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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6148639 No.6148639 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>in class doing exercises
>see this (translation would be "prove that 2.99999.....=3")
>remember /sci/
>start laughing my arse off
>can't explain to my friends why
th-thanks /sci/

>> No.6148645

Thank you for informing us.

>> No.6148648

Why do they want you to prove a false statement?

>> No.6148655

pomf =3
what are we doing on a troll?

>> No.6148659

>not proving that is a true statement
where is my nobel prize?
oh rite there's no nobel for math

>> No.6148664

but how do we even know that 2.9999... is a well-defined thing. is there empirical evidence of numbers like this?

>> No.6148686

so did you prove it?

>> No.6148690

why doesn't everyone use the same thing for decimal points? I remember watching a documentary about complex numbers a few years ago when I was 17 and it was writing it like 3,0i and it confused the shit out of me because I thought they were coordinates

>> No.6148717

When you lot use the metric system, we'll talk.

>> No.6148851

But 2.99 isn't 3

lol it's a completely different number you fucktards

>> No.6150013



what number is between 2.9 recurring and 3?


like, recurring

look it up

>> No.6150026

>what number is between 2.9 recurring and 3?

What non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function has real part =/= 1/2? You cannot show me? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Now where's my fields medal for this rigorous proof of the Riemann hypothesis? Fucking retard.

>> No.6150043

treat 0.999... as a geometric sum 0.9*0.1^r, r=0 through infinity
sum to infinity of a geometric series is a/1-r

this is what op's work was after

>> No.6150051

literally what

>> No.6150054

You can't show me non-trivial zero with real part =/= 1/2? That means the Riemann hypothesis is true. I'm just applying the exact same reasoning like >>6150013.

>> No.6150058

>what number is between 2.9 recurring and 3?

What natural number n > 2 and positive integers x,y,z satisfy x^n + y^n = z^n ?

That's right, you can't show me one example. Isn't it incredible that Andrew Wiles wasted a decade proving this theorem when he could have just done it in one line by applying your novel and highly logical proof technique?

Serious question: Have you been diagnosed with mental retardation?

>> No.6150062

what do turning points have to do with 2.9 recurring=3


>> No.6150068

How does shifting the burden of proof constitute a valid method of mathematically proving a theorem? You are retarded. You are dumb as fuck. Please never post here again.

>> No.6150078


dis niga stupid

>> No.6150079

>What non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function has real part =/= 1/2?
none, because they're all trivial to me
now give me my fields medal

>> No.6150082

Exactly, that's what I'm saying. Perhaps your choice of language is easier to comprehend for that abysmal dumbfuck who obviously failed every single math class.

>> No.6150088

you mean like you?

>> No.6150090

because we know 3 is a thing


>> No.6150108

>shifting the burden of proof
CrimJust major detected

>> No.6150116
File: 388 KB, 640x611, D.S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a humorous and witty retort.

>> No.6150124

there faggots

>> No.6150142

wtf? there is no number, rational or irrational that would prove that formula to be correct. that was the whole point of fermats last theorem you fucking retard.

>> No.6150177


that was weak

>> No.6150180

Philosophy major at a respected university here
0.9999999999...=/= 1
the reason is because it always approaches (but will never reach 1), so therefore it can't be equal to 1. Ever since i learned mathematicians are so anti-rigorous they can let such obviously wrong things be accepted as dogma, I lost all respect for mathematics and those who learn/teach t.

>> No.6150192

Hello anon. Your conception of humor is very autistic. Normal people would consider it bizarre, maybe slightly repulsive. If you ever wonder why you don't get laid, this trait of yours is certainly among the reasons.

>> No.6150193

Try to lay it on less thick if you want to bait people.

>> No.6150248

ok guys, you know why this is always fought over? It's because both answers are correct.
2.999 = 3
2.999 != 3

Now you must be thinking I am crazy, but let me reassure you

>> No.6150258

>tfw when you understand that ...9999 = -1

>> No.6150261
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the thing that got me is say you have 3 glasses, and 1cup of water, and you pour the same amount of water in each glass.

>you can't
>even with a machine you will end up with:
thus giving you 1cup at the end

>people think you can pour 3.33333, 3.33333, 3.3333
>I shit you not.

>> No.6150271

but 2,9999 - 3 = -0,00001
and 3 -3 = 0

>> No.6150273

You can't use a physical example to discredit maths.

Using your logic anything that can't be measured doesn't exist.

What about pi?

>> No.6150277

Good, you understand that 2.9999 doesn't equal 3
2.9999 - 3 is -0.0001 though, you were off by 0.00009.

>> No.6150279

I thought people here were intelligent enough to understand I was talking about recurring, as the whole thread is about recurring numbers..


>> No.6150295

If that's the case then you're fucking wrong.

>> No.6150486

In fact 2.99999999.... is equal to 3 since any g-adic positional notation is not unique. You can prove that the infinite sum is is convergent and 0.99999... = 1

>> No.6150496

>yfw zeno's paradox
i'm getting tricked, right?

>> No.6150501
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I just proved it the fast way but since i hope you guys are clever i think you will understand

>> No.6150503

If 0.999... = 1

Then how come it's not written as 1

Checkmate atheists

>> No.6150504

forgot the wikipedia link for geometric series: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geometric_series

>> No.6150505

I don't even understand how deep the irony behind this meme goes any more.

At first it was people correcting retards with an autismal level of persistence.
Then the retards were replaced by trolls pretending to be retarded.
Then the autismal folk were replaced by trolls pretending to take the bait of the other trolls.

This happens layer upon layer, like a cycle. I don't think it's ever gonna stop.

>> No.6150514

same feeling. You put words on my thoughts

>> No.6150521
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>> No.6150544

still here OP? where are you from?

>> No.6150598

he appears to be from spain

>> No.6150608

Spanish => Spain


>> No.6150609

I really need to make copies of this that fall through the dup filter.

>> No.6150618

8gr 8b 8m?
what does that mean

>> No.6150619


it's as if the cycles are digits in 0.999...

>> No.6150630

Well it made me giggle. I sincerely hope your post was laden with sarcasm, otherwise the only thing autistic here is you. What makes you think normal people are the expert authority on what's humorous? Last I checked, their only expertise is ignorance. Sounds to me like someone got called autistic in another thread and came here to lash out.

>> No.6150638

it's pig latin

>> No.6150851

0.999... is not a valid construct of a number and as such should not be treated as such.

>> No.6150882


Its gator bait, ate'em!

>> No.6150957

I understand that to calculate an infinite series, you use S = a/(1 - r)

1 = 0.9/(1 - 0.1)
1 = 0.9/0.9
1 = 1

This should prove that the statement is true, but I have a problem with it. I don't think that the formula is equipped to solve an infinite series of this kind. 0.999... does get arbitrarily get close to one, but it will NEVER reach one. It is impossible for it to. It is effectively one, since any difference between it and one is infinitesimal, but it is not really one. I'm more of a philosophy person than a math person, so I guess that I could be wrong.

Explain to me why the formula 'S = a/(1 - r)' is completely accurate in theory and not just experimentally. I believe that it gives an answer that is so close to accurate that it rarely makes a difference, but in this case I believe it to be wrong.

>> No.6150977

>it equals 0.000...0001 because you take the recurring 0's and slap a 1 when the recurring stops xD

get educated

>> No.6150979

Reminds me of the time my physics prof put up a picture of Descartes next to some Newton law, I immediately thought of the "meme" and started laughing like a maniac and couldn't explain it to anyone.

>> No.6150985

u know nothing about limit. Many limits have the same system. Get used to it or stop learning maths.

>> No.6150990

I'm not learning math. Maybe you could explain it to me.

>> No.6150993

They use full stops for decimal points in the UK as well and commas for every x10^3

>> No.6151025

mathematically, it's true because 0.999... is by definition a certain real number which is the limit of a certain sequence, and one can prove that that limit is 1 (using the formula you posted).

philosophically, the fact that after no finite number of terms does 0.999...9 ever equal 1 has no bearing on the limit of that sequence, because if you stop after finitely many terms you're talking about a different number.

also if they're not equal (as real numbers) then there's a finite positive distance between them, which is clearly impossible because as you said the number 0.999... gets arbitrarily close to 1.

>> No.6151049

>also if they're not equal (as real numbers) then there's a finite positive distance between them

What's the difference between 0.999... and 2? You could just say one, if you look at 0.999... as one, but in your scenario we see 0.999... as itself. You say that it being itself and having no finite distance between itself and one means that it is one. What's to stop you from saying that 0.999... does not equal 2?

>> No.6151071

Fuckin hell can we just end this argument?

2.999... = 3


1/(3 - 3) = Undefined
1/(3 - 2.999...) = Infinity

They have the same value for all intents and purposes but different properties.

>> No.6151081

>2.999... = 3
>1/(3 - 3) = Undefined
>1/(3 - 2.999...) = Infinity
NO. It will lead to incoherences. Don't rewrite math, u stupid.

>> No.6151079

clearly 0.999... is less than or equal to 1, so there's a finite distance (of at least 1, and certainly no greater than, say, 2) between 0.999... and 2. hence 2 is not 0.999...

>> No.6151089

Take the right hand limit as x goes to 0 of 1/x

What do you get?

Take the value of 1/x when x is EQUAL to 0

What do you get?

Get fucking educated.

>> No.6151096

>also if they're not equal (as real numbers) then there's a finite positive distance between them

The distance between 0.9... and 1 is undefined. If something is a pattern, it is not necessarily a law.

>> No.6151091

OK, so explain to me why the mathematicians didn't have adopt that? You're a moron and, the worse, you're arguing. Your maths are shitty.

>> No.6151104

You better be fucking trolling you retard

>1/(3 - 3) = Undefined
>1/(3 - 2.999...) = Infinity

1/(3 - 3) = 1/0 = Undefined
lim x->3- 1/(3 - x) = Infinity

x approaching 3 is the same as 2.999...

>> No.6151107

*x approaching 3 from the left side is the same as 2.999...

>> No.6151112

the "distance" between a and b, where a <= b, is just a figure of speech referring to the number b - a. since real numbers are closed under addition, and 0.999... <= 1, the distance 1 - 0.999... is a real number (specifically it's 0, as you well know)

>> No.6151118

No I'm not trolling. You're retarded. Let the math world alone please.That 3 could came from a limit and you +infinity could be false. Have you thought about it? No because you suck at math.

>> No.6151126

lrn english plz

>> No.6151131

I don't care. Learn math before and come back after. I shit on your face arrogant brat.

>> No.6151147

> Learn math
> mfw I know more than you

>> No.6151150

>mfw you'll realize it's the opposite

>> No.6151156

Where are your faces?

>> No.6151158

>That 3 could came from a limit and you +infinity could be false. Have you thought about it?


>> No.6151161
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>> No.6151170

That's a pretty cute face.

>> No.6151174

lol, dat retard

>Let the math world alone please
uhm, u too. we don't want u

>> No.6151179

You're supporting that arrogant brat? You suck at math too. Go learn math and come after arguing with me about... No you won't argue you'll understand why it's stupid.

>> No.6151197

I'm supporting nobody here.

you're all stupid.

>> No.6151203

So don't argue. It's ridiculous to interject and pretend not to. Go fuck yourself somewhere else attention anon.

>> No.6151219


what condom was between me recurring yo momma 3?


like, having sex

ZOMG me and your momma are same things!

>> No.6151227

"attention anon"

I appreciate that, from someone replying in the 34959204th thread about 0,999...

you know that's leading nowhere to reply to such threads in a serious way... see >>6150505

>> No.6151233

I find it funny. Many stupid brats come. Like the one who argue with me defending h(i|e)r stupid idea.

>> No.6151249

I support you. You sound smart.

>> No.6151266
File: 21 KB, 340x340, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god my sides, this is the funniest and most autistic thing I've ever read
Are you trying to use logic in language?

Like, is that supposed to mean his or her? If so I hope you realize that right now it is saying hir or her. You do know "their" would be a perfectly non-autistic substitute right?

Basement dwelling anon, you have made my day, thank you

>mfw sci

>> No.6151278

>Like, is that supposed to mean his or her? If so I hope you realize that right now it is saying hir or her.
Holy shit, I failed.
>You do know "their" would be a perfectly non-autistic substitute right?
Isn't "their" a plural form?
>Basement dwelling anon, you have made my day, thank you
You're welcome.

>> No.6151276

Would you like help with anything?

>> No.6151283

My bad, I though you said "the ones" instead of "the one", in that case just use "his or her", haha

>> No.6151284


>> No.6152274

yeah I'm here
and I'm from >Whiteland

>> No.6153442
File: 399 KB, 2000x2000, 1372109334140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone uses one of my posts as a copypasta

>> No.6153475

this is my pic, son of a bitch

>> No.6153504

That post is either very meta or projecting very hard

>> No.6153760

Don't you mean Jabba 0.999...