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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6065756 No.6065756 [Reply] [Original]

>that good feel when you understand a math concept
my demon just now was the chain rule
d-don't make fun of me ;_;

pic related, it's all of you

>> No.6065759

Algebra is much harder than calculus.
Please come back when you understand that.

>> No.6065763

can i stay? :)

>> No.6065772

>linear algebra requires calc 2 before you can even register for it
>oh man its gonna be hard
>get in
>it's literally stuff you do in 5th grade

>> No.6065784

linear algebra should give you a deep understanding of what it means to be a linear operator from <span class="math">\mathbb{R}^m \to R^n[/spoiler]

>> No.6065790

Linear algebra is baby tier but abstract algebra is a bitch

>> No.6065798

that concept is super duper easy to understand
it's like how you, a 3d object, casts a 2d shadow

>> No.6065820

>Algebra harder than calculus
Which was invented first faggot?

>> No.6065833

the techniques of algebra are still being invented, calculus is pretty much a finished project.

>> No.6065844

>linear algebra first maths course (along with single var)
>it's like a different maths than what we've seen so far and seems completely detached
>half the shit makes you wonder why you would even bother defining that
Just look at the determinant, felt really weird why we did so much with that.
It's not until complex analysis and differential equations I've come to appreciate what linear algebra taught me, but by then I'd forgotten most of it except the small parts used earlier in calc (what defines linearity of a function, calculating the determinant).

Suppose it's necessary because you kind of need some parts to progress pretty much every maths course at that point. But still, goddamn

>> No.6065853

It sure looks like a lot of engineering plebs in here.

>> No.6065856

linear algebra is used extensively to model 3d objects (and therefore reality) in a computer
that's the main reason so many majors require it

>> No.6065867

Yeah I realize it's important now, need to go back to it. Shit, still don't know what the fuck a determinant is, it's more like a multitool. Factor area changes by, describes solutions sets to differential equations, pseudo determinants used for all sorts of calculations. Pretty incredible magic tool.

>> No.6065885

Also, once you start doing multivariable calc, results from linear algebra start appearing everywhere.

Constraints <span class="math">G_1(\vec{x})=\ldots=G_m(\vec{x})[/spoiler] = 0? This implies a system <span class="math">J\cdot(d\vec{x})=\vec{0}[/spoiler] where J is a Jacobian matrix.
The error in a Taylor approximation is roughly <span class="math">(d\vec{x})^TH(d\vec{x})/2[/spoiler] where H is a Hessian matrix.

>> No.6065903

>trying to understand newton's method for approximating square roots using the power rule
>having trouble because I didn't understand that they were just crating the equation for the tangent by using the derivative as the slope and then offsetting it by the point we're taking the tangent of
>finish it
>able to create a formula that can be used to approximate the n root of any constant faster than a binary search
>old MIT video lecture I watched makes sense

>> No.6065906
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it's all about linearization and linear transformations

>> No.6066147

Triple integrals are teh hardest concept in Math

>> No.6067431

>tfw I finally understood schemes

>> No.6067835

>I live in "St-Malo"
>so I wanted to master "Mahlo cardinal"
>done, with pain.
>well, OK. It was a waste of time

>> No.6067859

I don't understand how to find the probability that x outside a 0.6a-side hypercube of arbitrary dimension when it's distributed inside an a-side hypercube if same dimension. It makes me sad. I think it's 0.4^d, but I have no proof.