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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 631x300, evolution-631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6090516 No.6090516 [Reply] [Original]

How long do you think it's going to be before the theory of evolution is disproven as the origin of homo sapiens?

>> No.6090519

never lol

>> No.6090743


>> No.6090745

Until a better, newer theory becomes more obvious.

>> No.6090748

>theoy of evolution
Evolution isn't a theory, it's a fact.

>> No.6090751

Ask your preacher, they're typically knowledgeable in evolution. Who knows better than flying cloud man

>> No.6090756

It's a theory. It's a sound theory with a strong foundation based in rigor and lots of evidence in its favor.

>> No.6090759

>>>/pol/ is that way

>> No.6090982

gravity is also a theory but I'm not gonna jump off any fucking buildings just on the off chance that it might be disproved

>> No.6091008

It's both. They're not mutually exclusive

>> No.6091824

It cannot be disproved because it makes no predictions. It is unfalsifiable.

>> No.6091829


Thank you Karl Popper. Monsanto wants to offer you a job.

>> No.6091845

Evolution can be disproved, all you have to do is show that species don't develop new traits that inevitably lead to speciation. It's far from unfalsifiable and therefore a good hypothesis as far as Karl Popper is concerned.

>> No.6091847

>all you have to do is show that species don't develop new traits

1. You cannot show this. You cannot design an experiment to produce this observation.
2. It wouldn't disprove evolution. If they don't develop new traits, that means they reached the evolutionary optimum.

>> No.6091874

Until the day of the rapture. Should be within the next 100 years.

>> No.6091952


You are too stupid to live.
He did not say 'design an experiment'
all you have to do is find a biochemical mechanism that precludes the possiblity.

Get the hell off my /sci/, Creationist.

>> No.6091954

probably never

>> No.6091966

Do you even know the scientific method? Do you even know the definition of falsifiability? If a theory makes no predictions which could be hypothetically falsified by experiment or observation, then it is not falsifiable.

>all you have to do is find a biochemical mechanism that precludes the possiblity.
That mechanism surely evolved, thus proving evolution right once again. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.6092648

Richard Dawkins is working on it.

>> No.6092671


>> No.6092678
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>evolutionary optimum

>> No.6093607

>Get the hell off my /sci/, Creationist.

You are the creationist. You are the one believes evolution can be falsified. Please show us the falsification or shut up.

>> No.6093794


>can be
>has been

Y U no grammar?

>> No.6093810

Are you retarded? "Falsifiable" means there exists a _hypothetically possible_ falsification. In the case of evolution there is none. Please keep your creationism to yourself.

>> No.6093812
File: 4 KB, 270x187, (JPEG Image, 270 × 187 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that if you believe in evolution, you must believe a potato is in your hyper-extended ancestry tree

>> No.6093815


You be trolling.
Of course is possible it can be falsified.
Rabbit fossils in the Pre-Cambrian, etc.

>> No.6093818


they are our distant cousins

>> No.6093820

>Rabbit fossils in the Pre-Cambrian, etc.

Are you trolling or retarded? I honestly can't tell. A precambrian rabbit fossil would NOT disprove evolution. It would only force us to make minor changes to the phylogenetic tree.

>> No.6093827


No You.

>> No.6093826


thx for capitalizing Creationist, good to know some /sci/guys respect God ;)

>> No.6093828

There is literally no evidence whatsoever that supports evolution. I challenge you to present some. I'm being serious here. You can show me as many fossils as you want but you can't prove they're related in anyway.

>> No.6093829


You mean the Ground of Being?

>> No.6093830


Ambulocetus natans.
Now leave.

>> No.6093831


No, I meant God, which why I said God and not ground of being.

>> No.6093839


I asked for proof dummy. You're response is basically the equivalent of someone asking for proof of mathematics and you answering "5".

>> No.6093843

>I'm being serious here.

>> No.6093841

>How long do you think it's going to be before the theory of evolution is disproven as the origin of homo sapiens?
until god returns to earth, and only if we can't manage to kill him

>> No.6093840


Please explain, in utmost detail, how you just proved evolution.

>> No.6093845


I do not believe in Canaanite myths.
Reality emanates eternally from the Ground of Being.

>> No.6093848


I don't believe in myths either, God is quite real :)

>> No.6093847



Please learn what the scientific methodd is.

>> No.6093850


can you be a little more detailed? no? too hard to actually explain yourself? get off sci.

>> No.6093852


>looks like a walking whale


>> No.6093855

Gravity is not a theory.
Gravity is an observable phenomenon.

There is a theory of gravity in the standard model, but it might be wrong.

>> No.6093875
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Until religion proves itself right.

>> No.6093877

"Evolution is a fact. You shouldn't question it."
-- Richard Dawkins

>> No.6093981

the fact that the earth revolves around the sun is also a "theory"