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File: 48 KB, 616x391, kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6150556 No.6150556 [Reply] [Original]

Kaku is giving a talk at my university this Thursday. I'm a mathfag who doesn't much into pop physics, but you guys seem to think he's bretty funny. If I go, what should I expect? What questions should I ask him?

>> No.6150567

if this is a physics lecture, probably the standard talk. if this is a general lecture, hell probably talk about pop sci stuff to try to get more people interested in physics

>> No.6150571

basing off my experience with seeing tyson:

>expect everything covered in his youtube videos + bonus content
>you won't be able to ask a question because there will be too many idiots asking about wormholes and time travel

bring a friend or a date and just enjoy it

>> No.6150573

Not OP, but I was given the impression that he is off his rocker, is this true?

>> No.6150592

He's like the Molyneux of pop physics. He doesn't really make anything up, but he likes to exaggerate everything to get people's attention.

>> No.6150612

He will probadly talk about how bad the standard model is and that string theory is the lapis philosophorum of science.

>> No.6150622

sneak in some booze with some friends and take a shot every time he talks bullshit.

>> No.6150632

>If I go
Does not compute

>> No.6150636

you can expect things that sound scientific, but is complete bullshit.

>> No.6150639

He's actually extremely sane.

He knows that slaving away writing paper after paper will get him no monies while writing book after book of exciting pop sci bullshit will get him mad monies.

Being a rational man, he chooses the mad monies.

>> No.6150931


I dunno, I wasn't sure if the laughs would make it worth my time.

>> No.6150971
File: 963 KB, 300x250, 1370680812905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to expect?

Kardashev scale
Time Travel
We get our energy from dead plants, Oil and Coal
Buck Rodgers
Federation of Planets
The Empire (Empire Strikes Back)
MAYBE he'll mention the Q Continuum
and a few other things

don't expect much else.

>> No.6151159

Ask him what it feels to lose all your scientific credibility and become a crank.

>> No.6151164

seen him on tv, his job was to make a real life "lightsaber". he envisioned a telescope plasma stun baton.

4/5, breddy gud

>> No.6151422


Who the fuck are you. I go to the same University. I'm in math too. I KNOW YOU.

>> No.6151448

ask him about quantum sociology

alternatively ask him why he sold out instead of doing real work

>> No.6151464

I read that as warmholes

>> No.6151479

you guys should go together and hold hands while you're at it :3

kaku is a kakul guy

>> No.6151499


>> No.6151503

I'll kakold u m8

>> No.6151567


Well shit this is weird

>> No.6151601
File: 100 KB, 783x377, 1342452489144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6151623

He says a lot of very stupid things.

He probably doesn’t believe them. Saying stupid things in front of a camera = $$$$$

>> No.6151648

>not being able to pick out the /sci/duck among your peers

>> No.6151668

>Implying UPB isn't made up

>> No.6151687

Pygmalion effect?

>> No.6153395


I have to know who you are!

>> No.6153454

my physics major friend told me that this guy is a hack. can anyone explain to me why someone might think that?

>> No.6153786


He's done legit work in theoretical physics. He's pretty strong academically. Nothing outstanding, but he's good.

He's just much more popular as a popularizer of science.

Sagan did fantastic scholarly work, but many of his colleagues still looked down on him for focusing so much on popularizing science.