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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6101674 No.6101674 [Reply] [Original]

It was my freshman year of university and I had just discovered /sci/. I was planning on majoring in psychology and going to graduate school for it, but /sci/ convinced me that anything less than STEM was a waste of time and complete shit-tier. So I switched my major to biochemistry and molecular biology with the intent of going on to grad/professional school.

Fast-forward to today and I'm in my senior year and realize how much I fucking hate these courses, the professors, my peers. I fucking hate how I only made 2 friends because this major made me autistic. I wish I never listened to any of you and now I don't know what to do with my life

>> No.6101682
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>biochemistry and molecular biology

>> No.6101686
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>basing your future off of the science board of an anime image site

What did you think you were going to do? Go to STEM Inc. and collect your 300k starting?

>> No.6101691

Your fault for listening to faggots on an anime image board.

>> No.6101694


He would be on his way, if he had gone for the math phd, not bio stuff.

>> No.6101695

Meh I've done just about the most rigorous chemistry courses my university has to offer...
I don't know man, sort of. Neither of my parents attended university so I had no one else to go for guidance. Now I'm at a huge loss and don't know what to do.

>> No.6101698

>get MBA in grad school
>de-autism yourself
>get a job at a pharmaceutical company making behavior-altering drugs

>> No.6101722

I hope you like a world without such wonderful things as medicine, vaccinations, epidemiology, agriculture and ecology.

Whether it's harder or easier doesn't really matter, that shit has a role to play in the world.

>> No.6101725

You can still go to grad school for something other than bio/STEM, you'll just need to explain your reasoning for switching focus.

>> No.6101729

LOL, i love how people are offering him more "advice".

>> No.6101730


>> No.6101757

absolutely bananas tier, you're not going to get a job too even with a Phd, lel

>> No.6101759

Why would you ever listen to /sci/'s advice, you utter moron?

>> No.6101760

I'll take "Things that didn't happen" for $300k, Alex.

>> No.6101761

why the fuck would you go into a major if you hated everything about it

this is like getting trolled by those really old $400k starting salary mathematics major threads

>> No.6101762

Well a few years ago there were group of reasonable posters and it wasn't all troll threads but in hindsight I do see how retarded it was...

I wish I could everything all over again

>> No.6101765

psychology is terrible. we had a guy from amazon a recruiter come talk to us from Seattle over teleconference. He said us as interns would make more money than he does. That is stupid.

>> No.6101766


You got trolled. Psychology is the most well-paid, well-respected and rewarding major there is. By studying biochemistry you have condemned yourself to a life of poverty and despair.

>> No.6101782

>Psychology is the most well-paid, well-respected and rewarding major there is.
assuming you can find a job in psychology with a degree in psychology. Most likely you'll end up a librarian or at best a school counselor or something. It's one of those degrees you get and then say to your employer "hey look I got a college degree, hire me"

>> No.6101795

I know there are an absurd amount of psychology undergrads, but I honestly don't know what to do.

Do something I hate for the money.
Or do something I like for shit money.

I should just join the military and be a human meat shield at this point

>> No.6101800

In all seriousness, is biochemistry really a bad major?
I'm a first year biochem major and I'm not hating the courses yet, but mostly my classmates complaining all the time about how ''omg calculus 1 is so hard'' ''where's muh biology I'll never use math again why do we learn this'' is what makes me think about changing.
Also, will learning math be useful in biochem at some point? I like math but would be cool to know that it's not a waste of time to learn it in this major.

>> No.6101823

>majoring in something you don't like

>> No.6101825

I switched from chem to biochemistry partially because of interest but partially because the labor statistics bend chemistry over and fuck it in the ass.

Also I'm wondering why everyone on this board hates biology so much. You act like it's irrelevant because it's easier. Does no one else get excited by the idea of finding the cure for diseases or improving our understanding of the human brain? Don't get me wrong... I love physics... But I don't think it's fair to rank a fields relevance based on its difficulty

>> No.6101833
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>Listening to anything /sci/ says
>Actually letting an image board have any impact on your life
Just do what you love, faggot. Society will works itself out, don't let others run your life. Have the balls to make your own way.

>> No.6101839

>I don't know what to do with my life

Well if you loved psychology you should have majored in that instead of listening to people you don't know on 4chan. The only thing is you had to know going in that psychology is a saturated field and it can be hard to get started and you may never be making an amazing salary but hey it beats fast food right? If you were willing to accept the risks you should have just done what you loved.

>> No.6101845

I actually do take /sci/'s advice.
I honestly wanted to go for psy as well, but after much brainwashing regarding pseudoscience and all that jazz, I'm now in ChemE.

It's alright, I guess. Not really hating it per se.
But in all honesty OP, if you wanted to do something you would enjoy, just go for Comp Sci, or Comp Engineering. I'm sure this is a field that most 4chan users would unequivocally enjoy.
Don't be a dumbass and jump into any career path thinking "NDUH, AT LEATS IT BE STEM".

>> No.6101888

Do something you like for shit money.

Are you retarded? Get into a good graduate program, do really good research or clinical shit. If you do something you love, work hard at it, and spend a lot of time on it, you'll get paid well for your efforts in the end.

>> No.6101907


if it wasn't for /sci/, I would probably be in business, but I'm in chem E right now. It's been a very stressful autistic time, but I don't regret it at all.

>> No.6101919
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>there are people on /sci/ right now actually reading the e-penis measuring contents of clueless undergrads and taking it as "advice"
how horrifying

>> No.6101930

Are you the same dude that was posting about mathematical constants the other day?

Just curious.

>> No.6101935


How do you even get a job once you finish? What will you even do?

>> No.6101953

how to visualize projective plane?

>> No.6101963

Seriously. If you want advice, go to your adviser.

>> No.6101970

>taking career advice from /sci/

Should have done maths, molecular biology is too soft. Might as well have done your art history or whatever you were planning in the first place.

>> No.6101985


Is it just me, or does anyone else think is opposite? I think chemistry is a lot easier because it is morel logical, mathematical. To some degree, or in some instances, biology is like.."identify this substance based on its image, and we have such a problem with devising a standard nomenclature such that there are ever-changing terms for biological structures along with a few synonyms to make it pretty much like a second language."

Only me?

>> No.6101997

>300k starting

/sci/ comes up with the best jokes.

>> No.6102001

> listening to /sci/
this was your first prob.

>> No.6102003

>implying chemistry isn't exactly like that as well

>> No.6102295
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>I should just join the military and be a human meat shield at this point
Well there you go. See if you bump into any /b/ros while you're there.

>> No.6102315

Although I didn't choose my major because of 4chan, I do take advice from anons all of the time. I am just careful and conscientious of what advice I apply to what situation. Of course I don't listen to 4chan alone, but take advice from friends and family, other Internet sources, professionals, etc.

>hurr durr biochem has no maths
Chem students take and apply all of the same maths that engineering students do.

OP, you can do alot with your degree. In fact, most students seem to get into a job that isn't related to their degree at all. People can also get into graduate programs that aren't in the same major as their undergrad was, so you can still get into a pscyhology program at the masters/phd level with a biochem/mol bio degree. Just look at what you want to do with your career/life and go there using what you have already done.

>> No.6102317

it isn't just you. /sci/ will make fun of bio, CS, math, physics, etc.

also, if you take /sci/ too seriously, you'll be end up like OP.

>> No.6102405
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>mfw I punch every biologist I meet in the face