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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6088149 No.6088149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some things to study if I want to finally disprove the "theories" presented by transgender degenerates false and expose them for being vile creatures they are?

I currently have neurology, biology, psychiatry, social sciences, and women's studies.

Should this be enough to finally disprove them as degenerates and get them removed as a protected minority?

>> No.6088154

You might be disappointed as those things seem to lean to support transsexuality more than debunking it.

>> No.6088286 [DELETED] 

Not if you find an instructor who is now controlled by the liberal media.

>> No.6088288

Ironic that /sci/ attracts the biggest imbeciles on the site.

>> No.6088342

But transgenders are unscientific degenerates, right?

>> No.6088347


no. take it to

>> No.6088368

He does make a point though. There is no scientific evidence to suggest a person can be born the wrong gender.

>> No.6088374

Agreed, anything potentially offensive to anyone should be banned from science.

>> No.6088386

But there's no scientific evidence to suggest a person can be born with the right gender

>> No.6088426

you can be born xx and still have a dick somehow. The children end up getting boobes latter, I think.

>> No.6088430

That's a mutation and that's far rare than what trannies claim.

>> No.6088431


idk seemed relevant

>> No.6088433


Not an accurate source.

>> No.6088434

yea I agree, but it does seem like a good place to start.

>> No.6088439

fuck off I'm not citing my human sexuality course book., god that class was such BS!

Just a bunch of women agreeing that having a period means that mattered more than any problem a man ever has to go through.

>> No.6088467

Jesus Christ 10/10 I cringed

>> No.6088474

All of those would work OP, consider "gender studies" to know what you are going up against.

The fact is there is not enough research to make a decision on the subject of "transsexualism being a natural occurrence".

Anyone who says otherwise is delusional. At this time however, nothing has been found that points to "people being born in the wrong body", or the commonality of a mutations which cause the brain to be incompatible with one's gender.

For obvious reasons, there is not a reason to believe in something that has no evidence, though I respect transsexualism as the right of people, the theory of it being natural is, at least so far, unfounded.

>> No.6088477

>Not an accurate source

This isn't 2005, Wikipedia is pretty accurate for science these days. If you don't think something is legit then click on the sources.

>> No.6088478

>if I want to finally disprove

That's not how science works, fucktard. You don't get to decide what the answer is until after you've done the experiment.

>> No.6088518

If they get removed as a minority, we obviously must accept them as being normal? Yes?

One of the problems that people never ever bloody well ask is do we completely fuck up the entire genetic pool for sexual delineation during the process?

We very much don't have a very good understanding of recessivity to our gene structure. Provided that "in males" certain structures are supposed to be dominant but in transgender or Homosexual tendencies they become recessive; corrections for said aberration would then most likely result in our demise if we continue to have sexual intercourse for breeding purposes, simply due to how genetic splicing works.

Instead of having an abundance of male-male sexual relations, we would increase the likelihood that females would also want to have female interaction with females. Instead of simply being a natural occurrence over the normal genetic pool.

Instead of correcting the problem we end up breeding the trait to our offspring. As such, we no longer wish to have sexual intercourse for breeding purposes.

We either die out or develop a new cultural basis for our sexual appetites, making the reasons for the gene correction irrelevant in the first place. Test tube babies all around the world.

>> No.6088523

This is really /pol/ tier but I'll bite.

Firstly degenerate is a subjective classification with no real meaning in the context you're asking for.

Secondly the issue primarily lies within the conscious experience, which itself is widely considered as nothing more than an illusion. People 'feel' that they are their is something wrong with their body in their conscious, it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with reality.

>> No.6088534

So you're saying homosexual is an evolutionary popularity control?

So Solipsism is false?

>> No.6088536

>nothing has been found that points to "people being born in the wrong body"

I would have backed you on "Nothing has been found that shows to p<0.0001 that people are born in wrong bodies."

I MIGHT have provisionally backed you on "Nothing has been found that shows to p<0.05 that people are born in wrong bodies" until I could read some studies.

But "Nothing points to?"

Alright here:

"I know a person who claims he has been born into the wrong body, and has stopped going by his assigned feminine name and instead uses something more gender-neutral."

There. You have been pointed to.

>> No.6088547

>So Solipsism is false?

Solipsism is pointless. "False" is a much higher barrier to clear and is apparently impossible to prove re: Solipsism.

>> No.6088549

How does this expose that trannies are sick fucks who should not be given the luxury of being a protected minority?

>> No.6088551


right or wrong gender are social constructs (really, not trying to troll or anything).

>> No.6088555

Solipsism is the belief that only one's mind is real and everything else is an illusion, right? How is it pointless? It's actually true. How do we prove that the desk in front of us is real or even our own two fingers if it's just something our brain is making up? It's the one reason why I do not follow science or religion because both are falsehoods that are impossible to prove is true.

>> No.6088554

>How does this expose that trannies are sick fucks who should not be given the luxury of being a protected minority?

Get back to /lit/ where philosophy belongs.

>> No.6088559

>How does this expose that trannies are sick fucks who should not be given the luxury of being a protected minority?

Science is for learning new things. If you already know things, you should use politics instead to get influence and spread your knowledge.

May I suggest /pol/ ?

>> No.6088564


>> No.6088567

Science is used to confirm stuff. /sci/ already knows there is no such thing as transgenderism. Now why don't they use they're knowledge for good and get these faggots executed for being crimes against nature?

>> No.6088575

I'm thinking of studying this subject as well, but for different reasons. I heard that what little science there is to support it is actually in favor of it and not against it. Are the subjects OP listed good things to begin studying? What other classes are good?

>> No.6088579

>Solipsism is the belief that only one's mind is real and everything else is an illusion, right? How is it pointless? It's actually true. How do we prove that the desk in front of us is real or even our own two fingers if it's just something our brain is making up? It's the one reason why I do not follow science or religion because both are falsehoods that are impossible to prove is true.

Solipsism is pointless because if it is actually true, it's not true.

Not because it is logically inconsistent, but because any kind of argument that supports Solipsism is invalid if Solipsism is true.

If Solipsism is true, your experiences are not something "your brain makes up." If Solipsism is true, you don't actually have a brain.

In mathematical (Bayesian) terms, Solipsism is the Maximum-Entropy Prior which negates all evidence.

>> No.6088580

>If Solipsism is true, you don't actually have a brain.
How is that so if it's says the brain is the only real thing?

>> No.6088583

>May I suggest /pol/ ?

This may have been the best formulated gb2/pol/ I've ever seen.


>> No.6088587

>How is that so if it's says the brain is the only real thing?

It goes like this:

>How do you know you have a brain?
Various evidence. Photos of gray matter, the testimony of brain surgeons.

>How do you know that evidence is true?
Anything you write here is negated by Solipsism which doesn't believe in objective reality.

>> No.6088591

let's say you find proof that transgender people are degenerates, and that the thories they present are wrong. Then what?

Do you think every government will start executing transgender, while citing your paper? That transgender people will say 'oh, I'm a degenerate, I know because I've read this paper, I must change'?

Nothing will happen. For what you want, you need a social revolution, not a scientific one.

>> No.6088598

>Nothing will happen. For what you want, you need a social revolution, not a scientific one.

/pol/ never goes back to /pol/

>> No.6088617

>go to 4chan.org
>see a post that strikes you as racist/sexist
>get offended
Sounds like the behavior of a highly intelligent person.

>> No.6088619

Then the day of the rope begins. We get a bill to congress to have the house, senate, and president sign that makes it legal to kill off every last transgendered person in the country. If they can vote for a government shutdown, they could easily say yes for this.

>> No.6088624

This... actually... sounds like a plausible plan. The politicians in Washington are easily swayed though so it'll take years of study to accurately prove to them of the infestation that is slowly corrupting the youth of America. Scientists are even responsible since a majority of them side with the liberals.

>> No.6088625

please, just leave.
you have your own board.
if you think we're not scientific, then go be among your truly scientific brothers that want to discuss your inane political bullshit.

>> No.6088636

>Then the day of the rope begins. We get a bill to congress to have the house, senate, and president sign that makes it legal to kill off every last transgendered person in the country. If they can vote for a government shutdown, they could easily say yes for this.

Who is this "we?" Nazi scum is massively outnumbered in all democracies.

>> No.6088652

Immediately dismissing anything that offends you is not scientific
If you are this easily offended you haven't spent more than a week on 4chan, aligning yourself with other posters on this board is a poor appeal to authority.

>> No.6088668

So... guys... does science lean in favor of or against transsexuality?

I always heard that what little scientific knowledge we have about this phenomenon is for not against. Is this correct?

>> No.6088681

>You might be disappointed as those things seem to lean to support transsexuality more than debunking it.

There are a handful of studies that are always cited that have likely been done by trans-sympathisers.

Notice how recently there is a big fuss being generated at how peer-review and a lot of science is getting sloppy and bordering on bullshit. I would call for extra reviews on some questionable trans-friendly papers; for example, studies about the brain having a sex need to be a lot more concrete.


>> No.6088688

So what happens if it turns out that they are unnatural?

I mean, we do a large number of unnatural things on a daily basis, so who's to say which ones are more deserving of protection than others?

They should really be able to do whatever the fuck they want to.

>> No.6088689

What the fuck is that? If I happen to think all people should be treated with respect. Does this make me a negro-sympathiser?

>> No.6088692

Transhumanism would be considered unnatural, right? But why the fuck do I find the possibility of robotic implants to improve myself to be beyond awesome?

>> No.6088693

>So... guys... does science lean in favor of or against transsexuality?

I would speculate that people are often insane, irrational and prone to manifesting their issues in bizarre ways. Trans* is a manifestation of personal social issues that someone may have, rather than a physical problem.

>> No.6088697


Studies done by people who are afraid of being branded "/pol/" by the general, PC, public

>> No.6088699


But really if it affects no one in a negative way (barring the inability to conceive a child) then why is it bad? I know this is sort of a philosophical standpoint, but things that are unnatural aren't intrinsically bad.

>> No.6088700

This link is bullshit. It doesn't even explain why trannies are unscientific. It doesn't help my cause. Fuck you.

>> No.6088703

>barring the inability to conceive a child
Aren't there scientists working on making artificial uteruses for barren women?
Who's to say that some day it wouldn't be possible for a male-to-female to have a uterus transplant?

>> No.6088704


That's sort of unrelated to my point, but I agree as well.

Thinking something is bad because it's unnatural is less science and more of a grudge, than anything.

>> No.6088710

So if someone psychology feels as if they should have been born a woman then you're saying they should have every right to pursue such a path to the fullest point science and technology would allow?

>> No.6088716

That should be illegal as it corrupts society.

>> No.6088723


If you see and promote transgenderism as anything more than body modification then you are perpetuating a delusional mindset. This is where it becomes dangerous.

>> No.6088734

Wouldn't a delusional mindset be more like schizophrenia?

>> No.6088736

So how is transgenderism dangerous compared to more serious disorders like schizophrenia?

>> No.6088737



>> No.6088740


It's dangerous in the same way creationism is dangerous. It's anti-intellectual.

>> No.6088744


Not him, but I think they should be allowed.


But then you shouldn't need scientific proof. Go study sociology, and then write and essay about how letting transsexual people live their sexuality the way they want corrupt society.

Even if you find something wrong with trannie's brain, that doesn't mean they corrupt the society (and not finding anything wrong doesn't prove they don't).

>> No.6088745

Now you're just getting silly.

>> No.6088748


>Immediately dismissing anything that offends you is not scientific

OK, now go be "scientific" on /pol/; that board was created with the purpose of containing the level of discourse your sort invariably dishes up in the threads you make here every day.

>aligning yourself with other posters on this board is a poor appeal to authority.

You mean the other people who have essentially asked the same thing in this thread?

>> No.6088749

So how do you explain what they do to children should it become a norm? What is wrong with accept with what life and evolution has dealt you? Does nobody have morals anymore? Why are you a cancer on society, pleb?

>> No.6088752

Why does it feel like there's more scientific evidence to support a tranny than there is a creationist?

>> No.6088755

>So how do you explain what they do to children should it become a norm?
What do they do to children? I honestly don't know what you are talking about

>What is wrong with accept with what life and evolution has dealt you?
Nothing, what's wrong with not accepting it?

>Does nobody have morals anymore? Why are you a cancer on society, pleb?

I can't believe I'm still replying to /pol/ trolls.

>> No.6088756

trannyism can go either way, man to woman or reverse, whereas creationism is less adaptable; it starts off as one sex and stays that way.

that's why tranny philosophy is fundamentally more adaptable and more congruent with the scientific method, to change with the evidence.

>> No.6088760

I'm not OP, I don't care about transgender people, nor do I care about race or any other things people commonly get offended by here. You can make scientific observations about racial traits, biological characteristics of transgender people, and countless other subjects like this. If you want to contribute one, or point towards relevant info, that's great. Throwing a tantrum because anything concerning these subjects hurts your feelings, on 4chan, a website legendary for it's offensiveness, is not only unscientific, it's pure shitposting. There's a "hide thread" function if you absolutely cannot contain your emotions and are forced to shitpost, please explore this option so we can continue to do science.

>> No.6088765

sorry, was in response to the first post

>> No.6088766

Not that anon, but I know a transwoman (male-to-female) who has a son and I was just wondering how she might explain to him about her situation especially in a single parent household.

>> No.6088767

Reality check!

Do people get born with sexual traits? YES.
Is gender dysphoria a thing? YES! There exists people who are dissatisfied with their gender.

Whether you have the wrong sex or the wrong gender (I'm not sure about the terminology but bear with me) it's not clear that the problem is either, but that those two don't match up.

The (brute)fact is that some people feel unhappy. That's just how it is.

And you could "fix" it through either therapy or surgery. Which is the better is a really good question because there's probably no simple, that is, generally valid answer.

The "issue" of the matter is being offended because sex and gender is taboo. Sacred. It is how it is because it is how it is and messing with it destabilizes society in profound ways and makes me feel insecure and question values that I take for granted. And those people are total assholes for doing this to me (Also they go to hell so it's ok to torch them up prematurely because they'll burn anyway).

>> No.6088772


>"quit shitting up the board, retard"

The only thing I'm offended by is posts spilling over from the board they belong on to /sci/.

>> No.6088773

Isn't therapy usually required for someone considering on undergoing sexual reassignment surgery?

>> No.6088777

It doesn't worry me like some of the other anons. I was just curious about how one might explain it to children.

>> No.6088775

And that is what worries you?
I'm more worried about how the classmates of the kid will act towards him, that are being raised by people like OP.
Usually it's way worse what society put you through than the personal events you live.

>> No.6088782

I know a black kid being raised by two white lesbian mothers and he seems like a perfectly normal kid. He likes athletic things like sports and acts like any normal little boy should.

>> No.6088786


Yes, but they are two different types of therapy.
One aims to make you feel as comfortable as possible in the body you were born. It can't be fixed, you will always feel as you should've been born with the opposite gender, but you will bare with your body.
Pre surgery therapy is most aimed to be sure that surgery is what you want and that you won't want to go back once you had it.

There is no therapy to 'fix' or 'cure'.

>> No.6088785

>Also they go to hell so it's ok to torch them up prematurely because they'll burn anyway
Not if they accept Christ into their heart. Anyone can be redeemed if they are more than willing to let him in. I know somebody who is an expert on spiritually and sometimes visits 4chan's /tv/. He is really good at following what Christ taught which is to love everybody regardless of what they do. Probably you still see trannies at churches.

>> No.6088788

So the first therapy are those "pray the gay away" camps?

>> No.6088790

>implying pray the gay away camps work
Go away, christfag.

>> No.6088791

Why does that surprise you (and people in general)? I'm really interested.
Why would people think it's weird that kids that doesn't come from traditional families should have some kind of problem?

>> No.6088794


No. First of all, they are not really therapy, and second they attempt see transgenderism as an illness to be cured.

>> No.6088797

>Why would people think it's weird that kids that doesn't come from traditional families should have some kind of problem?
Especially when it's usually the opposite that is true.

I laughed when GTA V featured an in-game website leading to a Prop to ban Nuclear Families.

>> No.6088798

Doesn't the second therapy you mention also see transgenderism as a disorder to be cured?

Sounds like you just said both therapies treat it differently one by convincing them to be comfortable in their own skin and the other by determining rather a full blown transition is right for them.

Is this still on that one list of recognized illnesses or has it been downgraded to a disorder?

>> No.6088801

You all will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.

>> No.6088804

How does /sci/ know what the day of the rope is?

>> No.6088805

Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness. It has recently become popular to classify a subset of this disease pertaining to gender as, somehow, both unrelated and non-pathological.

>> No.6088808

When was transgenderism first diagnosed?

I've been wondering this for the longest time.

>> No.6088815

I wasn't pointing fingers at christians as much as those who "take His word in vain".

Sarcasm you know. Saying something that amounts to "God agrees with me" isn't a good argument.

>> No.6088831

Why do trannies inhabit churches when it's clear in the bible that they're an abomination? Is it feelings of regret and looking for atonement? If they are living as a woman, do they follow the sacred guidelines for women in the good book?

>> No.6088835

For someone who has been having feelings of gender dysphoria for their whole life and is currently seeking a therapist. What advice does /sci/ give them?

Is suicide the answer here?

>> No.6088843

I would suggest suicide since it seems like the better alternative.

>> No.6088848

What kind do you advise? What is the most cleanest option that doesn't mutilate your body?

>> No.6088857

Probably the exit bag.

>> No.6088867

I would suggest looking anywhere except 4chan for advice.
Also pills are one of the easiest ways to get back if they find you in time and rush yourself to the ER.
If you are found suffocating (via hanging) and brought back you will suffer permanent brain damage.
Safest bet is shotgun fellatio.

>> No.6088871


What the fuck is this shit? /sci/ is actually giving out suicide advice? I'm done.

Fuck you all and may you burn in the fiery pits of Hell.

>> No.6088872

>I would suggest looking anywhere except 4chan for advice.
Actually, /adv/ and to some extent /lgbt/ seem to be good boards for this kind of advice, but unfortunately all boards get tainted by /pol/.

>> No.6088873

why so serious?

>> No.6088874

What are you, my seventh grade language arts teacher?

>> No.6088877

Are you suggesting that a few dudes having gay sex will wipe out the human population?

>> No.6088878



>> No.6088876

Stay mad. English Wikipedia is better than many web sites on the internet. Most articles have citations and you can just look up those if you're that autistic.

>> No.6088881

Here is a better wiki. Educate yourself, pleb.


>> No.6088879

>tfw women have sexual cycles like an animal while men are 100% ready to fuck at all times

Males superior

>> No.6088884

Christ, you can't be serious.

Fuck, I keep forgetting. I'm on 4chan.

>> No.6088882

Whether or not gender dysphoria is real is not really up for debate at this point.

The question is whether or not it's a mental illness.

>> No.6088885

What do you mean by a "sexual cycle"? Do you mean like how female cats go into heat? I often wonder if human females do this too. Also, what if you're a male and you're not 100% ready to fuck at all times?

>> No.6088888

Why the fuck does this site put the star of david next to everybody's name?

I am beginning to suspect this is a /pol/ wiki.

Isn't it a mental disorder?

>> No.6088890

That article also references Alex Jones as if he's some grand scholar instead of some fat fuck with a radio show.

>> No.6088889

Oh shit, you're really going all out.

>> No.6088894

>Isn't it a mental disorder?
I think so, but I'm not really qualified to say.

From what I can gather, they believe this:

1: Gender is a social construct
2: Social constructs have no biological basis
3: Since gender is a social construct, outside of societal norms there is nothing wrong with 'being' the opposite gender

>> No.6088892

That article doesn't even read like it's meant to be taken seriously.

>This is a conspiracy to destroy European genetics, to turn men into degenerate liberal betas, instead of virile fascistic alphas, making them more passive to foreign invasion and laying down to the scheming ways of the plutocracy.

This sounds like some kind of word salad.

>> No.6088893

Leave 4chan forever.

Seriously, it's a shithole here. There are many more places that are willing to help you out with this. It Gets Better, for example.

>> No.6088897


Basically Conservapedia for Nazis.

>> No.6088898

You do realize there is such things as transgender Christians, right?

My biology teachers tells us that sex is actually what defines us while gender is just the labels humans have put onto their 23rd chromosomes. This explains why some cultures have a taboo custom of a third gender. But what I want to know is why many biologists claim we're all female in the womb when our chromosomes have been established.

>> No.6088895

> Bode: no relevant results
> Drag: no relevant results
> tl;dr
> no sources
> nothing but text forever
> not the worst thing
everything on Galilean relativity is three sentences

> better wiki

>> No.6088896

Reproductive cycle. Women ovulate roughly once a month while men produce sperm 100% of the time. This is also reflected in hormonal balance. Males have pretty much constant levels of testosterone, while females go through an hormonal roller coaster all the time.

This hormonal variability produces observable physical and behavioral changes in women. For one, some hormones promote the proliferation of breast tissue which subtly changes the consistency and size of her breast. The cells undergo apoptosis right after, continuing the cycle.

Also, oxytocin isn't called the "love hormone" for nothing.

>> No.6088899


Instead of talking about what you *think* 'they' believe, why would not expose your thoughts?

>> No.6088900

I often wondered this about transsexuals who undergo hormone therapy. While they do not have a reproductive cycle for obvious biological reasons. Do they still have a sort of "time of the month" where they're hormones go out of wack?

>> No.6088901

I believe that gender roles and gender identity have a biological basis.

Anyone who doesn't fit at least somewhat into their own gender identity and role have some sort of disorder.

>> No.6088904

Why would gender roles have a biological basis? Those are just roles society expects out of males and females. Gender identity probably has a very loose connection to biology but is mainly how one sees themselves.

>> No.6088907

Degeneracy is an opinion, there won't be any scientific fields to help you prove your opinions.

What "theories" are you talking about, btw?

>> No.6088908

> Isn't it a mental disorder?
I'm going to go with yes.
This is poor programming of the brain.
I don't think it's something we want to get rid of.
We should show compassion and help them manage the disorder.

Isn't there literally a book that basically defines every psychological disorder according to mainstream psychology?
Can't remember the name.

>> No.6088905
File: 262 KB, 1334x632, hitler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. Notice anything missing?

>> No.6088910

Hard to say. I don't know what hormone therapy involves. We're talking about transexuals, so the primary sexual organs which naturally produce these hormones may or may not be present.

Though if I had to guess, I'd say they don't have monthly cycles and are taking hormone therapy to supplement the lack of natural hormone production by the body.

If a woman decides to become a man, she won't have testicles nor testosterone. Same for men, ovaries and estrogen (and a boatload of others).

>> No.6088911

>What "theories" are you talking about, btw?
Probably the old tired argument of their brains being wired differently like an autistic person.

>> No.6088912

Sure, but I don't see how that changes the fact that OP is a trolling fuckhead.

>> No.6088915

It makes sense actually. If you have a belief that you are sure is true and most people around you think is false then you're going to look for chances to prove it, at least to yourself. People incorrectly assume that /sci/ is smart, so they bring their bullshit here hoping that they can convince us which would be all they need to know for certain that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Seriously, I'm a math tutor and I have people try to convince me aliens built the pyramids or some other shit all the time because people think I must be smart since I tutor math.

>> No.6088913

>Why would gender roles have a biological basis
Basically because in a family, someone needs to put food on the table and someone needs to take care of the kids.
It would be more effective to have a ~50/~50 split between genders (since homosexuals can't reproduce), in order to maximize the likliness that a given pairing would be interested in doing everything, rather than having 2 people that want to take care of the kid and no one who wants to put food on the table.

>> No.6088914

>that picture


>> No.6088916

Does this technically make autism a disorder? Also, are there any scientific links between autism and transsexualism?

I was told by /cd/ over at 420chan that at some point a person going through hormone replacement therapy will no longer need hormone supplements as the body will stop producing testosterone. Is this true?

>> No.6088917

Oh well, that sounds silly to me but we really wouldn't be able to disprove something like that for a very long time, because we barely know how the brain works.

>> No.6088920

Yeah, autistic fucks tend to go "EWW GROSS TRANNY FAG" when confronted with transsexual individuals.

>> No.6088922

But then how come it seems gender roles are changing as we advance into a more technological age?

>> No.6088923

I think he means why it seems like most transsexuals are also diagnosed with autism. E.g. Chris-chan and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

>> No.6088925

The body never really stops producing testosterone; you still have suprarenal glands. Plus, testosterone has many important effects other than the development of male secondary sexual characteristics.

I don't see how going through hormone therapy, which I'm assuming involves taking hormones your body isn't producing, is supposed to stop the production of another unrelated hormone. I assumed it was for supplementing something like estrogen so it's levels are higher than testosterone's. Maybe I'm just uneducated about this subject.

>> No.6088926

Gonna need some sources on that bub.

>> No.6088927

They aren't changing as much as people seem to think. It's just that the dysfunctional people aren't afraid anymore, and a lot of them are getting very vocal.

Norway is considered to be the most gender-equal country in the world, yet the overwhelming majority of nurses are women, and the overwhelming majority of engineers are men.

The have tried incentive programs to get women into engineering, and it only ever provides a small temporary increase.

Men and women just prefer to do different things.

>> No.6088928

>We should show compassion and help them manage the disorder.
What does this mean exactly? Finding a cure to help them adjust to being their birth gender or finding a cure to help them fully transition to their identifiable gender? Taking the second route seems like humanity has truly fallen.

>> No.6088934

Well said.

>> No.6088931

Me. (2013). Opinions. Retrieved from my ass

>> No.6088935

So if a male-to-female person wants to be a mother and housewife. Should they do it without having to worry about feminism declaring them a threat to women which they probably already have?

Would this also go for cisgender women?

>> No.6088936

>finding a cure to help them fully transition to their identifiable gender
If taxpayers money starts going into HRT and/or sex changes, I am leaving this country.

>> No.6088938

I heard this theory propose on several other chans myself such as 789's /cwc/ board. A board that was obsessed with a tranny lolcow named Rika a.k.a. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. The board since moved to 888.

>> No.6088941


>> No.6088944

>I am leaving this country.

And why should I care?

>> No.6088950

Theoretically, yes.
In order to identify as the opposite gender, you need to have a line (like gender roles) where your 'natural gender' ends.
But I still believe it is a disorder (though, admittedly, I wouldn't know).

>Would this also go for cisgender women?
You mean should cisgendered women become a housewife without letting feminists feel bad about themselves?
I wouldn't go so far as to say that all cisgendered women should become housewives, even if they don't want to, but they shouldn't let feminists make them feel bad about doing what they enjoy and are good at.

>> No.6088947

Later man

>> No.6088955

>I wouldn't go so far as to say that all cisgendered women should become housewives, even if they don't want to
But that would contradict what women's lib (the good feminism) has achieved. Shouldn't women be allowed to choose rather they want to stay at home or pursue a career?

>> No.6088956

Is it possible for a trans person to acknowledge their biological sex while at the same time living as the opposite gender?

>> No.6088957

Sure they should. Just like men are able to choose.

The fact is: someone gotta take care of children. If both have heavily invested into their careers, it's not possible to properly care for them. Who's going to step up to the task?

>> No.6088958

> Finding a cure
You don't know much about mental disorders do you?

>> No.6088959

I think the purpose of HRT is to get hormone levels to that of a woman's since men and women have both estrogen and testosterone. I assume it's basically like those low T drugs but goes in the opposite direction.

>> No.6088960

We have a cure for down syndrome. Ever heard of electro-shock therapy, moron?

>> No.6088963

>Shouldn't women be allowed to choose rather they want to stay at home or pursue a career?
But I am saying that most women are more geared to stay-at-home type stuff. This is why there's so many women in service, hospitality, nursing, etc.
Feminists have shaped society to almost force women to work now, under the guise of equality.

Someone has to feed the family, and someone has to raise the kids.
I don't care which parent does it, but every child deserves the best chance.

>> No.6088966

> We have a cure for down syndrome. Ever heard of electro-shock therapy, moron?
I've seen people go downstairs for ECT.
Do you know what it is or what it's used for?
Do you know what it's used for?
Have you met anyone who's gone through it?
Do you even know what Down's syndrome is dumbass?

>> No.6088968

As someone who is currently seeing a therapist (have my third session tomorrow unless she reschedules due to sickness) for gender dysphoria. Should I feel ashamed of always liking the mother's role in the traditional nuclear family?

I know this is probably a question for my therapist, but just wondering what you thought.

>> No.6088969

Oh then it's probably just female sex hormone supplementation. They'd also have to stop testosterone production in the testicles, I suppose.

I don't even know where to begin. Educate yourself.

>feminists have shaped society to almost force women to work now, under the guise of equality

I agree. Some women actually want to stay at home, and they're treated as subversive enemies by feminists. That's not even close to freedom nor equality.

>> No.6088972

And worse, aren't men still expected to retain their original gender roles making it nearly impossible for them to mate because women are led to believe that men aren't needed in their lives?

There's nothing wrong with supporting equality for men, women, and even transmen and transwomen and not being associated with feminism, right?

>> No.6088975

>There's nothing wrong with supporting equality for men, women, and even transmen and transwomen and not being associated with feminism, right?

Fuck, why is it bad for a trans person to hate a majority of the trans community? e.g. Char the Butcher.

>> No.6088979

Well, I believe the problem starts with the name. Feminism is a pro-women movement. It's about taking female power and equalizing with men's. That's what their "equality" means.

They didn't really stop there, though. They continued to "equalize". Today, women are the privileged gender, still aren't held accountable for their actions and won't even approach a men they like in a party.

No, there is nothing wrong. Feminists will look at you as a sympathizer and might be surprised if you go against them, however.

>> No.6088984

> Should I feel ashamed of always liking the mother's role in the traditional nuclear family?
no. and your therapist will say the same thing.
You should never feel ashamed for your thoughts.

is this becoming an advice thread?
go elsewhere

>> No.6088986

Check my privilege?

>> No.6088989

Not that anon, but I don't what this thread is anymore.

Nice to know I actually succeeded in my mission to see how long a tranny topic on /sci/ can grow. It's also sad to see /sci/ actually provide better advice than /adv/ or /lgbt/ these days.

>> No.6088987

Modern "feminism" doesn't have anything to do with helping women as a whole, I don't think most feminists believe that's the goal. Equality isn't sameness, of course men and women will generally excel at different things. Trying to fit women into traditional male roles isn't good for the woman or society, it's just a ceremonial display of "power." A meaningful feminist movement would focus on bringing (well deserved) credit to what women do traditionally, first and foremost being mothers. In reality being a great mother is valued just as highly as being the world's most powerful CEO where it matters, within the family. Modern feminism comes from disconnected women, broken families, and the media giving them the wrong impression that being a rich and powerful professional is the only role worthy of respect and praise.

>> No.6088990

Don't take me wrong, though. Older feminism had a point. Many of their victories were meaningful for both men and women.

I don't think modern feminism can be taken seriously though. Sometimes I get the feeling I'm reading bullshit straight out of magazines like cosmopolitan.

>> No.6088996

No, but I am not sure if it's something to be 'proud' about, like some people seem to.

I'm not even sure if gender roles still have their place in society. I only care that the children are raised properly, and that people aren't forced in or out of any gender role.

>> No.6088998

Women who fit the criteria to be a CEO should still be soon respect, right?

Why do I sometimes feel like feminism needs to be teared down and replaced with a better system to focus on both men and women (maybe even trans to some extent)?

It seems I'm not alone in this as many on Facebook seem to feel the same.

>> No.6089000

>And worse, aren't men still expected to retain their original gender roles making it nearly impossible for them to mate because women are led to believe that men aren't needed in their lives?
This is what feminists are referring to when they say "the patriarchy hurts men too".
Not all of them are batshit insane.

>> No.6089003

You're not alone. Feminism is the same as machism.

>> No.6089002

Why do these three things always go together?

Transgender Community
Modern Feminism
White Supremacy

Thread started with 1, then jumped to 3, now 2.

>> No.6089004

Well considering you looking into disproving something rather than testing a hypothesis, you can look into whatever and you'll find something to point to. The thing is, any person with a decent understanding of proper science would just laugh at your findings. Bad science isn't science therefore shouldn't be on /sci/.

>> No.6089006

Which is ironic since feminism is probably more responsible for this than the patriarchy.

>> No.6089009

How do you mean?

>> No.6089012

Read the thread. Feminism put the notion that women need to work and it's shunned to want to be mothers. It also encourages women to know they do not need men in their life. This has lead to several women believing that marriage is wrong, pregnancy is amoral, and men are all beasts.

Making it harder for men to find women to mate with. This even effects club girls.

>> No.6089015

Why do I get the feeling all of these threads are made by one tranny who is addicted to drama?

>> No.6089020

Meanwhile men can't want to stay home and take care of the kids either.

I met many of my mother's female coworkers. One of them made much more than her husband. They had a child and her husband took care of them. The other women would fill her head with shit on how she should dump the guy and find someone better. Thankfully my mother isn't an idiot.

>> No.6089025

Fuck. That sounds awesome. Raising your kids and perhaps have time for hobbies. I wish I could find a woman to carry such burdens so I could fucking retire from work.

>> No.6089028

He does work, though. As an elementary school professor, I think. I just said she made much more than he did, and is a lot more invested in her career.