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6072053 No.6072053[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

when CERN discovered new dimensions a couple months ago the science world blew up with excitement. Since then the discovery has gone pretty much undocumented, or at least unpublicized. I'm searching for the reports that I initially read and I can't find them... Does anyone have any links to news on the topic?

>tl;dr looking for news on dimensional discoveries by CERN

>> No.6072060

oh look I discovered 10 extra dimensions.
yeah I'd love to have an easily accessed graph with higher dimension so I can describe alloys with more than just two materials and either temperature OR pressure.
The dimensions exist. I just can't describe them well...

>> No.6072067

not sure we can describe dimensions that isn't our own

>> No.6072071

You can't describe them because your eyes generate two dimensional pictures.
You can start to fake it with colors and spin-able graphs.

>> No.6072078

that still sounds an awful lot like our dimension. Would a new dimension not have different laws then our own?

>> No.6072080

>CERN discovers new dimensions
did I miss something?

>> No.6072084

Have they stopped dimensional research or are they just not reporting on it? It seems like it is the forefront of our scientific research. Far beyond anything we have discovered so far, why can't I find anything on this?

If you don't understand something, isn't studying it the logical thing to do?

>> No.6072087


>> No.6072086

Yes, they discovered them about a month and a half ago

>> No.6072090

give me a minute, surely I can find a report somewhere...

>> No.6072091

thats not how it works

>> No.6072094

> Would a new dimension not have different laws then our own?
eg. you are alloying steel.
steel often has several extra metals put in for better properties.
so you have iron v carbon one axis, iron v manganese, iron v molbdenum, iron v tungsten, iron v cobalt, iron v nickel (6) concentration axes. Then the actual process is a function of temperature, pressure, and time (3) process axes.
For a total of 9 dimensions that begin to describe properties of steel like, internal bonding, strength, brittleness, resistance to corrosion, creep, and annealing.
These dimensions exist in the real world, they just aren't easy to describe (shit ton of experiments).

Mathmagician just assumes that these dimensions exist and works on providing a reasonable theory out of them.

Physicists have been saying that our universe is described from anywhere from 4 to 12 dimensions, completely mathematically for the past ~50 years.

>> No.6072097

sorry man, the news stories have disappeared

>> No.6072099

what of dimensions that have nothing to do with our own though?

>> No.6072100

it was probably bunk anyway or that shit would not have gone under my radar.

>> No.6072108



>implying it's not an internet-wide coverup by tha man

>> No.6072109

Why must some aspie always shit up a treads with his lack of understanding of the implied nature of "spacial" in the OP and physics?

>> No.6072110

what happened is that they stumbled upon it by accident and then requested permission to research it. Now I can't find anything about it. It would be too soon to be bunk.

>> No.6072113

what sites do you use where they can just "disappear"?

>> No.6072115

>requested permission to research it
who do they request permission from, who is the overlord?

>> No.6072116

Many mainstream media sites from google news

>> No.6072117


>> No.6072124

the nations involved in research.

>> No.6072125


the people who fund it, normally.

>> No.6072128

do you really think they were able to begin research on black holes without requesting permission first? This is a collective of scientist from many nations. Not a single researcher.

>> No.6072153
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>asking anyone on 4chan about anything that requires intelligence

>> No.6072168

Sure they exist.
There's a "banana" dimension, a "sky" dimension, and a "xenoflog" dimension.
They have nothing to do with our own, so we can't possibly measure them. The strings "banana", "sky" and "xenoflog" are completely arbitrary and has nothing to do with bananas, the sky or skies, and xenoflogs. They are used just as placeholder names for these dimensions

>> No.6072174

Why don't you go visit one of the data analysis centers?

>> No.6072175

>did I miss something?


>> No.6072186

Where are the links?

>> No.6072208

You just asked the same question as OP, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6072211


>> No.6072213

This isn't intelligence, it's information.

>> No.6072246

They were talking about spacial dimensions, r-tard.

>> No.6072253

read the whole fucking thread fucktard.

>> No.6072256

spatial dimensions are the same thing r-tard.
mathematical constructs used to describe reality.
you can create as many as you want as long as it cleans up the math.
you still are only observing a two dimension reality
> see string theory

>> No.6072257
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cern didn't discover new dimensions

but they did get results that put constraints on what arrangement of dimensions the universe can have (they narrowed it down)

don't ask me to explain it though

>> No.6072259

[ce]6CO2+H20 -> C6H12O6 + 6O2[/ce]
6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O6 + 6O2

>> No.6072267

no, spacial dimension has a very specific definition is physics.

>> No.6072270

so is galilean invariance.
doesn't make it anything other than a mathematical construct

>> No.6072283

>Have they stopped dimensional research or are they just not reporting on it?

They.....didnt like what they found.

>> No.6072290

when i smoke weed i go into other dimensions.

is this what cern is talking about? they get high now?

>> No.6072291


>> No.6072295

more like

>> No.6072301

Yes but they started trying DMT and discovered so much more.

>> No.6072302

ITT: OP watched Steins;Gate anime and think CERN is actually evil SERN and they got Kerr black holes.

>> No.6072307

OP here, haven't watched an anime in 8 years.

>> No.6072315

I think you might enjoy it.

sage for blog shit.

>> No.6072321
