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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6103467 No.6103467[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a question for all math majors, and double majors, and athletes.

I am doing a MSc in CS and just startet with a BA in Maths. I've always liked and enjoyed maths and I believe I have got talent for it. However, I am a slacker, and I've got rather average marks in my Computational Neuroscience MSc and tbh I don't really like it, and I am gonna do another one in AI. I am used to slacking off, because somehow I can solve problems and do assigments in half the time other people need, and if I just invest a bit more time, I get the best marks. One thing I enjoy is competitive sports, I am and I work out almost daily. Since I am barely social, it's great for balancing out the uni stuff. Also, if I don't work out, I get depressed.

Now for the first time in my life, I actually feel challenged by my studies, by my math BA. Sure most of the maths I do currently is babby tier and I already know it, but some of the exercises really make me think, and doing the entire sheet can take up to an afternoon. Now, since I have twice as many lectures now, and I need to work out daily, I am really getting into time pressure. I feel like I really need to change something major about how I spend my time, and do it quickly, or I won't be able to handle all the work.

So how do you guys manage this? I guess maths at MA or PhD is a lot more work.

Was it a bad idea to study maths or double major? I just don't feel sufficiently challenged in my CS MSc. However, the stress now is really getting to me, and I have headaches because of high blood pressure for the first time in my life. I am usually not a whiny bitch, but this is annoying as fuck if you want to train/learn.

What do I do /sci/? How did you get your shit together and in order? Is a double major always hard?

>> No.6103476

Read the mod post in the sticky. It tells you why you're gonna get banned for this thread.

>> No.6103482


>> No.6103484

If you want advice with college/university, go to /adv/


>> No.6103490

[autism intensifies]

I want to talk with STEM double majors about double majoring in STEM. I don't need college/university advice.

I know there are a few people out there who double major in math/CS or math/physics.

>> No.6103495

fuck off.
that sticky is up for a reason.
asking for university advice no matter how related it is to /sci/ is not welcome.

>> No.6103498

You think you're above the rules, huh?

>> No.6103504

Holy fuck bro, you've got a serious case of autism to spam that much.

>> No.6103511

I don't get the Pareto joke.

>> No.6103515


>> No.6103519
File: 5 KB, 658x119, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more than one person dumbass.
this isn't the place to ask for university help.
it is actually autistic of you for you not to understand the social norms of /sci/.

>> No.6103521

>is too socially impaired to respect the rules
>accuses socially well-adjusted posters of "autism"

oh the irony

>> No.6103527

I am sorry bro, I have been on /sci/ for years and this has never been the attitude of this board.

I don't care about your shopped screencaps, since you're obviously a samfagging autist desperate for attention. So please, go to >>>/b/ if you need to shitpost, nobody gives a fuck about your uneducated opinion here.

>> No.6103536

What subjects are you doing OP?

>> No.6103538

>I have been on /sci/ for years and this has never been the attitude of this board.

This is clearly a lie. /sci/ always hated you /soc/ and /adv/ blog shitters. Guess why we got that sticky redirecting you to where you belong.

>> No.6103543
File: 12 KB, 200x219, 50314_288865372137_2985807_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this guy

Time to return home, child:

>> No.6103552

For my CS major: Biostatics, Efficient Programming, Advanced Software Engineering, and some project internship in Matlab

For Math: Analysis I, LinAlg I, and Introduction to Programming for Mathematicians (top lel)