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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6116361 No.6116361 [Reply] [Original]

You are given 1000 scientists and 10 billion dollars. The scientists can be whatever type you want, but you can only pick one field (be as specific as you want to). For the sake of argument, they are not being taken away from anything else, they are new scientists that will just pop into existence. You cannot profit from them directly in anyway, you can only profit from indirectly by whatever they research. Which field / research would you want them to do personally, and what field / research do you think would benefit mankind the most?

>> No.6116365

Give everyone autism.


>> No.6116371

Neuroscience and transistors
I want a body that will last forever

>> No.6116375

Developmental stability in relation to diet and lifestyle

>> No.6116378

>Hire 1000 economists instead
>Make them find out a way to sell LFTRs to the public

>> No.6116380

I'd hire 1000 philosophers to solve the hard problem of consciousness.

>> No.6116394


>> No.6116396

hire 1000 enginers and get them to suck my dick

>> No.6116401

This guys got it.

>> No.6116405

>You cannot profit from them directly in anyway

>> No.6116410

research anti aging

>> No.6116424

What about stem cell research?

>> No.6117709


>> No.6117744

Systems engineers, to design a new economic system and find a way to implement it

>> No.6117751

1000 astrologists to make the most accurate horoscope of all times

>> No.6117760


>1000 philosophers
Can you image what kind of discourse they'd have?

As for my answer:
computational scientists/mathematicians/engineers, and to develop proper thinking AI

As for what benefits us the most? Stem cell research and genetic research, so probably geneticists or microbiologists.

>> No.6117767



>> No.6117773


That would be ironic because every horoscope book gives completely different "predictions".

>> No.6117791

1000 women that study women studies, which will finally help women to find place in this cruel, men's world.

>> No.6117797

Some kind of device that sterilizes the globe.

>> No.6117804


Followed by a massive female anatomy study with lots of experiments? I like the sound of that.

>> No.6117817

replicator technology & disassemble technology

Thus the knowledge to pulverize any object to its molecules or even atoms and build anything from the ground up.

>> No.6117836

quantum mechanics

I know it's unethical but I want my de-existence machine.

>> No.6117833

Fundamental physics research.

I don't give a fuck about what's beneficial to humanity.

>> No.6117845

I will hire 1000 creation scientists to come up with a solid biblical explanation of all modern scientific knowledge we have.

>> No.6117850
File: 315 KB, 1920x1200, 662346653626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6118229

10 billion is chicken feed. gov spends 3+ billion per year on Aids research alone. More than that per year on "climate change."

Don't waste my time with your insulting $10 billion

>> No.6118236

biological immortality

>> No.6118932
File: 36 KB, 461x301, Fuller-quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy >>6117744 is following a similar idea to my own.
Figure out how to change things and get the ball rolling to make much bigger changes later. Bringing back the old research university model for example, that is one project that spawns many other projects which create more changes and so on.
Positive feed back loops for the win!
Also for the kind of scale needed to really shake the world, like I think you are thinking of in your post you need a lot more money. My grand visions need nearly 1 trillion dollars to work, anything less and they won't work right as I'll be forced to compromise to get the rest of the funding which will led to a giant mess and ultimately just waste the money or I can pick a smaller project that will only do some good, not the earth shattering kind we really need.

>> No.6119050

>You are given 1000 scientists and 10 billion dollars. The scientists can be whatever type you want, but you can only pick one field (be as specific as you want to).

Super easy choice: Computer Science, build me a superhuman AI.

Once they're done, everything else becomes instantly irrelevant and you've basically created a god.

>> No.6119108

I'd assemble a team to develop a new, safe, and reliable nuclear-thermal propulsion system for use on manned missions to Mars.

>> No.6119354

muh nicker

>> No.6119375

>only pick one field
Every single one of you faggots in this thread who failed to react to this crippling limitation has clearly shown that you have no idea whatsoever about how modern research works.

Real research is multidisciplinary. It involves collaborations between numerous groups. You need advances in theory and methodology, including instrumentation, data processing, etc.

fucking top petakek

>> No.6119379
