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6138221 No.6138221 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you still vote left wing if even Nail Tyson says that conservatives are more pro-science and fund more science than left wingers do?


tl;dr if you want more science funding always vote right wing

>> No.6138223
File: 61 KB, 525x539, 1381169256877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think about this picture the next time youre arguing about science at your college

>> No.6138228

>No source
Yeah, no

>> No.6138230


Doesnt compute

>> No.6138234

better start computing, your hero said so

>> No.6138246


>> No.6138265

>tfw nobody gives a shit about science in my country

>> No.6138317


>> No.6138323

You're talking about Canada?

>> No.6138354

Lots of Canadians give a shit about science, we are just not allowed to talk about it because these supposed "pro-science" right wingers won't let us.


>> No.6138370

He mentions 2 presidents with zero appreciation of the other wings of government or the political landscape of the time.
He doesn't actually sow conservatives are more pro-science.

>> No.6138467


>> No.6138469

>Voting some way because one guy says you should

hmm, that works for me

>> No.6138485

I never got the infatuation with NDT. I guess he's likeable to some people, but he just seems like a loud, goofy clown.

Regarding his point, liberals throughout the world are far more supportive of science in that they want public funds spent on research. Conservatives typically want to cut funding and leave that to the free market.

Though I have the suspicion that NDT knows this and is simply making a sophist argument to convince conservatives they don't have to be anti-science and to jump on his bandwagon.

>> No.6138501
File: 828 KB, 1024x546, 1378691159897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youll find that unprofitable tech and science are one of the few things right wingers believe in funding, and it shows (e.g. newt gingrich and his moon base).

leftists simply talk a big game and think money grows on trees and people will work hard for the "greater good." they want EVERYTHING publicly funded (e.g. billion dollar obongo care website which doesnt work and has more lines of code than facebook, cars, space shuttles)

but yes, NDT is just a reddit hero because of his skin color, hes mediocre.

>> No.6138503

>money grows on trees
it pretty much does

>> No.6138513
File: 123 KB, 960x898, 1376616684951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here we have a leftist economist. no it doesnt grow on trees, the paper its printed on might, but money isnt paper, money is value

>> No.6138518

I vote right wing anyway, and I'm an ex researcher. Why do people always assume that I'm a lefty because I attended uni? There's an enormous gulf between the intellectual right and the religious nut jobs that are commonly associated with that term. As for Neil deGrasse Tyson, this guy

>but yes, NDT is just a reddit hero because of his skin color, hes mediocre.

Mirrors my own opinion of NDT; I'm not racist, and in fact am black (biracial islander), but I think NDT only gets the press he does because it's so gratifying to see a person of his racial group with that amount of expertise. A white guy with his qualifications would never be a pop science icon.