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6095037 No.6095037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So uh... What's next in Human Evolution?

>> No.6095038

Evolution doesn't apply to humans. Due to technology we don't face natural selection anymore.

>> No.6095044

Finding the thing that enables both communication and long term planning, then scaling that up into infinity.

>> No.6095054

well, we still get mutations
and some people still die without reproducing

>> No.6095061

watch the movie Idiocracy

you can already see evidence of this happening in modern society

>> No.6095103

Robotic prosthetics.

>> No.6095110

mutations don't get selected for or against because we don't face natural selection.
do this

>> No.6095126

>Due to technology we don't face natural selection anymore.

But we aren't at that level yet, its close enough though.

>> No.6095134

There is still natural selection through selection of sexual partners and who does/doesn't have kids.

Modern medicine has altered how evolution applies as disease immunity is no longer strongly selected for, as an example. Furthermore, the size of the population as well as the lack of "truly" isolated populations prevents species division due to geographical separation.

As for the Idiocracy comment, there is little support for that conclusion from any real data.

>> No.6095142

a second penis

>> No.6095152

Transgenderism lol

I'm serious btw

>> No.6095159

more dual processing in human brains, already seeing signs of this, thought to have more dual processing since 2000 years ago

>> No.6095258

>However, as Lynch (2007b) and Miconi (2007) suggest, it is often when the reigns of selection pressure are lifted that evolution innovates most prolifically.

>> No.6095271

>Furthermore, the size of the population as well as the lack of "truly" isolated populations prevents species division due to geographical separation.


>> No.6095285

Too bad all the tech advances in the world still can't get you laid, you will never pass on your genes, thus evolution is alive, and in several generations the human race will be devoid of NERD LOSERS like you

>> No.6095308

I'm pretty sure girls keep getting hotter and hotter. That's gotta mean something, right?

That seemed unnecessary.

>> No.6095336

no appendixes

>> No.6095436


>> No.6095447


>Independence of female procreation
>Human instrument (Evangelion 2.0)
>Eternal life-span

>> No.6095456

This just means as we evolve not to need to do physcal labour, or to have keen senses, the mind will be the determining factor in evolutionary success. Income means more success which means more ability to attract a mate. With plastic surgery and fertility treatments, anyone will be able to pass on their genes as long as they have money. Animals often evolve due to certain environmenal facotrs, we will evolve to societal ones. In places like Japan and other high-population density areas, a man's earning potential is much more important. We truly will end up developing super brains, as higher paying jobs require higher mental abilities generally.

>> No.6095969

Even the Nerdiest of my friends have girlfriends. Videogames, comic books and other merd things are seen as cool by the general public and girls dont see it as somethig to avoid anymore. Cinema has also depicted the "nerd" as the nice guy.

>> No.6096530

This method is the next step: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preimplantation_genetic_diagnosis

Then comes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_engineering#Germline_cell_therapy

Currently, we are working on getting ready to do step 1 above. To become smarter, we need to find the genes for g (intelligence) first though. Difficult, but the chinese are working on it.

>> No.6096534

>As for the Idiocracy comment, there is little support for that conclusion from any real data.

You are very wrong.

Try: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/3561268-dysgenics

Or for a specific paper: Meisenberg, Gerhard. "The reproduction of intelligence." Intelligence 38.2 (2010): 220-230.

>> No.6096535
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>Independence of female procreation

Hey guy!
Fuck you

>> No.6096537

We'll start looking like snookis.

>> No.6096547

>implying that everyone will have children and pass on their genes

>> No.6096548

That is horrifying. My progeny will not be tarsiers

>> No.6096571


>> No.6096637


>> No.6096656

Men will have one vertebrae less so they can self-suck.

>> No.6096662


>> No.6096709

In a thousand years, the only thing that will be different is that 90% of males will have a condom-breaking mechanism on their penis.

>> No.6096737
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Nothing, because Evolution isn't real.

>> No.6096742

Cyborg anthropomorphism.

Can't do much better than that

>> No.6097071


>> No.6097106


This is a blatantly false statement and indicative of high school level understanding of evolution. Evolution is inevitable. Genetic drift, mutation, migration, and selection are always occurring.

>> No.6097108


You forgot about sexual selection. Also natural selection doesn't just disappear.

>> No.6097111


is that even a wordtion

>> No.6098192

Biologically, we are still inferior to other creatures (and mammals) due to our lack of hunting traits: sure, homo sapiens are the top dog (in theory) when grouped in hunting tribes, but individually without our tools the average human cannot outrun/outthink predators like wolves or cougars.

In fact, with technology, we're able to prolong previously-unsustainable physical diseases, like MS, Cerebral Palsy, Huntington's disease, and other physical & mental disabilities.

In order to expand our lifespan (the de-facto evolutionary goal) we need to stop looking at our predators and analyze microbiology...such as the water-bear.

>can survive near-absolute zero and above the boiling point of water
>can survive 6 times the atmospheric pressure humans can
>survives 100 times the radioactive dosage humans can
>can live in a vacuum
>takes 10 years to kill without sustenance
>existed ~530 million years ago, possibly more

These are the kinds of creatures that could exist on Mars and thrive, and possibly the moon as well (with some terraforming). All we need to do is create a multicellular creature made of these things, which can develop a brain to match ours via genetic manipulation and breeding, and BOOM - genetically superior creature to humans.

>> No.6098209

>without our tools the average human cannot outrun/outthink predators like wolves or cougars.

Are you forreal

We are easily the smartest hunters. We can outsmart and adapt on the fly to trick any animal on the planet. No animal can consciously think while hunting or being chased like us. We used to chase entire herds of Woolly Mammoths off cliffs for fun just by outsmarting them and working together to scare them in the right directions.

We can do it alone too. Even to this day some humans still persistance hunt. We outrun everything on the planet. No animal can get away from us. Every single one will collapse from exhaustion far before we stop jogging. A single man can chase a stag for miles until it collapses and gives up.

We can outsmart and outrun everything. You picked our two greatest strengths. We're not physically strong or fast. We're smart and we're good runners.

Also wolves aren't very frightening on their own either.

>> No.6098282

>but individually without our tools the average human cannot outrun/outthink predators like wolves or cougars.

Tools are a product of our mind and perceptual thinking system. Taking away that is like taking away a cougars claws and teeth and then trying to play it off as 'reasonable' when it loses to another animal in combat with stupid wording trying to sound logical.

Our mind alone makes us biologically superior. Brains are organs.

>> No.6098302

The human brain takes like ~25% of our caloric input, and that does not change if we are asleep or awake, thinking or now. Yet is has always been found in our evolution that a bigger brain is better. Look at how the female body has been warped to squeeze out a skull on a helpless newborn that is 25% of its size. Look at how long a child takes to mature.

Insane how strongly intelligence has been selected for.