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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 194 KB, 620x350, 60_minutes_Jake_Barnett_620_120113_1_620x350[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6080940 No.6080940[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you had the brain power of Jacob Barnett?

Teach yourself calculus like it's no big deal?
Get straight A's in college and complete a 4 year bachelor's degree in 1 semester?
Master and develop a deep understanding of Laws of Quantum Physics that only you can fully understand because only your IQ is the only IQ high enough?
Shatter the scientific community, proving they were wrong about the theory of relativity?

>> No.6080945

shut the fuck up

>> No.6080948

I would do one of these two things:
a) build me a robot gf
b) create a master plan to get a gf

>> No.6080951

I'd probably be smart enough to know that my parents are taking advantage of my gifts, inflating my ego, and making me look like a huge prick in front of the scientific community.

After that, criminal mastermind.

>> No.6080952

Devise an advanced Internet filter with high-powered natural language processing to automatically filter out shitposts such as this one. With a sufficiently large corpus, it could be quite easy.

>> No.6080955

Remember: IQ doesn't really help you understand social and emotional situations. You can have high IQ and still be an autistic 12-year-old oblivious to how much of a faglord he looks like (For example, see: Jacob Barnett)

>> No.6080958

Why would you do that?

If you were Jacob Barnett, you would already have a real gf.


>> No.6080959

Probably have my mother whore me out to the media and make a university professor happy by having him as my "supervisor" when really he only wants that position because it will mean more grant money?

>> No.6080967

I'd use it to pass my classes right now that I'm failing

>> No.6081267

I would educate posters on /sci/.

>> No.6081270

You're truly a god among men

>> No.6081285

Yeah this is probably why IUPUI is recruiting him for a paid research position. I'd be surprised if he actually produces any research, they're probably just using him for all that sweet sexy grant money.

>> No.6081302

>What would you do if you had the brain power of Jacob Barnett?
Shitpost on /sci/, twitter, and sort random household objects according to size because I'd be autistic.

>> No.6081323


>> No.6081329

probably die.
It's my brain power right not that's feeding my depression

>> No.6081339

*lack of it

>> No.6081343

how would you know faggot?

>> No.6081349


>> No.6081357

i would trick your mom into fucking me every day then trick you into turning gay for me then ill disguise myself and humiliate you and your mom in front of your friends and family.

>> No.6081359

oH dO yoU hvE aUtiM os ocd?

>> No.6081360

Have you read Flowers for Algernon, motherfucker? I would very likely kill myself.

>> No.6081366


I'll elaborate. In Flowers for Algernon, a retarded guy is given treatment to make him smarter. He ends up with an IQ over 170 and starts consuming knowledge, literally reading books in minutes and storing every single word he reads. Basically there is nobody smart enough to debate all the subjects he has now mastered, never mind answering the questions he has, and he ends up depressed.

>> No.6081377

>Claim ego in someone else

>Yet he doesn't know your existence while you keep talking about him

Well he has a point and a reason to be like he is. End of the thread.

>> No.6081404

where is sage when you need it

>> No.6081832

Sage has been disabled.

>> No.6081837

nah, it's just invisible now.

>> No.6081841
File: 321 KB, 897x1200, stems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed, thanks.

>> No.6081845

It felt far more depressing to me when he regressed and turned dumb again.

scie doesn't have spoiler tags, am I right?

>> No.6081849

Calculus was no big deal. Took me a year, though.

I had an IQ test done when I was institutionalized and they said I had an IQ of 112, though.

>> No.6082505

>Calculus was no big deal. Took me a year, though.

You must be joking. Calculus is the hardest math course.

>> No.6082528

>criminal mastermind
Seriously, with the amount of praise and opportunities these kids get, you'd think some would go down the Artemis Fowl path.

>> No.6082543

>Get straight A's in college and complete a 4 year bachelor's degree in 1 semester?
yeah that's not possible. or, at least not from any real college

>> No.6082561

I did teach myself calculus though.
And algebra, and linear algebra.
It's really not that impressive.

>> No.6083249

Calculus is very impressive.

>> No.6083298

This nigga better a warp drive

>> No.6083301

Real analysis is impressive not calculus.

>> No.6083303

I taught myself how to cook.

Sure I use the microwave, but for all intents and purposes I turn cold stuff into warm stuff, that comes out edible. Not like I can carbohydrates out my ass.

>> No.6083302

> proving they were wrong about the theory of relativity?

Shatter? hardly...many already considered relativity a mere placeholder.

>> No.6083750


Ooh, a microwave!! Could you make me a grilled cheese??

>> No.6083769

Probably do absolutely fucking nothing except sitting at home playing whatever future MMO takes over until my parents die and with nobody to take care of me I get institutionalised, basically what will happen to this kid

>> No.6083830
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>> No.6083843

I would setup a house on the moon. I would sit on my moon porch and wank while looking at you all.

>> No.6084332

Who is he? Is he a scientist?

>> No.6085621

First semester math is not impressive

>> No.6086830

You can make grilled cheese in your toaster. Turn it sideways.

>> No.6086832

>implying heat can travel downwards
kek lol no u XXD

>> No.6086834


they make special bags for this now.
I like to use the iron, though

>> No.6086838

If heat cannot travel downwards how can the sun heat the northern hemisphere?

Ra 1
Atheists 0

>> No.6088186

>they make special bags for this now.

Dafuq? I didn't know. What do they look like?

>> No.6088207

Jacob Barnett is a real shithead have you guys seen his tweets? I dont care how smart he is, he talks like a true asshole

>> No.6088266

did you like benny and joon?

>> No.6088290

Do kids like this ever amount to anything or is it just an insane ability to memorize facts and but not ability to actually use such facts.

>> No.6088354

I find him inspiring, he's smart in many ways.
At his young age he probably spent much much more time studying and thinking about science than most of us.

>is it just an insane ability to memorize facts
He basically said Einstein was working at the patent office because of the Nazis. Just saying.

>> No.6088361

I have a feeling that Jacob Barnett spams /sci/ every day with threads about himself and then responds to them.

Jacob pls go

>> No.6088372

>What would you do if you had the brain power of Jacob Barnett?

Masturbate about tentacle penises and how retarded farmers in Indiana are, just like he does.

>> No.6088377


>> No.6088384

When he is 20 and a no-one, he will make wifu threads on /jp/.

>> No.6088385

Become an alcoholic bartender

>> No.6088391

Finally, the king of autism has arrived.

>> No.6088715

I'm willing to bet that his autism and job has prevented him from thinking too much about sex or pornography. His hormones are likely simmering, about to reach a boiling point. All we have to do is spark his interest in drugs and whatever perverted taste of pornography he has yet to develop, most likely fat girls and scat, and he will devolve into a hyperfunctional public masturbator bringing him on par with the average math grad student.

>> No.6088731

fuck off jacob, stop making these troll threads, the /sci/entists cant deal with it

>> No.6088732

Why did you post Jeff Mangum?

>> No.6088776

He's probably an asshole on twitter because he's autistic?

We had to read a book on these little autistic shits in highschool. They are what happens when being a cunt becomes an illness.

>> No.6088800

Could the Theory of Relativity be wrong? I'm pretty sure it's been proven over and over, plus it's based from a few concrete postulates. Proving the Theory of Relativity wrong would mean that the laws of physics are different in different inertial reference frames, wouldn't it? This seems pretty absurd.

I had never heard of this kid, so I looked him up. The article says things like he "has asserted that he may one day disprove Einstein's Theory of Relativity" or he has "tipped to someday win a Nobel Prize". Whatever that means.

I mean he's a smart kid, and it's great that he's able to do so well after doctors said he wouldn't be able to function, but he's not God.

>> No.6088811

>tfw his man-gum will never stain your mountaintops

>> No.6088836

I did teach myself calculus like it was no big deal. But I was a lot older than him and it was after someone else taught me algebra. Still though from watching his videos I think I'm smarter than him.

>> No.6088851

I would shitpost on /sci/ 24/7 because that's what geniuses do.

>> No.6089394

He knows a lot more than calculus.

>> No.6089518

>14 year old
>praised by his elder peers and the whole scientific world as one of the smartest kids alive
>pop pop internet celeb

i'd be very, very surprised if something like this didn't happen.

>> No.6089522

So do I.

>> No.6089807
File: 112 KB, 700x466, le autism face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd become the most self centered egotistical fagcunt that ever lived and I'd use my smarts only to rub it into the face of everyone who is dumber than I am (so pretty much everybody, that is)

>> No.6089830

I commend you for this beautiful word picture you have made me.

>> No.6089857

Jesus Christ this kid talking is terrible. I'm shitty at public speaking but at least I'm not cringy.

>> No.6090418

When he gave that talk he was 13. I'd like to see YOU giving a talk infront of more than 100 people at the age of 13.

>> No.6090436

this. it was pretty good for a 13 year old, and pretty exceptional for an autistic 13 year old

but also sage because I'm tired of these jake threads

>> No.6091647

What is the highest level of math you know?

>> No.6092582

Sage is not a downvote.

>> No.6092600

thanks for the info
I saged because I didn't want to bump the tread and take part in keeping it alive

>> No.6093564

Please read the rules. Announcing your sage is not allowed anymore, just like announcing your report.


>> No.6093966

>Friendly reminder: sage is not a downvote.
haha it's been a long time since I read the rules

>> No.6094732

I wouldn't of noticed either. The change was never publically announced.

>> No.6095970

>Teach yourself calculus like it's no big deal?

I already did this when I was younger than Jacob.

>> No.6097236

>What would you do if you had the brain power of Jacob Barnett?

I would revolutionize sociology.

>> No.6097243

why is sci obsessed with this kid. Is it cause you guys are but hurt about him being better than you at math and comes from a religious backround?

>> No.6098124

Yes, this is the reason.

>> No.6098250

He divulged his secret techniques in his TED Talk. Short version: He learns by thinking deeply about things rather than copying shit.

>> No.6098276


>> No.6099027

Holy shit. That's revolutionary.

>> No.6099121

>Tell math to go fuck itself
>Work on genetics
>Figure out gene therapy
>Make everyone smart, intelligent, and perfect.

Done, gg, successfully stopped society anheroing.

Intellectually masturbating with numbers is not helpful right now, engineering is helpful, genetics are helpful, practical physics are helpful.

Idgaf if he's the smartest widdwe kid in the whole widest specialist world! He's still a timewaster.

>> No.6099629

He has a girlfriend.

>> No.6099649

How do I make this?!

>> No.6099666

Work on that whole FTL thing cuz not being able to explore the galaxy really bums me out man.

>> No.6101291

FTL travel is impossible.

>> No.6101334

FTL travel is possible. It's possible with warp drive.

>> No.6101343
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I would make really good vidya.

People can already do calculus. Just because I could do it faster and younger doesn't mean much.

>> No.6101379

This good man "Though... without originality, he is as useful to humanity as a google bar. Time will only tell if he has it. Example: My IQ is significantly higher than Richard Feynman's, but... I couldn't possibly offer anything near his level of accomplishments to the world."

>> No.6101381

Look at him without considering his age. What is unique here?

>> No.6101414


he can maths above algebra

>> No.6101426

No, it's not.

>> No.6101442

Make threads about myself on /sci/ every few hours to make sure nobody ever forgets me

>> No.6101537

overhyped media whore T_T

>> No.6101558

can you guys stop talking about that phenomenal idiot. mods should just ban posters of these topics.

>> No.6101590

Sci has mods? That's a bold claim. Do you have proof?

>> No.6101606
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>> No.6101615

Mods are not specific to any particular board. It is known.

>> No.6101619

yeah i got banned 2 days ago. sci has mods

>> No.6101653

real analysis is just boot camp for mathematicians -- hard, but a lot of people have gone through it and survived, so no big deal.

>> No.6101659

>I would use my super-IQ to make videogames for myself
your autism is showing

>> No.6101685
File: 132 KB, 999x614, sci mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The mods are sitewide. That's why they don't give a fuck about /sci/. There was one mod who did and even wrote a script to automatically sticky a Putnam problem every day in /sci/, but it turned out he was just some random who'd hacked a mod's account.

>> No.6102406

>Mods are not specific to any particular board. It is known.

We can still talk about "the /sci/ mod" because there is at most one mod who cares about /sci/. At least there used to be one, half a year ago. Perhaps he left the team. We can't know.