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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6079873 No.6079873 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any university that offers a first-year undergraduate course as rigorous as Harvard's Math 55?

>> No.6079884


It's like you don't know where the real Cambridge is

>> No.6079883

Probably not. Even math 55 is not math 55 any longer. The format of the class and the breadth of content has changed quite a bit.

>> No.6079888

It's like you don't know what the real Math 55 is

>> No.6079889

>where the real Cambridge is
It's easy to find. Just look a couple of places down the list under Harvard.

>> No.6079895


>Implying Harvard math is more prestigious than Cambridge.

lol Americans

>> No.6079897

>If you want advice with college/university, go to /adv/

Fuck off

>> No.6079905

Wow...what the fuck, why do they give so much content to undergraduate students? seems a bit like a publicity stunt. Even if you are gifted, it's better to go in detail thoughtfully through the subjects of mathematics. Is it just a stroking cock contest?

>> No.6079907

Perhaps not within europooria. But everywhere else, yes, and has been for some time.

>> No.6079909

Nope can't see us under Harvard anywhere


>> No.6079914


You Amerifats are deluded.

>> No.6079915

>my sides

Europe Fields Medals: 32
US Fields Medals: 11

>> No.6079917

>British company ranking a British school over the top two math schools in the world

>> No.6079922

>he calls it math and expects us to take his opinion seriously

don't you have community college to attend?

>> No.6079925

sorry, first year undergraduates.

>> No.6079930


Yeah it's a stupid dick-waving contest. It's better to go in depth into topics rather than to skim such a broad area of mathematics.

>> No.6079933
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>Learning mainly for prestige and to feel superior.

>> No.6079936
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>you will never be senior wrangler

>> No.6079938

>European award governed by a European-based union is won mostly by Europeans

>> No.6079942

>oi i'll bop ye in ye muff swear on me mum m8
Sorry, I can't take you guys seriously.

>> No.6079945


>> No.6079947

>American from America telling us American Universities are best

>> No.6079948


Cornell's MATH2230-40.

>> No.6079956

What universities like to do is fluster the undergrad at the first year in order to filter out the ones who really want to be in the university. Once the student has passed first year, in most universities it gets easier.

I'm pretty ignorant in terms of Math 55 but UofT's MAT137 is pretty challenging. Most people switch to the less proof intensive MAT135 during the year.

>> No.6079965

>Through 2006,[11] the instructor had broad latitude in choosing the content of the course, and the course bore the title "Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra". For example, in 1970 by the second semester, students were learning about the differential geometry of Banach manifolds.[3] In 1994, students of Math 25 learned differential geometry using DoCarmo's book[12] and calculus of variations using C.H. Edwards's book.[13]


>> No.6079968

what is funny about that

>> No.6079977


You do realize the Fields medal is named after a Canadian mathematician, and awarded by an international organization, right?

>> No.6079979
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You faggots are arguing which university has better math like it actually makes a difference. none of you are even intelligent and I'm so glad that i'm not as socially fucked up as you vessels of autism.

>> No.6079982

>using the word "faggot"
>calling anyone else unintelligent
The ironing.

>> No.6079984

>implying we aren't having a dick measuring contest because we go there

>> No.6079987

>hardest first year math class = better math
LOL I can just "teach" a high schooler point set topology and that means it's the best high school ever? it's just a dick-wading contest, one more publicity stunt levered by ivy league colleges.

>> No.6079988


>> No.6080001

>rejected by Yale, Harvard and Princeton
>hurr the ivy leagues are just pretentious idiots

>> No.6080007

In this particular case, I think they are.

>> No.6080086

>being jelly
it's not our fault we are intellectually superior

>> No.6081403

I don't know how rigorous as Harvard's Math 55 so I can't make good statements, but look into Missouri S&T, their math department might be what your looking for. I went there in Rolla and the math there was murder, very high failure rate. I got to compared a calculus 1 books from a few others to a 2007 Rolla calculus 1 book, the Rolla one covered twice as much material. However I was told they had dumb it down from before I got there and am fairly certain they have dumbed it down since as they were getting flack for failing too many students, although I am inclined to believe most of the problem comes from high school not teaching well. I heard other things about other schools and think I noticed a pattern. The older, smaller, more remote/insulated and specialized (for math and math related subjects of course) the school is the better they seem to be at stuff like this as have less reason to follow every educational intuition pattern of dumbing down as failing is equated to bad teaching as "the ones that fail get left behind"

Now I have to rant about our (USA) education for a moment. AAAAAA! I agree we need accountability, but we also need to stop treating everyone the same and expecting them to learn at the same pace. As it is setup now everyone can only learn as fast as the slowest person in the room, this may get everyone to "pass", but it greatly inhibits the other students to grow and learn more. I agree that separating them and labeling differently has discriminatory aspects, however I think our energy would be better spent changing our narrow thinking to understand and appreciate that our would runs on different kinds of smarts. If we paid and respected the "lower" positions like garbageman, janitors and liberal arts majors people wouldn't all be trying to be engineers, as not everyone can be and even if they could it would be bad, not to be confused with teaching everyone a basic understanding of science and stuff because that is well worth it

>> No.6081439

quiet pleb, the intellectuals are talking

>> No.6081448

>Wow...what the fuck, why do they give so much content to undergraduate students?
Well, all of those things should be covered in undergrad...

My guess is, it was intended for students who came into harvard with a stellar math background already, so they could take one course, and move on, without doing anything as uncouth as testing out of it.

Nobody could cram all of that content into one semester, and walk away knowing it. Even with a "photographic memory" and they were just engineers who had to memorize it & use it.

There are plenty of kids out there though, who can learn those things at high school age or younger. When they're lucky enough to get tutored in it, or be taught it in a classroom, they could easily take this course, and have it just solidify what they already knew.

>> No.6081456

> OP: harvard
> everyone: my alma mater is just as good as harvard

no, it's not

>> No.6081460

Correct, mine is better

>> No.6081464

>no, it's not
If it's Harvard, it's exactly as good as Harvard.

But my scoiology degree from university of phoenix online taught me that online universities are better.

>> No.6081467

>Delicious tears

>> No.6081474

Yeah, I corrected myself.

>> No.6081501
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While Missouri has a stereotype of being less intelligent, and I think it has some true like many stereotypes. Rolla is not normal, we go head to head in nation tournaments against MIT and the like and have beaten them a number of times, more impressive when you account for the comparatively small resource base we had to work with. There is a long list of achievements there, but spouting them off without knowing your interests wouldn't be very productive. So tell me how you measure such ambiguous things and your field of study and I bet seeing as you are on /sci/ there something there that would impress you.

>> No.6081507

My interests are 16th century horticulturists and Nobel Prize winners

>> No.6081616
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Such parameters show you are trolling as no university in USA, or the land that would later be know as such, was around in the 16th century. This is more so as no westerner had visited that part of the continent yet.
To add to that the first horticulturists graduate was Wesley Green in 1873 from Iowa Agricultural College and Farm, so while agriculture studies date back much further no school anywhere in the 16th century that had any horticulturists. If you were really interested in horticulture you should know that basic history and what makes it a distinct subset in agriculture.
Therefore these are a completely obvious unattainable condition set.
And I am not going to even bother to go into why Nobel Prizes are basically worthless.

>> No.6081622

>implying I am American
the rest of the world existed before America, you know

>> No.6081632
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>Nobel Prizes are basically worthless

>> No.6081636


University of Chicago's Honors Analysis course is actually said to be more rigorous.

>> No.6081653

Princeton isn't as good as harvard?

>> No.6081664
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OG Cambridge representing

>> No.6081678


Is cambridge really all that good looking? I go to aberdeen and all the pictures for the university show the old buildings and grass next to them. there are only about 3 old buildings used as classrooms

>> No.6081688
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pic related, where I lived in second year

>> No.6081702
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>mfw i get an offer for Cambridge math

>> No.6081706
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>then i fuck up STEP and end up in Warwick

>> No.6081710

There is a guy in my house currently who did maths at Warwick after missing his STEP offer, now he is here doing Part III

we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.6081724

I'm taking graduate physics at UW-madison as a freshman. You can get good math anywhere if you take advanced courses.

>> No.6081730

Harvard is a lot harder to get into if you're american.

and yes, it has been for a long time. get over yourself.

>> No.6081740

[citation needed] x 2

>> No.6081762
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I never implied you were American, in fact given the posting patterns here I would assume you are British for a number of reasons. Although I don't operate under such assumptions as they are irreverent here as everyone should be treated with the same respect regardless of nationality.
And yes, I am well aware the rest of the world existed before America, as I assume we are not including the the Native Americans as is sadly too often the case.

However there is nothing that meets your condition of 16th century horticulturists. Like I said "If you were really interested in horticulture you should know that basic history and what makes it a distinct subset in agriculture." If you had said 16th century agriculture then you would have been fine as that is a condition that can be met. Although it can't be met to my satisfaction by my school, so I would've conceded you won the bet, the end. But instead you picked a condition nobody, including yourself could meet. To me and most courts of law around the world that invalidates the bet. And such invalid counter statements are very characteristic of trolls, more so given the speed of your reply, thus my assumption you were a troll. I apologize if I am wrong. However you do understand you gave a invalid condition and why that can be seen as trolling?

On a side note which I wasn't going to mention because I don't think it substantial enough to use for this. Some projects in Rolla, like the working to creating a rice that doesn't absorb as much arsenic, are both agriculture and horticulturists. However breeding a new type of rice to inhibit arsenic uptake in the food supply is not that impressive considering other things in that field of research.

Keep in mind I mean no insult to the valuable research to which the prizes are awarded, just that there is often better candidates that get over looked along with many other things wrong with them. Because of all these problems I don't see the value in them.

>> No.6081819

moreover, you're putting way too much effort into learning a topic that's 200 years dead.

>> No.6081821

perhaps because it's existed throughout the 20th century?

>> No.6081828

yeah, it just seems like a snide way for professors to lord themselves over the undergrads.

>> No.6081831

this is kind of right. your research is the only thing that really matters.

>> No.6081836

except they are.

>> No.6081839

pfffffft. have fun burning out in grad school

>> No.6081847

I'm saying Harvard is engaged in pointless dick-waving while I actually learn

>> No.6081846

i'm in grad school bro

>> No.6081855

not worthless, but problematic. People get overlooked way too often.

>> No.6081862

You can go to Harvard for $56k/yr or you can go to a solid state university for <$25k/yr. I seriously doubt that Harvard is >2.24x as good as a state research uni.

>> No.6081861

so are you at Harvard now or did you do your undergrad there? did it actually help?

>> No.6081866

Not Harvard, undergrad and grad in Cambridge. Harvard doesn't do my course

>> No.6081865

If you don't get financial aid at Harvard, I assume you're rich enough to pay anyhow.

>> No.6081869


>> No.6081874

Do they not do student loans in America?

Also in the long run the cost will pay off

>> No.6081878

>the cost will pay off.
top lel

>> No.6081881

This is probably true. Regardless, Harvard prides itself on research - its undergrad program is just another undergrad program. At least, this seems to be the message that I get from the Harvard students I know.
Sure, we do, but our loan system is fucked and should be avoided at all costs. Maybe it'll pay off, but I doubt it.

>> No.6081898


Yeah but I'd rather be at Oxford.

>> No.6081906

sign on, sign on, with hope in your heart etc


>> No.6081969


One of the shit ones.

>> No.6082013
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>people actually care whether it's called math or maths
>people want to attend an ivy league school to gain a false sense of superiority over others
>muh cambridge

Also, can't access my student loan information.

>> No.6082075

Trinity then

>> No.6082099


I feel bad for the girl in this pic, she looks so sad

>> No.6082103

>rationalising my failure
>"lazy genius"
>it's not worth it, my state school is better
>anything outside america is shit

>> No.6082112
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Pls rate my waifu

>> No.6082142


Can we actually get a definitive answer to whether oxbridge / ivy league teach more stuff (and more useful stuff) than regular universities? I've heard both viewpoints.

>> No.6082154
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2/10 my waifu would destroy

>> No.6082194


I lol'd

>> No.6082210


(Just talking about maths. Don't claim to know anything about other courses 'cos I don't give a shit, mainly.)

I'm just gonna come out and say it regarding maths at Cambridge. We do more. A ridiculous amount more than most Universities in Britain, but more than even Imperial, Warwick, and Oxford, if by a lesser margin. I just hate this PC message that's peddled around the country going, "But equality! Everywhere is really good!". Maybe for their purposes, but Cambridge wants to produce world class mathematicians, and COWI are the only such institutions that do so on a regular basis.