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6123265 No.6123265 [Reply] [Original]

"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"

>> No.6123268

>yfw Bezos is keeping Blue Origin so secret because he actually wants to start Rapture on Mars

>> No.6123273

But not his tax dollars.

>> No.6123276


>> No.6123282
File: 13 KB, 204x118, 1374126485940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you disagree with the amount you're being taxed I agree with you.

If you disagree with the idea of taxation you can fuck off back to your anarchist utopia where no one will protect you from being murdered in your sleep.

>> No.6123294

I can understand being pissed at the idea of income tax, though, which does sound like a sweat-of-his-brow kind of thing that Slightly Saner Ayn Rand might still rail against.

>> No.6123304

you do realize the whole point of Bioshock was showing the idiocy of the ideals guiding Ryan and Rapture

>> No.6123308

People always say this, but I fail to see how.
The whole place looks like it's well run.
The bit that broke it was poor decisions on Ryan's part (i.e. banning things such as religion, which is against his ideology anyways) and the whole "plasmids turn you into insane killers thing"

>> No.6123314 [DELETED] 

>The whole place looks like it's well run.

Did you miss the part when the city is a crumbling ruin filled with rioting lunatics? Because that's the entire fucking game.

>> No.6123319

>The whole place looks like it's well run.
>The bit that broke it was poor decisions on Ryan's part (i.e. banning things such as religion, which is against his ideology anyways) and the whole "plasmids turn you into insane killers thing"
So it was well run aside from the deeply fatal flaws that turned the place into a charnel house. Okay.

Ryan was a fool and Rapture was doomed to fail. Because that's how they were written.

>> No.6123344

No, the Neolithic started a long time ago you fucking kike.

>> No.6123349

This is what the IWW were for.

>> No.6123565

Be-cause, must as you middle class spoiled, selfish kiddos, like to think yourself as "capitalists", yet protected by some ideological mambo jumbo, where everyone else is totally is too but "only within the rules"

In reality, and quite realistically come to think about it, much as in bioshock, there is always going to be someone around who is actually going to be a real bastard, who will do corruption, crime, blackmailing and all that lovely stuff. Outcompeting your by power of social connections and force.

>> No.6123593

> "Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
Fair Cooperation >> Rugged individualism

>> No.6123601

Except it is a strawman of Rand's beliefs to being with. Don't get me wrong, I am no Randian, but Ryan ruled over Rapture like a king. It is much more a critique of totalitarian rule than anything, which misconstrues the premise.

>> No.6123607

A man is only entitled to the sweat of his own brow if he's his own boss.

If a man works for someone else, the sweat is the intellectual property of his employer.

>> No.6123622

>"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"
Look, sir, this is a standard provision for space habitation contracts. It goes into recycling along with all of the other waste fluids.

You can't save yours up to take with you off-station. You only paid the cycling cost to drink the water, not to keep it. If you want to buy some chattel water, there's a supply vendor in the third ring.

>> No.6123669


And what happens when those bastards get all of your tax money to propagate their bastardization?

>> No.6123695

>infantile videogames

>> No.6123700

>And what happens when those bastards get all of your tax money to propagate their bastardization?

They use it to support the public institutions that enabled you to make the money in the first place?

>> No.6123710


>Portrayals of Objectivists
Brave, demonized anti-hero who's dream was flawed and eventually led to his downfall but was not created out of malice

>Portrayals of Socialists/Communists
Literally gangsters, A criminal and a con-man who uses the dreams of the middle-class that couldn't into a means to take absolute control. Power hungry, obviously evil

Rapture is a criticism, but it's definitely not of Objectivism. I also have to say that any society underwater was bound to fail just logistically.

>> No.6123717

>>Portrayals of Socialists/Communists
>Literally gangsters, A criminal and a con-man who uses the dreams of the middle-class that couldn't into a means to take absolute control. Power hungry, obviously evil
I wouldn't call that criticism, that's just the obvious truth.

>dream was flawed and eventually led to his downfall
Straw-man slander. Objectivists are optimal humans. Their dreams are never flawed.

>> No.6123730
File: 66 KB, 540x726, 1w7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sh-ould, learn to do but english.

>> No.6123998

yea, thats working out just fine