedical Engineering. Applying to EE grad schools with a BME focus though.

>> No.6158160

>Biomed Eng.
How do you like it?

>> No.6158159

Undergrad Electrical Engineering with a minor in business, 3rd year. Plan on either doing Cal Poly SLO's 4+1 to get my master's or going to some nice school like Stanford (ideally) to get it (actually, if anybody had any insight on which is better...)

>> No.6158161

Computer science.

>> No.6158164

CS with a Math minor.
Hopefully doing a coterminal BS-MS program.

>> No.6158165
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I'm doing a double degree and a total of 3 majors.
Electrical Engineering
Computer Science

>> No.6158166

Cal is decent. Have you considered any other Ivys like MIT for example?

How is your gpa?

>> No.6158169

I wish I did EE with a BME focus. I think it depends on the program and mine is just too broad and tries to cover too many things. Other than that I like it, I've been involved with some great research projects.

>> No.6158170

physics and astronomy. minor in german but I think I might change this to something that'll get me money like economics or something

>> No.6158179

It's in the 3.5-3.65 range, I'll be the first to admit I'm not perfect, but I try to be pretty damn close.

I really...really like California, so I try to keep my sights focused inwards.

Of course...there is the 4+1 program at SLO, which wouldn't even make me move to get my Master's...

>> No.6158182

depends.. you may be losing competitiveness into med. school if you're doing a chemE major. If you can handle the rigor, have strong ECs, and do all the other things that is required of pre-meds, while maintaining a 3.6+ then you're golden. Still, if you're not pursuing internships and such that bolster your ChemE background then that's not helping you in that realm if you decide to become a chemE post-grad... I say you're okay as far as job security goes, but you really wanna give 100% to pre-med if you really wanna go to med. school. It's getting incredibly competitive nowadays. Also ADCOMS don't care if you're a chemE with a low gpa, they'll easy take a humanities major with a high gpa over you if that's the case.

my 2 cents.

>> No.6158180



>> No.6158181

>says he goes to Cal, wants to go to Stanford
>have you considered any other Ivy's like MIT
>other Ivy's

Not one of these schools is an Ivy League school. I really hope you were just using that as a synonym for "good school"

>> No.6158183

I never said I went to Cal, I go to Cal Poly SLO, which most definitley is NOT Cal, and I know it.

>> No.6158185

are you in med. school or just a pre-med? Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

>> No.6158184

Ok, but that doesn't really change the point I was trying to make.

>> No.6158187

Get out of here Greg.

>> No.6158189

Math/Physics double major, Gender Studies minor

>> No.6158193

Whoever this Greg person is, I'm not him.
However glad there's someone out there doing the same shit as me.

>> No.6158197

I heard Women's Studies really compliments a math undergrad...good for you.

>> No.6158206

Gender Studies, not Women's Studies. It's just a history minor with a specific focus. I picked it up accidentally because I took some electives I thought were cool. And they were.

>> No.6158209

>implying those two aren't the same thing

>> No.6158211

BSc majoring in genetics, changing to physics.

Is it the right move?

>> No.6158216

Bio BS/Psych minor with fleeting med school hopes. Thinking about going for the Psych major since it's just 4 extra classes and makes my resume look a bit better

>> No.6158220

med school.

>straight in from high-school

they took top 1% of applicants.

>> No.6158223

Electrical Engineering (emphasis on RF/Wireless communication)

>> No.6158225

Electrical Engineering

Let's say I get my AS in EE and try to get a job in EE while I purse my BS. What are the odds of me being successful? What would my pay look like a lowly technician?

I know a couple of people who have gotten job offers right from the programs because electrical engineers are in such high demand that they'll take anyone. I know a friend of mine got an offer from Honeywell. It'd be a lot easier for me to get my associates and, if they pay is decent, transfer and% finish my degree after I get a job. Less loans in the long run. Also work experience.

>> No.6158226


if you want to go for a psych major, you need to study up till at least masters, maybe PhD if you want to get a job.

>> No.6158233

Med fags don't have time for 4chan y u lyin

>> No.6158236

> Being this dumb

>> No.6158240

Biotechnology Major, German Language and Physics Minors

German because I already had a shit load of credits, and physics because it's my second favorite field of science after biology.

>> No.6158241


Technician work is shite. Unless your side projects have you involved in testing or fabrication work with an EE AS will be a boring, low-paid, time-sink.

Get an internship instead when you are a couple years into your BS. They are much more likely to hire you after you complete your BS.

I went this route and worked as an intern in a semiconductor analysis lab. They paid for a security clearance and offered me a job when I graduated.

>> No.6158245


actually i am quite free. just did my OSCEs yesterday, chilling today for a while while i eat food, then gonna take a nap, wake up, and study for my cranial nerve dissection examination.

>> No.6158249

Yeah I know. While I do enjoy learning about psych, that minor is really just to take up credits space--sort of a bonus. I'll probably be getting some sort of graduate degree in bio though.

>> No.6158252

How is that possible? Is med school easier in Australia than in NA?

>> No.6158255


Bio degrees are oversaturated. Either pick a useful degree like chemistry, or a bullshit easy degree to get a 4.0 in.

MCAT + GPA + Application + Interviews = med school.

>> No.6158256

well, technically no. however instead of premed, we have a longer course. the content gets spread out over a longer period of time.

as for me, I have 130 IQ, and access to noopept, phenibut, and various other smart drugs.

I get a near eidactic memory when I use them, and memorize things after 1 passover.

>> No.6158257

Physics, minor in Film.

If shit doesn't work out in the film industry (which it wont), I'll look for a real job.

>> No.6158260


Learn how to program

>> No.6158264

Where you get them drugs from hook me up

>> No.6158266


Chemical Engineering Major

Minors in both Economics and Mathematics

>> No.6158270

Get a teaching certificate

>> No.6158271


classified as health supplements. technically legal everywhere, even if its a gray moral area.
can order it off ebay.

dont use the hardcore stuff though, like ritalin and adderall. those are illegal.

>> No.6158275
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I expect it to be boring but what exactly is low paid, is there an average figure?

Don't get me wrong I definitely want to complete my BS but I'm a bit strapped for cash now and too average to make much happen in the scholarship department. It would be nice to complete my AS for cheap, get a job, transfer to a better uni and complete my degree in two years for half the cost and gain work experience. Then get a better job. This is kind of assuming an EE tech gets paid between $20-30/hr which may be way off the mark. It was hard to find reliable statistics.

Pic related is the program I am thinking about doing. My math is already fulfilled. I will finish Calc 3 this semester and Differential Equations next semester. Some of my gen eds are done too which pretty much leaves the core EE program.

>> No.6158278


I take 1-1.5 grams DHA a day with PRN 30mg addderall tabs and it's a rollercoaster for sure.

>> No.6158279

chem minor because its only 1 extra class

Jokes on you guys I'm not getting a job

>> No.6158283

What a waste.

>> No.6158290

how did you acquire said adderall?

damn i wish i could get my hands on some of the better nootrophics.

unfortunately, all i have are piracetam analogues, anxiolytics, and some cholines.

>> No.6158296


I have a doctor who trusts me and wants to see me make good on my talent before he retires his practice.

>> No.6158297

Nuclear engineering

Specialty: Materials science for nuclear applications

>> No.6158298

lucky. the best i got my doc to do was to prescribe me benzos.

and that's running out. i doubt she'll give me another script =(

>> No.6158307


Chem E w/ applied math minor
Planning to work as a petroleum engineer though, probably reservoir engineering

>> No.6158310

Biochem/Horn dual degree
>says pic unrelated
>it's a MAJOR 3rd

>> No.6158309


Not really. I really had to throw myself down and be miserable for a few years before the adderall.

I was the top of class, multi-sport athelete, well liked by everyone kind. I was an only child though who really never felt the compulsion to do stupid stuff or screw up so I was afforded the lucky opportunity of falling apart over a grill that had to transfer out whilst being on a 20k/yr scholarship.

>> No.6158319

Aerospace Engineering
I already know it's great, but I'd like to hear what /sci/ says.

>> No.6158329

I can't fucking believe no one has mentioned their phd in triple integrals

>> No.6158336

math...i know

>> No.6158343

Computer Science/Spanish

I guess if I get outsourced I can become lolspanishteacher.

>> No.6158349

Secure as fuck, supposing you're not an idiotic european country that bans nuclear power.

>> No.6158357

Currently undecided but I need to declare soon.

Which field has the best job prospects?

>> No.6158381

Mechanical Engineering

>> No.6158400


Should be the last question.

Find something that you enjoy doing and go from there.

>> No.6158401

petroleum engineering.

>> No.6158402

I'm considering a major in physics, because I really like astronomy. Anything I should consider? It seems to have a good salary, and job prospects.

>> No.6158409


go to the best school you can go to, get a job in a lab, get your name on published research as an undergrad, you will be set.

>> No.6158411

Right now, I'm majoring in Food Science and Human Nutrition, with a specialty in nutritional studies. My minor is in Business Administration. I'm a pre-pharmacy freshman, but if I can't hack it into orgo 1 and 2, as well as biochem, I might be a physician's assistant or a computer software engineer. Or a materials engineer. I am taking chem 2 during the first month or so in the summer, so I'll have time to shadow some professionals. I shadowed a pharmacist a couple of times during the summer between my high school graduation and my entrance into college, but I want to shadow a PA and a comp engineer. Then, if I do well in orgo, I'll spend my summers lowering the number of courses that I have to take later on, or do habitat for humanity. Doge bless the American dream, and the dineros that I'll make when Ii graduate.

>> No.6158418


Well I'm interested in many things, but I don't have a strong enough interest in any one area to pursue it as a career on the basis of enjoyment alone.

So I figure the best way to look at it is to try and major in something that will get me the highest return on investment. The money and time I'm spending and about to spend getting a degree has to pay off, or else why do it?

>> No.6158416

I don't know well how universities work in America but right now I'm studying to become a medical doctor.

>> No.6158420

Finance major, math minor.

Caveat: small school

>> No.6158424


Because spending time doing something you don't enjoy or are not interested in makes your life miserable. You are right, you need to major in something with the highest return; But, remember that financial return is not the only kind of return that is attainable from a career.

>> No.6158480

Came here to post this.

I'm a major in telecommunication technologies engineering. Basically EE with more digital electronics.

>> No.6158502

Mathematics (Petro Engineering Technically)

I intern at the world's largest marine industry conglomerate . I think I'll do find not to mention the huge fucking dependence the world has on oil.

>> No.6158504


>> No.6158505

You are outsourced already....

You better fucking intern every year otherwise you're gonna be stuck in a low tier job.

India has already taken over.....

>> No.6159366

Major in Math, Minors in Economics and Physics.

Applying to Biostatistics graduate school next year. I hear the field is pretty good but don't know anyone who has done it except my adviser though.

>> No.6159393

BEng Electronic Engineering with Music Technology Systems (First class hons)

MSc Music Technology (Distinction)

PhD Computer Science (First year)

>> No.6159419

Double Major in Chemistry (with a focus on Chemical Physics) and Applied Math

>> No.6159594

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and CS with a Japanese minor

>> No.6159612

Octuple major:
>Chemical Engineering
>Electrical Engineering
>English - creative writing emphasis
>Mechanical Engineering
>Computer Science

>> No.6159627



>> No.6159635

I have no idea what I want to do.

Taking random classes. Human goegraphy, biology, anthropolgy, math english.

Life is meaningless.

>> No.6159644

CS major

probably going to get a math minor because it's like 2 classes away from the CS curriculum at my school

I'm going to a top 20 school for it (a 5 way tie for 20th place counts r-right?) but I'm still expecting to get stuck jobless when I graduate.

I don't really care too much, I just have an interest in the subject and I didn't have to take out loans to get the degree. If I wanted guaranteed boring money I would have studied accounting.

>> No.6159656

Combined Degree:
BA Economics
BSc Mathematical Finance/Actuarial Science double major

>> No.6159670


>> No.6159673

Be careful about those computational finance programs bro. I worked at a major bank where we would interview a lot of these guys and it seems like there's a huge oversupply of them for not that many jobs, and they're competing with PhDs in various fields who tend to outclass them.

A lot of times they struck me as a way to extract money from people. Just be careful. You might be better off trying to apply for quanty jobs right away or working somewhere else before that.

>> No.6159747

Double degree: Physics and Computer Science.

>> No.6159751 [DELETED] 


I'd like to get into medical school to become a live specialist.

>> No.6159758


I'd like to get into medical school to become a liver specialist.

>> No.6159845

Joint honors compsci and math with computation theory and numerical methods

>> No.6159859

Human biology (more general bio, but has all of the classes to make it pretty much pre-med) minoring in biochemistry and economics

>> No.6159864
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Embrace nihilism now. Life just makes sense when you realize everything is crazy and meaningless. That's why you study hard and make money doing science, so you can live like a king while trying to understand why you were farted into this pathetic, beautiful, hell world.

>> No.6159866

mathematics concentration in statistics

>> No.6159882


I'm taking 5 majors

I have a gpa of 5/4
And I have a full time job at McDonalds supporting my Chinese family

>> No.6159890

>tfw all these people don't understand college is meant to specialize, not to take 20 majors to show off
Degrees are base level, now how's your resume?

>> No.6159913

>attacking multiple majors

What's wrong with having 3 or 4 majors if they're related and in areas that you're interested in?

>understand college is meant to specialize

No, that's what graduate school is meant for. Good colleges want students to be well rounded

>> No.6159929

College is not for "well roundedness," that's what high school's for. As far as I'm concerned, the gen ed courses are just to make sure that your high school education wasn't shit and thus you can generally get out of them with AP/IB credits. In undergrad, you learn the specialized base knowledge set to prepare you for grad school, in which you gain experience in that specialized area. That specialization is what a major is, not just crunching classes until you can eek out several "majors," but committing to one field of specialization and earning your degree in it. Grad school is also specialization, but further specialization like from "Biochemistry" to "Proteomics," not from "A shit ton of math related majors" to "Physics." It's like if you were a musician and wanted to be a professional musician, but you were trying to learn 3 instruments. You don't end up being exceptionally good in any of them, but rather mediocre in all of them. The only time I can think of that this would be beneficial would be a broadway reed player; every other professional musician specializes in their one instrument (not counting auxiliaries which are similar enough ex. Bassoon and Contrabassoon), and thus succeeds in it.

>> No.6159937

Physics major, computational focus
Spanish minor

I was a computer engineering major, but it I found that I enjoyed physics a lot more.

>> No.6159954

You're assuming that no one can become a polymath and will end up as a jack of all trades. If someone can handle the extra course work, not cut corners, and do well in all of them then what's the problem?

>> No.6159964

Math and physics

>> No.6160056

physics major

astrophysics minor

>> No.6160055

Because school is more than just course work.
You have to network the shit out of everything and build your resume in that department while you're in undergrad so that grad schools give a shit about you. How are you going to do that when you have 3 different paths to pursue? Hell, I've got only got 2 and I know for a fact that one is suffering significantly so that I can build up the other.

>> No.6160075
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>> No.6160078

if you are music major you've probably mastered a variety of types of instruments

>> No.6160093

I am a music major and no I haven't.

>> No.6160100
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Vocaroo me up a Fellowship theme.

>> No.6160151

Chem E and Pre-med.
Pre-med is my fall back.

>> No.6160157

Comp sci major with double minor in math and physics.

feels good to know ill be one of the people pushing humanity forward.

>> No.6160163

Compsci/math here.
Don't be an arrogant little bitch. When you act like that people will actively try to pwn you
PS good luck

>> No.6160172

Most people do research and internships over the summer so taking on more coursework during the semester doesn't interfere too much with that.

>> No.6160171

im not arrogant, just proud, i plan on going into the medical field, i want to help people in some way, i want to help design some kind of device or something that will really benefit people in some way, but thanks, ill need all the luck i can get

>> No.6160176

>having your fallback be harder to get into than your main plan

>> No.6160190

BS in Geology Planning to get a MS in Petroleum Geology

>> No.6160195

same here, in Texas where are you?

>> No.6160208

>fellowship theme
Do you mean the fellowship leitmotiv from LOTR?
I just made this btw, not a composition major though
It's not finished, thus the gaping holes in melody

>> No.6160230

Sorry for the poor wording. That is, only if I dislike Chemical Engineering. If it is as fun as I imagine it, I will live a very satisfied life.

>> No.6160245


Failing that, drum me up some Ryuichi Sakamoto.

>> No.6160280

bachelor's in Machining.
I'll have a job.

>> No.6160398
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mah nigga

I'm doing a Bachelor of Geoscience majoring in mineral deposits.

>pic somewhat related, you will never ski the ice dunes of Titan

>> No.6160415

I have been thinking about going into biomedical engineering. Not sure if I should specialize in neural engineering. It's something that interests me. Right now I am getting my A.A. which is the worst. I just want to be getting a degree that matters. At least an A.A. feels like high school 2.0.

>> No.6160804

I'm in Portugal actually, but if i don't find a good job here i plan to move elsewhere

>> No.6160808

BS in geology

>> No.6160822

Telecommunications engineering

I'm planning on a master of science in statistics after I've don here but I'm not yet sure. Also Computational neuroscience has me quite interested,

>> No.6160891


BSc Physics, MA Mathematics master race reporting in.

>> No.6160900

Doing a bachlor in physics and I will choose to specialise in theoretical physics the second year.

>> No.6160929

Petroleum engineering, minor in math and geology.

Locked my first internship this summer, future looks bright

>> No.6160961

nuclear engineering

>> No.6160977

BSc physics and mathematics, MA mathematics reporting in.

>> No.6160989

BA Classical Studies (Britbong).

inb4 lolpoor

>> No.6160993

Mechanical engineering
How secure?

>> No.6161003

CompE with CompSci minor.

>> No.6161116


See at my school, U of T, there's an actual "Specialist" degree, where roughly 16 of your 20 full credits over the course of your degree directly pertain to your field.

The major is 8 of 20, the minor is 4 of 20.

Is a "major" in the sense you are talking about the 8 or 16 version? They always say at my school "if you're thinking of going into a graduate program in this field, you should take the specialist degree"

>> No.6161118

mechanical engineering focus on dynamics and control

>> No.6161143


>> No.6161158


Secure as fuck since I'm not in the third world.

>> No.6161162

computer science at very respectable university


>> No.6161166


I'm still waiting on an answer to this if ya'll wouldn't mind.

>> No.6161182

and I study at the conservatory/music academy

job security with a medicine degree isnt what it used to be, so Im looking into a radiology specialism now

>> No.6161234


>> No.6161269
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Maths with an option in economics and a physics minor. I'm thinking of either taking the actuarial exams or getting a masters in some kind of stats.

What other careers/industries are open to me?

>> No.6161271

wow literally everyone in here is physical/mathematical sciences/

>> No.6161281

I believe I mean the specialist but I can't tell because 8 is too little and 16 is too much. However, your credit system is so different from mine, where we just have a normal credit hours system, and those numbers don't matter other than limiting you during registration times, and for gen ed requirements. For any major, you have to complete a course track, and the Biochem course track I'm in takes about 11-12 classes at minimum. But not all of those are in the "chem" dept, that includes physics, calculus, and cellular biology, so that would make it about 7-8 chem classes. Personally, I think your system is fucked because what it sounds like to me is that it assumes if you major in one dept that means you don't need any info from any other dept, when that's bullshit. I could certainly use compsci and more bio classes to my advantage on a resume, and would in fact make me more desirable than taking more physical chem classes.

What did you expect, ethnomusicology?

>> No.6161288


Basically, for the "major" at my school, by the end of your degree roughly 40% of the courses you took (if you took 10 courses per year, 5 per semester) will have been a part of your degree requirements, that includes all of the ancillary stuff like calculus if you're doing chemistry. In the specialist degree, 80% of the courses you take will be a part of your specialist designation, with the rest being elective non-compulsory stuff to your degree (including another major/minor)

>> No.6161328


Classics is the best. If I wasn't in physics, I would love to study Greece/Rome/Mesopotamia.

>> No.6161353


I dunno about jobs, but you are definitely doing the most interesting humanities.

>> No.6161360


Good luck man. Don't listen to the haters and study what you enjoy. University was always meant to be education, not job training.

>> No.6161366



Major in something that's going to get you into your career, minor in something you find interesting.

Or double major, but one of them should be useful.

>> No.6161378


This stupid idea that universities are meant to teach you how to do a specific job is a very recent phenomenon.

People have been studying history, philosophy, and mathematics at institutions for higher education for thousands of years.

>> No.6161382

That's a pretty thought, but it's completely blind to the current society. College IS job training now, if you major in something, you're expected that that's the career you want to pursue, not just that you're learning it because you like it.

>> No.6161386


No, see now with the advent of this internets thing - one doesn't have to spend tens of thousands of dollars to learn about a subject out of interest.

>> No.6161397

No, he's right. It's smart to major in something that can be used get a job, but the primary function of university is still to serve as an institution for higher education. Society changed in that wealth is more accessible to the public through particular careers due to a variety of factors, and those careers happen to require higher education.

>> No.6161398


> Tens of thousands of dollars

lol Americans and your ridiculous tuition fees...

Anyway, for most jobs it doesn't matter what you study. It's better to do something you're good at and passionate about than to do something you suck at and do poorly.

Having an English degree with a high average, academic awards, honour list, recommendations from profs, etc. is better than being a shit-tier engineer barely scraping by. Nobody will look at you for internships and profs will not want to recommend you.

My fiancee has an English degree and she got a high-paying management job out of university.

It's more important who you know and the fact that you have a diploma than what exactly your major is.

>> No.6161399


Why can't you do both? There's no "right" answer to this. Some people just want to study something out of interest, some go for business.

>> No.6161402

Aerospace Engineering w/ minor in Russian Language

>> No.6161403


I'm not American, I'm Canadian. It's $~6000 a year here, but after 4 years it becomes tens of thousands.

In which country can you go to at least a semi-recognized university for less than $10,000?

>> No.6161405

Masters? (They don't seem to even have a undergrad program)

>> No.6161407


The last part of your post gave me some relief though, as I'm planning on majoring in neuroscience without the intention of becoming a neuroscientist.

>> No.6161409


Major in what your interested in
Minor in something you want to learn

>> No.6161411


Build connections with successful people in whatever field you want to work in, get to know people who will recommend you, do internships/work during the summers. Be personable and know how to sell your skills. That's the key to success, no matter what your degree is.

>> No.6161422


Outside of engineering, do employers USUALLy ask for your GPA?

Also what's the point in getting connections in neuroscience/english like your fiancee if they aren't going to work in the field?

>> No.6161423


scratch that last part i misread your post.

but the part about the gpa please.

>> No.6161429


I'm also Canadian. I paid my way through school by working during the summers. I'm in second year of grad school now and I have $17000 in my bank account.

Don't slack off and sit on your ass all summer. You don't even need a high-paying job to make enough to cover your tuition.

>> No.6161431

undergrad: History, currently in third year of law school

I know, I'm fucked.

>> No.6161441


Well, she's very likable and smart, so her English and History professors were happy to recommend her to employers and vouch for her skills.

>> No.6161444


Usually not AFAIK, but it helps when getting internships and co-ops while in school. Students will be ranked by their grades and employers will pick the top students.

>> No.6161446


She got straight into management with an English degree straight out of school? Guess the company isn't fond of internal promotion.

>> No.6161461

Absolutely, but I only meant to point out to him that just because university degrees have become career requirements doesn't mean that the function of university as an educational institution has changed, regardless of however different students' goals and interests are.

In better words, the purpose of university as a system is independent from the purpose for which students attend, whether its resume building, networking, personal interest, to drink and party, something else, or some combination. Whether they're preparing students for employment or not, they're still teaching hubs.

I was just irked by how he typed "WRONG." There isn't a right answer, but there are definitely wrong ways to interpret the problem, along with the decisions of students in non-STEM programs.

>> No.6161464
File: 458 KB, 3119x2095, 1333658410708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B.S. in CS
>any job I want
>300k starting

>> No.6161474


Depends on the university you go to. Many CS programs at shit-tier universities only teach you to be a java code-monkey whose job will be taken by Indians overseas.

>> No.6161477

CS is shit at all universities.

>> No.6161482


> Implying CS at Harvard or University of Waterloo is shit.

Where do you think Google and Microsoft go to recruit programmers?

>> No.6161486

U of I

>> No.6161500

Pure math and history although next years I am thinking about doing math/philosophy specialist. My university has a math specialist just for that. Its not the same thing s double major. Its pretty because I will be taking philosophy of logic courses along my math ones.

>> No.6161497


U of I is also a good school. I just gave an example of two high-tier CS schools.

>> No.6161502

lol I know.
My brother goes there and I get all the free stuff from the recruiters

>> No.6161504

Double Major: Aerospace Engineering and Phyiscs
with a minor in CS

>> No.6161511


U of T?

>> No.6161508
File: 293 KB, 661x716, 1369720892249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6161510


Are you planning to study math foundations?

>> No.6161555



any job I want

stay mad

>> No.6161564


> Implying anyone will hire you from a shit-tier school when there's so many CS majors at good schools.


>> No.6161641
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, yuyushiki-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double major science and engineering degree of both physics and systems engineering. I'm planning to do something in solid state physics for my masters.
>Tfw all this employability.