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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 87 KB, 1024x768, 1372976946881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6095283 No.6095283 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Explaining your field of study and/or work to people not in the field

>So anon, what do you study?
>Oh, hydraulic engineering.
>Wow. You know, I've been having problems with my car lately, would you mind taking a look at it?

Surely I can't be the only one who has encounters like this.

>> No.6095291

> Freshman me asking an upper class man for the 20th time what his specialization is
> Tells me control theory
> Ask him about it
> he tells me it's about choosing signals that go to the wings in aircraft or some shit
> Ask him about the cockpit and buttons and knobs
> hfw
> me 4 years later, I start my masters specializing in control theory
> mfw

>> No.6095300
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>anon, what are you doing
>studying quantum mechanics
>oh, what is that? what can you do with it? are you trying to get a job?

>> No.6095302

>what do you study?
>"chem E"
>wow I heard that was hard

almost all non stem people have no idea what my field actually entails, but they think something along the lines of chemistry.

>> No.6095307

>but they think something along the lines of chemistry
which isn't entirely inaccurate...

>> No.6095315

>So, what are you studying?
>Mechanical Engineering
>So you fix cars?

>> No.6095316

"So what are you majoring in anon?"
"Electrical Engineering."
"Wow that's pretty cool, and very tough!"


"I had some problems on my phone, think you can fix them?"

>> No.6095317

>So, what are you studying?
>Oh, so you f(x) cars?

>> No.6095319

>So anon, what do you study?
>Oh, biological engineering........plant based
>Wow you can make some super weed, or some mega magic mushrooms teehee xD

literally everytime

>> No.6095322
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>> No.6095331
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>what's your major?
>lol oh wow dude gonna start cooking meth?

>> No.6095341

So anon, what do you study?
>Computer Engineering
>oh lol, can you fix my computer?

I actually can, but that's a different subject.

>> No.6095351

>So what do you do now that you're out of college?
>I'm a firmware engineer.

I didn't think "firmware" was that much of an unknown word, but I'm glad I don't have aunts and uncles asking if I can fix their computers anymore.

>> No.6095372

What? How the hell do they get that from biochemistry?

>> No.6095386

This is exactly what I was going to put in.

>> No.6095392

>What do you study?
>Traffic engineering
>Oh, can you fix the intersection at 29th and main, the green light is too slow

>> No.6095398

>So what are you studying?
>Nuclear Physics.
>Oh, so you're going to build nuclear bombs?

Fucking annoying

>> No.6095402


It's pretty inaccurate. Chem E has 95% to do with Engineering and 5% to do with Chemistry.

>> No.6095411
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>So anon, what do you study?
>Quantitative finance
>Oh so you can help me choose stocks right?

>> No.6095421

>what do you study?
>nuclear engineering
>so you want to work in a power plant? isn't that dangerous?
>no, and I don't plan on working in a power plant
>no really, what plant are you going to work at? There's not much else you can do with that degree

>> No.6095424

Yeah, it sucks that they're wise to your evil plans.

>> No.6095434

When dealing with the general public I normally say I'm an electronics engineer instead of computer engineer. I know that's a different degree but my uni didn't offer it. When you say computer engineer most people think you program PCs. I do a lot of programming but on microcontrollers. People don't get that there's a computer in pretty much every electronic device they own.

>> No.6095441

Actually they are right. Iodine isotopes? Same thing. Enjoy your gamma rays.

>> No.6095444
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>So anon, what do you study?
>Oh, so you're doing environmental science?
>Topology. Tree topology.
>Oh... What's that?
>Topological network structure.

Or at least, that's how it would go if anyone would speak to me.

>> No.6095462

>implying anyone ever gives a fuck enough to ask me what my field is.

>> No.6095463

Maybe people would talk to you more often if you weren't intentionally obtuse.

>> No.6095466

You sure catch on quickly.

>> No.6095468

Hey QuantFin dude.
How do you balance the balance sheet on a proforma statement?
Accounting student here. This cash plug shit is confusing as hell.

>> No.6095469

I just started my freshman year as a comp sci major.

My girlfriend isnt too bright. I love her for how she is but sometimes she says the stupidest shit.

>What's your major again babe?
Computer science
>Oh cool! I like learning about computers and how to do stuff on computers too

youre cute babe gimme a kiss

>> No.6095470


Why didn't you say "computers".

>> No.6095471


>Hey man, what are you studying?
>I'm autistic and therefore unable to explain my work. All I can do is give you the full technical name of what I do, and you'll just have to figure it out.

>> No.6095478


Actually it goes like this

>Hey man, what are you studying?
[wow intensifies]
[awkward 5 seconds]

>I'm autis
[barely mumbling]

>Can't hear you Anon...

>I am autis...
[spaghetti falling from pockets]
[unzip my pants and start fapping]

>> No.6095488

>So anon, what do you study?
>Engineering. Specifically, aerospace engineering.
>Oh, that's really cool my uncle does that! So you work on like aircraft/airplane technology right?
>No sir. I suck cocks.
[proceeds to suck cock]

>> No.6095492

>be an electronics technician working with industrial UV devices and PLC programming hey

hey anon, my computer has virus... think you can fix it for me?

>> No.6095495

>implying a quant finance student would know anything about balance sheets

I think you're confusing quants with people who know something about finance.

>> No.6095498

>what are you studying again anon?
>Electrical Engineering and Business Modelling
>Wow what's that?
>just a bunch of number crunching and shit nothing too serious, what are you doing?
>You're pretty smart, and I'm becoming a chiropractor
>so can you crack my back or not?

>> No.6095501

Don't study computers, study trees. That's actually not what I say in reality though, I was 'av'n a 'laff, as they say.

I study tree topology as it applies to population genetics, no interest in computer networks at all. I usually just tell people I try to construct the evolutionary histories using math.

>> No.6095503

>what do you study, anon?
>oh wow that sounds super hard
>yeah, but I love it. You wanna hear about it?
>not really

>> No.6095507

>be mathematician
>people then want to know what it is I do
>Nigger, you won't understand in the slightest, why ask me this?
>c'mon tell me
>scene from scanners
>every time

I'm not your suicide booth, asshats.

>> No.6095513


>> No.6095563

watch "Breaking Bad" faget

>> No.6095568

>What's your major?
>Wow Anon, that sounds really hard!
>Nah, it's actually pretty easy once you get the basics down
>Easy for you!

Every damn time.

>> No.6095571

She: "What do you do?"
Me: "Not much."
She: "I mean, for work."
Me: "Modelling."
She: (looking me up and down) "You don't look like a model."
Me: "Not that kind of modelling."

>> No.6095745

"What do you study?"
"Electical engineering"
"Oh so you're becoming an electrician?"

This has happened so many times to me that when people ask me what I study now I just say i'm an electrician.

>> No.6095751

Meh the more common occurence is
"So what do you do?"
"A PhD in quantum physics."
"Oh great, I have a cousin who's doing a PhD in biology too."
Woah there, do I look like I give a fuck?

>> No.6095755

You should tell them, "It's the study of how my penis works."

>> No.6095758

Why do you converse with people? Just tell them to fuck off right from the get go if you dislike conversation so much.

>> No.6095763

All the time, but I do fix cars as a hobby...

>> No.6095766
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>"what do you study?"
>"oh, now I have to watch what I say"
>"omg, i had this dream last night, pls tell me what it means"
>"are you analyzing me right now?"

every. fucking. time.

>> No.6095771

"What's your major?"
"Oh ew, I hated math once letters started coming in amirite? xD"

>> No.6095772

That's synthetic chemistry fuckwad

>> No.6095780

>So anon, what do you study?
>You probably know how the mozart effects works so can you explain it to me?

At dinner at my grandma. My uncels wife ask me what I am going to study.

>So what are you going to study?
>hahahaha so where are you going to get work?

>> No.6095796

I dont think you are getting the point of this thread...

>> No.6095804

> where do you work?
> a big tech company
> so do you study computer science?
> fuck no, mechanical enginering
> shouldnt you be making cars or planes?

Such is the life of a mech e in a sea of sofware "engineers"

>> No.6095819

EE = electrician
mech E = automechanic
comp E = computer repair guys
chem E = chemistry?????????
nuke E = nuclear bombs

>> No.6095858
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Most people get what I'm saying after I explain it to them, but the initial response is always "so you work with cars?", even if it's a person I have reason to believe would know better. For example, I told my high school math teacher what I wanted to major in and his response was, "Wow, that's cool. I love rollercoasters." I guess I can see where they're making the connection, but I didn't think it'd be this much of a recurring issue.

>So you work with cars?
>No. It's actually more to do with waterways and sewage systems. Making sure shit stays out of your water and all that.
>Oh. That sounds hard.

>> No.6095878
File: 10 KB, 240x250, 1339479174855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you doing?
Materials Science
>What is that?
I study and engineer different mat..
>Oh so like chemistry

>> No.6095882

>So, Anon, what do you study?
>Electrons, mostly.
>Okaaay then...

>> No.6095888

>not just lying and telling people you do something easier to explain

It's like you guys don't even know how to pretend to be an architect.

>> No.6095889

I should ad that I know it is really shitty statement, but I can't come up with a short description of what I spend my time doing that carries any information about why would I spend my time doing it. And the system I spend most of efforts on is, indeed, just a bunch of electrons.

>> No.6095899
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>> No.6095909
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Hey anon, what do you study?


Oh wow, can you fix my computer?


>> No.6095962

>not punching ever biologist you meet in the face

>> No.6095981

>Hey man what do you study?
>Does that mean you can read my mind?

>> No.6095996

>What do you study?
>Computer science
>Why my Iphone not work?????

every time

>> No.6096000

>quantum finance

>> No.6096005

So why don't they call it C Engineering then?

>> No.6096006

>What are you studying?
Electrical Engineering
> So what's the difference between you and electricians?

>> No.6096013

Aren't software engineers essentially alpha codemonkeys?

>> No.6096015
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The biologist in the story was the cousin you fucking ning nong. Furthermore you're a faggot. Biologists are superior than to your undergraduate arse in every sense, especially intellectually. Go get a B on your calc II exam.

>> No.6096016


lol'ed so hard

>> No.6096020


Yah man!! xD

Computer Science is for people too STUPED for real math

>> No.6096027


>So anon, what do you study?
>Wow. Isn't that hard?

>> No.6096031

I get this with maths sometimes, its a good opportunity for a dick joke.

>hard like my dick.

I worked very... hard to learn to get erections on command specifically for these situations.

>> No.6096038

>So you're majoring in astrophysics?
>So you're a rocket scientist?
>not exactly
>Did you see where they were getting a crew together for mars?
>yeah I heard something about that years ago
>Why do people want to go to Mars so bad?
>I don't know I guess for the accomplishment of it and to learn more about other planets or use it for resources
>Well that's stupid, we have our own problems right here and I don't think we should spend money on that. My taxes...blah blah blah

I am not a punching-bag for your political dissatisfaction. I've had so many people try to talk about BS experiments and research projects like I'm personally responsible.

>> No.6096054

every time

>> No.6096070
File: 19 KB, 300x309, RageFace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What u study?
>The application of control theory, or simply put automation.
>Oh, you mean how to maek robots?
>There is some overlap, but it's not really the same thing. It actually encompasses any machine, which has to operate with minimal or no manual control.
>Sooo, you're going to make yourself a robotic sex doll, right?
>mfw I've actually been asked this
>mfw the one asking was a girl no less
>mfw that grin on her face
>mfw a lot of my socially retarded /sci/entologists bros probably thought this was actually some coded message signaling that she wants the D
>mfw we were at a table, with a bunch of other people for the holidays
>mfw she just wanted to rustle muh jimmies
>mfw it worked and I raged internally
>mfw I could only deflect with "that would be an incredibly difficult task that even a team of engineers would find hard. There's no way I could do it alone".
>mfw I'm still sort of buttmad when I recall this.

>> No.6096072

It was a joke you autist. You were supposed to smile or laugh back and make another joke.

>> No.6096075

d00d i love these threads!
*grabs popcorn and prepares to lmao*

>> No.6096078

*grabs you by the throat* BACK THE FUCK OFF!?!?

>> No.6096080

*starts rubbing your crotch*
ara anon-kun, if you want some special attention you just have to ask~

>> No.6096087

Yep. This.
Come on mate you've got to do better than this. You're making us look bad. She probably would have wanted the D if you handled yourself better in social settings. You should practice.

>> No.6096089

You'd think that it's pretty self explanatory. The science of neurons. But for some reason people often think it's a medical degree, treating sick people and shit, which would be neurology.

>> No.6096092


>> No.6096094

>bitch said she enjoys "picking on people like me"
>just a harmless joke
Sure, fuckwads. She wanted to anger me and it worked, I just didn't spill spaghetti all over the place and deflected. Laughing when you don't find something funny doesn't exactly come naturally.

>> No.6096098


>grad student and neighbor studying psych asks me what i'm writing my dissertation on
> i tell him possible world semantics
>"oh like traveling to other dimensions"

>> No.6096099

But it's a terrible conversation point. There is no possible follow up. What the fuck are you supposed to reply to that?
"Oh nice."
"Look like the weather is getting worse."

>> No.6096102

Fair enough, you were there and we weren't so you're in a better position to judge. But you've got to admit if you saw someone telling that story on /sci/ you'd be inclined to think they were socially inept. Still though, if you find yourself troubled by such interactions I think you should try to relax more, I doubt she's as evil as you think she is.

>> No.6096103

so basically writhing a dictionary, right?

>> No.6096104

To be faire MatSci has to be one of the widest field.

>> No.6096105


modal metaphysics, Haecceitism, counterfactual identity, perdurdantism

>> No.6096106

Computational electronics or just straight up pure QED?

>> No.6096107

You're doing a fantastically poor job at explaining what it actually is.

>> No.6096108

>So you're majoring in astrophysics?
The only correct answer to that is "lel good job getting a position anywhere faggot".

>> No.6096112

>I doubt she's as evil as you think she is.
She isn't and we actually had a few pleasant conversations after that. The last time I saw her we hugged goodbye, so it's not like we were on bad terms. We barely know each other actually, she just knew people that I know. What I was describing was only the rage of the moment.

>> No.6096110

"Oh is he? Do you know what his research is on?"
"Something to do with X"
"Oh okay, I can't say I know much about X, but best of luck to him, grad school can be pretty draining at times, but its really great being on the forefront of research, (ley/pop-aspects of quantum mechanics) got me interested in undergrad and now it seems like I'm so far down the rabbit hole, it just gets more enthralling. Sometimes I wish I'd gotten a real job though!
or "Oh X! That's cool I find Y and Z ley/pop-aspects of the area really interesting. Do you know much about it?"
"You wun sum fuk?"

>> No.6096113


> comp sci major
> girlfriend

obvious troll 1/10 for making me respond.

>> No.6096119

See, now I feel even more like she was flirting with you. People often ask questions like that in the initial stages of flirting, if you deflect like you did it goes no further, if you rage out directly they decide not to like you, but if you give them a response that makes it seem like they contributed something worthwhile to the conversation, the flirting escalates.

Again though I wasn't there so I just have no idea really, for all I know you're a ladies man. If not though its worth thinking about.

>> No.6096124

Meh you're probably right. I behave like a soulless robot since I started the PhD anyway.
>any conversation
>the only thought going through my head is "YOU COULD BE WORKING RIGHT NOW"

>> No.6096127

Maybe it's best he did shut up though, I'm picturing an anon in this situation replying:
">implying I don't already have ur mum"

>> No.6096129

>mom knows im a biology major
>ask me why every medical question there is in the book


>> No.6096131


If the world wasn't the way it actually is, would proper names still refer to the same individuals? Are you still you in some alternate course of events?

second-order and third-order logic comes into play a lot. Theories of identity over time and identity over possible worlds.

>> No.6096137

>Not that kind

>> No.6096147

>See, now I feel even more like she was flirting with you.
Trust me bro, she wasn't. From my limited interactions with her, she's pretty overt about what she's doing and is the kind of person that tells you what they think to your face, without putting much sugar on it.

>for all I know you're a ladies man
No. Apprentice wizzard actually.
>If not though its worth thinking about
Too hateful and cynical, with just enough social aptitude to get by. I prefer to keep to myself.

>> No.6096170

My grandparents aside to my father:
>is maths even a program you can actually take?

I try my best to explain but I think they simply don't care enough to listen.

>> No.6096180

Actually you can.


>> No.6096182

Pure mathematics student here with a super cute physics student as a girlfriend.

>> No.6096187

>mfw a lot of my socially retarded
Dude from the sounds of it, this is you

>> No.6096202

>implying that I think I'm not socially impaired
Read the rest of the thread plz.

>> No.6096208

This post made my evening of data analysis much less painful. Thanks anon.

>> No.6096206

sounds like pedophilia

>> No.6096212

Fair enough. I guess its unreasonable of me to assume that the same things that motivate me will motivate you, but I'd have been looking for sum fuk.

>> No.6096215
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>mfw I don't see a face but a space after every >

>> No.6096216
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I have the same small set of experiences every time so now I don't bother explaining

>what do you research in?
>oh right what sort of maths
>do you know anything about maths
>yeah i mean what i did in school
>you know nothing, this conversation is over

>> No.6096218

We are both 18. Undergrads. So yeah. Sounds like it.

>> No.6096221

Way to give people a chance to understand your righteous god-worn holiness, bub.

>> No.6096229

You clearly know nothing of math.

>> No.6096233

Obviously I'm slightly more polite than that. But they almost always don't care, and any attempt to explain anything would be pointless.
Noncommutative algebra.

>> No.6096231

What is your research in?

>> No.6096238

>tfw super cute physics student girl always asks me for help with math
>tfw I constantly think she wants the D

>> No.6096246

Actually I do.

>> No.6096252

I am pretty sure I could give better advice about broken phones than a technician or customer support.

Obviously the focus is on theory and math, especially during the first 2 years.
At least where I study, we learn more than just partial differential equations, quantum mechanics, z-transform and MOSFET/BJT/...
I already had everything from fluiddynamics, elasticity, discrete math and so on to OOP, assembly, network security (the list goes on) and the actually important part for this: how a computer or phone is built and works.

I would not repair your phone but I could narrow down the problem and give you solid advice about what to do / how to solve it.

>> No.6096257

Sorry bro, but you sound like a giant elitist douche.
Did you master all philosophies, humanities and sciences before majoring mathematics?

I put you now to the other side of the conversation with a potential person:
>You: what do you do for living?
>He: I am a doctor
>You: Oh in what field of medicine?
>He: Do you know anything about medicine?
>You: Maybe a bit
>He: I am an Otolaryngologist.
>You: .... a what?
>He: You know nothing, this conversation is over!

>> No.6096259

Then why don't you just tell people about the applications for QM? People love to hear about QM...

>> No.6096301

You couls have laughed it off and said to her "You wouldnt want that, itwould make you obsolete" with a cheeky smile.

>> No.6096332

>giving a clear indication that I'm annoyed and prompting her to keep at it by being confrontational.
>might escalate into a "yo mama" style insult-em-up
If any of you ever find yourselves in a similar situation, only do this if you're feeling lucky.

>> No.6096339

Yeah, but what if the application isn't to QM so much as it is to orbifold conformal field theory?

>> No.6096345
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>> No.6096353


Petroleum engineering here

I get confused with a gas station manager.

>> No.6096356

Doesn't matter, you should know enough about algebra to talk some shit that's related anyway. Just say "well its a similar kind of maths to this stuff that led to quantum theory, blah blah blah, my research isn't directly related to quantum theory but its a nice example of why its important that we investigate abstract mathematics, etc etc."

>> No.6096364

>So what are you studying?
I never know how to respond.

>> No.6096373
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I must confess, that got a laugh out of me.

Could be worse. You could be a sanitation engineer. According to my friend, the general consensus on them appears to be:
>Oh, that's just a garbage truck driver trying to sound fancy.

>> No.6096374
File: 11 KB, 256x256, cant know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never know how to respond.
That's obviously because you've realized the ultimate truth of this world and live your life accordingly.

>> No.6096395


>> No.6096407

>What are you studying?
Engineering Physics
>What's that
like engineering but more theoretical
>but whats engineering
problem solving

>> No.6096414

>So anon, what do you study?
>Oh, I'm an algorithmic trader.

Sums it up.

>> No.6096444

No you're not. You're a quant finance student. Two very different things.

>> No.6096462

Two actual conversation I had:
>"What are majoring?"
>"Why would you do that?! That sounds horrible!"

a few month later:

>"So what are you majoring?"
>I hesitate for a moment
>"Eeeeewwwww! Why?!"

After those encounters I always think about answering "engineering" instead.

>> No.6096470

> What do you study?
> Finance & Banking
> Cool. Can you lend me some money?

>> No.6096473

I don't understand people's revulsion with mathematics and sciences.

>No, but I can lend my fist to your face.

>> No.6096479

>hey man, long time no see. What have you been up to?
Well, I have been studying economics and politics
> So what is it like?
Basically, I know shit tons of high end maths that I will probably not even use since maths in economics do not work.

>> No.6096487

>economics and politics
>I know shit tons of high end maths

>> No.6096494

Derivatives are not "high end maths", pal.

And if "maths in economics do not work", then you're doing it terribly wrong.

>> No.6096495

That is what you get when you study in a good university. I thought this shit would be easy, but I ended up having 2-3 lectures a day only about math. I mean by no means this is quantum physics, but one thing I can tell you - calculating probability with tons of variables is a bitch.

>> No.6096500
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you don't know economics very well

>> No.6096504

Derivatives are learned in high school. Economics is basically maths with a lot of assumptions in them. So sit your ignorant ass down.

>> No.6096510

>"whats your major"

>"Oh uh what are you going to do with that? Be a teacher?"
Or sometimes
>"what's 46884 times 139740?!"

>> No.6096512

ITT: Betas saying that they get asked for help (nearly) unrelated to their, noone of them says he denied it and said "no that has nothing with my field, we do things like ..."

>> No.6096520

I have a question, because I have no idea what you are doing in an economics class:

If you study economics, how much time is spent on outlining and discussing different economic philosophies (Arachno-Capitalism, Communism, Protectionism, free trade, etc)?

>> No.6096523

Do people really believe that mathematicians are more or less trained to be human calculators?
If you think 3 seconds about it, everyone should realize that that can't be the case.

>> No.6096524

>high end math
Top kek. Are you even familiar with Ito's lemma? If not then you're not even baby-tier money-math. Let alone 'high end math'

>> No.6096527

lol, sorry

>> No.6096528


>> No.6096529

Not much actually. In general we learn the maths and how to apply them, and such things as discussing economic philosophies rather than learning the ones that are most relevant today is mostly up to you since such things like context of politics and economics are additional lectures.

>> No.6096531

I get the teacher comment most of the time but I do get human calculator remarks. I usually try to answer them just so they keep thinking that's the case. They think higher of a human calculator than an actual mathematician.

>> No.6096533

What mathematics are you doing?

Yeah I get both but I actively dispel the myths. Anyone who thinks I'm a calculator is in for a lesson in geometry or number theory or something relatively simple that demonstrates what maths is.

>> No.6096538

I've tried that a few times, they usually think it's a waste of time to study. I've had some success when linking math to real world applications.

>> No.6096543

ah ok,
and what are you calculating exactly? Can you give an example maybe?

>> No.6096545

Please demonstrate.

>> No.6096553

Know that feel bro. Had one persons start making puking noises at me once. I seriously considered whether to punch him or not.

>> No.6096570

>What do you study?


>I always hated maths.
>I was never good at maths.
>What can you do with that?
>What's 18 times 18?
>Do you want to become smart?
>I know someone who studies something similiar it's called General Management or something like that.
>So you want to become a physicist?
>And what else? Astronomy?
>Are you a genius?
>Can you become anything besides a math teacher?
>What use does it have?

>> No.6096575

>I know someone who studies something similiar it's called General Management or something like that.
wait, what

>> No.6096582

>Do you want to become smart?
I think that guy called you stupid..?

>> No.6096586

>There's not much else you can do with that degree
I hope this is your response

>> No.6096587

>So anon, what do you study?
>What's (big number) * (other big number)?
>I don't know
>Shouldn't you?

>> No.6096591
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>what do you study
>applied math and computer science
>can you help me turn google+ in a classroom?
>not any more than you can
>do they teach you anything

>> No.6096592

If only you were smart enough to know for sure.

>> No.6096594

>So anon, what do you study?
>What's (big number) * (other big number)?
>A big number

>> No.6096590
File: 168 KB, 648x960, 1381853339049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So anon, what do you study?
>Finance, financial analys and risk management
>Oh, so can you help me chose a life insurance?
>Oh, can you help me invest 1000$, I want no take no risk and double that amount in no time.
>Oh, so you work for evil corpotation
>Oh, so you contribute nothing so society
>Oh, working behind a desk is soooo boring
Or /pol/tard
>Well banking is evil and we should go back to a gold standard

>> No.6096596
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*playing basketball*
>anons a math major, he can keep score

>> No.6096599

>anons a math major, he can keep score
>anon: shit man I don't remember how to count

>> No.6096605

>After those encounters I always think about answering "engineering" instead.
It doesn't help.

>be poorfag reporting in to shitty leaflet distribution job
>boss asks where I study
>why did you chose to go to a technical university anon? Isn't that hard?
>boss is a high school teacher

>> No.6096608

Just easy stuff I remember from diffy eq like substances mixing in drinking water or vibrations.

>> No.6096609
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>mfw I failed to attach face

>> No.6096611


literally every single conversation i've ever had about what I do.

Being a physicist is like being a fucking leper, every time you tell someone about it they recoil in horror and generally avoid you.

Though now it's changing a bit, the responses are more like "oh you're like sheldon from the big bang theory".

I think i'd rather be treated like a Leper than be thought of as that raging asspie sheldon.

>> No.6096614

>Anon, can you do my taxes?
>Aren't you a maths major? What do you even DO?
>I study various topics that you're probably familiar with, only more in-depth. For example, do you remember what equations are?
>Yeah, why would you want to study that stuff anyway? There's no "x" number, so what's the use?


>> No.6096616
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Usually with me it's like:

>What are you gonna be after you graduate anon?
>A physicist.
>Oh wow! I think it's great you wanna help people! Have you thought about which medical school you wanna apply to?

>> No.6096618


yeah i've also had the dreaded "physicist-physician" mixup. sometimes I play along if its a girl and they get all moist thinking about snaring a rich doctor.

>> No.6096619

>"oh you're like sheldon from the big bang theory"
That one is becoming more and more frequent.. I hate it so much and all I can do is smile and nod because I don't want to start a 15 minutes discussion why I don't love TBBT because it is about science and physicists.

>> No.6096627
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If you're in a science related field, it's bound to happen for even the most mundane shit. I have "interesting" conversations with coworkers at my retail job.

>Anon, aren't you going to eat that?
>No, it's not time for my lunch yet. I'll eat it then.
>You have an eating schedule? Wow, just like Sheldon from BBT!

>> No.6096631


it drives me crazy, i fucking HATE that show. They are all such a bunch of pathetic social retards.

Sucks because my girlfriend loves that shit and always tells all her friends that she's dating Sheldon.

Worst part about it is new physics undergrads fucking love that shit and always organize viewings of it and invite everyone in the department over to nerd out and drink soda while they watch an entire season.

Meanwhile I'm at the bar drowning my hatred for a world I apparently don't belong to.

>> No.6096635


>my girlfriend loves that shit and always tells all her friends that she's dating Sheldon.

I'd commit sudoku if I were you.

>> No.6096643

>Sucks because my girlfriend loves that shit and always tells all her friends that she's dating Sheldon.
Oh god that has to be the worst

>> No.6096647

>Sucks because my girlfriend loves that shit and always tells all her friends that she's dating Sheldon.
Why aren't you telling her that it is fucking insulting to be called an arrogant, unempathetic, weird aspie.

>Worst part about it is new physics undergrads fucking love that shit
I know and I really don't get it.

>> No.6096651

>Worst part about it is new physics undergrads fucking love that shit and always organize viewings of it and invite everyone in the department over to nerd out and drink soda while they watch an entire season.

Asking if I watch TBBT or am like Sheldon happens to me too? I also get compared to the guy in A Beautiful Mind a lot, probably because it's the only mathematician a normal person has ever heard of. It'd really like to say "thanks for telling me I'm mentally ill and have a superiority complex".

>> No.6096654

It's funny that no one has ever asked me if I was good at solving sudoku's.

>> No.6096659


That's actually pretty autistic, to time your eating so fussily like that. You're the weird one here.

>> No.6096660

>I also get compared to the guy in A Beautiful Mind a lot

So you're either a schizophrenic or an economic genius?

>> No.6096665

>Worst part about it is new physics undergrads fucking love that shit and always organize viewings of it and invite everyone in the department over to nerd out and drink soda while they watch an entire season.

You know, you could just not go. Presumably you're a postgrad, so why not just ignore the undergrads?

>> No.6096667

"And also for implying I can make a smart, hot chick moist by insulting her proof, and get all of my friends laid through strategy."

Why would you want to be associated with someone who could command a nice piece of ass at will?

>> No.6096672

Do you even /fit/?

>> No.6096674

>Do you watch Numb3rs?

>> No.6096686

I wasn't aware that wanting to save food for later was autistic now.

I am willing to assert that the vast majority of people have an eating schedule even if they don't think of it as one, because people are creatures of habit.

>Wake up
>Shit it's time for breakfast.
>Looks like it's about noon
>Think I'll have lunch.
>It's getting kind of late.
>Guess I'll have dinner now.

Not to mention that we have an actual lunch schedule at work to try to ensure the floor has sufficient coverage, which was why it was extra confusing.

>> No.6096691


> which was why it was extra confusing.

Becoming confused over minor disruptions to regimentation is a further sign of autism.

>> No.6096697
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>tfw the only exposure I've had to TBBT in real life is a colleague who once asked me if I watch it.

>> No.6096703

>I wasn't aware that wanting to save food for later was autistic now
Everything is autistic on /sci/.

>> No.6096705

I should probably also mention that we get write-ups for eating on the floor and repeated write-ups can lead to termination of employment.

I can wait two fucking hours to eat a muffin if it means I can maintain my job stability. It is probably not THAT good and college typically doesn't pay for itself.

(In case you were wondering, the muffin wasn't that good.)

Apparently so.

>> No.6096706

>(In case you were wondering, the muffin wasn't that good.)

I wasn't wondering.

Providing excessive information which isn't asked for is yet another sign of autism.

>> No.6096711


that's shit and useless and i hope while you starve to death you have enough time to reflect on what poor choices you have made.

>> No.6096717

So is this philosophy or linguistics? Because it honoestly sounds like a little of both.

>> No.6096735

>can you help me turn google+ in a classroom?
I don't even understand the question.

>> No.6097195

How you say things has a far greater impact than what you say.

>"You wouldnt want that, it would make you obsolete" *wink* (playful banter)

> "You wouldnt want that, itwould make you obsolete" *scowl* (insulted 12 year old)

>> No.6097224

>What do you study?
>nanotechnology engineering.
>"what's that?"
>in English?
>"It's kinda complicated for me to understand but it sounds cool"
fuck this planet and everyone that lives on it.

>> No.6097242

you can't expect people to understand hard things like that

>> No.6097251

The problem with saying I'm going to be a physician isn't that people don't know what they do. But that a lot of what they think they know about medicine comes from horrible sources.

That and I always, always get the follow up: "What kind of doctor do you want to be?"

Sometimes I fuck with people when I get this question, though.

>> No.6097268

>So anon, what do you study
>any STEM major
>so you think you are going to make megabucks but will live off you parents for 30 years before getting your first job as a high school math teacher
>shoulda gone to business school FAGGGGG
>3 guys in polos jump out of the bushes and beat me with garden hoses while laughing

This happen to anyone else quite often?

>> No.6097276


No. People will only have those types of assumptions based on your personality and the way you present yourself.

If you're socially inept, well then I have some bad news for you. People who can fit in with everyone else and enjoy their social life during college wouldn't have those types of problems.

>> No.6097282

>civil engineering
>oh what's that
>Bridges, tunnels, airports, ports and stuff. I want to specialize in transportation engineering
>Oh that seems hard. You're really smart
>Yeah. I like it, though.

Every time.

>> No.6097287

>seems hard


>> No.6097292

I don't give two fucks if it's hard or not. I like it.

>> No.6097294

I study computer and network security in layman's terms.

>What the fuck does that mean?

I'm a layman and I study computer and network security.

>> No.6097295


Your mother's worldview.

>> No.6097297


>civil engineer

hahahahahahahahahaha, my fucking sides

>> No.6097298

>unzip my pants

Lost it

>> No.6097301

fucking this

>> No.6097308


>> No.6097307
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>> No.6097312

Engical Chemineering

>> No.6097314

>What do you want to do with your major?
Became an Actuary
>A what?

>> No.6097319

you people get 50 years plus or minus 50 to learn, you're all expected to know everything the history of science has laid out for you or AT LEAST have a general idea or understand what a fucking atom and molecule is. If your dream is to be a baker instead of a molecular gastronomist in the 21st century, then you should let someone else live your life.

>> No.6097327

ah, yes, neurology - the study of neurons, as opposed to the far more easily deducible nueroscience, the science of neurons.

>> No.6097333

>>Can you make me some drugs

This conversation happens way more than it should

>> No.6097345

>so what is your major?
>oh to fix mars?

>> No.6097349

but seriously /sci/ should get together and make a sex doll
or at least a prototype we can patent and sell to a company to improve

>> No.6097352

>implying japan's won't be infinitely better than ours

>> No.6097356

>>hahahaha so where are you going to get work?

Every fucking time ;_;

>> No.6097357

lol this

>> No.6097360

>>Well that's stupid, we have our own problems right here and I don't think we should spend money on that. My taxes...blah blah blah

Fuck I hate those faggots.

>> No.6097374

>So anon, what do you study?
>cool, can you help me with accounting?
>no, economics isn't businesses
>What stocks should I invest in?
>I've got no idea, economics isn't finance
>so you think money can solve anything?
>Money is just practical store of value...
>How do you defend big corporations polluting in the third world?
>I don't it's terrible
>I thought all economists were uber-capitalists
>no, economics doesn't have anything to do with ideology. It's basically just mathematical models
>so what do you actually do?
>I'm just trying to model altruism into utility functions
>Altruism? isn't that like the opposite of economics?

And then I simply started saying I was a statistician

>> No.6097382

>so... like what do you study?
>athletic therapy
>oh so kinesiology right i have a friend in kine-
>no, athletic therapy. i work with athletes
>yeah i have a friend who does that
>no i work as a health care professional providing acute care, injury prevention, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal and neurovascular injuries especially those pertaining to sport to a wide range of patients from recreational weekend warriors all the way to national level or professional athletes and olympians
>so you do kine

all of my why

>> No.6097391

Admit that you just wanna touch some gymnasts

>> No.6097394

more like women's indoor and beach volleyball
it's a plus lel

>> No.6097416


Oh snap.

>> No.6097420

>So anon, what do you study?
>cool, can you help me with accounting?
>no, economics isn't businesses
>What stocks should I invest in?
>I've got no idea, economics isn't finance
>so you think money can solve anything?
>Money is just practical store of value...
>How do you defend big corporations polluting in the third world?
>I don't it's terrible
>I thought all economists were uber-capitalists
>no, economics doesn't have anything to do with ideology. It's basically just mathematical models
>so what do you actually do?
>I'm just trying to model altruism into utility functions
>Altruism? isn't that like the opposite of economics?
>Yeah, but we calculate a price for it. Like putting a value of having this conversation with you
>I am worthless?

>> No.6097432

b-but utility functions doesn't involve prices

>> No.6097439

don't you use econometrics?
from that point you can clearly lie to him
Goofy please!

>> No.6097448

What does econometric have to do with specifically prices?
Anyways I need to figure out a way to actually test it before I get into empiricism

>> No.6097450

it's 50% anons being awkward fucks who can't do smalltalk and 50% plebian normalfags reusing really hack jokes incessantly

before I went back to school it was fucking
>So, anon, what do you do?
>I'm a QA tester for a videogame company
>Hahaha awesome so you get to just play videogames all day????

you don't really hate that one because it's stupid or unoriginal as much as you hate it because it makes your job sound fun when really it's fucking horrid drudgery

>> No.6097452

Whenever someone says videogame tester I just imagine someone jumping at a wall for literally an hour trying to glitch over or through it

>> No.6097455


I study PE too. I told a (now ex) girlfriend that I had an interview with Shell. She thought I was applying to work at a gas station and gave me a disappointed look.

Usually people don't say anything when I tell them what I study, they just kind of blank out. So I just say that I study engineering and change the subject.

>> No.6097458

Verbatim from some passerby at my school nosing in my business.

>omg is that a horoscope chart?
>It's a circle of fifths
>like, what is that?
>It's a musical chart depicting the relationship of major and minor chords.
>that's so boring

She wasn't even hot. Later she was kicked out of the cafeteria for having a fistfight with her boyfriend.

>> No.6097459

Do you even need to apply to work at a gas station?

>> No.6097463


I don't know, but I doubt you'll be wearing a suit to an interview with one.

>> No.6097470


After reading The Trenches I give every QA guy I meet 50 bucks and tell them to get some mid-shelf liquor on me, if I can afford to.

>> No.6097472

I study mol epi/infectious disease
>Oh look at my pimple am I gonna die?

At first: I am not a physician and can't give medical blah blah blah

Now: Yep. Looks like smallpox.

>> No.6097481

That's the fun part, honestly

most of the time it's "do every possible menial task in the game to make sure the latest version didn't break basic functionality"

>> No.6097487

...and then do it again with a different screen resolution

>> No.6097548
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>> No.6097556

>So anon, what do you study?
>Mining Engineering
>Wow!! Can I have some money after you gradute?? You're gonna be rich xDD~~~

Everyone I've told have seriously reacted this way, thats what I get for doing a degree with a 100K grad salary...

>> No.6097558

>a 100K grad salary

>> No.6097572

Australia, average of grads from my uni is actually like 90-95k, but a fair few people do hit 100

>> No.6097575

>100K grad salary
Bullshit. There's not a fucking grad student in the world making 100k.

>> No.6097578

That's a starting salary, not a grad salary.

>> No.6097582

You guys don't have to believe me but you're wrong. All the grads I know were on somewhere from 85-110K their first year out of uni, its not as much as it sounds because cost of living is so high, you also have to live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.6097583

Grad salaries for software engineers at top companies are 100K+

>> No.6097587

Are we talking Australian or US dollars here?

>> No.6097589

>out of uni
You're being dumb man, that is a STARTING SALARY. A grad salary is something you get while you're still in uni. Namely when you're a grad student.

Also as a mining geologist in Kalgoorlie I think you'd be surprised how much I know about what I and my colleagues cost of living is... Also what we earn. Also what we earned in grad school.

>> No.6097590

100k AUD obviously. So that's about 100k USD.

>> No.6097595

>85-110K their first year out of uni
In most European countries that would be the maximum tax rate.

> its not as much as it sounds because cost of living is so high
..Are you living in a hotel while you are at work?

>> No.6097601

Its just a high cost of living, driven by the mining sector.


>> No.6097608
File: 67 KB, 368x368, 1367263236600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What's your major?"
>Oh, I'm in Psychology: Brain and Cogniton
>Oh so you want to be like... a neurosurgeon?


>> No.6097613

> be studying telecommunication technologies engineering
> "Oh so you're going to work for the BND?"

(Nachrichtentechnik = telecommunication technologies engineering, BND = Bundesnachrichtendienst = German NSA)
Every fucking time I have to explain that my field of studies is concerned with the TECHNOLOGIES that allow telecommunication to be conducted. It's in the fucking name, people.

>> No.6097668

Mechanical engineering here anon, i feel you.

>> No.6097674

>dat autistic reaction
>not just saying "Well, with your help I wouldn't be in need of one" or "Yeah, but I'll need some animation samples from a real life specimen *wink wink*"

>> No.6097688

>so what do you study, math or physics?
>wrong answer

>> No.6097714

>>There is some overlap, but it's not really the same thing. It actually encompasses any machine, which has to operate with minimal or no manual control.

I can just imagine you saying this in a whining, sing-song autistic voice, completely out of context for a conversation.

>> No.6097715


It's pretty much the same.

>> No.6097718

>what do you study?
>oh i hate math
probably not the first person to say this

>> No.6097719

luckily its easy to explain enumerative combinatorics in a few sentences. i leave out the asymptotics part because it's impossible when talking to people who dont know what limits etc are

>> No.6097724

Im normally into physics. But for a few weeks i took a chainsaw course. And every conversation went like this.

>so anon, what have you been doing lately
>i took a chainsaw course a few weeks ago
>oh, so you are going to do a chainsaw massacre?

Its like everybody thinks of murder, and not cutting down trees when hearing the word "chainsaw"

>> No.6097728
File: 34 KB, 640x427, PhD in mathematics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're amazing

>> No.6097743

what do you object to about this conversation?

>> No.6097757


One of my stoner friends applied for bio engineering at pretty much every single university in his country that offered it in the hopes that he could one day develop super weed.

I need new friends.

>> No.6097815

Who the hell doesn't know who otolaryngologist is?

>> No.6097825

> So you'r going to be a teacher?


>> No.6097830

>So what do you do?
>Social engineering.
>Wow, so you can make me ask stupid questions?

>> No.6097834

>Computer Graphics
>oh, my little nephew does that as well, he's really good with photoshop

>> No.6097837

>So anon, what do you study?
>Marine studies, majoring marine biology and ecology
>Ohh ok. I went fishing with my dad last year, I caught a fish but I didn't know what it was. It looked like [insert vague description of a fish shaped animal here]. What species was it?
>I have no idea, sorry. We don't know every fish, we really just have to know the major biological processes that are running the joint
>Ohh, well it was an awesome fish.

Either that or something about dolphins/whales/any other 'cute' marine life being the greatest, most interesting animal ever.

>> No.6097859

Should've made something up, doofus.

>> No.6097865

yeah, seriously, you guys are worse than the funny man of zimbabwe

>> No.6097876
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>software engineering

>> No.6097978

Did you even read what else I wrote? This is the kind of shit I thought would happen. Retards thinking she was "being playful", when she flat out told me she enjoys messing with "people like me". I don't really know what that entails, but whatever, her words.

>completely out of context for a conversation
So let me get this straight
>get asked directly to explain what I study
>try to do so in an understandable way
>the one asking comes back with total bullshit, which was in no way related to the explanation
Yet you people call me an autist?

>> No.6097983

>what do you study?
>particle physics
>what is that

>what is particle?

>> No.6099175
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>What do you study?
>How are you going to get a job?
>My job is life

>> No.6099213

I actually have little idea what a software engineer does.

My best description.
Either a code monkey or the leader of a bunch of code monkeys.

what do you actually do?

>> No.6099228
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>> No.6099246

>Are you familiar with something unpractical and fucking stupid?

>> No.6099255

Everyone in my chem labs always ask the TA's if they know how to make meth/ watch BrBa

>> No.6099266

what do they say after that?

>haha come on really though, anon?
>uhh well I want to do something related to music or movies

>> No.6099281

>What are you doing anon ?
>I study maths
>Oh, interesting
>For instance, this year I started studying distributions theory, which basically is
>I think I've heard enough. Do you like music ?

Nobody wants me to explain them what I do.

>> No.6099285

sounds like when I want to teach my little brother some things and he never wants to
feels bad

>> No.6099295

Funny but whenever I say I'm a math student somehow the conversation ends up revolving around the philosophical implications of mathematics and how it's related to human knowledge in general. People a generally ready to assume that math can be both interesting and useful, even if they don't like math themselves. But again, I live in a country that's pretty keen on math so that may be why.

>> No.6099304

Why do you guys hate on biology so much? I'm studying biochemistry and microbiology, and while I see that it's not the same thing as being a bio major, you guys make it seem like biology is irrelevant because the major is easy...

>> No.6099317


>> No.6099319

>Ito's lemma
It's the most basic formula of computational finance you shit.

>> No.6099325

That appears to be the general reaction to anything math-related. I'm not a mathematics major but I always get looks of extreme disgust if I happen to mention that I'm taking a math class.

>> No.6099327

I think most people know it by the abbreviated version.

>> No.6099329

But what IS particle?

What does particle like?

Does particle have hobbies?

These are questions that need answering.

>> No.6099334
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>mfw this is what most people think of when you say you are an engineer

>> No.6099337

>b-but utility functions doesn't involve prices

I am earning several utilions by telling you that you're wrong.

>> No.6099339
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Literally happened to me yesterday:
>So, anon, what are you studying?
>I'm an anthropology major, which means I get to study people. I prefer archaeology (which is under that umbrella), so a lot of what I'm studying has to do with that.
>Oh, so like a Nurse :)

I know that you guys don't approve of my life decisions but still....I can't get over that conversation...

>> No.6099343
File: 120 KB, 550x375, 1372270216093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are worse things to be associated with.


>> No.6099357

Nobody has mentioned computer science yet?

Obligatory post, then.

>Oh anon can you fix my computer
>Oh anon I just built the sweetest gaming pc it has blahblahblahblahblah
>Oh anon we should LAN do you play counterstrike?
>Oh anon so what is the best program for <x>?

At this point, I just tell people I read technical manuals for leisure and they generally don't ask much more. ymmv

>> No.6099365

>Sucks because my girlfriend loves that shit and always tells all her friends that she's dating Sheldon.

That's pretty cute, actually. If she weren't dating you that could be insulting, but since she's your girlfriend you can probably assume she doesn't mean you're an unsufferable retard.

>I also get compared to the guy in A Beautiful Mind a lot, probably because it's the only mathematician a normal person has ever heard of.

When you think about it, that's indirectly comparing you to John Nash, which is pretty flattering if you're a mathematician.

>> No.6099370

That's not particlelarly interesting.

>> No.6099384

When particle is in water, does he get wet?

>> No.6099387

This is the same as almost any career though.

>What do you do for a living, anon?
>I'm a building inspector. I was looking over this building on Thursday and you wouldn't BELIEVE how many Code 47 violations they had!
>Oh, that sounds interesting. Have you seen Gravity?

Unless you're a cop or a fireman, nobody is really going to be that interested in what you do unless they're a close friend.

>> No.6099391

When I was a kid I always thought it meant a person who upgraded people's body armor or set up traps. It always seemed like a boring class in videogames so I never investigated further. I wanted to shoot rocket launchers, not build booby traps.

>> No.6099399

I tell them I didnt get an education to get a job, im graduating without debt and I've been poor all my life so I dont feel the need to get more.

And a philosophy BA aint all that bad compared to other bas

>> No.6099675

>Unless you're a cop or a fireman, nobody is really going to be that interested in what you do unless they're a close friend.
This right here is the truth of the matter. I would add that if your friends aren't sci & math inclined, chances are good not even they will give a shit all that much.

>> No.6100252

I know that feel. Only person I can talk to about anything sci/math related is my girlfriend, and she doesn't really understand and only does it because she loves me.

>> No.6100892


>> No.6100902

I think 300 is the bump limit on /sci/ anon. This thread is done.