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6095190 No.6095190 [Reply] [Original]

Guys. What if we started making Nuclear Power in Space? All energy problems solved or not?

>> No.6095200

The hard part is how to send the power form the space power plant to earth. Microwave wireless energy transfer might be used, but its still an early technology and not precise enough to shoot at a specific spot on earth from orbit.

>> No.6095201

I imagine that would not be cost-effective in the slightest.

>> No.6095213

The issue is that nuclear material is really, really heavy, and space launch is a pay-by-the-kilogram deal. Space nuclear is interesting as a form of propulsion, but not so much for providing power to earthbound systems. For that, if you're going to be building power plants in space, you're really better off great big solar-power systems.

There's still an issue with getting the power back DOWN to Earth, though; microwave power beaming looks promising and has been demonstrated over distances comparable to orbital ones - 84% efficiency over a 92-mile beam from a Maui mountaintop to the main island.

>> No.6095219

If we only had a large energy source based on nuclear fusion in space ...

>> No.6095222
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why not solar in space?

>> No.6095227
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No! Don't you even think about sending Fukushima into space /sci/! It would be like 9/11 times 346,872!

>> No.6095238

The challenge is mobile energy storage, not energy generation. Energy generation is great but at some point, especially during our forays in to space exploration, we would do well to realize that there is a fusion power plant fueling station at the center of every star system.

>> No.6095264

pick one

>> No.6095267

i think... now, I'm going out on a limb here, but I think they might have been joking.

>> No.6095273

David Icke will says something like: "LOOK! THE REPTILIAN WANT TO TURN US INTO NUCLEAR TOASTS!!!!"

Seriously though, will the public just accept it and says "hey, that's one neat idea, lads. Let's roll with it."?

>> No.6095276

ramp it up like the moonlanding,
and then we can do what we did last time, and use
the military money we would have spent on faking holocaust documents, and justify the state of israel, where we can base our military experiments that dont pass international law.


>> No.6095282

why not send the space from earth, into the energy on other planets, and use the excess power plants to send the sun.

>> No.6096360

Dyson Sphere mofos!

>> No.6097347
File: 178 KB, 928x531, Am I the only one who sees a resemblance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the Soviet spy satellites ran off of a nuclear reactor.

>> No.6097363

No, it probably ran on nuclear battery like many of the Mars probes.

>> No.6097367

send all radiowaste to the nearest star using railguns
we win.