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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 201 KB, 900x600, toggaftagnikooluoyeratahw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6101641 No.6101641 [Reply] [Original]

prove this thread isn't full of retards and tell my friend here all about fractals

>> No.6101648

so far the only one to post in this thread is you, so technically it is full of retards.

>> No.6101681

yet another retard

>> No.6101693

4 for 4, all retards

>> No.6101696

NOW it's 4. Retard posting.

>> No.6101699

I suspect this one is a variation of a julia set.

>> No.6101706
File: 7 KB, 627x84, hausdorff_dimension.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of non-retards in this thread, N, is given by the formula in this picture.

Here S, the space of all posters on /sci/, is equipped with the discrete metric.

>> No.6101708

As can be seen by my use of <span class="math">\subseteq[/spoiler] instead of <span class="math">\supseteq[/spoiler], the result is indeed correct.

>> No.6101709

how can you tell? other than google

>> No.6101712
File: 338 KB, 900x808, yo-mandelbrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing made of itself.

>> No.6101723

I don't, however those swirly behaviors are what make up the infinite number of the julia sets.

>> No.6101741

nice, you can give me the general formula for non-retards but not the general formula for fractals

>> No.6101810
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, fractopolis_fractal_wallpapers_2701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pattern or shape with no definable edge and/or infinite surface area.

Pic is my wallpaper btw

>> No.6101865
File: 55 KB, 806x241, how_to_make_a_fractal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the general formula for fractals
...is a trivial extension of the first formula.

>> No.6101868
File: 28 KB, 799x233, gabhorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A pattern or shape with no definable edge and/or infinite surface area.

That's not a good definition of a fractal. For example see pic related, not a fractal but fits your definition.

A fractal is a set whose fractal dimension exceeds its topological dimension. Essentially that the set fills the space it lives in in a complex manner.

>> No.6101875

This is good, but it only provide a sufficient condition, not a sufficient and necessary one.

>> No.6101894
File: 57 KB, 821x251, how_to_make_a_fractal_v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the condition given at the end is both necessary and sufficient.

Also, new version fixing some of the errors, in particular the overloaded notation with the fractal and the feasible open set B.

>> No.6101915
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, fractopolis_fractal_wallpapers_401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That's not a good definition of a fractal.


This type of math is not my specialty but as the thread still lacked any good description, I felt obligated to chime in.

My description was based off a description given in "I Am a Strange Loop".

Your image (though potentially a single unit of a fractal pattern) is not what I was attempting to describe.

>A pattern or shape with no definable edge and/or infinite surface area.

adding the line

>Which has exponential similar complexity

>> No.6101929

it's retards all the way down

>> No.6101928

>Actually the condition given at the end is both necessary and sufficient.
Oh really? Awesome. You should point that out in the paper, or have you done so elsewhere?

>> No.6101931

I can't prove this thread isn't full of retards but I can prove it is full of retards because OP is in it.

>> No.6101943


turtles are not retarded. TAKE THAT BACK MOTHERFUCKER!

>> No.6101948

It's simulations all the way down


>> No.6102022

I'm actually interested by this shit

How do you get to F sub q? Do you keep applying the union of images thing to the previous set

>> No.6102558

what if retardation was self-similar and therefore a fractal?

>> No.6102569

Not orthonormal qS? I mean wouldn't to big Qs make shit grow to infitinty?

>> No.6102586

Are you sure the <span class="math"> f_i(F)\cap f_j(F) = \emptyset [/spoiler] is correct? cuz i feel like that would make sure all fractals are non-connected.

>> No.6102590

( for instance this would force a "bloated" szipersky triangle to not be a fractal).

>> No.6102600

Also the "will terminate in finite number of steps" seems weird. (i mean this would make it so that after a finite zoom the object would no longer be self similar).

Or i could just be spouting shit cuz i don't understand your not neatly written definition.

>> No.6102652

>"will terminate in finite number of steps"
Yeah, that was a mistake, I was doing an unrelated recursion question concurrently and in my sleepiness got the two mixed up.

But the iteration does converge to a set F, as all fixed-point theorems assert.

Fuck, you're right too -- in infinite dimensions an 'orthogonal' basis is implicitly understood to be normalized, and I forgot to turn that part off when going back to finite dimensions.

I've corrected that in the second version -- you need that for the feasible open set, but not for the similitude operation itself. But you do need <span class="math">f_i(F)\cap f_j(F)[/spoiler] to have Hausdorff measure 0.

Honestly, I typed up that thing as a (very very) indirect joke here >>6101706, which involved basically copying off Wikipedia and making it unnecessarily pretentious. If you're genuinely looking for a readable explanation you should just go straight to that page:


Disclaimer: I know enough to translate between English and mathspeak, but have zero familiarity with fractals, so you should definitely trust Wikipedia over myself.

>> No.6102678

All fractals don't have hausdorff measure 0? Or did i misinterpret.

>> No.6103792

are you retards even trying? you can't even explain the simplest of fractals