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6151893 No.6151893[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is English 12 seriously going to hold me back? I want to apply to mcgill engineering and i have over 90% for Chem12, Pre-Calc12 and Physics12 but i think i am going to get get around 70% for my english 12. Is there anything i could do to improve my English mark. I dont want to not get accepted into mcgill and become a hobo.
>inb4 study harder

>> No.6151898

>Being in high school
Underage b&

>> No.6151913

Are you sure your English 12 class mark matters? I got into UBC about a decade ago and the class grade didn't matter at all, it was just my score on the provincial exams. If that's not the case your provincial exam score should make up a large part of your mark so study your ass off.

>> No.6151924

English grades are bullshit, they're too subjective. It generally follows though that time and effort results in a good grade so you need to put more of that into it. I mean write five drafts on every essay, get the teacher's input on the rough drafts and other people's too.

If everything else is good though it might not matter that much depending on how hard it is to get into your school of choice.

>> No.6151931

McGill's tough anon.

What province (Canada I assume)?

What are your other top 6 marks? They like french. I got in with a combined top 6 of around 92.

Even with a ~70% a 90+ in all three of your precalc phys and chem is pretty good.

What are the other two marks?

There's always Queen's or Mcmaster

>> No.6151947

I think it does matter, even if it didnt i think i should do my best to stay on the safe side.
Thats what i was thinking, i think i am going to go over my essays a couple times with my teacher before i hand it in.
Thanks for the advice.
I am from BC.
Well i focused too much on my sciences so all my other courses aren't that great.
I got a 74 in law and 96 in theatre performance.
I don't think they will even care about theatre performance though.

>> No.6151950

That's where you're pretty wrong. They won't even look at your app if you don't meet the minimum acceptance % for your top 6. As long as it's a 4U (or whatever that is in BC, I'm from ON), it counts. Unless it's specifically excluded or you've got 3 or more in the same discipline, it will be counted.

That 74 in law sucks though. Maybe you should defer a year and re-do 12 english and 1 more bird 12 course so you can get in.

Seriously though, they won't even look at you if the average is too low.

>> No.6151990

Well for BC students its top 5 so i think i should be fine if i do well in English cause that completes 5 and they wont include law when they take the average of my top 5 courses.

>> No.6151993

In 10th grade a friend of mine was failed for plagiarizing a paper.

The teacher had 0 evidence. Found nothing copied online that wasn't cited. But the paper was written "too well for his writing level"

English is bullshit and you should stop caring OP. Just make a kickstarter

>> No.6151996

That's so fucking condescending. The teacher just said your friend was too dumb to be able to write a good paper.

I've had an english teacher accuse me (not outright, but by implication) of plagiarizing because he didn't think I was that capable of a writer. Fucking asshole didn't think I could string together a bunch of words over 3 syllables long into a sentence. Dick.

>> No.6152005

Send them one of your KSP successes

I get the feeling you're an engineering archetype, so maybe this won't work, but:

Talk to your english teacher. Tell them the situation, and ask them for a chance to remedy your grade. If they're a human being and you have some basic social skills, they'll let you. At that point, learn how to write an essay.

I can help you out (english is my shit) if you'd like.