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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 198 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6120621 No.6120621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Isaac Newton was an imbecile. "hurr an apple fell on my head give me attention"

fucking prick

>> No.6120637

there was no apple.
it was for pop-/sci/ HS like you

not a gr8b8m8,2obvious

>> No.6120649

Christians 1 - 0 Atheists

>> No.6120749


if "sir" isaac newton was so smart, then why is he not looking at the camera in OP's image?

>> No.6120769


Nice troll attempt faggot!

Next your gonna try to tell me Einstein didn't fail math in elementary school I bet.

>> No.6120773

Wow. he invented calculus? big deal. I learnt that shit when I was 16 and i found it easy as fuck.

>> No.6120833

Leibniz invented calculus, published it and we still use his notation.

>> No.6120837


he wasn't an imbecile and apple never fell on his head. that's just a myth propagated by idiots who don't know shit.

if you want dirt on Newton, this is the only one I have on him: he never had sex. he died a virgin.

>> No.6120842

he was an alchemist

>> No.6120845

an apple did fall on his head

>> No.6120874

at that time, every scientist was. einstein didn't think quantum mechanics was correct or that black holes existed. your point?

I'm sure 200 years from now people will be mocking weird shit we believe to be true today.

>> No.6120879

it's nonsense.


>> No.6120890

An apple fell on his head when he was fucking a girl up against a tree.

In the height of his passion, he was momentarily confused about which way was up and was struck by the thought that the apple was also attracted to the girl, just as he was, or to him, as she was.

They were role-playing. He was calling her "Venus", and she was calling him "Apollo".

The rest is history.

>> No.6120899

There were, of course, copious amounts of drugs involved, which was the whole point of alchemy at the time.

>> No.6120902

apple never fell on his head
apple falling from a tree didn't immediately inspire him to create theory of gravity
he never fucked a girl
you're a terrible troll

>> No.6120908

23 years after the incident he did recall this memory after a visit from a notorious scientist

>> No.6120918

Heck yes

>> No.6121024

>report this thread the second I see it
>several hours later, it's still here

And some people have the gall to claim /sci/ isn't shit.