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6096572 No.6096572 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe this thread belongs in /adv/ but I believe that you guys could be more helpful.
Have you ever taken aderall or other substances(I mean drugs not caffeine or nicotine) for studying?Did you notice a slight or a big difference in productivity? Is it dangerous if I don't overuse it and is it worth the risk? What is the usual dosage? And finally is it common in your universities?

>> No.6096598

Why do people assume abusing pills will make them smarter? If aderall actually helped people do better in school, don't you think the drug companies would be all over that shit?

>> No.6096613

Who said anything about being smarter?

>> No.6096664

yes yes no yes 10mg yes

>> No.6096663

Nigga what are you talking about? He wants to take adderall so he can run for an two hours and a half straight

>> No.6096669

yes no yes no 10mg no

>> No.6097622

How would you get it OP ?

>> No.6097629

Caffeine, nor aderall nor any drug doesn't make you smarter and at my advice drugs doesn't worth the risk for neurons.

>> No.6097716

I would imagine they help you to concentrate, which helps you to study, which makes you smarter.

>> No.6097717

just sit on your ass and study. you dont need drugs for that. you can take drugs after the exams. coffeine is a must though

>> No.6097727
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>coffeine is a must though

These nootropic threads are quite common on /sci/ and every time people recommend the same thing. Caffeine + l-theanine is just as good as any drug and the effects are quite noticeable.

I recommend you buy some sencha green tea. It has a high concentration of l-thanine and is widely available at most super markets.

>> No.6097737


No fuck that faggot shit, get matcha green tea instead

>> No.6097745

Personally caffeine does nothing to me. If anything it makes me more antsy. I wish I could try adderall or ritalin but I have no connections to get the drugs from.

>> No.6097744

Matcha and sencha are the same thing. Matcha is just ground up in a fine powder so it'll dissolve completely in water.

However if you want god teir green tea then order some gyokuro tea. It has higher concentrations of theanine than any other tea that exists.

>> No.6097754

Scratch that! I'm a moron. At least I double checked what I was posting but I supose I should have checked before.


Turns out matcha is grown under shade so it has more caffeine and theanaine than sencha. Still not 100% sure matcha has more thanine than gyokuro tho but it doesn't matter. Gyokuro is expensive and hard to find.

>makes me more antsy
L-thanine is a caffeine antagonist. It works to eliminate caffeine jitters and works synergistic in the brain. It's also worth pointing out that if you're unaccustomed to caffeine the side effects will be worse but the body becomes resistant to it. This is why people need more caffine for it to have the same effect on them. The body does not become resistant to l-thanine so as you get use to it you can drink more green tea with less side effects and greater positive effects.

>> No.6097761

I don't live in murrika so I have no idea of this sencha tea. How do I make sure that the green tea I buy has a high concentration or purity or whatever of l-thanine?

>> No.6097793

Sencha is not a brand but a type of green tea. A method that is used in growing and preparation. You can find Sencha almost anywhere as 80% of the tea produced in Japan is sencha.

As for how much theanine it has it's hard to tell with out doing a chemical analysis. However the taste will give you a clue. Thanine is chemically close enough to glutamine that it stimulates glutamate receptors on the tongue. You can literally taste the theanine in a cup of tea. The Japanese call this taste umami, it is a meaty or bothy taste.

>> No.6097799


So how big should the dose be? And how fast does the effect set in and how long is it supposed to last?

>> No.6097897

If that was the case, a pharma company would rebrand it and sell it as a "concentration enhancer" and make another billion off an already existing medication. That's what pharma companies do.

The reason aderall isn't sold as such is because it isn't effective.

>> No.6098205 [DELETED] 


>> No.6098300
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A small dose of methamphetamine works far better than adderall at this, and for much longer. It's trivial to clean up.

>inb4 the word meth triggers irratoinal knee jerk reactions and conditioned hatred from society

>Anhydrous Acetone wash
>Ether wash (Starter fluid, ethanol, hot plate, sulfuric acid....do a fractional distillation to separate the hexanes in the petroleum from the ether and get pure ether)
>Chloroform wash

While both somewhat controlled, you can put a test tube full in your backpack mid lab, or just buy it on ebay from guys who resell it. Not "Controlled" as in schedueled, so this is legal. It's a list 2 chemical, not list 1. Legal for anyone to own, but companies won't sell it to random people due to the use in drug manufacture. Now.

You now removed 99.99% of impurities and heavy cuts from street grade methamphetamine and if you can pass Chemistry 101 lab you can do this with ease.

Methamphetamine is
>Smoother high
>pure clean D-meth is all CNS stimulation while amphetamine racemic mixture has PNS too (this means less physical side effects such as racing heart and shit)
>Longer lasting
>more euphoric so it allows you to get obsessed in the topic/task at hand due to intense pleasure from doing it
>more focus
>more fun all around

However, It's very hard to limit usage to just increasing function then stopping. VERY HARD. But if you can handle meth it will make you a god among men.

It's a deal with the devil

>Handle it with the will power of a god, it enhances your life in every single area (Handle it includes, eating, sleeping, limiting usage, not going broke, not letting your morals slip to acquire more if you somehow run out of money, not harming others to pay for your habit, recognizing the way it changes you and quitting when the bad outweighs the good, etc..) You become a god along men almost. You can get 3 months of shit done in 1 week.
>Fuck it up and your life has a very real chance of being completely destroyed and ruined

>> No.6098713

So I just took a 200mg pill of caffeine and drank 200ml of Sencha Green Tea.

I feel no effect at all. I am still tired and can't focus.

Did I get trolled?

>> No.6098733

no, i dont think so, i always use caffeine, especially energy drinks, to learn more efficient but after some time my capacity greatly reduces. so im using them for 1 hour full-speed learning etc

>> No.6098738

are energy drinks more efficient than pure caffeine? because of the sugar and taurine? I personally avoid them because of it.

>> No.6098754

hmm, for me they work excellent. noting better than that (didnt take caffeine pills or harder drugs than pot so far, though)

dont even know why, maybe its the additional sugar, too? monster works best for me, coffee or other stuff like red bull too.

>> No.6098758

ADHD child here
First off, when I took Aderall I nearly killed my step father, so I'd recommend you go with something like Concerta or Vivance.

Now, I can tell you straight up that Ive taken it once to stay awake all night to finish an essay.
It kept me up all night no problem, however the essay was garbage, might be just me though.

>> No.6098764

also, there's a LOT of negative side effects to these medications. It took me something like 12 years to find the right brand and dose that didn't make me depressed, suicidal, violent, anorexic and an insomniac. Be careful.

>> No.6098766

>nearly killed my stepfather

Woah. wtf happened?

>> No.6098770

Aderall, when I was taking it, was so fucked up that it either made kids go insane, or straight up killed them. That's why it was taken off the market in Canada, US later on I believe.


>> No.6098772

No, it didn't get taken off the market in the USA. Or any where with some sense in them.

>> No.6098774

Modafinil is kinda amazing.

>> No.6098777

>Sense in them
>Pick one

>> No.6098786


Alternatively you can just order l-theanine, either as bulk powder or capsules. The does is about 150 - 200 mg per day, along with 100 mg of caffeine. You might need to adjust these doses to suit your own particular brain chemistry.

>> No.6098789
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Pathetic junkie.

>> No.6098805

Coffee and ephedrine got me through grad school, but I've never had any trouble concentrating so it may not do as much for you.

>> No.6098809

>The dose is about 150 - 200 mg per day

So how many cups of green tea would I have to drink to get that? I guess I did get rused after all.

>> No.6098814


It varies, but I think it's about 8 or so. Really depends on the tea, with some you can do it with as few as 5, others will take 20.

I've used the stuff for a while and it seems to be pretty effective in combination with caffeine. If you want to try it I'd really recommend using it directly as capsules or powder, rather than trying to use green tea. It's not even expensive or difficult to buy.

>> No.6098817

So should I drink 8 cups spread through the day or drink them one after another after I took the caffeine pill?

>> No.6098822


I'm not really sure. Good question though. The answer shouldn't be too hard to find, there's a lot of stuff about these nootropics. I'd probably drink the tea throughout the day and see what happens. I mean drinking 8 cups in one go is pretty disagreeable, and something I'd want to avoid unless I had to.

>> No.6098825


When I said "I've used the stuff" I was talking about powder l-theanine by the way. I've never used green tea, that's why I don't know precisely how to use it.

>> No.6098831

I have ADD so I was prescribed aderall way back in 7th grade. Took it every day until ~10th grade, then just stopped because the side effects were just too much ( INTENSE focus, slight depression, complete hunger suppression etc). Now I have a bottle of it for when I really need it i.e. emergencies.

The effects are different for every person, and it does matter whether you actually have AD(H)D or you're just taking it to help you study.

I started out with 10mg, then got to 20mg and stopped. I assume 15mg would be the "perfect" dosage for me if I were to start taking it again.

As for productivity, I was falling way behind in my calc II class last summer so I took one 20mg pill after I got home from work and did 6 hours straight (and I mean literally straight) of homework. I caught up and didn't take it for the rest of the summer.

Hopefully my ranting has helped?

>> No.6098840

Instead of drinking 8 cups made with one teaspoon of tea each couldn't one drink one cup made with 8 teaspoons of tea? Or doesn't it work that way?

>> No.6098845

So how can I get adderall if I don't have any connections?

>> No.6098850

Read the DSM IV. Repeat it to a psyciatrist, but, act as if you're trying to play down and are slightly ashamed of your inability to focus.

Much as if an actor plays a drunk, they act like a drunk trying to seem sober. Not like a retard.

And see my above post with blue meff to see how to clean meth up

>> No.6098855

But can I be sure that the psyciatrist will prescribe me adderall?

>> No.6098860

I took some shit that is called Alertex, I don't know the english name or whatever. It was a night of study with other 2 friends and we spend all night trying to solve a troll puzzle from "you should be able to solve this" shit and we didn't study at all.

And a friend got a terrible headache the other day.

>> No.6098873


Well that's certainly worth a try. That should work. I'd try it with 2 cups made of 4 spoons each. 8 spoons might be a bit too much to disperse fully in 1 cup of water. Might taste like shit though, even more so than green tea usually does.

>> No.6098882
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Tea drinker here. The theanine content in a cup of tea varries greatly. A cup of green tea can have anywhere from 5mg to 46mg per cup. Growing conditions effect this greatly. Shade grown tea will have the most caffine and theanine so gyokuro and matcha are your best bet. Black tea has also been known to have theanine and sometimes can have more than some types of green tea.

>drinking 8 cups in one go is pretty disagreeable
You don't need to drink 8 cups. You could add more tea leaves or tea bags to the water and make a stronger cup of tea. Just remember if you want a stronger tea add more. Brewing/steeping longer is bad as this will release other chemicals into the tea such as tannins which will make it bitter. Although tannins do have some health benefits so if you don't mind it tasting nasty go ahead. Also little known fact green tea can be reused up to 3 times.

>So how many cups of green tea would I have to drink to get that?
2-3 large OR strong cups of quality green tea however for my my concentration improves by drinking even one cup.

Also might be interested to know theanine half life is 2.5 to 4.5 hours and reaches the maximum levels in the blood between 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion. Also worth noting that half the theanine in tea AND in supplements is d-thanine which has no medical use. You might be thinking you need to drink twice as much tea now to reach the levels of theanine used in those studies however those studies used supplements where the d-thanine wasn't removed.

>> No.6098893

>Brewing/steeping longer is bad as this will release other chemicals into the tea such as tannins which will make it bitter.

So how long should I brew it?

>> No.6098915

it varies with each tea but 2-3 minutes is normal. Unless it's matcha in which case it doesn't matter because the powdered tea is dissolved completely into the water.

>> No.6098937

Holy fuck green tea tastes awful.

Are there really people that enjoy it?

And ironically drinking one made with 4 teaspoons made me even antsier.

>> No.6098946

do you seep it too long?
it gets really bitter really fast.

>> No.6098947

2 minutes

>> No.6098952


>Are there really people that enjoy it?

Not really. They drink it BECAUSE they hate it. It's a japanese thing.

>> No.6098958


>> No.6098971

>Are there really people that enjoy it?
I enjoy it quite a bit.

>> No.6098979


>> No.6098982

It's nice. Prefer it to regular tea. Prefer coffee over both most of the time.

>> No.6099270

And when your brain stops producing dopamine, you can just up the dose. So you then have more and more until your heart explodes.

>> No.6099346


It tastes like horseshit steeped in hot water.

>> No.6099363

It really helps a lot. I recommend it for classes with really important cumulative final exams. You can basically compress 3-5 days worth of studying into one since you will be concetrating the whole time rather than going in and out of focus.

>> No.6099377
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mah nigga

>> No.6099378

then you haven't tried horseshit before.
green with a hint of mint for me, but I usually like changing it up.

>> No.6099386

>talks about math
"you know what, I think I need to buy you a drink"
>talks more about math
"And a hot meal"
>talks even more about math
"and put you up for the night"

He was that good.
/know nothing about him

>> No.6099418

>No connections
Make one. Go to a doctor who is shady and tell them you took adderall once and it worked.

First describe symptoms of ADHD amd bull shit the rest. Shit worked for me though I later found out I did have ADHD.

>> No.6099423

Well firstly, nicotine and caffeine ARE drugs and they ARE smart drugs and they ARE some of the best smart drugs on the market. Just because they're commonly used don't discount them, this is a terribly bad logical fallacy. Nicotine especially is a very good nootropic.

Now, I've never taken adderall (never intend to, its shit-tier) but I've taken many different smart drugs. The three that stand out to me as the best ones are modafinil, aniracetam, and nicotine. I dose 200mg moda once on a usage day, 500mg aniracetam 1-3 times on a usage day and 4mg nicotine 1-8 times on a usage day. The problem with nicotine is that the effects are short lived and you develop tolerance (+addiction but that can actually be good, which I'll talk about below), so you have to avoid using it for more than a week or two in a row.

Each of these drugs in its own right is a massive productivity increaser, modafinil is king when you're low on sleep and planning to be going for the next 15 hours, aniracetam wins out when you just need to get in a 4-5 hour study session. Nicotine is good to get a little dopamine boost that stops you getting bored while you study. Combining the three is the best, and I've found this turns me into an absolute fucking machine.

You should be careful with modafinil as it puts much stress on the liver, absolutely no alcohol 24 hours either side of dosing, and avoid dosing for more than 2-3 days in a row. Aniracetam has no such concerns.

As to using nicotine's addictive potential to improve your study habits, what I do is to dose nicotine if and only if I've been studying for an hour, then continue to study for at least an hour after dosing. You start to associate the high with study, and you'll find yourself more enthused about studying in general. Instead of thinking about doing other shit when you're studying you'll start to find yourself thinking about studying when you're doing other shit. Its a pretty substantial effect.

Disclaimer: anecdotal.

>> No.6099473

I liked to smoke a pipe occasionally when I was younger. It was a real rush. It was like my eyesight got sharper and everything.

It kind of ruined it for me to learn about polonium-210 from mineral fertilizer dust sticking to the tobaaco leaves and getting stuck in your lungs.

>> No.6099486

My science teacher was against even coffee. Not just energy drinks but caffeine in general.

Apparently the longer you've been drinking it the more you need for the same effect?

What if you don't have coffee around you or during an exam your caffeine starts to wear off what then!?!?!

Is it worth supplementing with coffee to aid studying?

>> No.6099491
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I definitely don't advise smoking as a way to get nicotine. People always seem to assume that nicotine implies smoking, but there are much more civilized ways to dose. I use these.

But as you say, yes it gives you that rush of everything being better. Makes you more alert/smarter, happier, etc. Its a great drug.

>> No.6099702

Has anyone tried DS craze as a nootropic?

>> No.6099720

Well since we now seem to be on the topic of nootropics, I've only just started looking at them in general and wanted to know what people think of them. Sure if I go to any homeopathy forum or whatnot I'm sure to get glowing reviews, what I'm more interested in double blind, peer reviewed studys on the major nootropics. Are any worth trying especially something to improve memory as I've had working memory problems and retrograde amnesia ever since I had ECT a... actuall I'm not sure how long ago I had it. I told one doctor it was last month when it was actually five months ago a while back. Who knows how long it's been since then and I don't keep good records of things like that. It seems like the benefits from some of them could be pretty Significant.

>> No.6099738

The DS craze certainly helped me relieve stress.

Phoenix Wright and Radiant Historia, in particular. So good.