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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6042429 No.6042429 [Reply] [Original]

In my second year at university, I attended less than 5 out of the total 160 lectures for my courses. I was present in roughly 6 out of every 10 classes, and rarely handed in homework. Until April, I had no idea what-so-ever what we were meant to study – I did not buy textbooks, download the notes or pay any attention during the few classes I attended.

>> No.6042432
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My last two exams were Linear Algebra and Calculus, scheduled for Monday afternoon and Thursday morning, respectively. I finished an exam on Thursday the week before, and then spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday learning and revising for the Linear Algebra paper. On Monday morning, at about 10:30am, 4 hours before the Linear Algebra paper, I decided to check the venue, and looked at my timetable. My heart rate exploded, and for several seconds I thought “This cannot be true. This sort of stuff only happens in movies.”

>> No.6042436

good for you. and I know exactly what you should do with all your free time, start a blog.

>> No.6042438
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It was true. The exam scheduled for 2.30pm that afternoon was Calculus, a course I had not even seen – let alone learnt, revised or practised – since November of the previous year. I panicked for a minute, and then thought “Screw it – let’s see what can be done”.

>> No.6042440
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I printed out the course notes, a few past papers and solutions. I went through the 302 pages of notes and threw every page that was not absolutely critical for the exam into the bin. In my first reading, I reduced the course to 35 pages. I went through the notes again, and got them down to 16.

>> No.6042443
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I then read those notes carefully. I looked at past paper questions, briefly tried to run through my thoughts about how to solve them in my head, and then checked the official solutions. I finished at about 1pm. I decided that more learning was not going to do me any good, and that having a proper lunch before the exam would be a better idea. I grabbed some food, and then left home for the LSE to sit my exam, finishing off three days later with the Linear Algebra paper.
I still scored a First class.

>> No.6042446

Not green, didn't read

>> No.6042448

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.6042473
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>> No.6042480


>implying you need anything from your degree for a job
>implying uni isn't just a bunch of hoops you have to jump through

>> No.6042611
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if your job involves math, then technically your uni would be teaching you things pertaining to your job. Even if your math is done by machine, knowing how the math works should give you a rough idea what the answer should look like in case of bad code/input/etc

>> No.6042685


You're under the mistaken impression that anyone on Earth gives even a fraction of a fuck.