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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 207 KB, 618x782, country school rankings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6131203 No.6131203 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, can you tell me why US ranks so low in reading, math and sciences? Pic very related! Screen from Wikipedia.

>> No.6131205

Wow the UK is shit at maths, 2003 is when I left high school so I certainly didn't help the stats

>> No.6131208

yeah, our kids are fucking stupid. That is why. NO one reads books anymore. I should rephrase that, few kids read books anymore. It is great. I am in college now. People spend hundreds each semester, and I would say a good 50% of the class dont even open their textbooks the whole semester. And the sad thing is, for most majors, the curriculum is so easy, that a monkey could get a 4.0. US education is incredibly stupid. It has some fundamental problems, but there are still some programs like STEM that have promise. It is sad though because kids are getting worse and worse at math every year, so in 20 years, you can bet that we will be 20 places lower on this list. It is a damn shame.

>> No.6131212

post it on >>>/int/

US ranks low because it a very inhomogeneous country.
You have the best univs in the world, and in the same time
most HSchoolers have <<ridiculous>> levels in every scientific field.

The average US citizen is dumb as fuck.
But USA is the country for success (there are in and outs, of course : best are really the best, retards ask "do you want supersize, sir ?"), unlike European/more social countries where they try to get everybody to the same level (and thus equalizing the levels) and give everybody the same chances (no matter where do you come from nor how much money you have)

>> No.6131223

Wrong and idiotic, please leave /sci

>> No.6131226

hunfag here, what are we doing on this list??

they should have a number showing the deviation perhaps?
i almost want to think they incorporated the deviation in that score somehow


>> No.6131230

hahaha whats wrong about it? The statistics do not lie dude, we are shit in math/reading/sci....just accept it

>> No.6131232

please elaborate...
that's not very helpful on its own

>> No.6131250

I'm going to hypothesize that our culture still idolizes brawn over brains too much, which leads to large portions of our citizenry believing that math and science knowledge are rather unimportant and are only fit subjects for academics and scientists.

>> No.6131255
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Time for you to be redpilled, my son.

>inb4 someone screaming "/pol/" at me.
As >>6131230 said, the statistics do not lie.

>> No.6131259

Because we have a small ratio of communities that contain the highest intelligences and wealthy, competitive schools to communities with generally less intelligent students and poor facilities/opportunities.

>> No.6131263

God-level chart. Like I said, the stats dont lie, Americans on average are dumb as shit. It is pretty much common knowledge that whites and asians are notoriously better at math( and apparently reading and science) than mexicans and blacks. Ive had 0 hispanics and 1 black person in my math at college, and I am a math major. it is predominantly white girls lol

>> No.6131275

Interesting correlation here. I doubt it's biological in nature, but you can't deny that in both charts whites and asians are at the top, while latinos and blacks are at the bottom. Socioeconomic to a point, but I'm guessing it's mainly cultural. Black and latino societies simply don't value intellectual pursuits as much. They certainly value their athletics though--look at past Brazilian dominance of soccer and black dominance of the NFL and NBA in America.

>> No.6131281


I'm curious as to how to come to this conclusion. Living in the Midwest, I see just as many sloppy, fat pieces of white trash as much as I do their black and hispanic equivalents.

Consequently, I would assume the socioeconomic factors to be relatively equal across these aforementioned low-quality groups.

If what you say is true, then at some point it must be decided that black and hispanic culture is intellectually worthless and potentially toxic.

This will never happen though for the same reasons we cannot say they are biologically flawed: the shitstorm that would ensue would be fraught with conflict and probably enormous human rights issues.

My stance is to let them fester. Unfortunately public funds go to this festering...

>> No.6131285

Based fucking Canada.

>> No.6131291
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here's a better version

>> No.6131292
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what are your thoughts on the minnesota transracial adoption study?

>> No.6131293


but why even introduce race into the equation?

sure, some communities have more problems than others, but why not focus on the source of the issue for all individuals that score lower, whether they're white, hispanic, asian, or black?

>> No.6131295
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if finns are so smart how come there are no famous finnish scientists

>> No.6131302


There's a discrepancy between testing and problem-solving capacity and creativity.

>> No.6131306
File: 14 KB, 393x485, 1383343290737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag will explain why this is wrong
You are correct about the country being heterogeneous.
>The average US citizen is dumb as fuck.
I suppose you've talked to the every single citizen to come to that conclusion
>unlike European/more social countries where they try to get everybody to the same level
U.S actually has multiple programs in place that make sure students from whatever backround get an education. Countries like Japan aren't as forgiving yet still get high scores.
>The statistics do not lie dude
Implying statistics cannot lie (WE UNDER OATH)
>No one rads books anymore
Millions of books are sold everyday, digital is becoming the popular form of reading.
>few kids read books anymore
apparently you know who is reading and who isn't
>good 50% of the class dont even open their textbooks the whole semester
So you just assume because they don't open their textbooks in class they don't, ok
>the sad thing is, for most majors, the curriculum is so easy
this is subjective, and you've studied most of all majors?
>US education is incredibly stupid
0/10 you imbecile
>Americans on average are dumb as shit
Someone who can disrespect an entire population so callously and in such a moronic way has no right judging others
>It is pretty much common knowledge
Please explain to us how a race's intelligence is common knowledge
>black and hispanic culture is intellectually worthless and potentially toxic.
>we cannot say they are biologically flawed:
You are a racist and a bigot and I doubt I could have an intellectually stimulating conversation with you.

I will explain my reason for Americans having low ranks in my next post

>> No.6131308
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Now, the reason why U.S has low ranks in its education is primarily as anon said the fact that it has a heterogeneous population. This coupled with discrimination that occurs in some states cause issues for its students. When went to Iowa in 2008 for vacation, I was able to catch a presentation that described the issues of discrimination. I'm sure there's is a movie called "A class divided" which is a documentary about this, essentially there is a correlation with discrimination and low scores from groups that are discriminated. U.S has come far in terms of discrimination, but as a society it is still an issue. Nearly all of Americans social institutions are to blame, and unless they change the discrimination can only make minorities worse.

>> No.6131310

Those fat, sloppy pieces of white trash are part of the reason we're weak in math and science. But anyways, your Midwestern sample isn't good enough. You'd have to find some way to concretely measure cultural bias, and then take proper samples of different ethnicities in different geographical locations while controlling for wealth and access to schools.Till this is done, it's just a hypothesis. I think it's a strong one though.

I think the solution is simply time. Improving communications and transportation systems are slowly and steadily homogenizing world culture. We're still pretty far away, of course, but that's the direction. With time, I expect there'll be little difference between Caucasian American and African American test scores as we slowly merge into a single cultural entity.

Of course, the growing wealth disparity might exert more influence in the future.

>> No.6131314

At first blush that's rather compelling. I'll need to look further into it though.

>> No.6131315

Spoken like a Redditor. Are you sure you're not one of <span class="math">them[/spoiler]?

>> No.6131316

Why is Finland so based?

>> No.6131317

It isn't, it's idiotic and incorrect.

>> No.6131320

good job backing up your post

>> No.6131323

It assumes that it's the individual that causes the issue

>> No.6131330


I guess you're the reason our PISA Reading scores are so low.

If you would pull your head out of your ass and step down from your soapbox, you would notice that I was responding to >>6131275 and accepting his two hypotheses, biology and culture, as truths and taking them to their conclusion.

Now, once again, if what he says it is true and their culture devalues intellectual pursuits, I will go ahead and brand them as worthless and toxic. I do not care what sort of rebuttal you might pull out of your ass about cultures being unique and valuable in their own way. Atavistic bullshit that is inherently against intellectual advancement has no earned place in humanity.

If it's biological, and I don't know that it is, well there's nothing that can be done without encountering gigantic moral issues.


Yeah that's good and all. Maybe it will happen and it won't. However, some more anecdotal evidence: people shuttled from "black" areas to my "white" school did not take advantage of that educational opportunity. I honestly cannot remember one of them who took their academic pursuits seriously.

It probably is a cultural issue. What you said won't ever happen (cultural homogenization) as long as there is financial interest in maintaining a separate "black" cultural identity. A lot of people make a lot of money tailoring racial identity in the US.

>> No.6131341

it's both cultural and physiological. blacks and whites have evolved separately for thousands and thousands of years. would you admit that there's a physical difference between the two? you are aware that blacks are able to gain muscle faster than whites on the same workout regimen, right? obviously blacks and whites are physically different due to genetics. so then why is it so hard to believe that there's a discrepancy in intelligence caused by genetics between blacks and whites? the problem is greatly exacerbated by blacks' anti-intellectual culture, but there is definitely a large genetic basis too.

>> No.6131343

I'm not American, so yeah I don't give a fuck about your countries problems, but you seem to think you know where the issues lies so maybe you can pull your head out of your ass and solve your countries problems.
>inb4 its imposssible for lil ol me to help my country

Kill yourself Americunt

>> No.6131346

If it means anything, Secondary Education in the US ranks high, if not on top, which partially make up for our abysmal K-12. Makes you wonder what America could be capable of if we learned how to educate our children.

>> No.6131347


I can't admit that because I don't actively study that topic. I literally know nothing about the divergent evolution of humans. Similarly, I have never endeavored to actually determine how fast a statistical population of whites puts on muscles compared to blacks.

I was more responding to that asshole above who screamed "racist and bigot"; apparently ad hominem allows you to pussy out ("...doubt I could have an intellectually stimulating conversation with you").

At the end of the day I don't give a shit because I'm not a politician and my will alone determines what I do, not my race. I don't like it that my taxes go to stupid shit, but I am resigned to the fact that it's inescapable.

>> No.6131348
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>> No.6131351

you're black, aren't you?
i'm so sorry

>> No.6131352

>crying he used a fallacy so his argument is invalid
You are your own countries issue Americunt

>> No.6131355
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top lel

>> No.6131356

>you have the best univs in the world

They don't. Magazines and newspapers publish rankings that place American universities at the top because only Americans are stupid enough to believe in them - and hence, stupid enough to buy copies.

>> No.6131358
File: 1.99 MB, 259x258, 1383417505706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.6131362

statistics dont lie. Just because someone doesn't like the answer doesn't mean it isn't true. Grow up and stop acting like a five year old. There is a boatload of statistics and studies that support this, yet we will never take action to the problem because of people like you.
these sources might be usefull for you too

this is a significant amount of evidence showing the the difference in blacks. They are more violent by nature and are addicted to reproduction. They are different both genetically and ascetically. And imo should be classified as a different subspecies than homo-sapiens. Go ahead, call me racist but it will just prove my first statement.

>> No.6131363

Sorry but... you don't see what you don't want to see

>> No.6131366


You seem very emotionally invested in this. I strongly invite you to funnel your energies into solving our cultural/educational divide here in the US. You really could make a difference.

>implying problems caused by politicians are my responsibility
>implying that makes anymore sense than making them your responsibility
>implying that makes anymore sense than race determining your life trajectory

Considering this thread has now derailed into a shitslinging contest, I am saging.

>> No.6131367

Statistics don't lie, but they can't always prove a correlation you fucking moron

>> No.6131372

If biology is a factor, then racial interbreeding will eventually deal with it.

Regarding your choice to brand a culture as worthless and toxic, well, everyone is certainly entitled to express their opinions on 4chan. Personally I think a variety of cultures, even if some are detrimental to the progress of humanity, gives a color to life. If some people want to have a culture that focuses on athletics, let them. It makes NFL Sundays that much more interesting to watch.

>> No.6131374


Maybe. Might also be I don't care either way as it has no impact on my day-to-day doings. I sequester myself in a lab for 12+ hours a day. The biological divergence of my fellow humans doesn't change any of that.

I also don't care about things like whaling, climate change, economic issues (our funding is private and stable), etc.

>> No.6131376
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>statistics do not lie.
they can

>bringing race into it

>> No.6131377
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>> No.6131378


Such a shame interracial relations and still strongly frowned upon. We won't know the answer in our lifetimes, surely (inb4 transhumanists attack en masse). We will never know the conclusion to our thought experiment.

>> No.6131380

> interracial relations and still strongly frowned upon

do you live in the south or something?

>> No.6131382

I think our fear of coming off as racist is detrimental to development of mankind. It is similar to how religion prevented the advancement of civilization during the middle ages. The result of this was centuries of great ideas and minds gone to waste.

It's stupid that our own species prohibits its own development. If we didn't have all of these setbacks we would be interstellar beings by now.

>> No.6131386

Nah, I'm going to have my brain frozen in another 50 years or so, so they can reconstruct me in another few thousand years to be a museum piece somewhere.

>> No.6131387

if biology is a factor, then racial interbreeding will bring down the general IQ you dumb shit

>> No.6131406

yes, but not being able to see evident correlations is the essence of naivety.
you can't prove the correlation of owning a gun and the chance of shooting yourself, however you'd have to be a retard to not see that it correlates.

>> No.6131407

Inflammatory comments such as 'dumb as fuck' etc have no place in a rational discussion.

That being said, I believe the USA is so low because it is one of the largest. Follow me here...
A larger country will have less average change, because it has a larger sample size. It is less variable. In this same way, a smaller country is likely to end up on top (or just as likely on the bottom) of the list.
It's like how if you get two random green apples in a basket of three total, it appears the apples in the basket are on average more green than the same case in a basket of hundreds or thousands. Sample size inversely relates to variability, giving smaller countries a tendency to be on the top or bottom of the list.

>> No.6131409

Of course it would. I forget where, but I read somewhere about evidence that our average IQs are already in decline.

It is what it is. Either way, we'll continue to advance for so long as we can avoid nuclear war or other calamities.

>> No.6131412

Many are big.

>> No.6131413

so then why don't we all just keep to ourselves, stay in our own countries and avoid racemixing like the plague it is?

>> No.6131414

China is at the top of the reading list. Your theory is TOTAL shit.

>> No.6131418

china is a lot more homogeneous than the US though

>> No.6131421


Even if what you say and all the assumptions necessary to back it up is true, what we'll probably get is the average of high and low, which should be the same.

And Regardless, why bring race into the matter?
Breeding within your own race will bring down the general IQ depending on whom you breed with.
Breeding blacks with whites will improve the general IQ depending on who you breed with.

Rest assured, nobody worthwhile wants to breed with you, so I don't understand your concern.

>> No.6131423

About the wealth gap, how much more do the wealthy actually KNOW? I mean, after one guy makes it big the wealth tends to stay in his family line regardless of intellect on the kids' part

>> No.6131424

China isn't on the list you moron

>> No.6131428

any significant (opposite of superficial like pigment or eye shape) evolutionary change, especially in the brain, the most complicated machine in the universe, would take more time to manifest than 'thousands and thousands' of years.

>> No.6131429
File: 47 KB, 1350x625, AverageIQ-Map-World[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what we'll probably get is the average of high and low, which should be the same
what we'll actually get is the average of high, low, low, low, and lower

>> No.6131433

china is relatively isolated and doesn't participate in these type of surverys..

>> No.6131434

Because there's no reason to give a fuck about it.

If you want to care about global IQ averages, go right ahead. There's really no point, though, since the direction of humanity is quite clear. Hitler gave a strong shot at changing it, but he failed and I find the odds of history repeating that one in a growing technological age very slim.

You simply can't deny the fact that populations of mammals with the capacity to breed, when exposed to each other, will interbreed. It's inevitable, it's the purpose of sexual reproduction itself. Are you going to ask rabbits to stop fucking next?

>> No.6131438

It's not so much the success of the wealthy as it's the lack of success in the poor. The rich get richer, whatever. But when the poor get poorer, they get stupider.

>> No.6131435

that's ... a population density map with a key that says "IQ"

>> No.6131439

>what we'll actually get is the average of high, low, low, low, and lower

that's a bit subjective.

plenty of minorities that score lower in their home nations come to the US and perform better than whites and asians.

>> No.6131440

that's because the best of the best migrate to america, not the average dumb indian or nigger

>> No.6131441

humans wont be smart enough to do that due to racial interbreeding xD It's a proven fact that people with lower IQs breed more.

>> No.6131442

Asking people not to interbreed is like asking the continents to stop drifting together because you don't like asians.

>> No.6131443

>>6131434 agreed
I'm still foggy on why IQ matters to some people. Mine's 140 i think, but there's a lot more to a person than a number can say. If a monkey has a higher IQ, but no group-cohesion, the IQ is negated. many other examples are possible

>> No.6131444


>that's because the best of the best migrate to america

The wealthiest Indian industrialists still live in India.

The mark of a good theory is its predictability.
And if that were the case then the average northeast asians would outperform indians in the US.

>> No.6131446

mhm.. I propose a society where income is based solely on test scores

>> No.6131447

There can only be so many 'rich', there's an incentive to keep the poor stupid (and thus little danger of a richman being replaced by a poorman)

>> No.6131450

thats almost as bad of an idea as welfare

>> No.6131456

welfare is good... kids are no longer starving in the street. A gene for helping supersedes a selfish gene because the helping gene helps its own copies in others

>> No.6131467

Unfortunately, keeping the poor stupid hurts the entire civilization. Automation is slowly making manual labor obsolete, and a lot of low level service sector jobs won't be far behind. This creates a massive drain on the society, as the population gets poorer and stupider and more numerous. Because killing them off would be immoral, the only solution is to attempt to raise their education level to be able to take on more complex work. Somewhere, the poorer to stupider to poorer cycle has to be broken. Where and how are the questions.

>> No.6131474

why not let darwin's theory do it's magic? If we let people who can't provide for themselves then they will breed and create more people who can't provide for themselves. The same goes with intelligence. We didn't evolve to the intellectual being we are today because someone gave us everything we needed when we couldn't get it ourselves. If we were stupid we died and only the smartest were left alive to reproduce. With "survival of the fittest" now not effecting the human species stupid people who would have died without our aid are now reproducing. So by helping them we are devolving our species. So in a sense our generosity is our undoing

>> No.6131481

i apologize for the grammatical errors

>between themselves and then = live

>> No.6131490

Not necessarily. Intelligence is not the only important goal to be evolved towards.

And while survival of the fittest may no longer be operating quite as strongly as in some other animals, sexual selection still is. Educated people seek educated mates.

>> No.6131493

How do you italicize?

>> No.6131503

yes, do tell>>6131315

>> No.6131504

you don't understand.. it HAS done it's magic. all of the evolution has been leading to this! we are the products of selective pressure, not the masters of them.

>> No.6131508

any apparently 'altruistic' system is susceptible to cheaters, but all that's required is a layer of security. The arms race between helpers and cheaters is a common evolutionary story

>> No.6131510

look up dawkins' Evolutionarily Stable Strategy and apply it to the welfare dilemna

captcha: Fugitive CADIllac

>> No.6131519

in our species it is though. We didn't survive because we could overpower our adversaries we survived because we could out smart them.
sexual selection will slow down de-evolution. While it is good at determining obvious disadvantages in a mate it cannot notice minute ones. Also many people will choose looks over intelligence any day. One would mate with a complete retard if they had the looks to compensate their stupidity.

>> No.6131522

well then we are doomed

>> No.6131533

yes, hence intelligence doesn't matter. The birds of paradise are basically dumb supermodels

>> No.6131535

don't be so morbid, the universe is already decided, we just get to enjoy the view!

>> No.6131539

No, we didn't survive because we could outsmart our adversaries. We survived because of a lot of things, of which our intelligence was one. Being able to cooperate in small social units effectively was another. Being able to invent social fictions like money was a third. Haven't you ever wondered why we stopped evolving larger brains? Our current brain already uses about as much of our body's total resources as we can afford. The facts that we've evolved upright posture and large craniums for holding brain matter has already given us one of the highest postpartum mortality rates in the animal kingdom. How many other animals you know of where the mother dying during unassisted childbirth is actually common? How much smarter can we get?

Our social evolution and ability to specialize, however, is unlimited. This, in addition to our individual intelligence, is what allowed humanity to subjugate the Earth.

>> No.6131545

a better question: why is Ireland better at reading than Britland?

>> No.6131553

boom support

>> No.6131556

James Joyce

>> No.6131569

how can they possibly compare literacy in Japanese to english

>> No.6131574

because minorities

>> No.6131579

It's not that hard. Score the reading of Japanese people reading Japanese, and you'll get a bell curve. Score the reading of English speakers reading English, and you'll get a bell curve. Line the bell curves up, and you've got the tests calibrated to each other. You may now test both populations with two separate tests and compare results.

>> No.6131582

i read this
but i do not see how it can apply in this field, my reasons being that their is no benefit in helping inferior beings procreate.

I am very interested in hearing your side of this however. Please tell me your views on this.

>> No.6131586

a big percentage of universities in the U.S. (especially graduate school) are international

>> No.6131590

sci why is darwin's "the descent of man" poopooed by smartfags? is it because it is flawed or politically incorrect?

>> No.6131598
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What you said is true, only because blacks have no where to go but up in intelligence by race mixing...

>> No.6131610

US and many other countries with poor results have a culture that tag children who excel in the academic field as nerds, losers, faggots, etc. what do you think?

>> No.6131648

yes you do make a good point however being able to cooperate together effectively is a subcategory of being intelligent. Wolves can cooperate, do you see them building skyscrapers? No you don't. Intelligence is the only thing that allows us to defy natural selection. Humans would not have high unassisted postpartum mortality rates if we didn't find a way to prevent it. Humans would have evolved with bigger hips. That isn't the only way we defy natural selection. We learned how to increase our own carrying complicity. Humans are problem solvers due to our intelligence.
How much smarter can we get? That depends on what we decide. With natural selection having no effect on us the only thing keeping our population from continuing to rise is ourselves. If we continue to freely breed our population will rise while our intelligence lowers. If we allow this to happen we will eventually fall back into the hands of natural selection.

>> No.6131663

because it opens more questions than it answers

>> No.6131666



there we go again, with the race baiting

people don't breed with races, they breed with individuals.
individuals with their own families and their own communities.

so why choose race as the denomination by which to discriminate?
it's much more meritocratic to discriminate against individuals, and that already happens. everyone vets their potential mates.

Even if there were only whites in the world, if the underclass out-reproduced the elites the genetic IQ would still fall.

>> No.6131674

because they're stormfags and want to legitimize their desire for homogeneity to people who don't care or don't agree.

>> No.6131684

Are you saying free breeding is going to result in the collapse of civilization? You should come back when you're sober.

>> No.6131713

yes that's exactly what i am saying and I am sober. Why do you think this is such a far fetched idea? Are you saying overpopulation is not an issue? Do you think if we continue to grow in numbers at the rate that we are that everything will continue to be fine? Please, enlighten me.

>> No.6131978

It is a recent thing due to their great educational system, and the population of Finland is about 5 million.

>> No.6131981

It all boils down to population size. America is a bunch of countries considered one country. When your test pool is 20x bigger than the next country what do you expect?

>> No.6131987

I don't know, that sounds fairly rational to me. It's give of the idiocracy concept, but it holds some merit. When the non intelligent are doing the most breeding and intelligent people are more stringent and less likely to have multiple children, what does the world become populated by?

>> No.6132020

They play Zero Wing all day long

>> No.6132095

>china is a lot more homogeneous than the US though
Uhm....No ?!!!!???

No no no no no.

I can't find other words.

That's just incredibly false. What makes you think that ?
I lived 6 months there, definitely, NO.

>> No.6132103

If you're posting on /sci/ it's highly likely that you have no important contribution to academia of any kind, so why should we not kill you?

>> No.6132123



It's very easy to find this information. Why would you even deny it?

China is racially pretty homogenous. The US is not, being composed of all three different macro-races (europeans, asians and africans).

>> No.6132146
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gee I wonder

>> No.6133205

homogeneous has multiple meanings.

you were speaking of races/ethnicities, and for this part I agree.

But I was more speaking of the level of life and shit (which seems to me more relevant to the subject).
Han's ethnicity, the most numerous one, is REALLY not homogeneous in terms of standard of life/education/poverty/...

>> No.6133219

>>The average US citizen is dumb as fuck.
>I suppose you've talked to the every single citizen to come to that conclusion

Holy fucking crap.

>> No.6133251

>I suppose you've talked to the every single citizen to come to that conclusion
no, I have sound sources :