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6122984 No.6122984 [Reply] [Original]

Was Einstein really a fraud?

>> No.6122997 [DELETED] 


Oy vey it's like another shoah!

>> No.6123008

Good Goy

>> No.6123012

The physicist Albert Einstein did not participate directly in the invention of the atomic bomb-but was instrumental in facilitating its development. His Special Theory of Relativity emphasized that a large amount of energy could be released from a small amount of matter. This was expressed by the equation E=mc2 (energy = mass times the speed of light squared). The atomic bomb would clearly illustrate this principle.

>> No.6123018

>Was Einstein really a fraud?

His wife did most of the work. Hell, her name is placed first on a bunch of his papers as well. She was the smart one.

>> No.6123020
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He didn't really invent the atomic bomb. He pretty much told the U.S that the Germans were developing an atomic super weapon that can end the world, this is the physics they are using, and you should too. So he is not that important in that sense.

However, he did basically invent General Relativity and a lot of other modern physics shit like E=MyBalls^5, and little bits of quantum theory. Recently I was told by my professor that his wife did most of the mathematics for him and he took most of the credit.

So yeah, he is often mistaken for things he didn't do becuase of ignorant fags. However, he definitly did accomplish some monumental shit during his life.

>> No.6123026

I didn't know he married poincare

>> No.6123028


No atomic bomb works by converting mass into energy, as your comment seems to imply.

The theory of relativity has nothing at all to do with the atomic bombs (not directly anyway).

>> No.6123036

Mira. Look her up. She did most of the work behind Albert's work.

And he bribed & paid her off not to say a word after they divorced.

>> No.6123042

My perspectives on Einstein have changed over time.

RE: Atomic bomb.
He had very little to do with it, as everyone knows.

RE: Special Relativity.
The ideas in this theory seem to me to be discernible from Lorentz's equations. Fitzergerald, Poincare, Lorentz etc. had the equations (they're not exactly hard to get). Still, Einstein had the entire conception correct, whilst others were more reluctant to accept, or outright misunderstood the equations and what they implied.
This is the Einstein contribution which Einstein gets too much credit for.

RE: General Relavity
Far harder than special relativity, and almost entirely Einsteins conception.
The original ideas were Einsteins, but he struggled with the math.
Hilbert popped up later on and derived the Einstein field equations describing the theory almost simultaneously with Einstein. The final 10 equations were still completed first by Einstein on the 20th november, the same date Hilbert gave a lecture using the incorrect/superfluous 14 equations (4 extra).
Einstein deserves credit here, and it's also the most important bit of science connected with his name.

RE: Photoelectric Effect/Quantum Theory.
Thomas Kuhn argues that Einstein also deserves credit for the iniation of quantum theory. Typically, Planck is given credit.
I originally thought that Einsteins explanation for the photoelectric effect was a fairly simple deduction from Planck's E=hf. But Planck always considered his "packets" of energy to be purely nominal/theory, and not an accurate description of reality, whilst Einsteins explanation strictly requires those packets. This also suggests that Einstein understood the quantum nature of light/energy better than Planck.

Einstein is the deserved greatest physicist ever. Better than Newton.

>> No.6123043

Fuck, why /x/ don't go away

>> No.6123045

yes, and he also sucked at doing math in school, he almost failed once.

>> No.6123054

When he divorced that wife, he continued to make numerous contributions to physics and continued writing papers, while she did nothing. If she was the one doing everything how can you explain that? She also never said anything about doing the work, not even in private letters.

>> No.6123051
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he was actually extremely good in STEM related subjects in school

>> No.6123055

Einstein was a pleb who failed at babby math.

Here's what Hilbert said about him:
>Jeder Straßenjunge in unserem mathematischen Göttingen versteht mehr von vierdimensionaler Geometrie als Einstein.

>> No.6123059

you do realize he won the prize for photoelectric effect and not special relativity?
noble committee is pretty sharp when it comes to assigning credit

>> No.6123062

even if he was a fraud, pulling of the Annus Mirabilis papers still makes him exceptional.

seriously, how would a fraud to do this? get the most advanced works from multiple people, publish it in 1 year, make sure you get credit for it and not the original people. if he was a fraud, he was the best one there ever was.

>> No.6123067

good artists copy, great artists steal?

>> No.6123069


>> No.6123070

ur mums fake innit

>> No.6123071

he paid her off.

and he COLLABORATED since his wife left him. We don't know how much work HE actually did on all those collaboration papers.

Also, Einstein thought that quantum mechanics was WRONG and he postulated that black holes are impossible and didn't believe they could exist.

So he was just as fucking dumb and has said a ton of stupid shit over the years.


FACT is that his wide did a bulk of his early work. Everyone admits that.

>> No.6123075

in science, that's not stealing. its building on other peoples work.

>> No.6123078

>FACT is that his wide did a bulk of his early work. Everyone admits that.
No, no one admits that. Give me a reliable source that says this

>> No.6123083


>Albert Einstein was certainly the greatest physicist of the 20th century, and one of the greatest scientists of all time. It may seem presumptuous to talk of mistakes made by such a towering figure, especially in the cen- tenary of his annus mirabilis. But the mistakes made by leading scientists often provide a better insight into the spirit and presuppositions of their times than do their suc- cesses.1 Also, for those of us who have made our share of scientific errors, it is mildly consoling to note that even Einstein made mistakes. Perhaps most important, by showing that we are aware of mistakes made by even the greatest scientists, we set a good example to those who fol- low other supposed paths to truth. We recognize that our most important scientific forerunners were not prophets whose writings must be studied as infallible guides—they were simply great men and women who prepared the ground for the better understandings we have now achieved.

Einstein is famous today because jеwiѕh media has vaulted him to stratosphere. There were much smarter men, and even physicists, than him.

>> No.6123087

only if you give credit where it is due
people are taught he 'imagined' theory of relativity while in actual fact, he reconceptualized works of lorentz/poincare

>> No.6123090
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>yfw you realize the aether is real

>> No.6123091

We must develop a way to stop block /x/ from posting their conspiracy theories/aliums/religion shit here

>> No.6123092

thats so stupid.

>1. God Throws Dice.
status: currently unknown.

>2. Hubble Trouble
>3. Constant Hassles
so it is somehow bad to change your ideas based on the current evidence we have?

>4. A Field Day with Field Theory
>It wasn't even known at the time Einstein began his work, so he couldn't have guessed that he was unifying the wrong forces.
how? how the fuck could Einstein get it wrong, when it its wasn't even known at the time? I know Einstein was smart, but was he supposed to predict the weak force with no evidence, then unify it with EM?

this is the shityest article ive read in a long time.

>> No.6123093

In regards to #1, we still don't know if QM is deterministic or not so it's stupid to already say he was wrong

>> No.6123098

It sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.6123099

yes, Einstein was a fraud because popsci today is shit.

>> No.6123100

It is fucking neatorama for fucks sake!

>> No.6123103


>> No.6123106

why the fuck would I know what the hell "neatorama" is, and what it means for this discussion?

>> No.6123107

He wrote a letter encouraging the US to develop nuclear weapons.
The president of the US payed attention to his letter because he was already famous for the photoelectric effect.

>> No.6123111

Bohr and Oppenheimer were both Jews.

Nice try, pol.

>> No.6123117



Fermi was married to a jew as well.

>> No.6123121

Why is /pol/ so anti-Semitic?

>> No.6123120


this one too?


>> No.6123122

Nobody thinks Einstein invented the atomic bomb, although the original concept did develop from his work and he did discuss the possibility early on.

Also, Bohr and Oppenheimer were both also Jewish.

Just a couple of reasons that troll pic is silly.

And no, Einstein wasn't a fraud in any sense.

>> No.6123126

her name is on early papers and get writing style is in einstein's early work. is that conspiracy as well?


>> No.6123127

>Why is /pol/ so anti-Semitic?

That's like asking why a puddle is the same shape as the hole it's in. /pol/ was specifically created as a place for stormfag types to rant about jews, so they didn't shit up every other board so much.

>> No.6123134

Science is about finding the best explanation until a better one were found. The fact that a better explanation was found latter doesn't makes you a fraud.


>> No.6123152



This gives a pretty good overview of why some people think his wife was involved, and why she almost certainly wasn't.

It's just one of those myths that people keep repeating because it's a good story, despite not holding any water. Like how Nikola Tesla supposed had loads of fabulous inventions and free energy and shit, being kept secret by "greedy corporations"/the government/Thomas Edison/Jews/the Illuminati.

>> No.6123157
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feels good man

>> No.6123230

>you do realize he won the prize for photoelectric effect and not special relativity?
It was never suggested otherwise.
>noble committee is pretty sharp when it comes to assigning credit
I agree that the definitive account of the photoelectric effect was given by Einstein, and thus that Einstein was rightly chosen for the prize. But Einstein's singular importance is reduced somewhat depending on how much of the effect is predicted by Planck's earlier work on black bodies/quantisation; which is relevant, given the topic of this thread.

>> No.6123235

Hilbert was certainly a better pure mathematician than EInstein (of course), but Einstein still obtained the correct GR field equations before Hilbert (on top of setting up the entire edific of GR prior to finalising the equations).

>> No.6123242

Bohr was only half jew, and he married a nonjew, and had a famous, mostly nonjew scientist son, so it was obviously the nonjew side of his genes that were the important part. Thats how genetics works.

>> No.6123266

He was a Jew, deal with it.

>> No.6123331

He was as European as he was Jewish...

>> No.6123363

>omg einstein is one of the world's smartest people ever!

if he was so smart, why didn't he foresee his own death and do everything to prevent it?

>oh man, at this rate, I'm going to die!
>x years later = I've developed a method of sustained negligible senescence, I no longer age, unless if I get hurt or sick I will not die!
>now I can go back to theoretic physics and stuff!

>> No.6123371

>if hawkings is so smart, why doesn't he invent a cure for his disease?

>> No.6123372

Because the disease provides an excuse for hiding his vast psychic powers, which he uses to secretly fund a school for mutants.

>> No.6123382


>> No.6123388

>No atomic bomb works by converting mass into energy
Wrong. It does indeed. The nuclear binding energy contributes the the mass of the nucleus, the daughter nuclei (plus neutrons) do have less mass than original.

>> No.6123420

I thought it was Bohr that said

"Jeder weiß, dass Einstein war einfach ein dummer Jude, der seine Menschen "Notlage" verwendet werden, um weiterzukommen."

>> No.6123468


>> No.6123481

>Recently I was told by my professor
Is your professor a Jew?

>> No.6123519

I want /x/ and /pol/ to leave.

>> No.6123547

Same here.

>> No.6123711

He asked Hilbert to "fill in" all the portions of math that he didn't know in general relativity.

He scouted out Satyendra Bose, and publicized his theory, so now they associate quantum statistics with Einstein.

He looked at the work of Lorentz, Poincare, and Riemann, said he had a better interpretation, so now he gets credit for special relativity.

He looked at the work of Hertz, and said he had a better interpretation, so now he gets credit for the photoelectric effect.

He looked at the work of JJ Thompson and Nernst. Said a few more words, so now Einstein gets credit for Brownian motion.

Mass and momentum were known to have been related by the work of Maxwell.

An underrated scientist who's left a staggering impact on the world today?

John von Neumann

>> No.6123729

Einstein was a highly competent, productive, creative, and ambitious physicist.

And everything he did would have been done around the same time whether he lived or not.

The same can be said of practically any "great scientist". They catch the credit for the intellectual community of the day, because they were in the middle of it and worked on a key piece, and because we like to tell the "great scientist" story.

Even Isaac Newton probably didn't affect the progress of science by more than a few years. If he hadn't lived, we'd just call Newtonian mechanics some other name.

>> No.6123756

… Einstein couldn’t even figure out QM.

Nice try Shlomo.

>> No.6123764
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Another /pol/ reminding all us of all the famous jews

>> No.6123778

Einstein as a god at math.

They just tell retards in school that Einstein wasn't any good at math, so they'll feel better about their failures, and not kill themselves.

>> No.6123786


John von Neumann is underrated?

He's one of the biggest names of the 20th century.

>> No.6123792


>> No.6123805

>If he hadn't lived, we'd just call Newtonian mechanics some other name.
ie Leibinzian Mechanics. Hey-o!

>> No.6123832

I'm thinking Hookian

>> No.6123882

Sure but everyone needs a first. Even if his theories were not thought of for a few more years it would have been a huge difference in physics today.

>> No.6123888

That is a myth that narcissistic American's created so they don't have their self esteem crushed upon discovering they can't into maths.

>> No.6123913

honestly, he gets as much credit as he deserves. He was a bit hedonistic and lacked the depth of some mathematicians, but he was brilliant, and his work was indeed good.

>> No.6124093

>An underrated scientist who's left a staggering impact on the world today?
>John von Neumann

Von Neumann architecture was the work of Mauchly and Eckert.
His mathematical work in Quantum Mechanics was done independently by Dirac, who was a far more important figure in total.
The rest of his achievements are small compared to the two above, though very numerous, admittedly.

He was staggeringly intelligent, but his best known work wasnt really uniquely his own.

>> No.6124150
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Why do you use pop sci version of it?
It makes whatever post you make look ridiculous.

>> No.6124491

So Jacob was right about Einstein?

>mfw he is actually a super genius

>> No.6124514

This is so retarded.

>> No.6124523
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>> No.6124529

So what?
Lenin was only quarter-Jewish.
That's enough reason for /pol/ to drop the quarter part.

>> No.6124807
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>sitting under a tree and apple fell.. thats when my idea dawned on me
>my idea

>> No.6124817

The problem is that Marx and Trotsky were jewish to.So was Bella Kuhn and Ana Pauker and pretty much everyone else in the communist movement.