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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 44 KB, 540x300, cigarete3_W[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6139172 No.6139172 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people smoke?
Why do people start smoking?

>> No.6139174

because it's cool

>> No.6139177

Like any other drug, it's pleasurable. I recently started smoking because it's highly effective for my anxiety. I agree that nicotine is pretty shitty compared to other addictive drugs though.

>> No.6139178

Why do people drink soda?
Why do people are fat?
Why do people don't do sports?
Why do people don't study?
Why do people don't read?
Why do people make stupid questions?

>> No.6139218
File: 19 KB, 640x460, e-cig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's totes fucking awesome. Also, e-cigs may look dumb but they give you the same high but without the cancer. And they come in candy flavors for kids. I only wish these were around like 30 years ago. A lot of lives could have been saved and (safe) smoking wouldn't have the stigma it does today.

>> No.6139245

80% of schizophrenics smoke

>> No.6139246

Because it seemingly reduces stress and touches all those right points in your brain. In reality it is horrible for you in every single conceivable way.

>> No.6139248

Being schizophrenic is stressful as hell, bro

>> No.6139352

>And they come in candy flavors for kids

Hahahaha no. They don't. No one would do such a thing.

And smoking isn't awesome.

But I do agree with you on your other points. If it was around 30 years ago, it would have saved millions of people.

>> No.6139356

I say stop now man.

I have anxiety too, what I do is chew on a mixing straw. Gives me something else to think about.

>> No.6139358

Yep. Same as weed.

>> No.6139393

>without the cancer
nicotine causes cancer

>> No.6139398

it's one of the popular drugs that least affects the pleasure centres.

it does however relieve anxiety like crazy

>> No.6139405

You are so dumb.
No it ACTUALLY reduces stress and touches the right points

However it ALSO causes cancer, heart disease and strokes, mostly through non nicotine reasons.

>> No.6139409

>No one would do such a thing.
Tobacco companies market and sell cigs to kids where it is legal.

citation needed

>> No.6139415


>> No.6139417

Nicotine alone is about as carcinogenic as drinking hot tea or eating red meat.

>> No.6139424

>in vitro study
show me epidemiology or gtfo (pro tip, you cannot)

so many things cause cancer in a test tube that this study is meaningless in evaluating the safety of nicotine

>> No.6139432

>if its in vitro it means nothing
i bet the nicotine companies love you

>> No.6139439

>citation needed

>> No.6139443

You mean the tobacco companies?

Tobacco is a massive killer, and epidemiology shows this. The tobacco companies are murderers for disguising this and peddling lies about it.

Your conflation of the dangers of tobacco with nicotine reveals your unscientific sentiment driven mind set. As does your lack of understanding of how epidemiology is the gold standard test.

>> No.6139454

>not epidemiology
>no references
>full of tentative langauge

Some snoopin around shows a good uni (Bristol) is republishing a weak piece from the Ecole Normale Superieure, Lyon written as an undergrad project.

>> No.6139458

Is ochem I and extremely basic biochemistry too hard for you to understand?

>> No.6139475


Medicine uses epidemiology. In vitro is a plausibility argument for nicotine being a carcinogen only. As anon has stated, all kinds of things are "carcinogenic" in vitro and indeed in animal studies, which are proven epidemiologically to be safe.

Do you have any actual evidence?

>> No.6139481

As an aside, alcohol has been shown to be a carcinogen through epidemiology.

I hope the anon bitching about nicotine realises alcohol is a bigger cancer danger. I also hope he gains some perspective and realises alcohol's cancer impact is dwarfed by its other negative effects.

>> No.6139495

>which are proven epidemiologically to be safe
>which are proven epidemiologically
>proven epidemiologically

>> No.6139499

nice deflection son

>> No.6139500

yes, glad you're finally getting it

>> No.6139504

like others said, the anxiety relief is significant. If I'm ever going nuts about something - sweaty palms and racing mind and all - then I just light one up and inhale deep and everything slows down really nicely.

>> No.6139506

>like others said, the anxiety relief is significant

The "anxiety relief" is actually just bringing you to the baseline of a non-smoker.

>> No.6139508

Then to get back on topic, do you have any good evidence for nicotine being a carcinogen?

Perhaps up to the standard we have for alcohol?

Or are we still at the caffeine level, where potential biochemical mechanisms have been found, but no epidemiology?

Or should we stop worrying about microscopic risks and looking at health risks that actually might be significant.

>> No.6139513

Not entirely. All anxiolotycs show tolerance effects that with long term use reduce their effectiveness to a little above baseline, and of course to well below baseline upon withdrawal.

>> No.6139515


You're going to need some anxiety relief when you can't pay your medical bills, or are dying of whatever disgusting problem you develop later, or realize all fo the money you wasted on smoke and ash, or all three of those combined

>> No.6139516

*start looking

>> No.6139518
File: 59 KB, 1130x678, 1351568616191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey! Yes! Buy our cigarettes they were used during the shoah for stress relief! They will make you feel very relaxed better than any pill! Buy them now it's cool all your friends do it too! Good for your health and well being there's no cancer involved! Grows neurons and promotes longevity! Just look at these clinical trials I just funded! How can cancer biologists so blatantly misrepresent our industry? We are you friends, goyim!

>> No.6139519

is this something britfags say when they are losing an argument and want to be an internet hard man?

>> No.6139521

>smoke and ash
Either you're retarded or dyslexic.

>> No.6139524

I don't smoke. Cigarettes are a major killer.

Have you any evidence that nicotine causes cancer?

>> No.6139529

I suspect he is just young, and can't think scientifically.

His sentiment about nicotine, based on a conflation with the huge medical danger of cigarettes, stops him considering the chemical dispassionately.

One wonders what draws such people to /sci/ when they are so bad at critical thinking.

>> No.6139531

No one is disputing the medical catastrophe that is the cigarette.

>> No.6139535

No, I actually think he believes nicotine is the component in tobacco that does all the damage.

>> No.6139541

there is dihydrogen monoxide in tobacco smoke, i believe that is the greatest peril

>> No.6139543


i am another party just talking generally to these idiots smoking cigarettes for "anxiety relief"

>> No.6139544

Why would you waste you time typing that?

>> No.6139547

Why do you think the scientifically accurate statement...

"cigarettes relieve anxiety"

...implies the person making the statement smokes, or supports smoking?

>> No.6139557



>I recently started smoking because it's highly effective for my anxiety.

these fucking people could get a more direct supplement of some kind instead of FUCKING CIGARETTES for their problem

also your statement there is about as scientifically accurate saying "sandwiches taste good"

>> No.6139563

I also made the statement, and do not smoke, and think smoking is idiocy. You said idiots plural.

Do you know what "implies" means?

>also your statement there is about as scientifically accurate saying "sandwiches taste good"
Well, I'm sure you could prove that, so I tentatively agree.

But there is actual evidence for the anxiolytic effects of nicotine.

What annoys me is how weak your skills in argument are. If you are anti-smoking it is easy to argue scientifically that it will catastrophically fuck up your health, you don't need to make incorrect attacks on some of its other effects.

>> No.6139565

don't argue with idiots that can only do black and white thinking, even on cigs which are about a 99% black level grey

>> No.6139572

>tar is harmless
yup, you're retarded

>> No.6139573
File: 64 KB, 500x667, brian_cox_musician_keyboards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would /sci/ know anything at all about social inclusion and peer pressure from cool kids?

>> No.6139574

But even the cool kids have to have a reason

>> No.6139576

>cool kids
It's not 1990 anymore, gramps.

>> No.6139577

>green texting the exact opposite of the point I was making


>> No.6139578


nicotine is not tar

>> No.6139580

I accidentally two words.
My apologies.

>> No.6139589

You accidentally what?

>> No.6139592
File: 29 KB, 475x317, femtoseconds of newness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am new here

>> No.6139643

Underdevelopment in the Oral stage of infancy.

This also explains why smokers are generally more likely to harbour the desire to suck dick.

>> No.6140041

Portion, smoking gives tar.

>> No.6140043

I have an oral fixation too. I chew on something instead. Straws manly.

>> No.6140045

>Why do people are fat?
>Why do people don't do sports?
>Why do people don't study?
>Why do people don't read?

Why do people don't grammar?

>> No.6140046

Are you also saying that engineers didn't develop properly?

>> No.6140052

Jesus christ /pol/, you're really retarded sometimes. Read the fucking thread and learn the difference between nicotine, the chemical and tobacco, the plant.

>> No.6140054


>> No.6140056


I meant pro tip.

>> No.6140057

Pro tip: Nicotine doesn't have to come from smoking.

>> No.6140069

Does any one know a good brand of e-cigs? I heard Volcano is good.

Also; any biochemists here that can explain why nicotine seems to treat neurological disorders? Specifically tau proteins with Alzheimers?

>> No.6140070

>Being a hard science major

Enjoy your unemployment.

>> No.6140073

Pro tip, it's how most people get it.

>> No.6140077

Why do people keep throwing that shit on the ground?

>> No.6140080

Smoker-turned-e-cig user here.

>Why do people smoke?

Because nicotine is addictive.

>Why do people start smoking?

Because of a variety of social reasons, usually peer-pressure and social status.

>> No.6140083


>> No.6140084


Kanter protank 2 + smok windr.

That was my first setup and it served me well.

>> No.6140086

There we go folks, was it THAT hard?

Hey, if your thinking of quoting man, I wish you luck.

>> No.6140088


>> No.6140089


I've quit cigarettes, haven't touched one since I started using an e-cig. Now all's I've got to do is get off this fucking thing, though there's less pressure now.

>> No.6140115


The act of smoking in itself is also pleasurable

>> No.6140122

Congrats man!

>> No.6140137

Usually it's a teenager mimicking some alpha teen. An adult starting smoking sounds just unusual.

>> No.6140477

Idk. I just quit. Its been like 10 days. wasnt too hard to quit. I realized that i didnt really enjoy smoking them.

>> No.6140485

because it tastes good

>> No.6140493

I liked the buzz. I like to smoke. It doesn't last long so I can get back to what I was doing beforehand or use it as a mental break/refresher.

>> No.6140496

my girlfriend smokes. I tell her to stop and she retorts, "we're all gonna die someday". well, yeah, but you're drastically increasing the likelihood that your death will be drawn-out and extremely painful

>> No.6140498

I started smoking because of peer pressure, and ECAPDEV I told myself I'd stop eventually, which I did after 2 years. I kind of regret it though, it gives me a fair deal of anxiety.

>> No.6140505

i dated a girl that smoked. that fucking breath and her coarse grating speech patterns were so disgusting that I dumped her after a month or so. sex was good but man… that fucking smoke smell is nauseating.

>> No.6140506

>well, yeah, but you're drastically increasing the likelihood that your death will be drawn-out and extremely painful
Not really, you're really decreasing it, better to die young of emphysema or lung cancer than get old and retarded and still die just as painfully later on.

>> No.6141166

I'd rather die old then die young and dumb.

Good on you guys dumping those dumb counts.

>> No.6141183

because the cool kids do it

>> No.6141426

Because somehow we have to divide intelligent from unintelligent people

>> No.6141436

I love how people say this like we smokers were never non smokers

Nicotine relieves stress, get out of here with this DARE shit

>> No.6141468

>Nicotine relieves stress

Do you have a reliable source for this statement?