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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 86 KB, 362x275, based R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6054780 No.6054780 [Reply] [Original]

For the 30 years of GNU, I'd like to thank every developer of the GNU R language that makes my daily life at work so pleasant.

Also, free software for science thread.

>> No.6054786

inb4 >>>/x/

>> No.6054789

What the fuck? Why would anyone redirect R to /x/?

>> No.6054817
File: 40 KB, 366x185, ParaNormalDistribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you know?

>> No.6054819

Everyone knows GNU was developed by aliens

>> No.6054825


>> No.6054839

OP, what do you do? I'm in a stats program now and I'm learning R and SAS, though it seems like most jobs want you to know SAS

>> No.6054845

I'm an econometrician. If you can avoid using SAS, do it, it's very, very shitty.

>> No.6054849

Was Richard Stallman in contact with aliens or is he an alien?

>> No.6054853

lol, I'm going into biostats so it seems kind of unavoidable

>> No.6054857

I thought that in biostats R was very used? Also Python. Was I lied to?

>> No.6054862

As a physics student, I'd like to thank to every developer of GNU Octave, because they made a pretty good project that I use for my calculations.

I would also like to thank to every free software developer because their work really helps people.

>> No.6054870

I second this.

>> No.6054878

I know that R is used some, but in almost all the job listing I've seen (at least for pharmaceutical jobs) they want proficiency in SAS

>> No.6054882
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No, gbt >>>/g/

>> No.6054884


definitely giant lizard

>> No.6054890


8/10, nice troll

>> No.6054907

>unless you do what I say

Which is basically: do what the fuck you want with the software, but don't be a dick and prevent others to do the same.

The GNU project is exactly in line with the scientifical method. I fail to see how scientists could be against GNU. Unless you're a paid MS shill.

>> No.6055272
File: 366 KB, 525x3900, Too many words for it to be 'free'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but don't be a dick
and do things I don't like.

Do what every you like (but sue me) is called the BSD license which is an actual free (copy center) license.

>> No.6055289

>but don't be a dick and prevent others to do the same

How do I magically destroy said software's source code by using it as a trivially small component in my simulator code that I released/sell as closed source binaries? It still exist on github or whatever for all to use.

Take your filthy communistic licenses to back to >>>/pol/

>> No.6055332

You profit from the work of others for your own benefit and don't give back to the community. Also, your code is probably buggy and shitty, and if you don't release it, I have to trust that you didn't make any mistakes, which is clearly impossible for a faggot which such little intellect as yourself.

>wanting companies to steal your code

>> No.6055388

When you grow up and mommy stops breastfeeding you, you're going to need go out and get a job. Code is released as open sourced because

1) It's simple as fuck so why make others recreate the wheel when needing it as a subroutine
2) There's utterly no viable market in it and/or you can't be bothered into trying to sell it for peanuts
3) You want others to use the code

Companies using the code in any three cases hardly counts as stealing or ripping off. Take your cookie cutter GNU catchphrases and straw-men back to >>>/g/nufags

>> No.6055409 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 248x249, 1378728062611s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, you really are a retarded faggot.

>> No.6055451

>>wanting companies to steal your code
Don't be a fucking moron.
Your code is still available to everybody via the same channels that the `companies' got it.
The only code that's being stolen is THEIR modifications, THEIR code.

>> No.6055472

GNUtards think that they're "keeping their code free" because they're the same dumbasses who think piracy is theft.
Too stupid to see the difference between theft and copying.

>> No.6055482

Gnutards are actually for file sharing you dumb twat.

>> No.6055499

Sure they are.
So long as any changes to the file or files that reference it belong to the self proclaimed Jesus of software RMS Richard Marx Stalin.
Oh, and that anything associated with such files changes its name to include GNU at the beginning.
Oh, and you give them your first born child and your soul.

>> No.6055506
File: 38 KB, 388x272, common community codes & programs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6055510

GNU philosophy:
You take a photo of a crowd and I'm in that crowd then the photo belongs to me. NO EXCEPTIONS.

>> No.6055516

There's so much misinformation in this post that I am not even sure if you're really that stupid or just trolling.

>> No.6055520
File: 254 KB, 679x693, GNU Manifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GNU is communism

>> No.6055521

The first two are true, albeit exaggerations.
The third is obviously a joke. You autistic or something?

>> No.6055526
File: 35 KB, 793x1972, I didn't leave the old country for this one to be taken over by dirty hippies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believing in GNU

>> No.6055527 [DELETED] 

Daily dose.
Stallman having a tantrum on stage.
This is /g/'s hero

>> No.6055528

More like, you take a picture of me and I don't charge you for it then you can't charge others for it.

>> No.6055529

Daily dose.
Stallman having a tantrum on stage.
This is /g/'s hero

>> No.6055536

>you for it then you can't charge others for it.

No. You have no expectation of privacy in public so they can sell your image all they want.

>> No.6055538

>More like, you take a picture of me and I don't charge you for it then you can't charge others for it.
But that's fucking wrong, you moron.
You CAN sell GPL software, you just have to license all your code using the GPL.
There's nothing preventing companies from profiting off your code at all. I could legally sell Ubuntu CDs if I wanted.

>> No.6055544
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>> No.6055546

>look at me I'm 12

>> No.6055551

You should not be here. 4chan is 18+

>> No.6055552

>le epic mmaymay

>> No.6055555

>reading comprehensiom

>> No.6055559

Please stop abusing the quote function.

>> No.6055558

numpy/scipy guy right now.

how is R compared to MATLAB, numpy/scipy, c?

>> No.6055562


Why the fuck would anyone on /sci/ code in C instead of C++?

>> No.6055565




>> No.6055576 [DELETED] 

>>6055559 >>6055560 >>6055561 >>6055562 >>6055563 >>6055564 >>6055565 >>6055566 >>6055567 >>6055568 >>6055569 >>6055570 >>6055571 >>6055572 >>6055573 >>6055574 >>6055575 >>6055576 >>6055577 >>6055578 >>6055579 >>6055580 >>6055581 >>6055582 >>6055583 >>6055584 >>6055585 >>6055586 >>6055587 >>6055588 >>6055589 >>6055590 >>6055591 >>6055592 >>6055593 >>6055594 >>6055595 >>6055596 >>6055597 >>6055598 >>6055599 >>6055600 >>6055601 >>6055602 >>6055603 >>6055604 >>6055605 >>6055606 >>6055607 >>6055608 >>6055609 >>6055610 >>6055611 >>6055612 >>6055613 >>6055614 >>6055615 >>6055616 >>6055617 >>6055618 >>6055619 >>6055620 >>6055621 >>6055622 >>6055623 >>6055624 >>6055625 >>6055626 >>6055627 >>6055628 >>6055629 >>6055630 >>6055631 >>6055632 >>6055633 >>6055634 >>6055635 >>6055636 >>6055637 >>6055638 >>6055639 >>6055640 >>6055641 >>6055642 >>6055643 >>6055644 >>6055645 >>6055646 >>6055647 >>6055648 >>6055649 >>6055650 >>6055651 >>6055652 >>6055653 >>6055654 >>6055655 >>6055656 >>6055657 >>6055658 >>6055659 >>6055660 >>6055661 >>6055662 >>6055663 >>6055664 >>6055665 >>6055666 >>6055667 >>6055668 >>6055669 >>6055670 >>6055671 >>6055672 >>6055673 >>6055674 >>6055675 >>6055676 >>6055677 >>6055678 >>6055679 >>6055680 >>6055681 >>6055682 >>6055683 >>6055684 >>6055685 >>6055686 >>6055687 >>6055688 >>6055689 >>6055690 >>6055691 >>6055692 >>6055693 >>6055694 >>6055695 >>6055696 >>6055697 >>6055698 >>6055699 >>6055700 >>6055701 >>6055702 >>6055703 >>6055704 >>6055705 >>6055706 >>6055707 >>6055708 >>6055709 >>6055710 >>6055711 >>6055712 >>6055713 >>6055714 >>6055715 >>6055716 >>6055717 >>6055718 >>6055719 >>6055720 >>6055721 >>6055722 >>6055723 >>6055724 >>6055725 >>6055726 >>6055727 >>6055728 >>6055729 >>6055730 >>6055731 >>6055732 >>6055733 >>6055734 >>6055735

>> No.6055580

R is very useful if you do a lot of stats. If you write your own routines/simulations that are not based on stats (like optimization stuff), or if you manipulate a lot of arrays, I think it's best to continue using scipy.

>> No.6055612

why would I use c++ when I'm trying to do low level code?
I have structs. what more do I need?
also the syntax is fucking terrible std::blah blah, what's that other one i hate...can't remember
don't need namespace
don't need objects
why c++?

>> No.6055613

this is basically why I switched to scipy from MATLAB. I needed numerical solvers but I also needed objects and functions to generate my ODE before I get there.
symbols in matlab started breaking because my functions were too long

>> No.6055662

>when I'm trying to do low level code

C isn't low level code

>> No.6055714


>> No.6056168
File: 950 KB, 1000x669, Stahlman Save us Gno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the retard in the thread complaining about GNU. Dude is clearly brain damaged and doesn't understand what free software means.

Check this out anon.


Octave is an Gnu project very similar to Matlab. It uses the same syntax and a lot of programs written for one are portable to the other. Octave however is just maintained by like one guy and I guess he's really under -appreciated. Anyway, I use Octave a lot for machine learning and prototyping algorithms and I had to take a class that used R. I found that guide helpful. R is very similar to Octave except it's weird and has lots of stats functions baked in.

As far as C/C++, R and Matlab have very fast matrix multiplication libraries (unlike shit ass java). Check out the first reply here.


I've never used scipy or numpy and find python disgusting.

bignumber division, cryptographic primitives, some number theory shit, etc.. At least for the pure math majors. The science majors probably can get by with TI83+ BASIC.

>> No.6056227

I tried reading R's wikipedia but I'm not sure I get it. What's the difference between R and other statistic packages like Minitab? (e.g. what are the advantages?) Also, how hard would it be to learn R? I know basics of C programming (loops, arrays, a little about pointers and structures) if that helps.

>> No.6056267
File: 197 KB, 1024x1372, 1380256418797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, a free software thread.


That post gave me freedom.

Yes indeed, proprietary software works against the spirit of education and free inquiry.

Thank you based R

>> No.6056354

why would anyone code in C++ ?
Only because so much previous work was done in this shitty language ?

>> No.6056359

At least we can all agree that Java is garbage for /sci/ence.

>> No.6056361

Java is a toy to learn programming. But at least you can debug the programs

>> No.6056362

>take algorithms and data structures course that uses Java
>write all the data structures using linked lists
>every other sane language uses stacks

What is this bullshit. Fuck Java, even Octave runs faster than that shit.

>> No.6056543

>What's the difference between R and other statistic packages like Minitab? (e.g. what are the advantages?)

I don't know Minitab but one of the main advantages of R is its huge, helpful community which develop an enormous amount of packages that extend R's capacities.

Also, l find R rather easy, it's an interpreted language and as such easier to learn than say, C.

>> No.6056661

>Why the fuck would anyone on /sci/ code in C instead of C++?

A C compiler exists for my target architecture and a C++ compiler does not.

>> No.6056672

C is one step over assembly.
I guess I could code in assembly... But I like c syntax and having real variable names.

>> No.6056700

well you can get away with it if you know how to use an optimizing compiler.

>> No.6056701

i found out about it in my third year of uni.
terrifying, how much time i wasted before, making plots in open office

>> No.6056723

GNU is the EA of the open source world

>> No.6056813

>C is one step over assembly.
So is C++

>> No.6056824

c++ is built on c, but it's not as low level as c.
c++ is one level up, that's why the name is what it is.

it also has shit syntax and a bunch of features I just don't need.
If I'm going to code in a c family language my first choice is c. I might learn c# later, but I'm done with c++ for a long while.

>> No.6056830

I have no idea how to use an optimizing compiler.
it took me forever to figure out how to link files, let alone optimizing.
do you mean coding in c++ or assembly?
assembly doesn't look too impossible, I could probably figure it out.
C just looks pretty, c++ does not.

>> No.6056843

tf has gnu to do with R?

>> No.6056924

Yeah I love gnuplot, and I get compliments on my graphs/plots built with gnuplot all the time.

Also, you capitalized both "gnuplot" and "I" wrong. Normally it wouldn't matter, but I was at a conference where some autist flipped his shit about the spelling and pronunciation of gnuplot. It was hilarious, and I imagine that's what most from /sci/ and /g/ would be like in person.

>> No.6057155

how did the person pronounce it?

>> No.6057191

R is made by the GNU project. It's official name is GNUR.

>> No.6057205


>> No.6057215

I believe it is very very similar to S/S+

>> No.6057692

>tf has gnu to do with R?

Originally there was a programming language called S made by Bell Labs or IBM or some shit (I forget and don't want to look it up right now). Anyway, shit was expensive and universities, researchers, etc.. had to pay a lot for it so they decided to make an free software alternative.

R is named after S.

>> No.6058402

>c++ is built on c, but it's not as low level as c.
>c++ is one level up, that's why the name is what it is.

You're retarded, C++ is C -minus it's broken ass const/void*/(void) vs ()/etc syntax's with a few new syntax's added. C++ isn't compiled into C, then into Assembly, then into Machine Code. C++ is as low level as C.

>it also has shit syntax

C++ syntax is 99.9995% C syntax

>and a bunch of features I just don't need.

No one forces you to use them and them being there doesn't hurt you in anyway whatsoever. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++#Philosophy
>Programmers should be free to pick their own programming style, and that style should be fully supported by C++.
>Allowing a useful feature is more important than preventing every possible misuse of C++.
>Any features that you do not use you do not pay for (e.g. in performance).
>There should be no language beneath C++ (except assembly language).

>> No.6058412

C++ was actually originally implemented as a C preprocessor.

Frankly, we might be better off if it stayed that way. It has got too fucking complicated for my taste, and most of that complexity isn't for anything that's needed or even useful. It's just guys throwing more shit in because they feel like it.

>> No.6058429

C# is like a Java but without the shitty bits and with all the good bits. Save for the fact that it's tied to .NET. Whatever.

>> No.6058433

>Not doing everything in LISP

>> No.6058441

At one point during the height of the cold war, US intelligence was able to intercept part of a program from the Soviets. They only got the last 400 characters, but it told them one important thing:


The soviets were using Lisp.

>> No.6058446


General CS discussion here >>6058445

So this thread is free for R and free software discussion

>> No.6058627

Do any of you use Julia for real work? Or is it too early to jump on the bandwagon?

>> No.6058651


>> No.6058652

Geogebra is kick ass. It's pretty much all the basic math/geometry stuff from autocad so you can use it to explain stuff to others, prove geometric theorems, and do some other sophisticated things.

If you're doing group theory then there's this guy named Nathan Carter who wrote a free software program that generates Cayley diagrams for all kinds of groups, shows normal subgroups, partitions, mappings, direct product, and a ton of other stuff. It's absolutely awesome. He also wrote a book on doing group theory with graph theory. Links to both.


There's Gephi which is an open source graph viz platform. Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to messing with it though so I don't know if it's just open source or actually free software or even if it's any good.

Jenn 3D is a really cool app that lets you view higher dimensional polytopes projected onto 3D space. You can fly through them and rotate them and shit, it's totally fucking awesome.

There's also Sage Mathematics which as far as I can make out is supposed to be like an open source alternative to mathematica/matlab (but moreso than octave). I haven't played with it though.


What do you guys use for drawing graphics for use in LaTeX files? I just set up Ipe7 but I haven't actually had time to play with it. It seems a lot like geogebra, though that made me wonder if geogebra could output in .eps format as well.


>> No.6058684

>GOAT Tier
R with I/O packages, memory efficient packages, Hadoop/Oracle connectors, and MapReduce Job Creators/SQL job creator packages. Hadoop for ETL and Oracle final database creation. Also SAS for sorting and merging.
>Good Tier
SAS with Hadoop and Oracle connectors (SAS can automatically make MapReduce jobs and connects to Oracle real well).
>Alright Tier
SAS for ETL+Analysis and mySQL for final database.
>Shit Tier
SAS base
>I think I understand statistical programming/Beyond Shit Tier
R with a bunch of memory inefficient programs or using the Rbase (Good luck with that faggot)
>Holy fuck the whole database has to be in memory?/ Don't even get me started Tier
Stata, SPSS, JMP
PROTIP: SAS is better at sorting and merging than R. End of discussion.

>> No.6058693

What is GOAT? I've seen other boards use this term but mostly /tv/.

>> No.6058730

>Using SASfor anything, at all


Honestly, you have no excuse to use this crap. If you want to manipulate data, clean it, rotate it, etc, use Python+Pandas.

>> No.6058863
File: 65 KB, 580x346, nice proprietary software faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed recently that I barely use my windows computer for anything but browsing 4chan anymore. I do all my math/work/research/whatever in linux. Mostly because it all just werks and is easier to manage.

Have any of you guys noticed a similar trend? Why isn't there a repository for maintaining up to date binary packages for free software on windows like all the linux distros have?

>> No.6058865

I haven't used Windows for anything at all for the past 5 years. I can do anything I need on linux distros so why bother with windows.

>Why isn't there a repository for maintaining up to date binary packages for free software on windows like all the linux distros have?

I don't know, but with the direction windows is taking, this sure as hell isn't happening.

>> No.6058874

>I don't know, but with the direction windows is taking, this sure as hell isn't happening.
What do you mean?

>> No.6058894

>poster is from a australia

>> No.6058913

Because if you distribute software through the Windows store (which will very certainly become the only means to distribute software on windows some day) you'll have to abide by the guidelines which put restrictions on what you can distribute. Also, you have to pay 99$ to get a developer's account. For now, there could theoretically be a repo maintained by a third-party but for how long?

>> No.6058943
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>> No.6059357

>driver support
Have fun digging through random websites for drivers and downloading shady install files for drivers.

>> No.6059358

>For now, there could theoretically be a repo maintained by a third-party but for how long?
Well this is what I mean. The closest thing to it is Ninite but compared to an actual linux repo it's not only incredibly small but also works kind of shitty.

>> No.6060832

bumping for gnu

>> No.6061083

As much as I like R (OP here), it's sometimes tough to find good examples to get you started. I'm having some trouble finding out how to use the gmm() command from the gmm package which seems to require a very precise syntax for the moments. I was thinking about writing some kind of book under the GNU Free Documentation License with «real world» examples and lots of code snippets that could complements the packages documentation.


>> No.6061870

Go for it anon. I don't know why anyone wouldn't be in support of this.

>> No.6061874

He eats toenails so he's some kind amoeba.

>> No.6062181

>Not even an I/O recommendation or chunkfile recommendation
Aww look at the little college student. Come back in ten years after you deal with terabyte size databases. You may think you are edgy as fuck because you use only FOSS, but at the end of the day, SAS is the better at sorting datasets and merging datasets. That's all I use it for (both of which are in the SASbase).

>> No.6062258

So, is R like Prolog?

I would enjoy such a book.

>> No.6062300

I use it constantly in geostats, probably any stats i guess

>> No.6062323

God Of All ______________

>> No.6062330

>tfw no qt r gf

>> No.6062716

Since you have no problem with proprietary then you may want to checkout Google BigQuery.

It's better for working with terabytes then any standalone program could be.
