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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6119271 No.6119271 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the hardest science?
Which is the easiest?
Which is the most useful?
Which is the least useful?

>> No.6119281


>> No.6119284

>Which is the hardest science?
Sociology because it needs real understanding instead of memorizing equations.
>Which is the easiest?
Physics because equations can be used without creativity.
>Which is the most useful?
Economics because money.
>Which is the least useful?
Math because it is only mental masturbation.

>> No.6119295
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Not even sure anymore if this is a troll or actually trying to make a joke.

>> No.6119305

>Math because it is only mental masturbation.
that's true though

>> No.6119314

> Which is the hardest science?
> Which is the easiest?
> Which is the most useful?
Applied Physics
> Which is the least useful?
Theoretical Physics

prove me wrong

>> No.6119346

It depends on whether you're talking about pure or applied math. If the mathematics is too far removed from concrete computational processes, it quickly enters the realm of the useless.

>> No.6119355

> Which is the hardest science?
Fluid Mechanics
> Which is the easiest?
> Which is the most useful?
Applied Physics
> Which is the least useful?
Theoretical Physics


>> No.6119367

high quality post

>> No.6119516

>hardest and most useful science

What I'm doing.

>easiest and least useful science
What I'm not doing.

>> No.6119532
File: 207 KB, 1000x773, CS-BLSdata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is the hardest science?
to me, it's algebraic geometry. super-hard.

>Which is the easiest?
hard to say... maybe classical physics.

>Which is the most useful?
computer science. it's pervasive and everywhere you look.

>Which is the least useful?
quantum theory. right now, it just doesn't matter in your life. CS could make it relevant to larger swaths of population with quantum computing but that's far in the future.

>> No.6119553

>Which is the easiest?
>Which is the least useful?


>> No.6119554

geology because rocks are hard
geology because its so awesome and interesting
>most useful
geology because you can get a job in industry
>least useful
geology when you cant get a job in industry

>> No.6119558

anything can become hard it just depends on how deep you go

>> No.6119561

Applied and theoretical go hand in hand. Modern nano-science is a prime example; it wouldn't exist without the theoretical motivation from quantum statistical physics. People just need to remember that sciences are empirical when all's said and done.

>> No.6119579

>quantum theory

I'm really not sure what you mean by that; are you inferring that quantum theory doesn't offer any useful contributions? Semiconductor technology is based on quantum physics, LASERs and MASERs, Scanning Tunneling Microscopes etc.; these are just naming applications that everybody knows, however suffice to say that modern physics including our standard gadgetry, required quantum theory to develop.

>> No.6119581

>Semiconductor technology is based on quantum physics,

Huh? Where did you get that from?

>> No.6119592

Semiconductors are fundamentally explained by quantum physics, or to take it further, there is no classical explanation of the behaviour of semiconductors. At the very least you need pauli, fermi levels, delocalisation etc.

You can get some vague idea with the Drude model and a free electron gas, which is indeed classical. However that's a far too crude model to actually apply.

>> No.6119608


>> No.6119618
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These math scrubs don't know a schist from a gneiss.

>> No.6120106
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>> No.6120129

> Which is the hardest science?
I'd say physics and advanced mathematics go hand-in-hand here. They reach a level of such an abstraction and require so much work it's no wonder so few people succeed at them. "I'm not good at maths" and "I don't get physics" must be the two most often heard phrases during one's education.

> Which is the easiest?
Some bullshit like sociology, management sciences or philosophy (if we call them "sciences"). They have absolutely no content and it's a disgrace you can actually get a "degree" in them.

> Which is the most useful?
"Useful" in what terms? Physics + Chemistry + Biology help us understand the natural world, Economics + Law help us understand and operate in a man-made environment, Engineering sciences actually deliver tangible structures. All of them are pretty useful imho.

> Which is the least useful?
Philosophy, hands down, no contest.

>> No.6120190

semiconductors are explained very well without ever talking about quantum mechanics. classical approximations are more than enough to describe the vast majority of their behavior.

>> No.6120198

id add, that QM is actually a horrible direction to take to explain behavior in semiconductors. QM works in isolated systems that are very small and very cold. semi conductors are none of the above. they are macro systems that usually operate at room temperature. quantum behaviors dont even come close to emerging until you start scaling shit down and reducing dimensions (quantum dots, quantum bridges), and even then you usually need to drop the temperature to within a few kelvin from absolute zero before you see anything interesting.

>> No.6120215

Hard is a relative term. What is more important is how passionate you are anyone is about the subject.

Same with use all science interconnects at some point. Depending on how much detail you go into the subject.

>> No.6120216

>what is tunneling
>what is band structure

can't tell if retard or troll

>> No.6120241

Yeah man fuck light switches don't need no QM #YOLO.

>> No.6120275

lmao if you actually think philosophy is easy

because grasping the Kantian noumenon is easier than dissecting dead things, right?

>> No.6120309


>> No.6120315

wat the fuck? QM is used in quantum statistics and statistical mechanics all the time.

>> No.6120317
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>> No.6120318


> what is band structure

The little bands of colour on resistors, of course!

Resistors are semiconductors because they don't conduct all of the current.

>> No.6120336

>Resistors are semiconductors

>> No.6120361

>Which is the hardest science?
Mathematics is the most abstract and furthest from normal people's general thinking
>Which is the easiest?
The easiest to learn would be biology, since you don't need to understand complex concepts
>Which is the most useful?
>Which is the least useful?

>> No.6120385

>since you don't need to understand complex concepts

dude what

>> No.6120384


>> No.6120391
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>The easiest to learn would be biology, since you don't need to understand complex concepts

But I have to agree that many graduated biologists have no idea of a lot of stuff they should be familiar with. But again this is true to most graduates disregard of their field.

>> No.6120394
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>> No.6120411


>> No.6120415

>theoretical math

>> No.6120418

>HARDEST science
>SOFTEST science

>Most Difficult
>Least Difficult
Political science

>Most useful
>Least useful

>inb4 CS
>inb4 biology hard science

Hardness/softness is defined by rigor, rigidity, coherency.

>> No.6120419


My answers are on getting a degree, eg. "whats the hardest science to get a degree in/ most useless degree"

>Which is the hardest science?

Pure-mathematics. Can have some really abstract/complex things to wrap your head around.

>Which is the easiest?

Probably something business or sociology related

>Which is the most useful?

Applied/physical science, CS, and business

>Which is the least useful?

Philosophy and premed (if you don't get into med school).

>> No.6120424

5/10 for actually making me respond. Psychology isn't a science. Half of it's people just guessing about things and using conjecture to back it up.

>> No.6120430

Which is the hardest science?
Which is the easiest?
Which is the most useful?
Which is the least useful?
Physics (it's just a subset of math for people with big egos)

>> No.6120445

>Hardness/softness is defined by rigor, rigidity, coherency
Then math is the hardest science.

>> No.6120449

Only it isn't a science

>> No.6120452

Every argument against math as a science can be used against CS as a science.

>> No.6120454

You're a math major, aren't you?

>> No.6120459

protip everyone: math is math, not science unless you want to include metaphysics as science. If you can't observe it, and can't experiment on it, it's not a science. Applied math maybe

>> No.6120467

Yes, and the argument remains factually correct. Science is defined by the scientific method.

>> No.6120465

computation theory or theoretical physics
>most useful
computer science
>least useful
quantum physics

>> No.6120464

What the fuck am I reading.

>> No.6120463

How long have you been here?
Lurk before posting.

Math is different than all other sciences no matter how soft they are.

Math is the only purely abstract, it is standalone.
Based on axioms and builds on itself without giving a fuck about reality

>> No.6120474

the internets

>> No.6120484

>if you actually think philosophy is easy

Talk about mental masturbation and a complete waste of time. . . .
All you need is a little Seneca in your life. Put down that other bullshit and start living.

Easiest classes I've ever taken.

>> No.6120486
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I don't believe in CS.

>> No.6120487

>>Which is the least useful?

Who told you this was a science? Oh, right, your Psychology professor. . . .

Bet you didn't make it out of baby algebra, did you?

>> No.6120492

I guess you used this as reasoning to drop out of Calc I.

go back to /int/

>> No.6120494

I got microline my nigga

>the only reason i learned geology is dwarf fortress

>> No.6120499

But psychology IS considered a science.

>> No.6120533

>a field of study based on the scientific method isnt a science

>> No.6120537

>Which is the hardest science?

Macroeconomics quite easily. It has to integrate everything. Bias runs rampant due to its politicized nature. Study periods are measured in several decades. There are only a limited number of cases, but almost infinite number of variables.

It's not a coincidence macroeconomics is possibly the least understood of all sciences. We should dedicate hundreds of billions annually to study it, as opposed to few hundreds of millions. Out of all the sciences it easily has the most potential to improve the lives of all people.

>Which is the easiest?

Math. It's pure and doesn't suffer from bias and confounding factors.

>Which is the most useful?

Probably chemistry.

>Which is the least useful?

Possibly some social sciences. Not because the science itself isn't worthy, but because the practitioners are biased.

>> No.6120540
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yeah, you can't perform experiments and you're not observing natural phenomenon. It's a cultural study at best. I bet you think political science is science as well.

>> No.6120543
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>> No.6120546


It's science if you apply the scientific method and principles. Experiments are conducted constantly, but there are so many variables that performing studies like in physics or even medicine aren't possible.

It's in very poor shape, though, I don't deny that. If I had a couple of billion and wanted to make a difference, I'd create a foundation to study macroeconomics. Buy a supercomputer and run endless simulations.

>> No.6120547
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>not observing natural phenomenon
>implying all phenomena aren't inherently natural

>> No.6120557

Which is the hardest science?
>social science

Which is the easiest?
>maths, just learn and apply formulas

Which is the most useful?
>social science, by far

Which is the least useful?
>physics/maths, hurr we found higgs boson, fucking world changing discovery right here.

>> No.6120566

1.5/10 raged slightly

>> No.6120567

>apply formulas
Infers said formulas pre-exist.

>> No.6120631

>all this field circlejerking

Can we all just admit that engineers and the like are useful so people don't knock on our doors asking us how to build houses or clean their water?