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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6152202 No.6152202 [Reply] [Original]

If I wanted to be a scientist / engineer that creates a real life version of the Dues Ex Augmentations, what kind of majors / kowledge would give me the knowledge to do so?

>> No.6152206

Why do you want to do it alone and not in a team?

>> No.6152209

Such things would be created by hundreds of people, with all sorts of different specialties.

>tfw there is no such thing as a mad scientist
>tfw cartoons have lied to you your whole life

>> No.6152210

Biomedical engineering.

>> No.6152212

English Literature \ Philosophy

>> No.6152214

Any liberal arts major will do

>> No.6152216

creative writing degree with a sci-fi minor

>> No.6152221

any science field.

People just tend to stumble across shit like this. Just don't go biology writing books about the existence of God.

>> No.6152238

Study, in order of importance
Electronic engineering
Biomedical engineering
Computer science

>> No.6152258

Thank you. We need more humans like you on 4chan. The world becoming a dark place and the human race will eventually go extinct because of all the high-school retards here in /sci/.

>> No.6152286

Because life is not worth living if you aren't remembered forever for the benefit of humanity.

i.e: Einstien, Tesla, Newton, Von Neumann,...etc.

>> No.6152296



>> No.6152299

This is sort of related I guess. I've never been good at math, I had a phobia of math as a kid.

I've just started learning algebra on khan academy, planning on taking it all the way through calculus. It's actually pretty fun.

Engineering degrees are pretty much majoring in math, right?

>> No.6152301

Nobody but ultranerds even knows who tesla is.

>> No.6152312


>> No.6152383

Engineering is math and science. If you want to be an Engineer, you have to be good at math. You'll be doing math for the rest of your life if you pick Engineering as a career.

>> No.6152386

you'll have to do triple integrals which even 'pro' mathematicians don't do

>> No.6152395

Cybernetics, EE, comp sci, maybe machine engineering.

Obviously doctors and biomedical is needed, but that's for cocksuckers

>> No.6152414

>not engineers

>> No.6152480


wow I fucking asked for that onew

>> No.6152494

Biology, nanotechnology, computer science, prosthetics, electronics, etc pretty sure google can help you out more than /sci/

Just wondering, if LIMB clinics were a reality, what kind of augs would you get, OP?

>> No.6152590

-Enhanced Vision
-Enchained Hearing
-Enhanced Arms and Legs (for strength purposes)
-Enhanced brain for rapid learning so I can become a knowledge god. (Strength is nothing without intelligence both are required for the survival of the human species intelligence actually may more valuable).

>> No.6152700

>consenting to cutting off healthy limbs and organs
You definitely need the brain enhancement.

>> No.6152726

No, definitely not. You'll be using a lot of math results, but that's a different story. So don't worry, as long as you get the hang of your calculus you'll be fine.

>> No.6152764

If they could be enhaced with no side effects, why not. Then they can be donated to an unhealthy conservative fag like you,

>> No.6152793
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Which side will you choose?

>> No.6153525

quantum biology

>> No.6153549

You would need a multidisciplinary team consisting of, but not limited to:

Mechanical engineers
Electrical engineers
Biomedical engineers
Software engineers
Neurologists and/or neuroscientist
Almost every type of surgeon

and possibly Chemical engineers depending on what your parts are made of.

>> No.6153641

I'm a neurological signal processing student.
Really, I'm an applied mathematician and my background is EE (minored in BioE and math). Really, math is the most important thing, but you can't have anything real without actuators (ME) and you need to make sure people don't die from your implementations (BioE).

>> No.6153660

That's totally wrong though. The most difficult part of this stuff is going to be integrating it into human biology seamlessly.