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6045298 No.6045298 [Reply] [Original]

Hey dork virgin losers. /sci/ence related question here. Will we be able to eat whatever without gaining weight in 30 years or so? I.e., some kind of pill or food/ingredient imitations that replicate the taste of whatever?

>> No.6045300

You can eat whatever you want without gaining weight. It's all about quantity.

>> No.6045301

OP, I want you to think about your life.

Where you're at. Where you're going.

Are you really ok with who you are? jesus

>> No.6045312

Easier to make a drug that will eliminate the pleasure from eating, so everyone can base their diets on nutrition instead of taste.

>> No.6045331
File: 18 KB, 267x273, i don't think so tim (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a drug that will make humans think rationally

>> No.6045347

Why don't you just spit the food out?

>> No.6045352

I doubt we will ever be able to change the chemical constitution of food without altering the taste. However I think we will be able to produce some kind of pharmaceutical drug that tricks gustatory and olfactory cells into giving the sensation of a specific taste. But either way it will probably be found to cause cancer and have other bad long term side effects. Aspartame for example..

>> No.6045354

OP you are so misinformed it's not funny. Go read /fit/'s sticky and then reread your post and comprehend how idiotic it is.

>> No.6045371

I don't understand how you guys are regarding this question as moronic. Its a legit question that is definitely related to sciences.
Guess I should always assume that most /sci/ lurkers really don't know anything related besides IQ studies.

>> No.6045375

Isn't it easier just stop eating like a fucking pig and leave the taste pleasure and real food to those who has a minimum of self-control? There's also a magical stuff called exercise. Faggots.

>butthurts in 3... 2...

>> No.6045378

ADHD meds already do this.

Turns out a lot of people eat all the time (snacking) out of boredom or anxiety. Calm them down with ADD meds and they lose a bunch of weight (also, a lot of ADD meds are amphetamines, so increased heart rate helps metabolism)

tl;dr: speed already does this, OP

>> No.6045406

>a drug that will make humans think rationally
Currently on 200mg modafinil 500mg aniracetam. Feeling pretty rational. The idea of eating for something other than nutrition is pretty foreign having been on this regime for a while.

>> No.6045414

>The idea of eating for something other than nutrition is pretty foreign having been on this regime for a while.

there is nothing at all irrational about eating foods that are both nutritious and enjoyable. and some treats here or there within reason. morale is important. and bland boring foods make people depressed. a bowl of ice cream can be enjoyable. do you still enjoy things? if you are no longer capable of enjoyment then you are broken

>> No.6045413

Also there was that one thing that stopped your lower intestines from absorbing fat, but then it had to come out somewhere...it's still FDA approved, but not really marketable any longer.

>> No.6045420

morale is important. low morale results in a significant reduction in work output. this has an impact on the entire economy. enjoyable foods are critical to morale.

>> No.6045447

I enjoy things, absolutely. I just don't enjoy things like eating donuts. I enjoy achieving things particularly as it relates to my research, I enjoy eating healthily, exercising regularly, learning, music, sex, sitting around wasting time (though I do a lot less of it, I enjoy it more when I do do it)

I basically enjoy all the things you'd expect a person to enjoy, with less of the dumb shit. Eating is still a pleasure when I do it, I just don't feel like its an 'activity' so much as a necessity. Same with sleep.

>> No.6045453

I go out to eat once a month. not because I have to. there are more efficient ways to obtain required nutrients. but because I enjoy a properly prepared tasty meal.

I also enjoy the fuck out of even the simplest foods. like a good sandwich or some ice cream. why deny yourself one of life's simple pleasures just to act like some jackass superior robot?

oh by the way. keep this shit to yourself. if you talk like a robot who has no need.of human pleasure in real life, everyone's going to think you're autistic or something.

>> No.6045461

>/sci/ projecting OP being a disgusting unhealthy pig instead of answering the question


>> No.6045463

>I also enjoy the fuck out of even the simplest foods. like a good sandwich or some ice cream. why deny yourself one of life's simple pleasures just to act like some jackass superior robot?

I don't do that. As I said I really enjoy eating food, just because I don't think of eating as a form of entertainment, doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. And thanks for the sentiment, but I don't really need any life coaching. I'm open about most aspects of my life with most people, and they seem to accept me perfectly readily. I don't see any sense in going around hiding one's personality for fear of rejection, especially to avoid 'looking autistic', I'm pretty sure my approach is a great deal less autistic than that.

Someone suggested that there weren't drugs to make people more rational, knowing this to be untrue I presented my case. That's not 'acting like some jackass superior robot' anywhere that isn't /sci/.

>> No.6045476

enjoy your virginity

>> No.6045505

How quaint.

>> No.6046602

>I want a pill that will get rid of all my problems, have no side effects, be cheap and actually exist anywhere but in the realm of dreams

Get out of the house and exercise fatty.

>> No.6046630

i hope not

>> No.6046637

People have been working on things that can somehow fit that bill for ages.

There are sugar imitations that make diet sodas have 0 calories, but they're bad because some of them give you brain cancer. And for the rest, your brain notices that this sweet taste doesn't have any useful energy for it, so it increases your appetite and you get hungrier and eat more empty calories which ends up being worse for you than the soda would have been.

I think there's also artificial fats that the body can't absorb and imitate the taste of real ones, but nobody wants them because they give you oily diarrhea and probably cause other bad shit too.

>> No.6046646

Because a market for this kind of retarded bullshit actually seems to exist.

>US land of the free
>you are free to willingly be retarded
>eat like a pig
>people make entire businesses around fixing you up
>as if pills can somehow replace healthy lifestyle with good eating habits and regular exercise
>needless to say they fail hard at it
>mfw it's an easily preventable problem

This shit gotta stop.

>artificial fats that the body can't absorb

Enjoy shitting fat. Protip: your anal sphincter is adapted to hold shit in, not fat.

>> No.6046652

The obvious solution to that last point is to eat more fiber.>>6046646