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6061305 No.6061305 [Reply] [Original]

Hello and thanks for your quick reply.

I've read over the attachment and found a few errors that I'd like to explain to you.

Firstly, the figure of 19 as the average age of first reproduction for prehistoric girls is a bit high. The problem is that most modern HG societies aren't really living in the same way our prehistoric ancestors did. They live in poor territories because the most productive areas are now occupied by states and civilisations. They have harsh lives and poor diets which leads the girls not beginning to ovulate until an abnormally late age. In healthy, properly nourished HG societies the average age of a girl's first pregnancy is a bit lower at about 17 and this is presumably the way it was for prehistoric people.

The second big error that struck me was concerning Kramer's figures for the reproductive success for girls given the age they start reproducing. The claim is that because girls who start reproducing in early adolescence were less reproductively successful than those who start in late adolescence, men who preferred the younger group would be less reproductively successful themselves and become a minority in the population. This is really a very big mathematical error because it presumes that a girl would start reproducing at the age a man "attaches" himself to her. This is clearly not true as we already know that the typical age of a girl's first pregnancy is late adolescence. A man may begin a sexual relationship with a girl in early adolescence but she wouldn't typically fall pregnant until late adolescence.

>> No.6061306

The fact that girls who start reproducing in early adolescence are the reproductively least successful doesn't mean that men who have preferences for them will become a minority in the population but rather that girls who start reproducing in early adolescence will become a minority in the population. A prehistoric girl that started reproducing in early adolescence would have left behind fewer offspring than a girl that started reproducing in late adolescence so that in the long run girls that start reproducing in late adolescence would come to dominate in the population. This is exactly what is observed. As I have said, in healthy modern HG societies the typical age of first pregnancy is late adolescence at about 17. Girls may have sex in early adolescence but they rarley get pregnant at that age. Evolution has selected for low fertility in early adolescence because it's not the best age for a girl to start reproducing.

>> No.6061309

You might then ask, if girls rarely get pregnant in early adolescence what's the point in a man forming a sexual relationship with them? It's simple. By attaching himself to a girl before she starts reproducing (i.e under about 17), he would position himself to capture all of her breeding years. If a man was to wait until a girl was "fully developed and physically mature" at about 17/18 it would be too late. By that time she would have been claimed by another man in the tribe and started reproducing, using up her precious breeding years. A man needed to claim her before that so he could have all her breeding years to himself. This is presumably why men are turned on by signs of physically immaturity in females as they would indicate she isn't "fully developed" and hasn't started reproducing. This aspect of male sexuality is exploited in the sex industries by making porn actresses look young and immature. It's understood very well by pornographers that by giving their actresses some signs of immaturity like putting them in a school uniform or using make up to make them look slightly child-like is very effective at increasing sales. That's simply what the market wants the most; young and slightly immature girls not fully developed women.

>> No.6061312

The big question is, exactly how young should a man go? In my view there's two basic factors to take into account. The waiting time until reproduction begins and confidence of paternity, at least for the first offspring. The best age to go for would be close to the beginning of reproduction but not so close that the confidence paternity would be low. With a 16yr old girl, the waiting time would be on average only one year but the problem is that he couldn't be sure that the first offspring was his. Being so close to the typical age of first pregnancy, there's a good chance she's already carrying another man's baby. With younger girls under 12 there's a more or less guarantee of nulliparity but the price a man would pay for that is that he'd have to wait an average of over 5 years before she would begin reproducing. It's difficult to say exactly where the balance point would be but my hunch is about 14; only 3 years away from the beginning of reproduction and young enough for a man to be fairly confident of her nulliparity.

This prediction of a male preference for girls about 14 is backed up with quite a lot of evidence. The female face that men find the most attractive is that of a girl about 14. The most popular, most requested stripper theme is the adolescent girl in which the stripper dress herself in clothes associated with girls about 14 such as the school uniform. Internet search statistics show the most popular age in porn searches is 16 even though porn with 16yr old girls is illegal. If there were no laws against young girls in porn, the most searched for age would most likely be a bit lower at about 14.

Food for thought and thanks again for replying,


>> No.6061313
File: 148 KB, 550x550, The fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6061317


But sex is legal for 14 year olds in my country. The funny thing is, seeing a 37 year old man with a 14 year old girl is really fucking rare.