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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 555 KB, 2000x3552, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6101973 No.6101973 [Reply] [Original]

This question has me absolutely stumped, I have no idea what to do

>> No.6101974

I see you go to Maribyrnong college.

I hope your professor enjoys your obvious cheating during a test.

>> No.6101982

I seriously need help with these

>> No.6101996
File: 26 KB, 635x465, colorado-shooting-james-holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy guns. Lots of them.

>> No.6101999

This board should prevent Australian IPs from posting, there has never been a notable Scientist or Mathematician from OZ, nor will there ever be, unless one comes up with a clever way to kill off all the giant poisonous spiders and snakes there.

>> No.6102000

Mate, i really need help on this

>> No.6102007

Terry Tao
That guy who won a nobel prize in Physics
Dont turn v into dr/dt, turn a into dv/dt

>> No.6102005

change a = .9mgv^2 to dv/dt = .9mgv^2 and you can solve the differential equation

>> No.6102008
File: 22 KB, 224x360, Terence Tao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucking kidding me? Terence Tao has a fields medal, and he's one of the most famous mathematicians alive today.


>> No.6102009

about to send the email.
you are pos he's from that school?

>> No.6102010
File: 261 KB, 552x414, What a retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Terence Tao

Ah ok this anon knows what he's talking about.

> Nobel prize in physics.

Wow what a fucking retard.

>> No.6102011

dude, its a paper that any school in Victoria can obtain, you really think you've pin pointed one out of hundreds of schools?

>> No.6102014

Alternately, use the identity a = dv/dt = v dv/dx. That way you can neglect time entirely.

>> No.6102015

I'm talking about a different Australian whose name I can't remember who won a nobel prize in Physics

Don't most schools make their own sacs?

>> No.6102017


Just jerk off onto the page and hand it in.

>> No.6102019

no clue.
I just hate these problem hotline threads and if I can make OP suffer I will

>> No.6102020

But that doesn't help if you have GPS enabled on the exif file of your phone camera pictures

>> No.6102025

I don't think you've set up the problem correctly, it should be something along the lines
Fnet = mg - .09mgv^2
Fnet = mg( 1 - .09v^2)

>> No.6102026

Yeah, because most of the other posters on /sci/ are notable scientists and mathematicians. Clearly its just we Australians bringing the board down. Keep up the quality amirite?

The majority of posters here are undergraduates, not notable scientists. As someone who has actually published a few papers (and even got some meagre citations) I'd say I'm probably among the most notable we've got. That alone probably puts Australia towards the top of 'notability' of /sci/ posters.

>> No.6102030

lol so much if OP fails specialist maths because of this thread in like the last week of yr 12.

But since he can't even do this question its not like he would have gotten above 35 anyway

>> No.6102037

He's not really Australian though

>> No.6102040


> Born and raised in Adelaide.
> Bachelor & Master's at an Australian university.
> Not Australian.


>> No.6102046

<span class="math"> \frac{dv}{dt} = -0.09gv(t)^2 [/spoiler]
<span class="math"> \frac{dD}{dt} = v(t) [/spoiler]

>> No.6102062

Sorry, what was it you had contributed to science?