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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 409x367, 1381678542001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6108771 No.6108771 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw top 1% IQ
>tfw there are still 70 million people smarter than you

H-hold me, /sci/...

>> No.6108776

hard work > IQ


>> No.6108775 [DELETED] 


>IQ = Smart

No wonder you're retarded.

Also reported for fagging up this board.

>> No.6108777

If youre so smart why are you so stupid?

>> No.6108994

Doesn't IQ relate how well you are able to comprehend something or how well you can pick it up and understand it?

>> No.6109009

IQ measures many skills depending on the kind of test being used but extreme high IQ people often have average lives. Being successful involves many other skills besides having a good IQ.

>> No.6109015 [DELETED] 

no announcing reports u fgt

>> No.6109026

If I had an IQ of 150, I would be as smart as six idiots.

>> No.6109391

>tfw 99.999.... percentile

so close to 100%

>> No.6109392

IQ relates to your success in life and your abilities to achieve anything important.

>> No.6109394


and nearly 7 billion who are less of a faggot than you

>> No.6109412

If you are so intelligent why are you so stupid?

>> No.6109419
File: 9 KB, 267x181, 130783643800120110725-22047-1euk606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never be a genius
>I will never understand everything without having to put a minimal amount of effort into it
>even if I study hard I will just be average and not smart enough to invent something new

Why did I have to be born?

>> No.6109422

Don't worry, not everyone has to be a genius. Even if your IQ is under 125, the world needs its janitors and fast wood workers.

>> No.6109424

Fuck that. I rather die than live a meaningless life of a sheep.

>> No.6109460

in the greater scheme of things everyone's life is pretty meaningless no matter how high a human's IQ.
janitor makes contributions that influence our world in some positive way, so do scientists. One may be more influential but on the whole all are pretty small beans.

>> No.6109475

Sure but I want to create something. Have a real goal in life. Have something I am passionate about. But it should be something scientific. My dream would be to make big progressions towards ai and robotics. But I am fucking dumb and have trouble understanding high school math and entry level programming. If I tried harder maybe I could get better but I would still lack the intelligence and creativity to develop something new.

>> No.6109478
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This is what I heard.
>i had a shitty high school experience
>therefore I am an idiot who can't learn shit
>pity me /sci/ ;_;
Read a book, nigger.

>> No.6109480

Can we have all IQ threads deleted with bans from now on?

Holy shit you delusional fucks are pretentious.

>> No.6109482
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>fast wood workers
I got'cha covered.

>> No.6109483


It's not so much pretentious as cripplingly insecure.

>> No.6109485

>Read a book
This. Reading is one of the simplest ways you can sharpen your mind. Start with things you enjoy, then move on to things that are useful or interesting - but perhaps more tedious reads.

>> No.6109486

I tried reading books but I can barely remember anything after I read them. And if it's a scientific book I have trouble understanding it at all.

>> No.6109487

I never got an accurate read out on my IQ, anyone have a good reliable site for that (free preferably)?

Or is it one of those things you have to go to a facility to get tested on?

>> No.6109490

You have to try to understand the part of the book you're on before you continue. Don't be too shocked.

>> No.6109495

If memory is your problem, try keeping a journal. That's what I credit my good memory with. I also keep a dream journal. I've also read a book on memory and you'd be suprized how much just learning some basic theories on how memory works will help you develop your own systems.
Like with anything in life, you must exercise/train to get better at it...and if you don't your talent will fade.

Reading will increase your memory over time also, because every time you put the book down for a time, and then pick it back up again, you'll have to remember all the stuff that happened before you stopped reading. Keep at it. And stick to fictional, entertainment type stories until you're ready for more tedious/advanced reading.

>> No.6109501
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Going by the percentiles I know there are less than a million people smarter than me. Many of them live in 3rd world countries and will never have access to education. That means after combining my superior cognitive abilities with my polymath knowledge I am top elite tier.

>> No.6109502


Fuck you, I love janitors. They do the shit I don't want to do while I do the shit they don't want to. It's an honest, necessary profession and the people doing the work tend to be good. Granted you're going to have a hard time jacking off over a space elevator thread with them but they deserve respect.

>> No.6109516

I work in IT. I'm certainly not the smartest person in the world, probably not even in the top 10% - though I haven't bothered ranking my IQ in a serious way yet.

Some of the stupidest people I meet are the ones who believe they are very smart. IQ is important to be sure, but certainly isn't the end-all-be-all of intelligence, and should never be treated as such.

It's important to acknowledge that there certainly are different kinds of intelligence, and excelling in one over others doesn't necessarily make a person smart.

I'm sure you're well aware of all this though.

>> No.6109517

But how did you remember what the memory book said?

>> No.6109519

>and excelling in one over others doesn't necessarily make a person smart.

But excelling in all of them does.

>> No.6109521


Seeing as you don't understand what IQ represents, I can assure you there are at least a billion people 'smarter' than you.

>> No.6109525


Ok there can be two things going on here:

>1 - You have terrible memory.
If that's true, that sucks bro

>2 - You have normal memory but think it's terrible because you don't get that "normal memory" is actually sort of bad.
If that's the case, the way to retain knowledge is to USE knowledge. If you are using a textbook, it probably has problems in the back. Solve those - don't be afraid to look shit up WHILE solving, but solve those. This checks A) whether you understood the things you learned and B) helps you retain the material you read.

>> No.6109528

It's a strange sensation thinking about the internal processes of your body, most especially with processes in the brain. The simple act of THINKING about memory, will improve your memory.

Essentially all memory boils down to is creating lasting impressions on the brain. There are many many different systems for achieving this, but the idea at its core is relatively simple. You should try to focus on your particular learning niche. So if you learn well by visualizing then try picturing the thing you want to remember in your mind, take a bit of time to "make an impression" on your mind, and then cross reference it with something so you can access it when you need it. THIS TAKES PRACTICE - you wont read my words and instantly be better at remembering shit.

I find touch is a powerful anchor for memory. Especially if you want someone else to remember something - touch them lightly on the arm or shoulder. You can also do this to yourself and use that as an anchor to the memory you want to retrieve - some people used to do thing thing where they'd tie a string around their finger - this is why that trick works.

As unlikely as it is that someone could excel in all areas of intelligence (some areas are contradictory to one another, common sense and "street smarts" tend to not rub well with other kinds of intelligence, not to mention intelligence one might not even be aware or acknowledge exists), someone who holds this belief in their mind that they are smart or smarter than other people puts themselves in a dangerous position to close themselves off to learning new things, or even be taken advantage of by supposedly stupid people. It's important for smart people to recognize that they don't really know as much as they think they do, and being open minded to that belief is the smartest thing anyone can do for themselves.

That being said, I'm really not trying to start shit with you, just expressing my views on the nature of intelligence.

>> No.6109532
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Too bad you're never gonne do anything with that IQ OP

>> No.6109535


IQ is problem solving potential, you goddamn tool. If I wanted to teach someone math relatively quickly, I'd probably call you. If I want to cut down a tree, hunt wild game, make a chair out of wood, comfort a grieving friend, write a novel, climb a mountain or any of a thousand other things you very likely (by your not understanding IQ) don't know how to do, you will be at the bottom of my list, below AT LEAST a couple billion people smarter than you.

>> No.6109539


c'mon /sci/, why did you give actual advice & motivation? i came here to see teh lulz

>> No.6109562

There's a cool board you can visit where they do nothing but make "lulz".

Why, I think I'll head there now and prep it for you! :^)

>> No.6109570

Don't listen to this faggot >>6109562. No lulz are to be found there, only retardation. If you're looking for lulz, go to >>>/b/

>> No.6109582


>> No.6109712

Because I'm /new/ here.

>> No.6110160

>Some of the stupidest people I meet are the ones who believe they are very smart. IQ is important to be sure, but certainly isn't the end-all-be-all of intelligence, and should never be treated as such.

This is called the Dunning Kruger effect. The reason is that the ability to have correct self-assessments is the same ability that makes you good at whatever. Thus, people with low ability will also have more incorrect self-assessments, often inflated (because they are low in ability, think that they are in the 50th centile is a large inflation).


Review paper:
Ehrlinger, Joyce; Johnson, Kerri; Banner, Matthew; Dunning, David; Kruger, Justin (2008). "Why the unskilled are unaware: Further explorations of (absent) self-insight among the incompetent". Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (PDF) 105 (105): 98–121.

>> No.6110175


>> No.6110182

>Dunning Kruger effect
Yes this is what I was referring to, but I didn't remember the name of it.

This effect covers cases where intelligent people are overly critical in their self-assessments, correct?

>> No.6110206

You know, the actual data they collected showed that not only do low-functioning people typically believe they're about average, but also that high-functioning people also typically believe they're about average, and often rate their abilities below average.

What they actually found was that people at all levels are terrible at self-assessment of their capabilities, yet everybody references the Dunning-Kruger effect as "dumb people being too dumb to know they're dumb".

>> No.6110218

I remember I ran the numbers on my IQ and there are 7 million people in the world that are smarter than me. Not many, but way too many.

>> No.6110290


I was raised by TV and video games, I'm a victim of society! Also, I'm not nearly as dumb as I used to be.

>> No.6110299


Fast food workers worked on Project Mayhem...

>> No.6110313
File: 28 KB, 339x382, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be as smart as this guy

>> No.6112100

>Creates a failed concept
>Creates another failed High IQ society concept
>Does menial jobs despite wanting to change the world
>Fades into insignificance

So impress
So genius

>> No.6112103

can't you just read the internet instead?

>> No.6112105


More than once a millisecond? Bullshit, sir; bullshit.

>> No.6112149

>can't you just read the internet instead
Possibly. But generally you get information in bite sized bits on the internet, rather than long drawn out text. Also, I have a harder time staying focused on a pdf on my screen than I do a book in my hand...

Reading in general is good. But I haven't quite given up on the value of actual books.

>> No.6112167
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>pic related

>> No.6112466

I did the same.
There were 5 people on earth smarter (IQ speaking) than me.
I already killed 2, working on the 3 others.


>> No.6112492

>"ran the numbers"
>division by a power of ten

Wow, you really are smart! That online test didn't lie!

>> No.6112547

There are many things that are more important than pure intelligence.

>Oh no, math. Oh no, a book. Help.
>If I don't understand everything at the first glance, I'll never understand it.
Sometimes it feels like people are trying to avoid thinking at any cost.
Especially if I have to read through the same page a thousand times until I barely understand it, just to have some douchebag coming over to tell me that I'm lucky to be smart. No I'm not, you fucking retard.

>> No.6112551

/sci/ in one post

>> No.6112569


>not realizing IQ is a measure of variance in intelligence and not an absolute measure of intelligence.

Einstein might be a few deviations away from Homer Simpson, but in terms of absolute intelligence, it may actually mean virtually no difference in absolute intelligence whatsoever.

>> No.6112582


God what the fuck? Sorry I'm high right now. That sentence should read:

Einstein may be a few standard deviations away from Homer Simpson in terms of IQ, but this may translate to a virtually insignificant difference in absolute intelligence.

>> No.6112583

its not healthy to be so obsessed with who's smarter...

also seems counter-productive and competitive in a grade-school way

>> No.6112613
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>muh ego
>waah why am I not part of the elite

Stupids, all of you.

>> No.6112651

there are different kinds of smarts: book smarts and common sense/real smarts

guess which is more useful?

>> No.6112669

>tfw 8% off joining the IQ club

>> No.6112675

>problem solving potential

Why dont you guys with super high IQ solve the problem of your low self steem?

>> No.6112677
File: 28 KB, 250x250, newman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about IQ
>not caring about achievements

See? You're already one dumb motherfucker to put some numbers over actual progress. Stephen Hawking would slap your shit around (if he could) if he ever hears you talk about yourself in that tone.

>> No.6112815

what about street smarts?

>> No.6112836

>internet credentials

>> No.6112847
File: 138 KB, 500x321, 14728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be surrounded by street thugs
>as you're about to think your favorite carl sagan quote to ba-dazzle the thugs, they're already shanking and kicking your skinny body
>howl help with your nasally voice, but nobody will hear you in this neighborhood nigga

Books couldn't save little Eugene from the... STREET SMARTS

>> No.6112854 [DELETED] 

The first man has a higher IQ than you. He believes in god and has never done anything important ever, despite a university education and access to all the information and opportunity afforded to those born in the first world. The second man has a lower IQ than me, and was born to a working class father that wasn't able to understand Calculus.

Who do you really think is the smartest out of the four of us?

721 min^-1
721/60 sec^-1
721/60000 millisecond^1
Go back to school.

>> No.6112856
File: 66 KB, 614x379, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first man has a higher IQ than you. He believes in god and has never done anything important ever, despite a university education and access to all the information and opportunity afforded to those born in the first world. The second man has a lower IQ than me, and was born to a working class father that wasn't able to understand Calculus.

Who do you really think is the smartest out of the four of us?

721 min^-1
721/60 sec^-1
721/60000 millisecond^1
Go back to school.

>> No.6112865

I don't know where people got the idea that people with high IQ don't work hard at things. They just naturally put a lot of effort into their work so it seems like nothing to them. Don't be confused by that aspect.

>> No.6112876

Do arguments have to erupt when anyone mentions IQ?? Do we have to throw around ad hominems of pretentiousness and insecurity? Does some idiot all ways have to ensure that everyone is aware that hard work matters, and that a high IQ is not an automatic ticket to owning your own microsoft? The researchers in the field believe IQ is real, that most of the variance in IQ score is genetic, and that ones conscientiousness score is also a good predictor of success. That's good data, and good science, whether you agree or disagree; in future, just state why you agree or disagree, and move the fuck on. This is /sci/, not /b/.

>> No.6112881

how to maximize learning?

>> No.6112884

> Do arguments have to erupt when anyone mentions IQ??
From previous observations of /sci/, I would go with yes, every time. I like this guy though.>>6112856
Might copypasta him

>> No.6112905

I like you too. I think you got a purty mouth.

>> No.6112919

>From previous observations of /sci/, I would go with yes, every time.

I think it's ridiculous. I scored 136 on an IQ test; its not genius, but it's fairly high. Can't I own that without some dickhead on this board saying "IQ is meaningless" or "hard work is more important". But fuck it, I took the test under controlled conditions due to academic problems in my high school years, and thats what I got. I can't help what I scored. How on earth could I be pretentious or insecure about a number I scored on a test? I'm also lazy as shit and I own that also, I dropped out of my PhD literally months before my thesis was due. I should be able to admit I got a high IQ score without offending what seems to be the overwhelming majority of /sci/.

>> No.6112931


>> No.6113056

Who was it that said "B students end up working for C students while A students end up watching the kids?"

>> No.6113076

I think Richard Feynman is a great example of the limits of scoring "intelligence" in terms of Iq. Feynman colleagues, I think, said that he had an intuitive understanding of his equations and their true implications that was never before matched. Iq tests happen don't test that

One of my friends is the kindest, most patient, nicest people I've met. I don't know what he would score on an iq test, he doesn't do amazingly well at school, but he's still a great guy to be around

>> No.6113133

you mean except being a fag

>> No.6113474

I believe Street Smarts has to do with an intuitive skepticism that people pick up as a way to protect themselves, not just from Thugs, but from con artists, thieves, and others that would do the person harm. Understanding these concepts, often lead to a person who is street smart becoming one of those things, because they have a better understanding of how it works, and why it works. Obviously, not all criminals are created equal.

A highly intelligent individual might fall prey to a clever con artist, or might make the mistake of not avoiding those "Thugs", either because he doesn't recognize them for what they are or because he holds dangerous egalitarian beliefs.

A street wise or street smart person, is able to see these things for what they are.

Can someone be intellegent and street smart? Absolutely. Check out the Yellow Kid (Joseph Weil).

>> No.6113478

Just to add a bit more, it may be the case that street smarts is a combination of different kinds of intelligence, such as emotional and social intelligence, along with a healthy dose of skepticism and or pessimism.

>> No.6113502

IQ threads need to be deleted on sight.

>> No.6113530

me have high IQ me socially dominant ooga booga

>> No.6113586

bix nood mugafuga

>> No.6115206

>Iq tests happen don't test that

In fact they do. They test a wide range of mathematically relevant abilities. But they also happen to test much more, e.g. verbal intelligence. Feynman might have been an autist talented for physics but in general he was unintelligent. Outside of physics his skills were sub-par, as evidenced by his inability to understand social sciences.

>> No.6115218

>big progressions
that's where your problem is, you can contribute in many ways. you can contribute without ever attaining glory or fame. Become a teacher, encourage students to work with robotics outside of school by forming clubs/societies, that is still major contribution

>> No.6115242

IQ faggots are the cancer killing /sci/

>> No.6115444


>tfw 124 IQ

>> No.6115722

but guys. how do you find out your IQ properly

>> No.6115769


Take loads of online IQ tests, ignore all scores except the highest, now you know you are a /sci/ genius

>> No.6116984
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>internet test
>not knowing you'd actually need a supervised test that can take up to several sessions and is advised by a psychologist

>> No.6116995

Hooray, I got 190. I'm a genius. Can anyone tell me what a logarithm is? Lol.

>> No.6116998
File: 70 KB, 285x233, blocklandsuicidebooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iq test
>not knowing that intelligence is a subjective quality and IQ is nothing more than an attempt at quantifying intelligence that also happens to be useful for diagnosing mental illnesses

you faggots might as well be bragging about your luminosity BPI scores. This is coming from someone who has scored 140 on a professionally administered IQ test.

An IQ score is not an achievement. Get the fuck over it and start doing something worthwhile with your lives. Preferably pic related

>> No.6117003

>professionally administered IQ test.
where and what for?

>> No.6117009

as in administered to me by a psychologist I went to for my ADD. I had to take an IQ test for a merit program I entered in high school.

the message from my post isn't 'go get a professionally administered IQ test', it's 'go get real accomplishments'.

>> No.6117016

the message of my comment was 'i doubt i am talking to someone who is at the top 0.4% of the population at barely the age of 22'

>> No.6117023

shows what you know about IQ tests.

Most people's IQ scores do not change by more than 5 or so points throughout their whole lifetime. The idea is that it's supposed to be a measurement of so-called 'innate intelligence' that isn't just knowledge gained from school and work experience.

Therefore, if I was given a test at age 8, I would have still scored very close to 140.

any more questions?

>> No.6117024

IQ is supposed to be age independent.

But nice try.

>> No.6117031

does a high score in online iq tests
confirm that i am good at taking online iq tests?

>> No.6117036

yeah but, at the end, how accurate is this all?
it feels like that at its bottom, its a test devised to weed out the really impaired ones and those who take an interest in what they do (as long as what they do concerns certain partitions of logic) from the general public in educational matters.

>> No.6117038

pfffttttt fffttttttt

good one

>> No.6117041

Quit emphasizing your stupidity. Do you not realize how stupid you sound right now. By your logic a newborn could have a 150 average. Yet a newborns brain is underdeveloped and it cannot take care of itself.

>> No.6117046

i hate it when parents make youtube videos of their babies with the title "is this normal?"

>> No.6117047

>its a test devised to weed out the really impaired ones and those who take an interest in what they do (as long as what they do concerns certain partitions of logic) from the general public in educational matters.

Serious question, have you ever taken a real IQ test? It's basically spatial reasoning and pattern problems. There's very little math or vocabulary or writing or anything classified as 'academic'. You can be very 'educated' in terms of how much you know about US history, science, mathematics, etc, and still score low on an IQ test. The only 'academic' question I remember having been asked when I took the test was, "What is the capital of modern-day Greece?"

I do not know what you're asking about 'interest in certain partitions of logic'.

>> No.6117054

>Quit emphasizing your stupidity. Do you not realize how stupid you sound right now.

I'd say you sound pretty insecure right now. Who are you trying to reassure here, exactly?

>By your logic a newborn could have a 150 average. Yet a newborns brain is underdeveloped and it cannot take care of itself.

IQ tests are administered to kids as young as 4. It's age-independent up until age 4 because, yeah, newborns have physiologically underdeveloped brains. Does that clear it up for you?

>> No.6117055

>"What is the capital of modern-day Greece?"
seriously that was on the test
I mean i knew IQ tests where kinda shit but that just takes the cake of subjective stupidity

>> No.6117064

>Serious question, have you ever taken a real IQ test? It's basically spatial reasoning and pattern problems. There's very little math or vocabulary or writing or anything classified as 'academic'. You can be very 'educated' in terms of how much you know about US history, science, mathematics, etc, and still score low on an IQ test. The only 'academic' question I remember having been asked when I took the test was, "What is the capital of modern-day Greece?"
interest in terms of being a somewhat self-exploring learner instead of a passive learner.

>> No.6117060

I remember keeping track of culture-specific questions like that, and that was the only one.

I actually asked the guy administering it to me if it was a joke, since it was completely non-sequitor after I had been asked a bunch of pattern and spatial problems.

>> No.6117067

>interest in terms of being a somewhat self-exploring learner instead of a passive learner.

You're using educator jargen now. Let me reiterate: There are very few questions on the IQ test that are taught through school or textbooks or any other source of information. It's basically a test of how well you can complete puzzles.

>> No.6117072

Not overly insecure, more or less just trying to rustle your jimmies. Also IQ is not something to overly brag about. For not only is it inaccurate in measuring intelligence. But, it gives people a false belief of their intelligence.

Also, your fedora is showing. Lol

>> No.6117076

>a test of how well you can complete puzzles.
and you solve puzzles by taking utmost interest in getting a grip on matters independently is what i was suggesting. and i didnt mean to use inherently educational syntax but if it is, hell, why not.

>> No.6117081
File: 260 KB, 450x1000, jokes on them I was only pretending.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not overly insecure, more or less just trying to rustle your jimmies
<pic related>

>Also IQ is not something to overly brag about. For not only is it inaccurate in measuring intelligence. But, it gives people a false belief of their intelligence.

Pretty much yeah, but I don't really think there's such a thing as innate intelligence, and further I don't think it matters. If you do great things, you're intelligent in my book. If you don't, you're useless. high IQ or not.

>Also, your fedora is showing. Lol

>> No.6117085

>and you solve puzzles by taking utmost interest in getting a grip on matters independently is what i was suggesting.

You're feeding me platitudes with no specific argument. Are you suggesting that people who read more books perform puzzles better? Or that people who put more hours into studying at school perform puzzles better? Give me something testable please.

>> No.6117115
File: 43 KB, 348x348, 1380466830613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you suggesting that people who read more books perform puzzles better?
no im exactly not. people who regularly take an interest in 'puzzles' (well not just literary jigsaws but you know what i mean) and find them a worthwhile challenge perform better at puzzles. And in iq testing, puzzle-solving is the merit applied to determine if testees are scientifically gifted. which is why we see so many people with high iqs not excelling in the final fields, because, while having picked up on many things testable and not, sitting in a library for three hours was a skill they never picked up on.

>Give me something testable please.
pic related you just went full pleb political atheist fedora-tier.
as if you were to sit just down the same instant and do a control study of what i just claimed.

>> No.6117131

>And in iq testing, puzzle-solving is the merit applied to determine if testees are scientifically gifted.

Except that's not what an IQ test advertises to measure. It's supposed to be a measurement of innate/general intelligence.

>which is why we see so many people with high iqs not excelling in the final fields, because, while having picked up on many things testable and not, sitting in a library for three hours was a skill they never picked up on.

Where do you see this? I hate to be that guy, but cite your sources.

>pic related you just went full pleb political atheist fedora-tier.
as if you were to sit just down the same instant and do a control study of what i just claimed.

It's not even like I intend to design an experiment to test it. I just want you to rephrase what you're arguing in a way that isn't completely ambiguous and confusing.

>> No.6117160


>Where do you see this? I hate to be that guy, but cite your sources.
>a way that isn't completely ambiguous and confusing.

arent we kind of crippling ourselves when we demand each other to cite massive studies for everything we say?
Especially since studies can still be flawed or biased, considering that the conducting authority and the system of perception that the authority derives suggestions from is still a most ambiguous link to the chain after all.

like, what im saying, is that even you or a dozen people like you are too much for this test to hold any ground because this test is supposed to be measuring every cognitive ability under the sun (which it obviously does not). Now suppose i get a 'study' by xy suggesting this is true, which is an undertaking of its own but still, and another instance pulls out a study suggesting otherwise - then you are in practice free to choose which body of evidence you want to take a position from, since each study is effective enough in sustaining an opinion or for example a creating an entire public opinion.
This is a scientific dogma if you will isnt it !?

>> No.6117164

*for example creating

>> No.6117165
File: 137 KB, 1311x653, thatwasreallyhard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel bro.

Only thing I've got going for me is that I'm not an aspie, and am actually a (mostly) normal and functioning human being.

>> No.6117172

how are your grades if you dont mind me ask

>> No.6117174

>Now suppose i get a 'study' by xy suggesting this is true, which is an undertaking of its own but still, and another instance pulls out a study suggesting otherwise - then you are in practice free to choose which body of evidence you want to take a position from, since each study is effective enough in sustaining an opinion or for example a creating an entire public opinion.

Yeah, I'll admit that it's wrong for me to ask for sources just to cherrypick studies to support my own personal views. However, the main reason I wanted him to rephrase what he was saying in a testable form was because I had literally no idea what he was saying. I get the feeling that he isn't a very good writer.

>> No.6117180

They were pretty good, but not incredible.
I got one third of the way between A and A+ average in an honours degree in electrical engineering. I didn't really bother doing too much study though, I just aimed for the knee point of the effort / returns scale. If all I wanted was grades I could have been pretty close to straight A+'s.

>> No.6117187
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>I get the feeling that he isn't a very good writer.
im a quick but messy typist and yeah i suck at phrasing things in a culminated manner.

but yeah i think we have gotten caught up with this test a bit too much because honestly, it doesnt seem to even remotely be an accurate determinant for what a good scientist is. i think its better to let it be a little hammer belonging to the psychologists toolbox rather than the measurement for 'uwh im a better genetic composure than you you suck and im on my way to the olymp'.

>> No.6117196
File: 52 KB, 431x415, 1379244461403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking jelly

>> No.6117298

ITT: fags that think IQ matters
right now i am in columbia witha 1500 SAT score
they accepted me because of my other shit which involved hard work
stay pleb /sci/

>> No.6117526

sokay to 0.00000001% here

>> No.6117531

>he believes IQ is information itself
Yes because if you leave the womb with a high IQ you will know theoretical physics and be potty trained without reading or ever recieving instruction.
Learning doesn't work that way. IQ just makes learning faster...you have to actually want to learn to even use iq, not many are inclined to pick up a book on their own..

>> No.6117550

publications in high impact journals > high iq with nothing to show for it

>> No.6117556


>> No.6117559


I thought DK applied to skill and knowledge, not intelligence.

>> No.6117563

>>Oh no, math. Oh no, a book. Help.
>>If I don't understand everything at the first glance, I'll never understand it.

>TFW I had to study 2 hours a day to complete calc 3&4, as well as Diffe Q

H...hold me, /sci/, I'm never going to make it.

>> No.6119167

I have a high IQ and I do hard work. You know, these are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.6119189

IQ is an instrument for measuring intelligence.

>> No.6119595

Feynman Technique, holistic learning, memory palace etc etc etc. You have to study as many GOOD techniques as possible and only then you start to create a tactic or strategy to learn.

Start doing some research, go after the best guys and interrogate them.

>> No.6119597

Also, make extreme use of critical thinking in order to aggregate only information and build knowledge that can be properly applied. Remember, you are a fucking human being.

>> No.6119610


These are really important. Also don't assume that as soon as you don't understand something you'll realise that you haven't understood it. Make sure you become consciously aware of the mental patterns that surround not understanding something. In my case I start getting drowsy, quite literally.

Often you can route a misunderstanding when studying back to a word/phrase. I've always found a process of routing the misunderstanding back through definitions the most effective, but again each to their own.

>> No.6119644

Memory palace is just a gimmick. It's a crutch that is good for cramming for tests that require memorization, but it cannot really be called learning.

Feynman technique is very good, however. I'm not sure what holistic learning is, but it sounds like some educational buzzword.

>> No.6121206

What is the Feynman technique? I never heard of it.

>> No.6121886

>Except that's not what an IQ test advertises to measure. It's supposed to be a measurement of innate/general intelligence.

They are supposed to measure phenotypic general intelligence (g), not innate g.

There are no tests for 'innate' i.e. genotypic g yet, but it's just a matter of time. We found three alleles recently, which together explain... 0.06% of the total variance. So there is a long way to go, but we will get there in the next 20 years or so. That is, China will.


>> No.6121890

These culture loaded questions also measure g. The thing is that pretty much any cognitive test you can think of measures g to some extent. Pooling them together yields a better and better g measure since the error variance cancels out and only the g variance remains. This is the basic principle of g measurement and that is why IQ tests often include a battery of different tests.

The nonverbal tests are especially useful for cross-culture comparisons but are really no better at measuring g. Probably they are worse since they don't sample the same amount of g variance as do the tests that measure a broad composition of subtests.

>> No.6123238

>the overwhelming majority of /sci/.

IQ denialists are only a vocal minority.

>> No.6123328


>> No.6124194

On /sci/, they are a vocal majority. So is the press. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_IQ_Controversy,_the_Media_and_Public_Policy_%28book%29

>> No.6125471

You confirmed the point.

>> No.6126057

The only faggots who believe this "science" psychology majors push, have never taken a high level math course.

>> No.6126067

What's a "high level math course"?

>> No.6126075


The highest possible math course is calculus.


>> No.6126076

Someone with a high IQ is just a likely to employ their problem solving skills to amuse themselves with Jeopardy reruns, investigating ancient aliens or inventing a new crayon color as they are to apply it to actual academic pursuits.

Which is why work ethic and the will to act are stronger indicators of success and everything else that really matters in life.

IQ is a useless metric.

>> No.6126102

>tfw low-90 IQ
>tfw most people outsmart you

it's not like i wanted to be a scientist or anything ;_;

>> No.6126137

>muh books
get with the time gramps

>> No.6126147

70 million people with a higher IQ. That doesn't mean they are smarter than you. You are intelligence enough to differentiate the two concepts, I hope. In addition, there is more to life than intelligence - like having the right attitude and not being a jealous negative douche - but intelligence helps a lot. Use what you have got my friend and go forth and prosper.

>> No.6126209 [DELETED] 

Why are people on /sci/ actually arguing about IQ?


Leave this ignorant shit-fligning to /pol/.

>> No.6126213



>> No.6126215

Why are people still arguing about IQ?

In the last 50 years there have been so many clear refutations to IQ that there is literally no reason to be this ignorant about the matter.






You are all faggots. Kill yourselves.

>> No.6126218

Shut up you fucking moron.

>> No.6126220


>Anyone who wanders into the bleak and monotonous desert of IQ and the nature-vs-nurture dispute eventually gets trapped in the especially arid question of what, if anything, g, the supposed general factor of intelligence, tells us about these matters. By calling g a "statistical myth" before, I made clear my conclusion, but none of my reasoning. This topic being what it is, I hardly expect this will change anyone's mind, but I feel a duty to explain myself.

Tell me you can read that without thinking "This guy's such a faggot,"

PROTIP: You can't.

>> No.6126226

>Why are people still arguing about IQ?

>He says, whilst making an argument about IQ

Ah, the irony.

>> No.6126239

I dont need to make arguments pleb i have scientists to that for me


Hang up your fedora, you're done.

>> No.6126241


>implying there aren't several studies done by other just as reputable scientists to contradict your citations.

>> No.6126244


>Can't into punctuation.
>Takes ten minutes to come up with a rebuttal.
>Resorts to insults.

Confirmed for < 100 IQ.

>> No.6126246

Well ill be waiting right here to play citation wars with you gay turbonerd.

>> No.6126248

punctuation is for insecure commoners

>> No.6126251
File: 8 KB, 235x176, computer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah ha, you're cute.

>> No.6126265

Sydj ahz eurcelf

>> No.6128109

Please speak English.

>> No.6128195

Having a high IQ doesn't suddenly open new doors to you.

It doesn't bring you happiness
It doesn't bring fullness to your life
It doesn't give you peace of mind
It doesn't find you love

I have an IQ of 135, I am severely depressed, very unhappy, and see no point to my life.

I can't translate my "intelligence" to grades, I lock up at tests, I am constantly failing.

But despite this, I am considered as highly intelligent by my peers, in fact I am defeated grade-wise by the very people who seek me for help with their studies. The ironic thing is, I have a deep enjoyment for learning new thing and understanding more.

But I contend, the main contributing factor that attributes to great intelligence (not necessarily IQ, or the way others perceive you)..
Honestly its curiosity, not just finding out random facts, but constantly questioning and finding out why things are the way they are, what are the rules that govern them, and having a genuine thirst to understand and learn, if you're a natural explorer as a child you'll understand such a drive to discover and understand new things.

Being constantly inquisitive and constantly re-assessing your position on many things, understanding even that common sense intuitions may be mistaken.

Imagination and creativity also plays a pivotal role, more so your ability to see things that others may miss, or somehow find that certain pieces fit or are compatible that others may overlook.

There are other factors too, but I find no motivation to further explain, my apologies. please feel free to add anything I've missed.

ill open another bottle of scotch for you guys, don't worry too much my fellow /sci/entists

>> No.6128214

Same here Anon. Also a very high IQ. Everybody comes to me when they don't understand something and I can give them the correct answer and how I got to the answer most of the time but when I have to prove it on a piece of paper, I just shut down. Not only does this lead to poor grades but I hate myself because I understand every goddamn thing. I just freeze up when it's test time.

>> No.6128261


stale pasta

>> No.6128288

I'm not about to argue semantics anon..
How about we define that fragment of my statement as something that you cannot take in high school.

>> No.6128297

Doesn't make it not true.

>> No.6128317

>not a shitty excuse to being either an underachieving sheep or a pompous prick

I don't care how low your IQ is if you aren't some seriously disabled person or a drug additict. You should be working your ass off and contributing to society in some way.

Fucking psychologist giving people reasons not to be a better individual.

>> No.6128324

Just stop being vague then.

>> No.6128332

Holy shit, are you me?

I can't get myself to do anything, because I always think about the expected results and then I realize that they won't make me happy.

>> No.6128341


>be drug addict
>have IQ of 141
>still not a good excuse for not working my ass off

>> No.6128353

exact opposite here i read i remember for fking ever

>> No.6128384

The thing is it isn't even pasta, I am here drunk off my face and I still managed to give some insight to some people... but nooo its fuckin pasta... and no sauce

>> No.6128395

I am in fact you, anon,

You know what you would be doing if I were in your position, since I am you.

Get yourself a kayak, a decent one, take up fishing.

Go at night out to sea far from land and fish, and enjoy not having anything to do with people.

..I have the worst fucking headache...

>> No.6128450


Shouldn't you be grateful that there are smarter people out there?

When I read nuclear and particle physics textbook I am very happy I didn't have to figure all that shit out myself.

>> No.6128501

check your privilege, however there is no "lulz" on [s4s], only lels

>> No.6130569

When I read nuclear and particle physics textbook I cringe because their theories are so naive and oversimplified.

>> No.6131448

>How about we define that fragment of my statement as something that you cannot take in high school.

All of math can be theoretically taken in high school.

>> No.6133056

Do you really think you're a maths genius for taking one university math class?

>> No.6133076
File: 8 KB, 622x77, 124136161262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you help me?

S = {{},{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}}
but you probably know

>> No.6133086

> 2 hours a day
I don't know if you are doing other areas of math or just 2 hours of math overall but I practice math 5 hours a day and still think its not enough.

>Answering this guy's math question.
>He still does not get it.
>Wow anon you're very lucky to be born with high intelligence that you understand stuff right away. Not many of us are lucky like you.

No you asshole I just work hard and you are fucking lazy.

>> No.6133124


>> No.6133142

i knew this was all talk, just like the other boards

>> No.6133831

i hate when textbooks of any kind try to tell you how to think

you know what i mean

>> No.6135402

I spend exactly 0 hours a day doing math and I still get straight A's.

>> No.6135448


So.... 59 minutes a day then?

>> No.6136934

You forgot the part where the first man was born to an alcoholic father who beat him until he became strong enough to fight back. Also the part where he had trouble throughout all of school, and was expelled from university towards the beginning of his terms, how he never had friends or anyone to relate to until he met his wife and left society to live on a farm.

Perhaps there is a correlation with IQ and philosophical wisdom.

>> No.6137021

top lel

>> No.6137027

Wow this is still alive? I made this thread ages ago.

>> No.6137332

Welcome to /sci/

>> No.6137340

This guy knows what he's talking about. He must have a high IQ.

>> No.6137366

no websites, you need to take the most recently normed tests timed by a psychologist. otherwise your score doesn't mean dick.

>> No.6139129

Online IQ tests are of higher accuracy.

>> No.6139866

Don't waste your time with that plebeian, my fellow high IQer.

>> No.6140718

You posted a very popular topic and /sci/ is a very slow board.

>> No.6140889

number theory you name it anything more then
x in your perspective.

>> No.6140935


>> No.6140943

999... = 1

>> No.6140969

>electrical engineering

>> No.6141003


>> No.6141241

How high of an IQ do you really need to be rich & successful? Surely top 1% is enough to live lavishly and be able to choose virtually any career field you desire.

And what other measure of mutable ability does society reward you for?

>> No.6141268

Thinking you are abnormally smart and taking pride in your intelligence is one of the best ways to ruin yourself, OP.

>> No.6141271

Why does 4chan circle-jerk over IQ?

>> No.6141273
File: 112 KB, 250x339, 250px-Hurleylost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an easy way to feel you're worth something, and it makes the fall when you mess up all the worse.

>tfw speaking from experience

>mfw don't ever consider yourself exceptionally intelligent

>mfw be like hurley

>> No.6141635

/pol/ believes IQ in itself makes you "smart" rather than opening a book and studying and that it doesn't simply mean that you just don't have to study as much(but you still have to study) to understand a concept

>> No.6141640

/pol/doesn't equate IQ with knowledge or how educated you are.
No one does , you filthy retard.

>> No.6141644

So what about basic math is so upsetting?

There are a bit over 7 billion people. Yes, if you're the very lowest slot in the top 1%, there are a bit over 70 million smarter people than you.

Why is basic math surprising? I kind of doubt you're as high as you think you are now.

>> No.6141661
File: 43 KB, 480x360, depressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>98 IQ
>Tfw people still try to lie to you and tell you you're smart

>> No.6141666

>Learn and study something interesting
>Forget everything you learned the next day

>> No.6141705

you cant be that dumb, honestly anyone who can admit theyre not super intelligent is probably not a complete retard

>> No.6141723


Or else they have very honest and persuasive friends.

>> No.6141731

IQtest.dk NIGGA

>> No.6142499

iqtest.dk isn't accurate

>> No.6142504


no web based IQ tests are accurate, breh.

only proctored tests in real life.

>> No.6142957

Hard work. It is also genetic, but less so than intelligence.

Low agreeableness also leads to higher incomes. Similarly heritable as hardworkingness.

>> No.6142968

>I just aimed for the knee point of the effort / returns scale.
my academic life

>> No.6142973


>Make sure you become consciously aware of the mental patterns that surround not understanding something. In my case I start getting drowsy, quite literally.

Can you talk more about this?
I have the same problem. What do you do? Teach me your ways!

>> No.6142978

wait until you find out people dumber than you are richer

>> No.6143054

I'm 21 with a 110 iq and I got $350,000 from bitcoins so far, probably more by now haven't checked in a few days.

>> No.6143071

did you take 35k in credit cards and sell when high?

>> No.6143078

Ohh I still haven't sold, no I've just been mining for several years. Someone told me about 2 years ago it wasn't worth the electricity to mine anymore, but i don't care I just keep mining and keep getting bankrolled, when I need to buy something I buy it in bitcoins, I don't even know why i would use ash, that goes down in value. I just talk in dollar values barbecues most people still use dollars

>> No.6143085

The reason I asked was because some guy on reddit was in student loan and said fuck it. I'll use the good credit I have and max out a few credit cards on bit coins at ~14$. Some time later they shot up to 200$. He posted his story on reddit and everyone got rustled.

I'd sell though, there is more trust in the mighty dollar.

>> No.6143090

I respect your opinion but if you only knew how many times people have told me that, every single one of my friends and family told me that multiple times, even some guys who claimed they were experts in stock or fourX something don't remember. Sorry man I just gonna do what i do which is mine bitcoins.

>> No.6143112

You can keep mining, it's not like you get less coins if you cash out. I just think the dollar is safer and more robust.

>> No.6143125

For one thing, if I cashed out I would have to pay taxes on all this money supposedly. Or that's what I was told, I would also loose my welfare payments. As far as I can tell bitcoin might go to over 10,000 a coin or that's what some guys I trust who have been with me a long time have said.

I can buy everything I need with bitcoins even my landlord takes bitcoins, and I just eat with my ebt card, and buy gas and other stuff with my TANF allowance and I get about 600 a month in bipolar / autism disability payments for stuff like gas and car (I bought my car with bitcoins).

>> No.6143129


>> No.6144969

Bitcoins are worth nothing.

>> No.6144977

money is worth nothing

>> No.6144987


your kind needs to be euthanized

>> No.6144991

Let's talk about fluid and crystallized intelligence theory and how the IQ test fails to separate the two therefore has a severe flaw in its measure of intellect.

>> No.6145594

Various tests have been made that attempt to measure one or the other. But the theory is wrong. g is on the top of the hierarchy, not g_f or g_c in a dual role.

>> No.6145813

IQ is the best measurement of intelligence we currently have. But, it's still not perfect and that's why I'm not going to take such a test.

Countries with worse education also score worse on IQ tests. This proves that environmental factors are still present. Also, I don't understand why you should do a test anyway. How difficult is it to guess your intelligence yourself? Why would you need a confirmation?

>> No.6146671

back to /pol/ hitler

>> No.6146818

Bologna. It's called fishing for compliments.
"You sure don't sound like someone with a low IQ."

I see it all of the time on here.

>> No.6146832

IQ is the best measurement of cognition we currently have.

What makes up intelligence is subjective.

>> No.6146845

Since this is the general...

>> No.6146863

Online IQ tests mean nothing. You are not in the 1%.

>> No.6148491

Not all online tests are shit.

>> No.6148501

there really needs to be something called the Dunning-Kruger-effect effect, which refers to the tendency of people to reflectively cite the Dunning-Kruger effect to imply that they're smart and other people are stupid.

also known as the /sci/ effect

>> No.6150788

I agree. "Dunning Kruger effect" is one of the most overused buzzwords.

>> No.6150807

buzzword itself is a buzzword

>> No.6150815

I hate people.

>> No.6150829

an idiot

>> No.6150836

You should know it, are you sure you scored top 1%?

>> No.6150866


I don't get it, why do people do IQ tests? They often lower your confidence and limit you in what you can do.

It's better to live as a fool than know the truth and suffer forever. Maybe even go insane.

As they say, few men can handle the truth.

>> No.6152084

>I don't get it, why do people do IQ tests?
For science.

>They often lower your confidence and limit you in what you can do.
They raise our confidence because we are smart.

>> No.6152091

Up to $450,000 now

>> No.6152290

>I don't get it, why do people do IQ tests? They often lower your confidence and limit you in what you can do.

Job interviews, military draft, self-knowledge, gifted program entrance, university entrance, exclusive club entrance (Mensa etc.), diagnostic reasons, and lots of children take them so we can learn more about the long-term effects of intelligence.

>> No.6152298


most people are just really vain dude. much like people lie about having photographic memories and other dumb shit even though there's never been a documented case of it, people got the ego where they want to feel special by saying they never work hard and get all their shit done or the people that don't work at all and blame it on everyone else being so gifted.

ya gotta put in the hours.

>> No.6152327

>Dad's IQ 160+
>Aren't you gonna get yours tested too, Anon? You'll probably join Mensa as well.
>N-no, it's fine.
What if I don't live up to it? I doubt I'll even come close. Not even close to coming close.

>> No.6152449

well your ego will be hurt.
big deal.

>> No.6152474


If my contribution to the world be to create the best plays written in Portuguese; if I become some sort of Portuguese-Shakespeare (the best sculptor of metaphors, similes, imagery and characters of my language), can I be pleased with myself when the time of death arrives?

Or will I still be shit if I do not become a theoretical scientist?

>> No.6152779

>Mutant IQ
>Still mumbles in front of girls

>> No.6152806

Can anyone please explain to me why we assume intelligence is normally distributed, or explain how this is been demonstrated at some point?

>> No.6152915

>Can anyone please explain to me why we assume intelligence is normally distributed, or explain how this is been demonstrated at some point?

We don't assume "intelligence" is normally distributed. IQ is normally distributed by definition, though.

Basically, you get the set of all IQ test results, and rank them. Then you just assign a score by making a normal distribution with mean 100 and standard deviation 15 or 16. If you do better than 50% of the population, your score is 100. If you do better than 64.1% of the population, your score is 115/116.

There is no assumption whatsoever that, for example the difference between 100 and 110 is the same as the difference between 110 and 120. But the majority of people misunderstand IQ in that way, including most of the retards on /sci/ who talk about it all the time.

>> No.6152933

>We don't assume "intelligence" is normally distributed. IQ is normally distributed by definition, though.

Are you fucking retarded? That definition is exactly what it means to assume that intelligence is normally distributed

>> No.6152937

>That definition is exactly what it means to assume that intelligence is normally distributed

How do you figure?

>> No.6152941

Do you have a problem with the English language? If you do not understand the contents of what has been posted, then don't reply.

>> No.6152947


I think you're confused, friend. Say explicitly what you mean.

>> No.6152950

The question has been posted in >>6152806. You did not understand the question. Please learn English.

>> No.6152958


I answered the question accurately. Maybe you didn't understand the answer? Are you the anon who asked it?

>> No.6152997

>I answered the question accurately.
No, you did not. You failed to understand it and your answer demonstrates nothing but your general defectiveness in the areas of verbal comprehension and logical thinking. "Hurr durr we don't assume but in our definition we do" is a statement that could hardly be more retarded.

>Are you the anon who asked it?

>> No.6153008


You seem to be under the impression that IQ is the definition of intelligence and that it's numerical value represents some tangible quantity. Both are incorrect, as I already explained. So it kind of seems like you're the retarded one.

>> No.6153015

Your retardation is truly painful to read. In cognitive science and clinical psychiatry intelligence is defined, measured and quantified by IQ. If you fail hard in the areas of pattern recognition, verbal comprehension. logic, spatial reasoning etc, then you are clinically retarded. This is how the medical diagnosis of mental retardation is defined. And given your posts ITT you are failing them epically. Fucking deal with it and stop spamming anti-science bullshit.

>> No.6153032

>You seem to be under the impression that IQ is the definition of intelligence
This is the operational definition we are using in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience and psychiatry.

>and that it's numerical value represents some tangible quantity.
Hundreds of studies have shown the predictive power of IQ with respect to academic success and future socio-ecomonic status.

>Both are incorrect, as I already explained.
Your baseless assertions are meaningless and do not explain anything. "Lol its wrong bcause I don't want to believe it" is not an argument. You're talking to adults with academic education.

>So it kind of seems like you're the retarded one.
This projection couldn't be more hilarious.

>> No.6153041

>IQ denialism
>on a science board

WTF is this shit? Why don't you stay on /pol/ with all the other science haters? You'd fit right in with the creationists and AGW deniers.

>> No.6153061

>This is the operational definition we are using in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience and psychiatry.

It actually isn't. It's something we use in lieu of "measurement" of intelligence and it's useful, but no psychologist would call it the definition of intelligence.

>Hundreds of studies have shown the predictive power of IQ with respect to academic success and future socio-ecomonic status.

You misunderstand. I'm not saying it's meaningless, I'm saying the number itself does not represent a real quantity in the way that, for example, height is. It makes sense to say that someone is 10 inches taller than someone else, but saying someone's IQ is 10 points higher doesn't tell you much of anything. They are smarter, probably, but it doesn't tel you HOW MUCH smarter.

It's like Moh's hardness scale - it tells you who is "smarter" (kind of), but it doesn't provide an absolute measure, just an order.

>> No.6153065

>but no psychologist would call it the definition of intelligence.
I know psychologists who do. Therefore your statement is wrong.

>I'm saying the number itself does not represent a real quantity in the way that, for example, height is
It represents the quantity "intelligence".

>but it doesn't tel you HOW MUCH smarter.
It does. You can say exactly "person A is 10 IQ points smarter than person B". Do you not understand what a quantitative measurement is?

>> No.6153087

>I know psychologists who do.

No you don't.

>It represents the quantity "intelligence".

No it doesn't.

> You can say exactly "person A is 10 IQ points smarter than person B". Do you not understand what a quantitative measurement is?

IQ is an ordinal scale, not a quantitative measurement.


>> No.6153120

Don't worry about IQ. Worry about helping others and fostering peace among nations. Use your talents to aid others!

>> No.6153132

this is terrible advice. you must take the iq test and do nothing but feel smug and superior about your iq.

>> No.6153136


So to expand on the implications of that by example:

Say you were to round up everyone with an IQ under 95 and over 105 and execute them. After you did that, the IQ distribution would remain exactly the same. The person who used to have an IQ of 101 now has an IQ of 115 (or something - haven't done the math). He hasn't gotten any smarter, of course, but now he's a SD above mean, because the SD, while still being "IQ points" represents a much smaller difference in real intelligence.

>> No.6153380

dude, i scored in the 96th percentile n the ACT and im in my junior year of engineering school. There can be only one "best" but you are "better" than 99/100 ppl you meet on the street stastically.

now get off your ass and into STEM, we have shit to do.


>> No.6153391

>tfw have a 140 IQ but my adhd essentials cancels it out

>> No.6153432


But if we don't know how intelligence is distributed, what is the point of trying to charactarise it with a variable we define to be normally distributed? What does IQ measure then, if not intelligence?

>> No.6153509

IQ is not an ordinal scale. It's an interval scale.


>> No.6153534

>tfw top .1% IQ
>tfw there are still 7 million people smarter than you
Where the fuck are all these people and why are none of them attractive females

>> No.6153531

Intelligence is not normally distributed 'by definition', it is empirical fact.

One normally constructs tests so as to give normalized results. But one does this exactly because intelligence is normally distributed and having another test design would make it a worse measurement tool.

Still, the premier reference is Jensen 1980 "Bias in mental testing".

Does this would seriously affect reality. But it will normalize within a few generations due to regression toward the mean.

Psychologists do not normally define "intelligence" as IQ, and for good reason. That would get you into all kinds of trouble with e.g. training effects. Training effects are not increases in intelligence, but they are increases in IQ scores. It's a hollow gain that isn't g-loaded.


Intelligence search is one of the areas where most people have an opinion but almost know one has read anything.

>> No.6153543


>Intelligence is not normally distributed 'by definition', it is empirical fact.

What method was used to measure intelligence objectively, yielding a normal distribution, without artificially making it normally distributed like IQ is?

>> No.6153576

I wonder if I already gave a reference, oh yes!

>Still, the premier reference is Jensen 1980 "Bias in mental testing".

Go read that if you want answers.


It's the chapter about the distribution of mental ability.

>> No.6153605


Your reference has distributions that are aproximately normal, and one can clearly see negative skewness in most of them. As a result, everyone claiming to be in the top blablabla percentile is talking shit, because we don't know the distribution of intelligence to the accuracy we need to determine that. You see the same skewness in his height and weight examples

>> No.6153614

>tfw top 0.5% IQ
>tfw perpetually unemployed friendless college dropout
Damn it feels good to be smart. I bet you all wish you were me.

>> No.6153643

>tfw top .01% IQ
>tfw there are still 700,000 people smarter than you

>> No.6153645

>tfw top .001% IQ
>tfw there are still 70,000 people smarter than you

>> No.6153648

>tfw top .0001% IQ
>tfw there are still 7,000 people smarter than you

>> No.6153652

>tfw bottom .0000001%
>tfw there are still 7 people dumber than you

Feels potato, man.

>> No.6153650

>tfw top .00001% IQ
>tfw there are still 700 people smarter than you

>> No.6153654

>tfw top .000001% IQ
>tfw there are still 70 people smarter than you

>> No.6153661

>tfw top .0000001% IQ
>tfw there are still 7 people smarter than you

>> No.6153658

>tfw top 0.0000001% IQ
>tfw there are still 0.7 people smarter than you

>> No.6153664
File: 1.94 MB, 180x230, 1373171461041.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top kek

>> No.6153957

Small amounts of negative skew is really not a big problem. The distribution of ability is still approximately normal. It is known that the left tail is fatter due to a number of genetic defects causing huge decreases in intelligence (e.g. Down's Syndrome). You see the same for height (dwarfism, growth hormone problems).

We know it well enough to know that, yes. We have given tests to hundreds of thousands of people and have great data on how the distribution looks like.

>> No.6153961

Sounds like you're in high school maths.

>> No.6155582

It is hilarious how you have to resort to projections because you cannot accept the fact that highly gifted people are by definition more intelligent than you.

>> No.6155614

>tfw top .00000001% IQ
>tfw there is a decapitated birth defected son of a bitch out there smarter than you

>> No.6156210

>tfw top 0% IQ
>tfw I am smarter than myself

>> No.6157442

>Intelligence search is one of the areas where most people have an opinion but almost know one has read anything.

This should be the first line of every IQ thread.

>> No.6158534

I am one of these 70 million people.

>> No.6160022

How about IQ + hard work?

>> No.6160062


>Ctrl-f "Dunning Kruger"

You never let me down /sci/...

>> No.6160077


God, stop being so naive you dumb fucks. Richard Feynman's IQ was well above 125. He just wanted to rub it in people's face that he could score low on an IQ test and still be a badass and in fact look better. This still doesn't give any more legitimacy to IQ tests.

>> No.6160082

I hate this fucker.