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6093446 No.6093446 [Reply] [Original]

Good day /sci/
A quick question. What is the progress of FTL communication or at least is there any device capable of light-speed communication?
I have come up with solution for light-speed communication. Even internet can be transmitted at c.

>> No.6093455

oh boy here we go

let's hear it

does it involve superconductors

>> No.6093457

>A quick question. What is the progress of FTL communication or at least is there any device capable of light-speed communication?
No, our current laws of physics forbids this.
>I have come up with solution for light-speed communication. Even internet can be transmitted at c.
I bet you haven't.

>> No.6093458

We already have light speed communication, radio or fiber optics to name few.

>> No.6093460

fuckin magnets, how do they work?

>> No.6093462

So.. it is pretty safe to write an article about it and send it to.. lets say.. Cambridge Uni for investigation?
Guys, it is not like I will spill the beans so anyone could hijack my idea and I would be left without a dime.
I come from quite poor family and so it may be my big chance.
Well. Thank You guys. I have been thinking about this for quite a while and wanted to find if anyone has done it already it the past year.
Yeh. Thank You again for the answers. Much love.

>> No.6093464

Mine is wireless.and it can transmit any media at c.

Really simple actually. :>

>> No.6093467
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For communication to work it needs to be verified like TCP-IP works, if you just spam it like UDP there is no way of finding out if the data actually arrives. So in order to verify the data has to go from A to B and back from B to A, so the maximum speed is c/2 and it gets worse the data also has to processed. If you can communicate at c or faster I applaud your findings of exotic materials and energy!

>> No.6093468

That doesn't make the max speed c/2 as you can verify information as you get it.

>> No.6093475

>light-speed communication

Yeah, it's called light.

>> No.6093486


Presumably, using quantum entanglement, you can send information instantaneously across any distance. Particles that are produced simultaneously are considered entangled. While the spin of those particles may be uncertain at the time of their production, measuring one in the pair to have positive spin would automatically predict the outcome of the other's spin being anti. Whatever ensures that the entangled particles are opposite transfers information instantaneously, so you can manipulate particles to 'send and receive' as fast as you make measurements. Evidently, these systems are incredibly difficult to calibrate so it's simply not practical but it COULD work...

inb4 kakuscience

>> No.6093507

>Presumably, using quantum entanglement, you can send information instantaneously across any distance

No, that is not correct. No information is transferred via quantum entanglement.

>> No.6093508

>Mine is wireless.and it can transmit any media at c.
Like radio? Do you even read when you reply, come on there was like 10 words there.

>> No.6093543
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Yeah, well, that would seem to make sense but...PROVE IT!

I really don't know any better so I'm just curious. Spin/anti-spin pairs are produced only in pairs such that if you know one you, by default, know the other? Can't you produce particles such that their angular momentum is uncertain and thus neither spin nor anti-spin?

>mfw quantum mechanics all over the place

>> No.6093560

>Yeah, well, that would seem to make sense but...PROVE IT!


>> No.6093582


But wait!


Also, you're not terribly helpful.

>> No.6093596

>Also, you're not terribly helpful.

So google it.

>> No.6093623
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I just can't express how many ways you baffle me...

>> No.6093624

Radio is not quite what I have in mind.
am talking about sending images, videos, large files, GTA V and everything else you can find on internet.

>> No.6093657

>I just can't express how many ways you baffle me...

Ok, I'll spell it out for you. You expressed a common misconception - that quantum entanglement could (or does) allow FTL communication. I corrected it. You asked me to "prove it" for some reason, I guess because you thought it wasn't proven. I directed you to look it up on Wikipedia or to Google it, so that you could see that it is in fact impossible. Clear?

>> No.6093660


You can do that with radio. How do you think your smartphone streams youtube?

>> No.6093685

At this point you should just look at the mirror at tell yourself: "I'm not smart enough to invent anything"
I mean you don't even know what radio is, or em spectrum communications in general.

>> No.6093693

> Two quantum entangled particles
> Use to communicate in Morse code
Where is my Nobel prize?

>> No.6093695
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>or at least is there any device capable of light-speed communication?
Yep, pic related.

>> No.6093698

thats not how it worls

>> No.6093702
File: 123 KB, 402x712, transporter room corrected web size.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the progress of FTL communication: unkown, doubt it can be done but don't let that stop you from trying
any device capable of light-speed communication: yes, a flashing light bulb for one along with any other that uses light to send signals, that includes non visible spectrum like radio
I have come up with solution for light-speed communication: If you have this why are you even posting the questions? Post you solution or get out.

You can send nearly everything through radio, it can do both digital and analog signal sets.
Heck if you give me the energy loads and don't mind large nuclear explosion you can even kind of send matter that way by having a focal point with so much energy, matter will condense from the radio waves assuming there is a atom nearby to condense on (Any nuclear physicist care to tell me why I need a nucleation atom to start the process when I don't need one to do it in reverse?).
It would be just like Star Trek (if they did it atom by atom cause untold destruction for each atom sent at the location they are beaming to)

>> No.6093705

google no-cloning theorem

>> No.6093709

To put it simple: the wavefunction of a particle is NOT a measurable quantity.
You can't do an experiment that would tell you whether or not a particular particle wavefunction is collapsed.

Hence why entanglement doesn't allow FTL information transfer.

>> No.6093712

>What is the progress of FTL communication or at least is there any device capable of light-speed communication?
information can't travel faster than light
it will break causality

>I have come up with solution for light-speed communication.
well that's how electromagnetic waves travel
btw electrical signal are pretty close to light speed too