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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6123890 No.6123890 [Reply] [Original]

I have seen a lot of trolling about .999= 1 lately

Let me explain for the simpletons

Does .66666=.7?
no? does it equal .67? no?


.999 does not equal 1


go on about your business

>> No.6123893

>low quality bait

Is there a number that you could put in between .999.. and 1?

>> No.6123895
File: 12 KB, 319x230, DrSteveBrule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just add another 9 dummy

>> No.6123894

Sum of an infinite series.

>> No.6123897

>lower quality bait
I thought we were talking an decimal sequence. If you literally meant 0.999FULLSTOP, then I concede that it does not equal 1, but if that's what you meant, than you're really fucking stupid.

>> No.6123900

>responding to epik trools.

>> No.6123901
File: 63 KB, 352x217, tumblr_m0en7t0oYb1qzjfbyo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilberts hotel. No matter how many infinity I have, If I want to make space for one more guest.. I just move them down one door, I can add more 9's if I want


Ok sorry I didn't come here to educate just to lay the facts straight.

>> No.6123914


Solve for:


>> No.6123921


>> No.6123928

But in Hilbert's Hotel you may only add a countably infinite number of new guests.
Thus the cardinality of the set of guests (or in this case the collection of nines) does not change and no matter how many nines you add, you have the exact same amount of nines and therefore the same number.

>> No.6123932

Just FYI, 0.6999... = 0.7

>> No.6123935

In other words, does 1 minus .999... equal something?

That is the question we are really asking, and obviously there is no answer to that because .999... is merely a concept while 1 is a literal form.

>> No.6123942



But just to prove you wrong:
(1/3) = 0.333...
3 * (1/3) = (3/3) = 1
3 * 0.333... = 0.999...

1 = 0.999...

>> No.6123951

Specifically, the difference 1 − 0.999... must be smaller than any positive rational number, so it must be an infinitesimal; but since the reals do not contain nonzero infinitesimals, the difference is therefore zero, and therefore the two values are the same.

However, there are mathematically coherent ordered algebraic structures, including various alternatives to the real numbers, which are non-Archimedean.

>> No.6123962

x = 0.9999.....

10x = 9.99999.....

10x - x = 9.9999.... - 0.999....

9x = 9.000....81

x = 1.000....9

>> No.6123964

Their arithmetic mean, you fucktard.

>> No.6123976


Spoiler: The arithmetic mean of 0.999... and 1 is 1.

>> No.6123977

no it's 0.999....

>> No.6123983

>circular reasoning

>> No.6124012

taking the bait.

<div class="math"> 0.999\ldots = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty}0.9\cdot10^{-k} =
\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}0.9 \cdot 0.1^{k} \underset{Geom. series}{=}\frac{0.9}{1-0.1}=1 </div>


>> No.6124014

holy shit you suck at math

>> No.6125461

Very good explanation, OP.

>> No.6126334

every anon : "ovious b8" !

but you still reply...

You like that in the end, nah ?

>> No.6126992

Finally someone who understands the math.

>> No.6127052


So... uh... what is the answer

>> No.6127075

Is 0.9 = 1? No.
Is 0.99 = 1? No.
Is 0.999 = 1? No.

>> No.6127079

Exactly, they're different strings and hence can't be equal without 1st defining an equivalence relation like we do for the reals.

>> No.6127083

Why does this board even exist, this is /b/-tier shit

>> No.6127090

exactly finally someone understands

>> No.6127091


>> No.6127099
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>> No.6127106
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Wolfram|Alpha's as retarded and stupid as Stephen Wolfram.

>> No.6128121

Simpleton here. Can you please explain it with more intuition and less math? I was never good with numbers.

>> No.6129799

It is a very abstract theorem.

>> No.6129851

Solve for the same of an infinite geometric series from n=0 to infinity of .9/10 and you get one. It's the standard method to convert decimals to fractions. Pre-calc. .9 repeating = 1.

>> No.6129860
File: 770 KB, 1836x2752, IMG_00000335_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To sum up what I just said, here's a pic of the math for ya. Sorry for the quality, I'm at work right now

>> No.6129861

Divide 1 by three. Now multiply the quotient you got by three.

>> No.6129865

my friend, I started this troll thread several days ago. And i can't stop, i need help, but i just can;t stop as long as you keep replying, please... pls

>> No.6129867
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>> No.6129873

Therefore 0.999...=1

Why is it so hard to understand.

>> No.6129874

So if I can't put a number between two numbers then that means they're the same?
By your logic any number can equal any number at all because 0.9999 = 1 = 1.0000000...etc..1 and so on and so forth until 0.9999 = 6.5^9594678682785328752785 which simply don't work

>> No.6129886

Except Fractions are rounded numbers expressed in a simplified form. When you round something you can't then unround it incorrectly and make an argument based off incorrect mathematics.

>> No.6129905
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>> No.6129911
File: 704 KB, 1552x2592, 2013-11-02 00.38.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6130113
File: 107 KB, 946x608, 0.999... = 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think a lot of confusion on this matter could be prevented if educators drew a sharp distinction between "the ordered field of real numbers" and "the set of pointed sequences of digits".

>> No.6130117

>that brown one
But that's wrong! You can't split one thing into three parts perfectly in decishit. You have 3 x .(3) and a leftover 0.00...1 because of decishit being shit. And that's the only way you can do it.

>> No.6130123


Captcha: transporting alloms

>> No.6130129


>> No.6130132

1 isn't equal to 0.999...
Here is complete counter-proof and debunking of the "proofs"

>> No.6130142

.999.... + (1-.999...)/2

>> No.6130155


>> No.6130736
File: 738 KB, 1552x2592, 2013-11-02 14.29.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6130794

I believe .999...=1 and you believe that it doesn't and that 0.000...1 exists. So lets determine the value of the expression as I believe it and as you believe it.

.999.... + (1-.999...)/2 = 1+(1-1)/2 = 1+0/2 = 1+0 = 1

.999.... + (1-.999...)/2 = .999...+(0.000...1)/2 = .999... + 0.000...5 = 1.000...4

As you can see neither interpretation represents a number between .999... and 1 but not equal to either.

>> No.6130795

I lov the convergence theorum

>> No.6130807

if .9... isn't 1 then what's the number rational number between them. If there dne such a number then those two numbers are the same. Those who say otherwise lack a basic understanding of the cardinality of rational numbers and cantor diagonalization.

>> No.6131452

Their arithmetic mean is between them.

>> No.6131765

Their arithmetic mean is .9999...............
Hence, they are the same number

>> No.6132480


>> No.6132502

Lets try that in base 3.

(1/3) = 0.1
3 * (1/3) = (3/3) = 1
3 * 0.1 = 1

>> No.6132509

Ok, with a quick fix, let's see:


for x=0.999...
the answer is a real number

for x=1
answer is NAN

real number <> NAN


0.999... <> 1

I guess that settles it then.

>> No.6134450

The arithmetic mean of 0 and 9 is 4.5
Therefore the arithmetic mean of 0.999... and 1.0 has to end in 5.
It is 0.999....5

>> No.6134455

all 4chan boards are essentially the same

the subject that people troll and argue over are interchangeable

>> No.6134473

God you are fucked. It holds in dozenal too. 0.333... means zero pint fucking three fucking repeating forever until you stop sucking cocks (to say, never). Even in dozenal 0.4 means the same thing. You're confused because you have trouble thinking of conceptual objects, that can be infinitely divisible, rather than quantum objects, like atoms and quarks.

>> No.6134477

You can't have infinitely many zeros followed by a number, it doesn't work that way (not in the complex plane anyway.)

>> No.6135753

>all 4chan boards are essentially the same

/b/ is different. It is so much more mature.

>> No.6136793


"…" Means it goes on and on and on forever. Stop shitting up this board with your retardation.

>> No.6137176

But the first line is begging the question.

>> No.6137248

Why would you make a thinly veiled attempt at one of these threads while "detesting it"
You are getting really creative.
If it is a sequence of nines, the number would be 1, if you understand real numbers

>> No.6139124

Repeating false statements will not make them correct.

>> No.6140664

Actually it does. Argument by repetition is a very popular proof technique in philosophy.

>> No.6140701

NSA does philosophy?

>> No.6140741

Excellent! Was searching for someone to post this.

>> No.6141294

Math is not philosophy.

>> No.6142491

The arithmetic mean of a number ending in 9 and a number ending in 0 has to end in 5.

>> No.6142495

It doesn't end in 9 though.

>> No.6142503

>Does .66666=.7?
>no? does it equal .67? no?

in base 2 :
0.11111111... = 1
(see Cantor set)

in base 3 :
0.22222222... = 1

in base 4 :
0.33333333... = 1


in base 10 :
0.999999... = 1
also :
0.66699999... = 0.667

in base 12 :
0.99999999... != 1,
0.FFFFFFF... = 1

Some numbers have two decimal writings, deal with it.

>> No.6142514

I meant to say (see Cantor set) for the base 3... Sorry.

>> No.6143318

In what digit does it end?

>> No.6144998

Are you saying that 0.999... ends in a digit not equal to 9?

>> No.6145022

of course it doesn't
.99.. doesn't end so it can't have a last digit

>> No.6145043

true. as it doesn't have a last digit, the value of the last digit must be zero

>> No.6145044

no the value of it does not exist

>> No.6145047

how can you use a pronoun about something that doesn't exist

>> No.6145051

phlogisten is a poor explanation for combustion as it does not exist.

x^2+1=0 has no real solutions.
They do not exist.

>> No.6145064
File: 11 KB, 200x243, russell1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those sentences are nonsensical

the golden mountain does not sxist

>> No.6145094


oh look. this equation is sooooooooooooooo hard. could nevereverever solve it nosiree.

>> No.6145096

There are no real solutions.
Do you not understand that?

>> No.6145164

There is no real such that the ith decimal is 1 if and only if the ith program halts, and 0 otherwise. Yet, such a real can be narrowed down in R since it's between 0 and 1.

>> No.6146726

>There are no real solutions.

Yes, there are. Have you never heard of imaginary numbers?

>> No.6146966


here you go a 57 page narcistic proof that 0.999 can not = 1.000...

>> No.6146968

so you don't know what a real solution is?

>> No.6146973

what the fuck is all this shit

>> No.6146976

Lets try that in base 3.

(1/10) = 0.1
10 * (1/10) = (10/10) = 1
10 * 0.1 = 1

You're still right, but it doesn't look as convenient as that.

>> No.6146982

You can't divide 1 by 3 in decimal.
You get 3 of 0.(3) and one 0.(0)1
Which is four parts, not three.

>> No.6146986

Limit to the sequence.

To make 0.99999... you can make a sequence of 0.9*10^-n from n=1 to infinity.
ie 0.9+0.09+0.009+etc

>> No.6146990

this proof >>6146966
shows why It is false.

>> No.6146992

No one has time to read that shit u fgt

>> No.6146999

That's a fun read, good satire.

Shame is anyone who can understand the content is probably going to know he isn't serious.

>> No.6147005

Are you a fucking chimp?
In dozenal it would be 4/10
four out of do
Which is EXACTLY 0.4
0.4 * 3 = 1.2 in decimal
0.4 * 3 = 1 in dozenal


>> No.6147011

But that's wrong.
You can't divide 1 by 3 in decimal.

>> No.6147012

That guy argues that Eulers formula doesn't work because infinity isn't real, but one of his arguements is that you can subtract 0.00...(infinity zeroes)...1 from 1 to get 0.999... which is hilarious.

Then by skimming i can summarize:
-jacks off with fractions
-real numbers don't exist, compares 0.333... to pi and e
-infinity is a lie again
-simple algebra lies
-i got borded half way

This might as well be a document on 1+1=/=2

>> No.6147022

it doesn't it = 5

>> No.6147075

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1
1/3 = .333333......
.33333.... + .33333.....+ .33333... = .99999.....
.99999..... = 1

>> No.6147480

1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 != 1
Take a pie. Try to divide it into three parts. Good job, you did it.

Now give the same pie to a perfectionist, tell him this is a decimal pie.
He won't be able to divide it into three parts. There will be four, but the fourth part will be the one that's impossible to notice because of how infinitely small it is, 0.000...1

>> No.6147501

This proves nothing. If anything it would prove that .333… + .333… + .333… = 1, not .999…

>> No.6147513


>> No.6147578

Guys, can't we just say it's close enough?

>> No.6147586


>> No.6147589

Your mum is close enough

>> No.6147590

Simple algebra:
x = 0.999...

If you want to get smarter than that just figure it out with euler's formula to find the limit.

>> No.6147592
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>> No.6147595

your mom = 999...9999.6

>> No.6147593

I meant 10x=9.999...

>> No.6147598

So from the left you take -1 off and from the right you take -0.999... off?
That's already prejudiced for the answer, which in turn results in the answer

>retards actually believe this

>> No.6147605

Did you drop out of highschool or did you live in a backwards country that doesn't teach simultaneous equations?
x=0.999... (eqn 1)
multiply eqn 1 by 10
10x=0.999... (eqn 2)
subtract eqn1 from eqn 2

you can use the same equation for any numbers with repeating numbers in a sequence

>> No.6147619

>subtract eqn1 from eqn 2
Oh, I forgot about that.

>> No.6148935

You have no idea why the second line is true. Protip: The reason is not "because my teacher said so". Please learn how the reals are constructed.

>> No.6148942

- 9

stop being an elitist ass

>> No.6148950

You have no idea why this algorithm works. Please take a babby course on analysis and stop spreading preschool tier ignorance.

>> No.6148955

it works because 3*3 =9
are you an idiot?

>> No.6148959

You didn't even understand the question.

>> No.6148963

And clearly you don't understand the algorithm because you can do it with 3rd grade math.
Can I take whole division? ja
Can I mod? ja
Can I subtract? ja
algorithm complete

>> No.6148968

But you don't understand why it works. You do it because your teacher instructed you. Sadly I have to say that given your posts ITT you will probably never understand why it works. Please do us all a favor and do not talk about math. Accept that you are untalented and refrain from letting everyone know of your deficiency.

>> No.6148974

no I understand that what's left over after I do whole number division I can continue to divide.

stop pushing your elitism, it's easy to understand without faggoting it up with abstract mathematics

>> No.6148979

<span class="math"> \frac{10000}{3} = 3000 +\frac{1000}{3}[/spoiler]
is it really that hard for you?

>> No.6148981

Why do you do this? Is it really necessary to run around and tell everyone that you're mentally on the level of a 6 year old? This is a science and math board. When we talk about math, we talk about real math, not about preschool math.

>> No.6148982

Does .9999 + .9999= 2?



>> No.6148985

> When we talk about math, we talk about real math
arithmetic is real math dumbass

>> No.6148989

If you want to provide a different solution go ahead
but don't say you can't understand why 1/3=.3333... with basic arithmetic

but the advanced folk never actually post solutions soooo I defend the idiots from elitist fags

>> No.6148999

>but don't say you can't understand why 1/3=.3333... with basic arithmetic

Applying a procedure just because your teacher told you to do does not constitute a proof. Please learn how the reals are constructed.

>> No.6149003

I did not apply a procedure because a teacher told me to.
It's obvious. If you don't think it is, point out the part of the algorithm you are struggling with and I will help you through it.

>> No.6149009

It is not obvious at all and you know that. Please stop pretending to be retarded.

>> No.6149016

<span class="math">\frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{10}\frac{10}{3}=\frac{1}{10}\left(3+\frac{1}{3}\right) [/spoiler]

>> No.6149019 [DELETED] 

<span class="math"> \frac{1}{3}=\frac{1}{10}\frac{10}{3 }
<span class="math">\frac{1}{10} \frac{10}{3 } =\frac{1}{10} \left(3 + \frac{1}{3} \right) [/spoiler][/spoiler]

>> No.6149022

<span class="math"> \frac{1}{3} = \frac{1}{10} \frac{10}{3 }= \frac{1}{10} \left(3+ \frac{1}{3} \right) [/spoiler]

>> No.6149023

You only know analysis because your book told you/teacher told you. Idiot.

>> No.6149024

You blew your cover. If you want to pretend being a 6 year old, you're not supposed to know LaTeX.

>> No.6149025

You have one apple

Then take a very small piece from it

Now you have 0.9999 apples, a small peice is missing

Are you telling me that somehow new apple matter pops out of thin air to complete it and make it 1 again?
Conservation of energy, bitch

>> No.6149033

These fucking analysisfags. Fuck. I just started working on real analysis, am I gunna turn into a prick like these guys?

>you only know multiplication because your teacher told you so
>hurrr durr learn how the reals are constructed
>implying the reals aren't constructed to allow 1/3=.33333333....

>> No.6149045

You didn't take a small part of it. You took a part big enough that the part you took is>0.00000....00001
This obviously isn't going to make the entire apple.

If you took part of the apple that was so small it is zero, then you'd have the whole goddamn apple.

>> No.6149046
File: 18 KB, 184x184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are posting in a troll thread... For a week!

>> No.6149051

I also forgot the other alternative to what I was saying. Maybe a book didn't teach you how to "prove" something or a teacher didn't tell you how the reals were constructed.

Maybe you constructed and proved and learned everything all on your own?

Also go up to a 5th grader and when they tell you 1/3 is .33333 tell them they don't know how the reals are constructed. Jackass.

>> No.6149052


I think I understand

So what if it wasn't an apple, but, say, a banana

>> No.6149053

5th graders are not supposed to be here. 4chan is an 18+ forum.

>> No.6149067

that doesn't mean we all take real analysis dumbass

>> No.6149077

If you didn't take it, then don't talk about things you don't understand, you impolite asshole.

>> No.6149083

But you can do it without it you autistic asswipe

>> No.6149096
File: 36 KB, 493x342, retardalert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you can't.

>> No.6149112

what part of >>6149022 do you not understand?

>> No.6149121

That post doesn't prove anything. You don't even know what a proof is. Stop wasting your time on 4chan and get some education.

>> No.6149127

> real analysis = education

>> No.6149140

>Math is not philosophy.

>> No.6149336

let us assume you are correct, and that .9999....=/=1

given 1/9=.111111....
and 9/9=1
.9999.../9 =/= 1/9
.1111... =/= 1/9
1/9 =/= 1/9

>> No.6149363

We know. Well, except for the retards, anyway. But they are irrelevant.

>> No.6149372

.999... is not a number. It is a limit as the variable approaches infinity [lim(n->infinity)(1-1/n)]. Infinity does not exist. Therefore, .999... does not exist. It exists in theory because we treat infinity as a number. That's fine, because it works. However, when we treat infinity as a number in theoretical applications such as limits, derivation, and integration, we have to remember that we are treating infinity as a number, and can therefore manipulate it as a number with operations such as subtraction and addition. That means we can take a hypothetical number n=1-[1/(infinity-1)], which is equal to .999.... If .999...=1, then 1-[1/(infinity-1)]=1, which means 1/(infinity-1)=0, which means 1=0(infinity-1). This is clearly incorrect, since 0x, with x being a number, is always equal to 0, and infinity is being treated as a number in this situation. Of course infinity is not a number and cannot be manipulated like this in real life, but infinity doesn't exist, so using infinity in limits also doesn't work in real life. It only works in theory when infinity is treated as a number. Claiming that .999...=1 is allowing infinity to be manipulated as a number in some ways that do not work in real life but not in others, all within the same theoretical situation. The difference between .999... and 1 is negligable to the extent that they can be treated as the same number in practical applications, but they are, by definition, not equal.

>> No.6149375

Two numbers that are infinitely close are not necessarily equal. Put two bricks next to each other so they are touching. There is no space between them but they are not at the same location. More accurately, consider quantum mechanics. Two quantum points can be infinitely close, yet they are still distinct points. Since distance is defined in terms of Planck length, the only thing that can exist between two quantum points is other quantum points. If there is distance between them, it is because there are quantum points between them. If two quantum points with nothing between them are the same point, then all quantum points are the same point, which means that the entire Universe is a single point. The same holds true for number. If we are dealing with concepts of infinity and infinitely small numbers (which we are when dealing with infinite sums/sequences/series such as .999...) then it is irrelevant whether or not there is something between two values. If you disagree, you are a fucking moron and should kill yourself.

>> No.6149377

Except infinity doesn't exist either. .999... doesn't exist. It only does in theory, and in theory an infinitely small (infinitesimal) nonzero value does exist. It's a matter of concepts (just like .999... and all infinite sums) and seeing as we are capable of fathoming the possibility, it does exist as a concept.

>> No.6149380

Correct. The mean of .999... and 1 is .999...5

>> No.6149381

>consider quantum mechanics
Why is it that the best explanations of things always seem to begin with "consider quantum mechanics"?

It's like QM has this inherent ability to make explanations of ordinary things entertaining as hell.

I guess we have pop-scientists to thank for that.

>> No.6149383

Yes. 1-.999...=.000...1=1/(10^infinity).
1/3 and 2/3 do not have decimal representations, fucktards.

>> No.6149399


>> No.6149401

Of course, some people are just retarded and pretend that if no numbers exist between two numbers then those numbers are the same, because those people are too unintelligent to realize that when we are dealing with infinitely small values, infinite sums, limits, etc, there are some things that apply to integers that no longer apply.

>> No.6149402


Part of your argument is that math is not theoretical. Beyond that, you are confused about several other concepts. The certainty with which you express them followed by

>If you disagree, you are a fucking moron and should kill yourself.

indicate that you are a childish sciolist. The arrogance required to believe that you somehow have greater insight into mathematics than people who have studied it in depth for years and who have obtained higher degrees in it is astounding. Of course, that does not mean that everyone who gets a degree must necessarily understand the subject (it depends on the courses, the institution, etc.), but to believe that everyone in a field is wrong when you yourself have clearly not studied the subject at a graduate level or above is just unbelievable.

>More accurately, consider quantum mechanics

Incidentally, this whole section screams "I don't know what I'm talking about, but there's a good chance I like pop-sci and occasionally skim wiki articles".

Again, you are conflating physics with math, concepts with materia.

Go look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. Given your belligerence I doubt that you will realize how wrong you are, but perhaps in a few years when you've matured a bit and developed your interests beyond superficial fascination, it will help you to realize what an insufferable adolescent you were.

Until then, create a twitter account and follow in Jaden's footsteps.

>> No.6149405

see >>6149383
he's clearly a troll and you have been trolled by him

>> No.6149408

Actually I can split one thing into three parts perfectly, if each time of quantum present is present in a quantity divisible by 3.

>> No.6149412


>> No.6149419

I believe you are the one who dropped out of high school and lives in a backwards country.

10n=9.999... - 9*(10^-infinity)
9n=9.999... - 9*(10^-infinity) - .999...
9n=9 - 9*(10^-infinity)


>> No.6149420


>> No.6149424


>> No.6149434

My argument is that math IS theoretical, hence being able to treat infinity as a number and use infinitely small numbers such as 10^-infinity.

It doesn't matter how long someone has studied math because this is a theoretical thought experiment and requires looking at it from a theoretical, philosophical stance. It does not require knowledge of mathematics. The reason many mathematicians falsely believe that .999...=1 is because the two can be used interchangeably in most if not all practical applications (even theoretical mathematical problems). The reason is because infinitely small values do not exist in reality (and therefore neither do infinite sums nor .999...) so when we deal with such things we are just sort of representing something with something else. So yes .999... represents 1 when it is the solution to certain problems, but it doesn't even exist outside of theory, and in theory it is 10^-infinity less than 1.

I have done more than skim wiki articles. I took a quantum mechanics university course with graduate students (as well as undergrad juniors/seniors) when I was 17.

I was not conflating physics with math, I was giving an example to help readers to understand, because it is a parallel situation of the same concept.

>> No.6149437

you're not b& ;)

>> No.6149444

There is no such thing as infinity zeroes followed by a one, the limit of the series would be a zero if there was anyway.

>> No.6149488


Its posts like these that dissuade me from responding. There is so much stupid shit here that I'd feel like I'd be wasting my time as it must be bait.

>> No.6149730

This could've been said without
>consider quantum mechanics
And it would've been more credible.
Like anyone on /sci/ has an in depth knowledge of quantum mechanics, gotta love science as religion.

>> No.6150167

>I have seen a lot of trolling about .999= 1 lately

That is because mathematicians are not computer scientists.

>> No.6150169

>mfw mods dont insta-delete these threads.

there is no mod. athiests -= 1

>> No.6151292

You just explained how it can be defined consistently.

>> No.6152101

Many of us have a deeper understanding of quantum mechanics. Have you never seen the Schrödinger cat threads?

>> No.6152124

If 0.999... = 1 then Pi = 4

>> No.6152332

babby's first infinitesimal

>> No.6152335

Why does decimal representation even exist? Why do fractions even exist? Why can't we just live with integers?

>> No.6152391

This thread is proof /sci/ has no mods.

>Two numbers that are infinitely close are not
necessarily equal. Put two bricks next to each
other so they are touching.

Don't try to put physics in math. The bricks touch without overlapping because the electron clouds in the atoms won't overlap. There's still space between the bricks. It's just smaller than we can see.

>> No.6152392

IF there was anyway, it doesn't exist in real numbers, but it can exist in the hyperreals

>> No.6152428

Due to quantum mechanics, no objects are truly separate, and the closer objects are the higher the chance particles may be jumping between them. The "electron cloud" model is gone. Physics is fully in line with .99=1.

>> No.6153450

Why does this post make so much sense?

>> No.6153489


Is this bait?

>> No.6153493

>Does .66666=.7?

Nope, but .66666.... = 2/3
And 0.99999.... = 3/3 = 1

>> No.6154637

We know they are not equal. It's just a useful approximation. I mean, come on, in what real life application would you want to have infinite digits?

>> No.6154642

Whenever you measure an integer value

>> No.6154664

How can you compare a number with only one significant digit to a number with an infinite number of significant differences, and conclude that the infinite number somehow controls the single digit?

1 is not 1.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ad infinitum; it's just 1.

Somewhere between .95 and 1.04.

>> No.6154666

So, in other words, the "electron cloud model" that was shoved down everyone's throat as obviously the TRUTH was in fact WRONG.

stay classy /sci/

>> No.6154691

One divided by three is what?

Okay. Now that you've come that far, multiply it by three.

What is the result?

If you don't get it now, kill yourself.

>> No.6154693

One extra digit is countable

There's only one

>> No.6155595

>One divided by three is what?

One divided by three is 1/3.

>> No.6156209

What does this have to do with the OP?

>> No.6157445

> go on about your business

Thank you, I will.

>> No.6158545

I know what you're trying to say and I have to tell you that you're retarded and don't know what a proof is.

>> No.6160006

Is there a global smooth solution to the Navier-Stokes equation? You can't name one? Yeah, that's what I thought.

>> No.6161529

How about 0.999... with an uncountable number of 9's? What would change?

>> No.6161738

Do you even math faggot? Just use geometric series you fucktard.

.6666666 is 6/10 + 6/100 + 6/1000...

Therefore: 6(1/10)^n

D/1-R --------> (1/10)/(1-(1/10))= 1/9.

6(1/9) = 6/9 or 2/3.

You understand now idiot.

Let's use this same concept for 0.9999...

You get 9(1/9). What does that equal idiot? Oh yes. Of course.


You see, the progression of math suggests the ignoring in consistently smaller values. Such values become negligible. Calculus for example is heavily based on this- just look at limits.

0.9999.... mathematically is 1, even if intuitively we don't view it as such.

>> No.6161750

except 0.9... doesn't terminate. so you can't have a mean that terminates as well.
the arithmatic mean of 0.9... and 1.0 is 0.99...

>> No.6161834

/thread? what no not even close. let's start over

>> No.6161840

you're right .9999+.9999 doesn't equal 2 but .999...+.999.... does equal 2

>> No.6161841

>0.999... with an uncountable number of 9's
This doesn't even make any sense.

Every 9 is by definition at the nth digit after the decimal point.
n is a natural number, and thus there are only countably many nines because each nine has a unique natural number assigned.

>> No.6161851

>let's start over
y.pls no

>> No.6161860

Wow, someone wasted a tremendous amount of time on that.

>> No.6161873

read the first line

here is the axiom used for continuous numbers

for any two real distinct real numbers a and b such that b>a there is a real and distinct number between them z such that z = (a+b)/2 where a<z<b.

this is also recursive

>> No.6161897

This isn't really an axiom.

It follows from accepting some basic ordered field axioms.

If a<b

then a+a<a+b



>> No.6163222

>If a<b

But this is what we want to prove. You cannot assume it.

>> No.6163300

>x = 0.9999.....
>10x = 9.99999.....
>10x - x = 9.9999.... - 0.999....
>9x = 9.000....81
>x = 1.000....9
x = 0.9999.....

10x = 9.99999.....

10x - x = 9.9999.... - 0.999....

9x = 8.9999....81

x = 0.9999.....9 = 1

>> No.6163305

Isn't the whole 0.999... = 1 thing based on the fact that you have taken the axiom of choice on faith?

>> No.6163310

jesus christ, how young people visit this board?

>> No.6163315

> if I mention trolling in my post, /sci/ won't know I'm a troll

>> No.6163360

x = 0.9999...
10x = 99.9999...
10x - x = 9.9999... - 0.9999...
9x = 9
x = 1

>> No.6163385

>There are no intelligent people on this board
That was already obvious.

>> No.6164497

I am intelligent.

>> No.6165303

yeah it shows


>> No.6166458

and you had to bring this shit up again

>> No.6166879

Indeed, it does.

>> No.6167965

Yes, there is.

>> No.6169467

I have seen a lot of trolling about IQ lately.

>> No.6170137

Why does /sci/ always have threads about this dumbass topic?

>> No.6170162

0.666...(infinite 6s)...666 = 0.666...67 = 0.666...7 = etc. = 0.7
therefore, 2/3 = 0.7

>> No.6170191

0.666... =/= 0.6667

>> No.6170270

.999... is an irrational number that repeats infinitely, meaning that it is smaller than 1 by an infinitesimally small quantity. The thing to understand is that infinity is NOT a number, nor does it behave like one, so the INFINITELY small difference between the two is gone.

>> No.6170416
File: 258 KB, 351x364, 1376169530602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.999... is an irrational number

>> No.6170461

>10*0.9 = 99
>99 - 9 = 9

>> No.6171812

Do you even algebra?

>> No.6171883

0.9999.... isn't a number

>> No.6172808

Can we define it as a number?

>> No.6172822

>Put two bricks next to each other so they are touching. There is no space between them but they are not at the same location. More accurately, consider quantum mechanics
And this is where I realised you have no idea that physics models reality, whereas in mathematics you work within axiomatic systems. Also, please don't use "consider quantum mechanics" unless it's absolutely required.

>> No.6174184

Quantum mechanics can be treated axiomatically as well.

>> No.6175000

You cannot represent it as a finite fraction.

>> No.6176221

Because it is an open conjecture.

>> No.6177688

Very good explanation.

>> No.6179267

Yes, there is but I can't represent it in decimals.

>> No.6179277

Yes you can, 1/1.

>> No.6179283

Why is 90% who doesn't do pure maths clinically retarded when it comes to being rigorous?

>> No.6179285

Represent it any way you like... I'll wait

>> No.6179286

Describe is some other way then. Or at least prove it exists.

>> No.6179291

it's the EXACT ratio of x:x where x!=0

>> No.6179293


>> No.6179299



>> No.6179317

..99999 = -1

>> No.6179320

I mean x is not zero since 0:0 is undefined

>> No.6180561

It is not undefined.

>> No.6181000

>intuition argument

<span class="math">.999... = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{9}{10^n}=1[/spoiler]

>> No.6181004

Actually it's because people on /sci/ want everything in math and science to be completely based on cutesy little thought experiments (a la Aristotle). Whip out an infinite sum and they just go on their way

>> No.6181012

Nice trips. By the way, bringing up trips on /sci/ doesn't lower the quality of THIS thread.

>> No.6181048

That series converges to 10.

See theorem 3.26 in Babby Rudin

>> No.6181053

Sorry, didn't see n=1. Nevermind.

>> No.6181343

1 divided by 3 is 1/3. Multiplying that by 3 gives us 1.

>1 divided by 3 is .333...
But its not.

>> No.6181389

0.999 = 1.000

>> No.6181394

>Not using the PLUS
Cis scum. Upgrade.

>> No.6181413

but does .00[repeating forever]1= 0?

>> No.6181415


.999 does not equal 1
.999 is the same as 999/1000

op never specified that the nines are infinitely repeating.

>> No.6182283


>> No.6182737

Have you ever considered that perhaps the problem isn't that when 3 thirds are combined they create 0.999..., but instead, the problem lies within the original operation of 1 thing being divided into 3, creating 0.333...?

>> No.6183499
File: 7 KB, 184x184, e0396d9ee6232c8a0f181efac9b3a1d9b3d01a1a_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.999 may not equal 1, but does 3x^2 + 24x + 45 over 3x + 15 simplify to (x + 3)(x + 5)?

Answer: no

>> No.6183525

If the 0's repeat forever, then there's no 1 at the end. "0.00[repeating forever]1" is nonsense.

>> No.6183529


1.00000.....1? As an, a one followed by an infinite number of 0's, you put a 1?

Do you realize how the phrase "after an infinite number of 0's" might be more than slightly full of shit?

>> No.6183533

Pretty sure it is 3(x+5)...

>> No.6185202

You didn't tell us the value of x.

>> No.6187448

I am a simpleton and I thank OP for the good explanation.

>> No.6189063

You have to solve for x.

>> No.6189095

There are very simple proofs quit being a fucking idiot.

>> No.6189876

>You might think infinitely small number exist. They don't

>What is hyperreal number system

>> No.6189915



>> No.6191205

Complaining about 4chan is against the rules.

>> No.6192837

Hyperreal are made up and don't exist in reality.

>> No.6192842

Post ponies if you want to get rid of it.

>> No.6193770

That would get him banned.

>> No.6193782

>thinking theres no mods
Then whos posting these you faggot?

>> No.6195040

Looks like you're right.

>> No.6195364

s 0.999... exactly equal to 1? This is in a fact a central problem in math(despite what you assume as insignificant) connected to existence of infinitesimals and foundations of modern math.

1:: 1=0.999...
source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999......
academic consensus: nearly all academics agree
proofs: Many
field of math:real numbers , real analysis, any field which denies infinitesimals(practically all modern math)
Some selected Wikipedia quotes:
<The equality 0.999... = 1 has long been accepted by mathematicians and is part of general mathematical education.>
<Although the real numbers form an extremely useful number system, the decision to interpret the notation "0.999..." as naming a real number is ultimately a convention, and Timothy Gowers argues in Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction that the resulting identity 0.999... = 1 is a convention as well:

However, it is by no means an arbitrary convention, because not adopting it forces one either to invent strange new objects or to abandon some of the familiar rules of arithmetic.[47]

One can define other number systems using different rules or new objects; in some such number systems, the above proofs would need to be reinterpreted and one might find that, in a given number system, 0.999... and 1 might not be identical. However, many number systems are extensions of —rather than independent alternatives to— the real number system, so 0.999... = 1 continues to hold. Even in such number systems, though, it is worthwhile to examine alternative number systems, not only for how 0.999... behaves (if, indeed, a number expressed as "0.999..." is both meaningful and unambiguous), but also for the behavior of related phenomena. If such phenomena differ from those in the real number system, then at least one of the assumptions built into the system must break down.

>> No.6195436

0.999... (n.): 1

>> No.6195468

Why won't this thread die? Do you people really thing this stupid problem is so interesting? It's a logical consequence of the way we typically define real numbers and how to represent them as decimals that 0.999... = 1.

Can you make a number system where the above inequality is not true? Yes. Does that mean you broke mathematics or even did something worth mentioning? No.

>> No.6196486

In what number system is it not true?

>> No.6196663

No, it's fucking not. 0.999...=1. Goddamn, I hate /sci/.

>> No.6196761

Because /sci/ is for /sci/tposting.

>> No.6196770


>> No.6196781 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 500x403, alfreb einstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People complaining about a troll thread lasting over a month
>Those said people not saging

It's there for a reason. That said:
>A troll thread lasting over a month

>> No.6196785
File: 126 KB, 706x674, Shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saging, because it's the thought that counts

>> No.6196800
File: 146 KB, 1378x790, scitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason sage isn't working. IDK why, I tried it earlier and am trying it now.

>> No.6196805

sage has been disabled for all boards, I think. still saging.
because it's the thought that counts

>> No.6196808

Sage is invisible.

>> No.6198670

/sci/ is for science and math. If you want to shitpost, you can do it on /b/.

>> No.6198681

Sage is working it's just invisible nowadays. This thread just gets bumped twice a day.
Mods not doing their job so there is nothing that can be done.

>> No.6198716
File: 1.89 MB, 360x360, 1355255868546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mods not doing their job so there is nothing that can be done.
>implying the mods job is to remove threads that you don't like

>> No.6198722
File: 3 KB, 80x80, close thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mods not doing their job so there is nothing that can be done.

But it is a science thread and no rules have been broken.

When you don't like a thread, hit the damn minus button and be done with it. Why do you torture yourself by replying to it? How old are you? Just fucking deal with it… and get back on you Aspergers meds.

>> No.6198729

>implying this thread and the fact that is last-page-bumped every week isnt an example of the worst shitposting on all of /sci

muh IQ thread poster, detected... plz go back to /b/ and kill yourself on livecam. k thx

>> No.6198734

there is a general rule about shitposting on 4chan, moron.

>> No.6198739

don't feed the trolls plox

>> No.6198741

isnt the post limit only 300? 15 to go...

>> No.6198747

Not like a new one won't pop up instatly
Or just pick one of the other 2 0.999=1 threads on the front page.

>> No.6198748

13 to go..

>> No.6198750

yes. but i want to kill THIS one.

>> No.6198756
File: 43 KB, 500x370, 1305710980400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point

>> No.6198757
File: 10 KB, 303x276, 1344835638610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are childish as fuck. seriously, how hard is it to just fucking hide a thread you dont like??

but instead, you autistic spergs prefer to post IN THE FUCKING THREAD ITSELF complaining about its existence.

>> No.6198755


>> No.6198760


>> No.6198762


>> No.6198763

i'm afraid you can't do that, anon.
you're proving that 1 is equal to 1. think about it logically.

>> No.6198761

Hello EK. Haven't seen you for a while. How's it going?

>> No.6198766

im meta trolling you into bumping the thread out of existance right now. hows that feel, retard?

>> No.6198767


>> No.6198768

We're just gonna start a new one. Problem, shitposter?

>> No.6198770

>3 posts left

>> No.6198772


>> No.6198773
File: 606 KB, 485x750, neil_patrick_stewart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drop the trip half a fucking year ago and still with the whole th-

- i mean im fine, thanks, how are you. :D

>> No.6198774

>calling me the shitposter

lol. eat a dick.

>> No.6198777

I'm apathetic and empty as always. Unlike you I have no meds I could take to make my problems go away.

>> No.6198778 [DELETED] 

I'm just gonna buy a 4chan pass and make a script that will auto-bump your shit threads into nowhere land every time you make one.

This is /sci/ after all...

>> No.6198779
File: 169 KB, 430x320, GETHEFUCKOUT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint the OP you fucking retard, and i dont give a shit about this thread.
also, you're a complete cumguzzling fuckhead who doesnt understand that whoever IS the actual OP, will just remake this fucking thread again, because imbeciles like you are such easy bait, so you give them a reason to.

eat shit

>> No.6198782

hes more than happy to sihtpost wether people post or not.
The point is just to take space in the board.

It's your legacy, not like your posts are difficult to spot.

>> No.6198784

why the fuck would I think you were OP? You are just some buttmad faggot who gets so mad that people are bumping a troll thread, you jump in and bump it yourself.

Which pretty much makes you a hypocritical retard, doesnt it?

>> No.6198785
File: 1.22 MB, 1484x998, superpills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice trips. and cant you just get meds? ..or something? theres always something that can be done to fix the state of 'feeling like shit'
emotional states can be extremely variable hun.

>> No.6198788

>shitposting because I am pushing a troll thread off the board

no, i just have borderline OCD and am very sick of seeing this specific thread every day.

>> No.6198792

>admiring random and common number alignments on /sci/

wow. talk about shitposting.

>> No.6198793

>The point is just to take space in the board.
only if you let them. you can just hide the thread, ya-know?
which by the way, i will fucking be doing as soon as im done here, because this thread is ass.

i wasn't even bumping it you thick cunt. i sage.

>> No.6198797
File: 62 KB, 400x505, 1324238910061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deal with it

>> No.6198800

I was talking about the OP, whos willing to reply to himself for days if have to just to take space on the board.

Well it reserves one spot from the board, more with more shit threads. It's not like your regular troll that disapears in 1 day.

Besides I don't like hiding threads (exepct sticky) since you never know what gets posted. I just don't normally post in them more than I have to.

>> No.6198805


>hurrdurr dubs ar speshul
>thinks im the one who needs to deal with it
lol, im not the one with a special problem here.

>> No.6198815
File: 186 KB, 600x550, ubamaumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel, i dont actually give a shit about dubs. but it's funny how worked up you're getting about it
cry more

>> No.6198836
File: 338 KB, 1920x1200, 1253669704160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.6666 +.0001(effect of rounding)

>.9999+.0001(effect of rounding)

No matter how far out you calculate 0.99999... the effect of rounding the final computed digit will always result in an even 1.0

>> No.6199909

hey mods, can we just sticky this thread so that everybody can always see how bad /sci/ is `right on the front page and then you wont have to pretend to do your jobs anymore.

>> No.6199912

>admires somebodies trips
>gets called out on it because lets face it, it is behavior suitable for 12 year old /b/tards
>does about face and claims not to care about dubs/trips

Who are you fooling again, faggot?

>> No.6200472

i aint fooling anyone. i really dont care. so find something else to obsess over, you autistic little cunt