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File: 375 KB, 1024x768, imagem51a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6101249 No.6101249 [Reply] [Original]

People keep saying this project is a fraud, but I literally can't see any reasons why this wouldn't work.


It's an amazing idea, I'm surprised to find out no one had put it into practice up until now.

>> No.6101252

Give a quick rundown of what they are doing, I don't speak BR

>> No.6101254

It's all in the site.

We will build in Porto Alegre, at Av. Patria, 195 - a power generator that started by a
mechanic system, and exclusively powered by the gravity force.
It will be the first equipment with this technology in the world.
We have a small machine for experience and testing in our headquarter at Av. Pedro
Ivo,933. The mechanic system was created under a special conception, to pick up and
take the energy contained in the planet gravity, at any moment and place, without
pollution or heat. Technology was completely developed by our Company and consists
in a continuos movement with some extra energy that can be taken, in a continuous
and perpetual mechanic movement. This equipment is similar to a combustion engine,
where a set of wheights represent the fuel and pistons that activate assemblies connected
to a crankshaft. Another similar equipment will be built in the U.S.A. at the Incobrasa
Industries Ltd plant, a Company of the group, located in Gilman, IL. Both equipment
are demonstration models with capacity to generate 30 KW, and will be ready in the
middle of the next year. The technique allows the building of great power generators.

>> No.6101257
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>> No.6101261

It looks cool, 30 KW is extremely ineffecient for such a huge thing, but I think they could improve on it. I like the idea.
Do they have to add some extra energy to keep it moving?

>> No.6101262

>Brasil - 2013
>perpetual motion machine of the first kind


just stick to football and drug wars

>> No.6101266

It's entirely powered by gravity.

>> No.6101269

Is that supposed to be mechanical free energy machine?


at least the one guy has some magical fusion shit going on.

Props on getting enouhg money to build something that big though, it should be able to run pretty long just on the energy stored in the parts if it's designed well enough.

Also, clear bullshit is clear

Also it amazes me greatly that there are literally hundreds of free energy machines out there but none of the inventors are not smart enough to become billionares.

>> No.6101270

........................ don't you mean, soccer?

>> No.6101271

Okay good luck with that.

>> No.6101277
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>> No.6101275

>Also it amazes me greatly that there are literally hundreds of free energy machines out there
Such as?

>> No.6101280

like this one, and pretty sure there are like hundred russian kids that did free energy in youtube with magnets, such geniusses... And so noble too, as not to take monetary credit for their work.

>> No.6101351

That doesn't sound edgy at all!

>> No.6101353

Yes, it turns four times a day, just like the tides.

>> No.6101359
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The problem with using perpetual motion as energy sources is that not only can it not LOSE energy (thus staying in motion) but it has to CREATE energy that you can skim off the top.

Even if you created a perpetual motion machine, as soon as you took energy from it to power your Facebook Machines, it would never replace that energy.

>> No.6101383

>powered by the gravity force
You've said enough. You've proved that you didn't know the difference between force and power. Just because gravity provides a constant force doesn't mean it is a constant source of power. There's plenty of way you can can teach yourself the difference, like wikipedia. Go do this.

>> No.6101385

That's not going to be a convincing argument to a perpetual motion crank. If they know what energy is, they'll convince themselves there's a source of energy of some sort.

Anyway, you should be able to design a perpetual motion machine powered by the expansion of the universe, if you build it on a big enough scale, and our current cosmology is right.

With professors of physics talking about time travel and infinite alternate universes and being taken seriously, it kind of sets a bad example.

>> No.6101418

So one part is getting pulled down by gravity and generating power, right?
But that means another is moving up. That part would also be pulled down by gravity, canceling out any useful work.

>> No.6101424
File: 33 KB, 251x242, r u srs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rest of the world calls it football. your silly "lets pick up a lemon shaped sack of air and run into each other wearing pads" sport is called american football

>> No.6101429

We call it Fußball, honestly. It just seems to be the british that are so anal about it.

>> No.6101435
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>their face when they spent months making a humongous hunk of metal that only moves and does nothing else

they should have just asked you first

>> No.6101436

Most of Europe and Russia get pretty anal about it.
Mainly because of the fact Americans call a game where they primarily use their hands football and don't call a game where they use their feet football.

For real, its like hey guys what should we call this game where we hold and run around with something that isnt ball shaped? I dunno lets call it football.

Where is the logic in calling a game which mostly uses hands and uses something that isnt a ball, football when there is already a sport called football?

Also American football is just rugby but with body armor.

>> No.6101453

You really think they spent all of their funding on construction and didn't pocket a healthy profit?

Do you even know how perpetual motion works?

>> No.6101460

I was being sarcastic. and what your saying is exactly the point I was trying to make

>> No.6101465 [DELETED] 

Sorry for being an idiot but how much is 30KW per day? Like what and for how long could you power with that amount of electricity.

>> No.6101478

Let's say you have a 30W light bulb.
You could continually power a thousand of them.

>> No.6101477

Like the tides? The moon is moving farther out in its orbit and slowing the earth's rotation. It will continue to do this until only one side of the earth ever sees the moon. Is it grabbing some of this transfer of energy?

>> No.6101483

kW is the rate of production. 30 kw could run about 30 average microwave ovens continuously.
Per day would be 720 kWh.

>> No.6101498
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>> No.6101501

You know that it doesn't makes any sense at all right? You should learn about this with high school education. Potential energy, kinetic energy?

>> No.6101507

It might some clever way of harvesting the rotational energy of the earth.

>> No.6101512
File: 56 KB, 457x835, 1292268938621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now a troll physics thread

>> No.6101516

whys it so hard to believe they made a device that moves with the tides, and that with that, they can use it to generate energy?

>> No.6101520

like the tides, rather

>> No.6101518

It really saddens me how fucked up is the scientific eduction in the world. I have seen many doctors ignorant about how the scientific method works.

>> No.6101523

No need to be arrogant. In concept this is entirely possible

>> No.6101524

It would be infinitely more efficient to use the huge mass of water in the tides to produce energy, and event that isn't very efficient. Come back when they make a machine heavier than the ocean.

>> No.6101527

Oh look, someone with more money than sense is embarking on a foolhardy vanity project. Something no human has ever done before.

>> No.6101528

then why the fuck wouldn't they just say that, rather than say herpady derp it works on gravity force

>> No.6101531

>This thread is now a troll physics thread
Where the fuck have you been, this was *always* a troll physics thread!

>> No.6101530

It is just the truth. Most people are scientifically ignorants. And that project is a scam, there is a lot of charlatans in Brazil, it is part of their culture.

>> No.6101534

So Nigeria is full of bogus Princes, and Brazil is full of bogus scientists? I shudder to think what Bolivia is full of, then.

>> No.6101539


>> No.6101544

because it does use gravity force
I have to admit I have no idea how this contraption works but I don't think the concept of using gravity as a source of power is that stupid. energy can't be created nor destroyed so why should it be impossible to convert gravity into electricity?

>> No.6101545

I wouldn't say bogus scientists, just that scams are very common be it in politics or business.


>> No.6101547

Gravity is not an energy form, it is a property of matter.

>> No.6101550

What do fake olives taste like?

>> No.6101551


>> No.6101552

>Gravity is not an energy form, it is a property of the physical Universe.

>> No.6101559

So, they build this HUGE machine that harnesses one fiftieth the power of a standard wind turbine.

Oh... and its own advertisements make it sound like it is a scam.

>> No.6101560

Tides work due to gravitational differences. Oceans have tides because they are so huge. Some of the the Great Lakes have tides, but the changes are so small it's hard to measure.
The gravitational variations of a machine that small would be so incredibly insignificant that it could not overcome the friction of all of the moving parts.
It's like expecting the Coriolis effect to have a noticeable affect on the spin of the water going down the drain of your sink.

>> No.6101562

well the moon can move millions of tons of water around the planet creating the tides. people use the tides to produce electricity. isn't that technically turning the moons gravity into energy?

>> No.6101572

No, you are using the moon kinetic energy. The gravity just transfers it. It is like saying that a hydroelectric plant is powered by magnets.

>> No.6101573

Any videos or gifs that show exactly how this thing or the concept in general is supposed to function?

>> No.6101588

jesus fucking christ… couldn’t they built a 10th scale model of that thing and save themselves few million dollars?

what a gigantic waste of steel, machining time, energy needed to fabricate all that stuff and MONEY.

unbelievable how costly the lack of basic physical knowledge can be.

>> No.6101595

but its still the gravity that is pulling all that water up. there must be some way to harness that sort of power and create energy

>> No.6101597
File: 69 KB, 403x386, pants on head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without heat
>perpetual movement

>> No.6101603

If only we had some sort of wikipedia, or an ability to search for things on the internet that rhymes with oogle...

>> No.6101614

what causes tides, jackass?
Much more fair answer.

>> No.6101628

nigger I know about tidal power, the posts leading to that post.
all I was saying is
tides - a product of gravitational pull from the moon
tidal power - turning the tides into energy
therefore gravity CAN be turned into energy

>> No.6101633

read the posts leading to that post. was what I was going to say

>> No.6101636

I just checked the names of the people mentioned in the site and none of them are scientists or have any link with the scientific community. They are just people involved with soya business, importation and exportation, etc.

My guess is that they really believe that it will work, someone else fooled them into this scam and was smart enough to keep his name out of it probably spending just a fraction of the money in the machine.

My uncle is a rich doctor and believes in dowsing so it wouldn't be that hard to scam some rich businessmen into giving you some millions for a miraculous infinite energy source.

>> No.6101635


Then there would only be 1/10th of the output. Something tells me the output is directly related to the mass involved, you know, since gravity.

>> No.6101650

>Then there would only be 1/10th of the output. Something tells me the output is directly related to the mass involved, you know, since gravity.


my point is that they could have built a 1/10th scale model and would have realized that this shit doesn't work. but I guess you too believe in this free energy nonsense.

>> No.6101660

RIP Thermodynamics (1824-2013)

It was a good run

>> No.6101663

Is the moon losing kinetic energy then as it's being turned into other forms of energy?

>> No.6101665

The bigger and cooler and more complicated it looks the longer you can bamboozle people into giving you funding for it.

>> No.6101669


Well I don't believe it's energy from NOWHERE, but I DO believe the motion of the Earth and Moon create forces that CAN be harnessed. Maybe not by this bullshit, but by something.

Some time in the future we'll just lasso the moon and I'll use it to pull my ass to the other side of the world, and instantly regret landing in some shithole in rural India.

>> No.6101673

Actually the Earth is losing kinetic energy to the moon making our days a few microseconds longer every year

>> No.6101677

But there are forms to use it to produce electricity. They are called tidal power.

Now if it were any good japan would be full of those plants, those guys need electricity desesperately. Too bad that it sucks

>> No.6101678

They don't actually say it's moved by the moon's gravity, do they?

I posted that as a joke, to tweak the noses of people bothering to debunk it.

>> No.6101692
File: 65 KB, 488x313, 1377716510106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa ... just a second are you saying there is actually a method to science?

>> No.6101701

>perpetual motion machine


hue hue hue


>> No.6101715

Even if that thing can generate power, it looks like it costs at least several hundred thousand dollars to build. And all you get out of it is 30kW, just put up some goddamn solar panels or something

>> No.6101804

Even a nigger running in a huge hamster wheel would be a cheapper source of energy.

>> No.6102205

>Also American football is just rugby but with body armor.
and fatty guys. Only in US morbid obesity doesn't stop you for being a sport professional

I read that like sucker.

Why are you so bad at it, rly ? U masterrace basket, olympic games (with russia and China), but when it come to soccer, you're just as good as Tuvalu.

>> No.6102226

If this would work, which it won't, it would work scaled down. Why they are building a gigantic ass piece of machinery that will do absolutely nothing without testing it small scale is beyond me.

>> No.6102263


what if

listen guys

this is the scaled down version

like and the real one

it will be bigger

maybe 10 times bigger

probably 100 times really

that way it will make 100 times the power


>> No.6102274

>probably 100 times really
>that way it will make 100 times the power
That's stilll only 3MW for something the size of a village.

>> No.6102290
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 1343128040942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will work.i just need 100 billion dollar,to really iron out some little probs

>> No.6102308


There really needs to be a video of this thing doing whatever it's supposed to do. It looks like a piece of mad agricultural machinery.

>> No.6102508

> it turns four times a day

>> No.6102536

Seems even in an expensive electricity are it would take 30 years to generate 100,000$, but the advantage of solar is the parts to build it is just steal and very common. There may be more efficiency gains on larger scaling as well. Seems if you mass manufactured these things the price could easily be less than a car a much more complicated machine. The main cost here is just lots of steel which only costs ~$300 per ton. So a 30 ton machine 9,000-12,000 in parts maybe another 10,000 in labor.

>> No.6102539

time cube

>> No.6102621
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Any anon living around there?

>> No.6102674

Because those guys were scammed. They made a lot of money in soya business but they have no scientifical knowledge.

>> No.6102799
File: 11 KB, 267x313, renato_ribeiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renato Ribeiro, soy baron and inventor.


>> No.6102839

This can't be real
he took that directly from the troll physics threads, didn't he?

>> No.6102848

>Some of the the Great Lakes have tides, but the changes are so small it's hard to measure.

u wot mate I live near lake mich and the changes are definitely noticable..

>> No.6102854
File: 4 KB, 178x163, magnet_chain[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should just use magnets, they are magic

p.s. Jesus christ brazil, get your fucking shit together.

>> No.6102855

>This can't be real
>he took that directly from the troll physics threads, didn't he?

that's actually a pretty neat patent. it's not crazy like perpetual stuff.

>> No.6102859


>> No.6102863

>Studies indicate that the Great Lakes spring tide, the largest tides caused by the combined forces of the sun and moon, is less than five centimeters (two inches) in height. These minor variations are masked by the greater fluctuations in lake levels produced by wind and barometric pressure changes.

The wind and air pressure seem to have a greater effect on Michigan than the moon

>> No.6102868

I don't understand. There are so many attempts to create some kind of perpetual motion that often consume years of peoples lives and cost them thousands. Doesn't anyone ever take the time to learn some rudimentary physics before they make a fool of themselves?

Correction, it's definitely a government conspiracy.

>> No.6102872

>Doesn't anyone ever take the time to learn some rudimentary physics before they make a fool of themselves?
the answer should be rather obvious by now, wouldn't you say?

>> No.6102877
File: 78 KB, 943x507, troll_physics_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah someone just patented troll physics, deal with it.

>> No.6102886

goddamnit I always imagine how great it would be to live in a universe where this sort of thing would actually work.

Would be so cool to have my own little perpetual water tank energy machine powering my PC and I could decorate it with neon-lights and stuff, all self-sufficient

>> No.6102903

>the device uses gravity
>gravity gets slowly depleted over time
>we now all in space or using ultraheavy weight suits with thrusters so still use the little gravity that we have left

gee, thanks br, you couldnt have moneys so you reported us and yourself in the process.

>> No.6102908

>gravity gets slowly depleted over time
wow, they actually invented a device which directly converts matter into energy and it's completely mechanical! Incredible.

>> No.6102917

You should be fearful because just like oil, gravity is a finite resource. We must be careful not to spend it all at once.

>> No.6102919

start the generators

>> No.6102924

I can see American's heavily investing in gravity depletion technology.

>> No.6102931

>gravity is depleted in america
>they invent a way to store it in tiny containers
>instead of gold standard we now have gravity standards because of how precious it is
>amerika tries to buy all the gravities
>amerika hears of new gravity wells being discovered in other countries
>freedom time

>> No.6102935

Americans are wasting all of Earths precious gravity with their fat bodies

>> No.6102936

dont worry, when america uses too much gravity it just collapses into itself and then eventually randomly distributes gravity for everyone around it.

>> No.6102940

i didn't read the thread but i think the idea is kind of interesting in another perspective.
you can harness a machine that abuses the gravity to extract energy from the SUN<->EARTH system.

1. the sun is above the machine. A huge weight is lifted towards the sun. Earths gravity is slightly reduced by the suns gravity
2. Wait half a day
3. The sun is under the machine. let the weight drop and extract energy for the next run + the profit from the now added sun gravity.

this should work, i wonder if earths momentum or earths rotational energy is extracted

>> No.6102947

Aloys H Bokel: Ultimate energy wheel drum. April 1982: US 04326132 (26 worldwide citation)
Brad A Forrest: Buoyancy and gravitation motor. August 1999: US 05944480 (12 worldwide citation)
Patrick F Flynn, Harold G Weber, John M Mulloy: Turbomachine. Cummins Engine Company January 1981: US 04243357 (10 worldwide citation)
Gerlach C Richard: Centrifugal compressor. Micro Gen Equipment Corporation February 1975: US 3865506 (6 worldwide citation)
Welbourne McGahee: Economy of motion machine. October 2008: US 07434396 (4 worldwide citation)
Title not Available. _322785
Title not Available. _1708807
Title not Available. _2037973
Title not Available. _2003145589

As said before

World's scientific education is really fucked up. This should have higher priority than grammar.

>> No.6102948

As a Brazilian, this thread and the project hurts my soul.

>> No.6102951

It's almost like you expect people to know grammar.

>> No.6102952

Does it have magnets or WTF?

>> No.6102950

kinda like tidal generators but more direct?

>> No.6102954

Idiots. If they deplete all the Earth's gravity, well all just float away into space.

And not just us, but the atmosphere, animals, rocks, seas and everything and we'll turn blue-skinned.

And then humans from Earth will attack us to get out unobtainium.

>> No.6102953

Why don't you make a drawing like this? >>6102877

I would like to save your idea to post in future.

>> No.6102955

how big would i need to power my house?

>> No.6102956
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Kinda like this but with fancy language

>> No.6102959

Jupiter sized

>> No.6102961

The machine in the picture could power all the world if you had some antimatter to combine with it.

>> No.6102967

Wow that's actually interesting.

At first I was writing something about how obviously wrong your post was, but then I thought about it some more.

It would of course be a very tiny amount of energy, but the work we'd have to do in raising the object would be (E-S)
where E and S are the work from the earth and sun on the object moved by a distance 'd'. and the amount of energy we would get out of letting it fall down after half a day would be E+S

so you could actually extract (E+S) - (E-S) = 2S energy from this..

However, we'd also have to wonder if the amount of energy you get out (2S) is smaller than the energy lost in the conversion into useable energy.

>> No.6102976

>conservative filed
>free energy

top lel

>> No.6102987
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>> No.6102995

Fuck! Are people really taking that guy seriously? Just do a small bump on some asteroid and find a way to use the energy as it falls on Earth plus get tons of platinum and other valuable metals with it!

>> No.6103009

dumbass here
why wouldn't it work?

>> No.6103012
File: 167 KB, 800x998, 305687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would naturally work, but it's the rube goldberg machine of energy production.
You could do the same with just simple tidal energy


>> No.6103017

it would work if you could make it not lose any water during the process

tidal energy is different and it wont be available at constant force everywhere. while that device would be constant energy all time. because it works by buoyancy

>> No.6103020

>why wouldn't it work?

Why wouldn't what work?

>> No.6103023

>it would work if you could make it not lose any water during the process

>> No.6103024

Why wouldn't that generator work?
Won't the balls move upwards?
I guess that you're going to say pressure, but isn't a less dense object gonna pop out to the top anyway? Like when you put a pingpong ball underwater.

>> No.6103027

>it would work if you could make it not lose any water during the process

No it wouldn't.

>> No.6103032

then explain why it would NOT work. just saying so is equal to being a fucking UFO fanatic... no reason/proof at all

>> No.6103033

Why? Please share your smarts with us, plebian idiots, oh almighty geniuses.

>> No.6103042

you are so fucking stupid. draw a free body diagram of the ball entering the water from the bottom. the ball would never be able to overcame the static water pressure; fucking retard. please never engineer.

>> No.6103044


>> No.6103050

>mfw they change the name to "gravity driven motor" instead of "power generator"

its the same damn thing, a fucking scam. jesus christ, i hope they get soaked trying to soak people on this one.

>> No.6103051

I will try to be explain in a simple way for you. When the ball is on the lower opening it have the weight of all the water column over it making pressuring it downward and this force is much stronger than the buoyancy of all the balls in the water.

Any thing that seems like making energy without a source is just troll physics taking advantage of people's ignorance

>> No.6103054

no sorry. but you are the idiot. the main force is NOT cause by the one ball that is entering the waterbath. it is caused by the balls already fully inside it. These do have bouyancy force acting on them. enought to move the whole system and pull the bottom ball into the tank.

nope. the bouyancy motors in these examples are different. they do not have a component that could cause any bouyancy. while that trollpic has a valid system with a force acting on it in a way that would work.

not trolling

>> No.6103059

this is a valid problem. i see. but not one that can't be overcome

>> No.6103065

>they do not have a component that could cause any bouyancy
so according to you only balls on a string have buoyancy, okay.


>> No.6103071

no according to bouyancy only components that have water above AND under it have bouyancy. a wire like in the examples only has sideway forces/pressure

>> No.6103073

There is a way to overcome it, and it is by spending more energy on it than you take from the system.

The buoyancy is based on the volume of the balls and it can't be greater than the water column weight. Unless you get a water column with negative weight.

>> No.6103074

the weight of the column is immense. take the volume of an individual bouyant sphere in your device. Because water must not leak out, you must lift _the entire column of water_ by this volume, spread out over the cross sectional surface area of the column, in order to get a single sphere into the device.

If you play around with the math, you will see that you will always run into limits that keep you from doing this, no matter what the ratio of radii is, or how many balls versus how deep the column is, etc.. etc..

you also need to have balls that wont collapse under pressure at the bottom of the tank, which will quickly cut down on their bouyancy as well.

>> No.6103079

that is all based on one wrong assumption: this is NOT a closed system. there is force that is coming from the gravity outside it/the bouyancy is powered from outside of the system...

>> No.6103085


>what is flux and conservation of energy

>> No.6103087

except that doesn't matter because the balls' buoyancy forces (both entering and floating) cancel out and it's pretty much the same fucking thing.

>> No.6103103

I wish you were trolling but if that guy is stupid enough to spend thousands on that machine probably you are also serious on that.

>> No.6103429

The ball at the valve has to push up the water in the tank.

>> No.6104048

>perpetual mechanic movement.
Killed my hard on..

>> No.6104084


Gravity is a conservative force. The best you could possibly do is make the turbines keep going forever, you cant extract any more energy than whatever the original potential energy was when you set it up.

>> No.6104166

Did someone tell them that they need a difference in energy to make work.
Gravity acts on the whole fucking system

>> No.6104255


A more appropriate name would be HandEgg

>> No.6104275

So if this really works than its safe to assume it is slowing either the rotation of the earth or orbit of the moon? How many of these can we have before the earth stops spinning.

>> No.6104281

This is profoundly stupid, I can't believe such a thing actually exists. HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES MUST PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES BE DISPROVED? This is insanity! Unless this is some sort of joke, the people who built this worthless piece of shit just made a mockery out of their country. WHAT THE FUCK!!!

>> No.6104285

ITT: i dissproved perpetual motion machines back in high school so they must be wrong.

>> No.6104287

I live about 45 minutes out from there. I should stop by and check it out next time I go to chicago for a laugh and a half.

>> No.6104305

Can't you just make a gravity-powered generator using a wind turbine attached to a balloon with an air compressor?

>> No.6104306

Troll logic and energy spontaneously appearing

>> No.6104322

>I don't know about physics so magic and rainbows make perpetuum mobile work
How many teachers did you have to suck off to get a passing grade?

>> No.6104327

There must be a way to make power from all that industriousness.

>> No.6104331

It's not a perpetual machine, it's a gravity engine. It says so right in the field manual. It's an engine because it is producing energy, not perpetually motioning it.

>> No.6104352

>can't see any reasons why this wouldn't work.
Read the fucking laws of thermodynamics.

>> No.6104367

If there was a difference in force it could be harvested...energy isn't useful in equilibrium...this would break a fuckton of thermodynamic principles..
i.e. a -9.8 ms nearly equally accelerating system
Part of the reason we cant use the atmospheric pressure for energy(note there is a difference that exist in different areas when there is wind..)

>> No.6104370

are the tides in equilibrium? no? Guess what neither is gravity. It revolves 4 times a day, that corresponds with gravitation field flux of the earth so I can see how this might actually be harassing that flux.

>> No.6104372

it takes a fucking ocean to sense the tidal effect of the moon. this machine is not going to harness jack shit.

>> No.6104374
File: 23 KB, 1012x700, lrn2thermo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6104377

And besides you could just use tidal enery instead, it saves on construction costs.

>> No.6104397

to be fair, the tidal flux he mentions is an example of the left side of your diagram.

>> No.6104412

we'll say the grey cone is a turbine for the autist/trolls...



>tidal activity
>not a result of the movement of celestial bodies

Sure, if you mean the moons gravity, go ahead and make tidal dams..

>> No.6104417

>what causes tides, jackass?
The moon, dumbshit.
Not the Earth gravity.

Ahahahaah stupid BR.

>> No.6104419

think about it, the water only does work on the bubbles if it decreases the net gravitational potential energy of the water, it doesn't, so it wont rotate.

>dat spelling

>> No.6104448
File: 146 KB, 1280x710, lost-jack-4x01-jack-shephard-3403335-1280-710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that guy, but ironically, you could get more power out of harnessing Jack's shit.

>> No.6104472

In the end, what's the general consensus?
Is it "impossible as all fucks how can you be so stupid to believe this omg go kill ureself" or "dood lemme tell you about my super awesome gravitational energy gatherer"?

>> No.6104504

The former. Confirmed by physics.

>> No.6104516

Imagine a swaying boat with a soup can rolling around. It's the same concept as this, except replace the swaying boat with the moon's gravity and the soup can for weighted arms.

>> No.6104526

> It's entirely powered by gravity.

Then a portion of the mechanism would fall or traverse the 60 or so feet downward, then stop.

It's actually powered by FRAUD.

>> No.6104546


The variation of the moon's gravity on you (which I calculate to be .000032 m/s^2) is so small from the orbital variation that your claim is total bunk.

>> No.6104559

The swaying boat has the combined kinetic energy of tons of water hitting it from all different angles

Gravity has a miniscule effect

>> No.6104565


If you believe that should work, then perform the calculations. Then determine how much energy it is. Then see if it's less that the dissipation of the mechanism you use. Hint: It *will* be less.

Post your results. If you dare.

>> No.6104602

why wouldn't you just use tidal generators?

>> No.6104712

>what this sounded like to me
>gravity is energy

>> No.6104720

You mean to tell me this machine operates on tidal mechanics.

Again, see tidal dams.
Some of the oldest hydroelectric dams have taken advantage of the moons gravitational force.

>> No.6104746

Search the USA patents.

>> No.6104973

Free energy =/= Perpetual motion. Aren't there sterling engines that are precise enough to run off a quarter of a degree C in the air?

>> No.6104993

There is a bunch of troll science patented, and sterling machines are pretty cool but useless.

>> No.6105797

>Gravity engine
Or you know, save your effort and build hydroelectric dams which are a hundred thousand times more efficient and proven to work.

>> No.6105981

I loled in the middle of class.
>tfw my projects probably won't get funded because the pol sci/economics graduate doesn't understand the value of research in my field but this does.

>> No.6106064

At least that guy is fucking rich and probably is spending his own money. The people who sold him the parts must be happy.

>> No.6106076

Still. Money that could go to fund interesting shit. I shudder to think ho many great physicists our generation has missed due to lack of exposure.
>I have a dream of particle accelerators in all american unis.

>> No.6106085

>Believing you can obtain energy from gravity without a net change in height

CONFIRMED for mental retardation.

>> No.6106130

Tide goes in, tide goes out. Can't explain that.

>> No.6106169


>> No.6106175

when the balloon comes from the bottom it has to displace a lot of water upwards and that requires energy, the same energy you get from the balloons floating upwards

>> No.6106193

What a bunch of dumbasses. If the moon had gravity, it would eventually crash into Earth.

>> No.6106203

pick one faggot, also
>not using quantum foam as energy source
top pleb

>> No.6106208

WRONG. If the moon had gravity, EARTH would eventually crash into IT.
Try thinking before you post next time, pal.

>> No.6106232

Still a net change in height. When it goes up in one place it goes down in another.

>> No.6106595

WHAT THE FUCK! You are the dumbest mother fucker on 4chan, what the fuck you mean that it produces energy from gravity? If it does that than it is a so called "perpetual motion machine" which incredibly, would produce more power than it uses. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! Even if the damn thing was super efficient the gravitational potential energy in the system would only change to kinetic energy and then return to the same potential energy. it would never return more energy than you put in. In reality, it wouldn't even do that, non-conservative forces like sound, and friction, would drain the energy in the system. Why the FUCK are we wasting time with this obvious nonsense?

>> No.6106604

>Believing you can't obtain a displacement with a net non-zero forces
I have no idea how this machine works but since the moon exerts a gravitational force on objects on earth it could potentially accelerate an object thus generating a displacement. Although the gravitational force from the moon on earth objects is so low I can't imagine it would be a very useful energy harvesting method.

>> No.6106664

wow what a brand new idea anon

>> No.6106676

Because God wants it to be a fraud

>> No.6107874

Sure it doesn't, just like Newton said

>> No.6109225

meant for

>> No.6109288


The moons gravity causes tides or am i missing something?

>> No.6109301

>exclusively powered by the gravity force
How the hell are you going to create power from gravity when the displacement is n-
>perpetual mechanic movement

>> No.6109305

Perhaps you should finish highschool before starting to judge alternative energy sources.

>> No.6109307


>> No.6109310

Even if this would work, which it can't by highschool physics, the creation and maintenance of such huge machines would bring about waaay more costs than they could -hypothetically- ever harvest.

>> No.6109314

This should win some kind of award,not a science related one obviously but something like a humanities award, it's soothing to know such people exist, he obviously did it to employ people

>> No.6109377

Guys what if all the people who need energy just build bicycles that generate energy when you peddle them?

Infinite energy right there!

>> No.6110146


Moon goes in, moon goes out. You can't explain it.

>> No.6110152

Is that a suicide booth?

>> No.6110157

>people pass more time in a certain place than actually traveling
>people are lazy as fuck

>> No.6110172

What if they use magnetic bearings?

Even MOAR ENERGY!!!!!!!

>but muh highschool physics says perpetual moti

Shut the fuck up, nothing can be perpetual but it can outlast your life span and many more.

>> No.6110282

It's all moot because we have no energy scarcity, anyway. Some specific high-density energy source/vehicles are somewhat scarce but even that is overblown by the parasitic monopolies that control them.

>> No.6110377

<span class="math">
\nabla \times \vec{F} = 0
<span class="math">
W \equiv \oint_C \vec{F} \cdot d\vec r = 0

Gravity, like all other 1/r^2 fields, is a conservative forcefield and the energy required to go from A to B is independent of the path taken.
Knowing this you could have saved you the hassle of building this pile of (s)crap, because whatever mechanics happen in a closed system, the energy is preserved

>> No.6110392


The earth is a system within the closed system of "moon + earth".

No energy is leaving the moon + earth system unconservedly. Energy comes from the rotational kinetic energy of the moon which is completely fine because rotational velocity reduces as the energy is used.

>> No.6110396
File: 46 KB, 552x600, 4229429_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6110412


You need to use a magnet that is in orbit.

>> No.6110441


>> No.6110637

Explain why pulse motors can give excess energy then.

>> No.6110800

Because the pulse rate can find a resonance in the flow and the power is increased significantly. It uses more fuel and any suggestion at over-unity is retarded.

>> No.6110848

They don't give excess energy. The create more potential energy at the cost of the current.
Are you an engineer? Because you sure sound like you suck cocks.