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6040721 No.6040721[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I'm a young Doctor in NYC. I make 100k a year. After taxes I make 65k. After utilities and basic living shit like rent, food, etc I have about 30k. I'm in over 100k debt because of college. This job is stressful as fuck and I work shit hours. Patients treat me like a doormat and many are completely igorant idiots. I want to kill myself just as much as I did when I was a broke NEET at 18. Also, Having money will not fix your problems or change anything. If you're fucked up, depressed or ugly you'll still be fucked up, depressed or ugly. Seriously, do not go into anything for the money.

The government will basically take as much money as they want from you. If you think 100k is a lot, guess again, it's really not. The more money you make, the more you'll be taxed. It's a shitty situation in all honestly. My advice is to go for a job that makes 60 or 70k and is easy and requires minimal college. Go to CC and get some shitty 2 year degree in computer science and get some slacker job making 65k as a programmer or something. You'll be much happier.

>> No.6040726

that is what you get for voting liberal
also the lesson seems to be do not go into debt. ....

>> No.6040727
File: 125 KB, 400x400, nobody-cares_317034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you go make a blog for all that unimpressive superfluous tripe of yours?

>> No.6040729

vote liberal if you plan to do what you love for not much money
vote conservative if you plan tp do what you hate for lots of money

this seems to be the lesson

>> No.6040731

What should I go in to a job for if I have no professional interests? If I won the lottery I'd drop everything, play vidya and fuck whores. I wouldn't pursue research or a dream job.

I've boiled my choices down to finance (long hours big money) or engineering (9-5, medium money).

>> No.6040740

>ever becoming a doctor

I don't understand medfags. As OP said it's long hours, you have to deal with shitty patients and you have to slave away for ~10 years to actually get some respect. Why do you do it? Just to feel superior because you save lives? You're just doing your job, like the waiter that serves me does his. I'm not gonna tip him or tip you with some extra gratitude just for doing what you're told. Doctors are glorified carpenters. They offer a service (build a table/fix my heart) in exchange for money. You're simply servants with above average pay.

Study something where you get to create something yourself, then you'll never regret the work you put in to get there.

>> No.6040743

Go into programming

>> No.6040748

>after paying all of my taxes and living expenses, I still have more money just to play around with than most people earn before they pay their taxes, and I'm just barely out of school
>doctors are so undercompensated, life is unfair

>> No.6040747
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I'm currently studying to be a physics major and go to some academy research shit..

But man fuck this all I want is to stay home and watch dat anime action.. fuck..
If only I was born a cute girl or a rich asshole, just fuck... Man being a neet and watching anime was the fucking life back then..

>> No.6040749

Here's an alternative - don't live in a shit tier country like America.

>> No.6040753

>If only I was born a cute girl or a rich asshole, just fuck...

God I know that feel man Like I'm not gay or have any desire to be a girl from any technical standpoint besides that, but they have it so fucking easy

They have like 50 different dudes at any given time stalking them, they can get sex at the drop of a hat, they can be "stay at home moms" (Read: NEET) and society doesn't judge them at all.

>> No.6040754

European countries take even fucking more of your taxes, idiot.

>> No.6040757
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hey OP.

With obamacare coming into effect soon you can also expect

1)a glut of doctors, medical professionals
2)lower salary to account for such an upsurge in the labor force.

why didn't you decide to go into genetics. My one bio prof sadi they're the ones making the big bucks

>> No.6040759

>If you think 100k is a lot, guess again
as someone who grew up below the poverty line who now makes 55k, fuck you. it is a goddamn lot if you don't spend like a retardz

>> No.6040760

>get some slacker job making 65k as a programmer or something
I've known too many doctors to believe that most could have been competent programmers with any amount of effort.

>> No.6040761

i wasn't going to correct it but it looks like something that could possibly be intentional and i just wanted to say i hit alt-s too quickly

>> No.6040762


>What should I go in to a job for if I have no professional interests?

If you find something you end up being good at you'll develop a passion for it. Interests don't come out of nothing. People who have interests are mostly just good at their jobs.

>> No.6040763

But you don't end up in crazy debt by becoming a doctor, though.

>> No.6040766

Can;t you be a doctor and just say you will only work 30 hours a week, any more than that fuck off, take the difference from my paycheck? Are they intentionally ruining healthcare by forcing stressed out doctors to tend to patients?

Are more people unwilling to become a doctor becasue of the forced hours??

Isn't there a doctors union??

What is this madness that to be a doctor it's all or nothing no middle ground?

>> No.6040769


To be honest I must say the local doctors at the local hospital don't seem overworked much.

I never see them complaining about lack of sleep or snatching a nap somewhere quiet.

They do get paid less though. Then again I'm sure they end up with at least $30K after taxes.

>> No.6040770

>tfw I'll make more than OP without putting in all the hard work to become a doctor

>> No.6040779

Can't you go in private practice OP?

Open a nice quite clinic in some rural town or something?

Or is that not the way it works in the US?

>> No.6040780

Implying an individual's vote can affect them even if it doesn't tip the outcome of the election.

I'm not saying one vote doesn't matter, but I AM saying you're stuck with the outcome of an election regardless of how YOU voted in particular.

>> No.6040786


>> No.6040790

>But you don't end up in crazy debt by becoming a doctor, though.
implying 100k is "crazy"
most families owe MUCH more than that on their house

>> No.6040792

Op, first and foremost Thank You! Not everyone has the ability and endurance to become an MD. You put in years of studying, stress, clinicals, and internships just to achieve this. No, you probably do not get a pat on the back even though you deserve it ,or even a lot of thanks from patients and other staff but, some of us appreciate the time, effort, and work you put in. Truth be told when you start med school you give up your life to learn how to save the lives of others. Do not think it goes unnoticed by all.
Also, Op have you considered moving to a smaller rural community? If so, I can pretty much guarantee you that the cost of living will be much lower, many patients are very thankful for their doctors, and your pay would not decrease much if at all.

>> No.6040794


Doing what?

>> No.6040795

>After taxes I make 65k.
>After utilities and basic living shit like rent, food, etc I have about 30k.

Don't blame the government or society for your luxurious lifestyle. Normal people don't spend more than 1k per month.

>> No.6040797

There's an oddly high number of Petro E. majors on this board because they all saw it at the top of an article showing best-paying college majors and thought they could get rich easy.

>> No.6040798

Yeah, he should do this.

>> No.6040799

got lucky

>> No.6040801

OP must be Indian. They are the ones who become doctors because of their parents and then have a scowl on their faces everyday at work.

>> No.6040807
File: 111 KB, 330x330, Feelsbadfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro we will never know the feel of being born a cute girl and basically have everything you want thrown at you without you doing any work..

Or the feel of being born a rich asshole and also have everything you want thrown at you without you doing any work..

Life sucks like that, but hey just remember we still have it better than 80% of the rest of the world..

>> No.6040810

You're so right..
Assholes didn't get what they expected doe..

>> No.6040812

those feelings. man.

Im not an indian son but i was allways pushed to study and be productive, and now i have this fucking boring life.

>> No.6040828

>not going into STEM

>> No.6040840
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>Having money will not fix your problems or change anything.
>If you're fucked up, depressed or ugly you'll still be fucked up, depressed or ugly.

Bollocks, monnies can buy me scotch and drugs. And I will feel happy.

>> No.6040842

Obamacare will fuck MDs even more than IRS.

>> No.6040854

Jobs where you actually get responsibility and do shit generally pay well.

>Big oil
lets hope I get a second interview.

>> No.6040858

Op, watch the movie Patch Adams. You need to find your niche apparently you have not found that yet. Yes, it is a serious job, but you have got to learn to chill out and have some fun. Otherwise you will burn out quickly. Consider moving out of NY also, a smaller community might be the change of scenery you need.

>> No.6040861

I'm trying to think of ways to create means of self generating revenue. It's not an easy task.

>> No.6040979

>I'm a young Doctor
I'll be that too in two years, I wish had transferred to another line of studies last year, right now it just feels too late to bail out.

I don't even know why the fuck I started here to begin with, I never dreamed of becoming a doctor, I'm not very social. It was just an opportunity.

>> No.6040986

To the joke OP: 100k is a family doctor physician salary (only 1 year residency) who works in a hospital (no wonder youre treated like shit). The real money is in surgery (especially orthopedic). If you lasted 4 more years in residency you could be working 4 days a week making 600k+ driving a lambo to work. People in this country always take the easy/shortest route


>> No.6040994

I'm impressed by the honesty I saw in your posts guys, /sci/ isn't generally like this.

Computer Engineer here. I also wish I could just stay home and have fun, I'm planing on getting a part time job when I graduate and try to invest on some shit or whatever so I don't have to work anymore.

>> No.6041003
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Kinda realized this a while back.

I just want to be in a safe non-hostile location.

Money will change little to nothing. Maybe things would be slightly better but definitely not enough to work like a dog for it. I just associated most of my hardships with poverty. I thought private schools/university would be better, after some time I figured out why that was bullshit (for the most part) or at least inferior to self-education. I thought everything would be different, then I thought a little more and realized that was bullshit. Also, materialism is complete utter absurdity, what are you able to do with money if you're not materialistic? You have to be oblivious to enjoy large sums of money. Don't get me wrong, if I were handed a billion tomorrow I would take it, but if I had to jump through hoops to get it I probably wouldn't bother.

There are many other reasons why money doesn't matter. Just a short rant.

>> No.6041006
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> After utilities and basic living shit like rent, food, etc I have about 30k.

So you pay off your debts in 3 1/2 years and then live like a king.

I make maybe 20k a year total (if I'm lucky) and am fighting just to make enough money for that "basic living shit" you dismiss so lightly.

So why don't you go play hide and go fuck yourself, and stop with your first world problems.

>> No.6041011

Man Im so glad I have a hobby that actually pays well...

>> No.6041012

debt sucks.

I'm a 23 year old EE with zero debt. I pull in about 4.5k after taxes each month. feels good to just bank all that shit and not have to worry about loans or shit.

fucking schools rob ppl. so many friends of mine are in huge debt because their parents couldn't help them out with school.

>> No.6041014
File: 10 KB, 184x184, 1raogpnk.wizardchan.1344660924949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP hasn't realized he can write his own fucking prescriptions

Who needs money/life/etc when you can prescribe yourself cocaine, ketamine, anything else not explicitly in Schedule I and get it for pennies from the hospital pharmacy

>> No.6041016

>I make 100k a year. After taxes I make 65k
>After utilities and basic living shit like rent, food, etc I have about 30k

How much are you paying for rent?

>> No.6041017

>see 100k
>think he's pretty well off
>read that he lives in NYC

nyc is a shit hole, go to a small town where your salary doesn't go directly to the expensive ass shit in NYC.

>> No.6041021

or get a sugar mama. nyc is so crowded with materialistic whores, those two magic letters ("D" and "R" next to your name) should have you swimming in pussy as long as you're not the world's biggest blundering manchild

>> No.6041024

>implying you don't need a STEM degree to go to med school

>> No.6041039


Why don't you look into getting a job in Canada or something? we looove immigrants.

>> No.6041153
File: 358 KB, 798x1280, image_49325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should do what you love. That's the real decision you have to make, not how much money it pays.

>> No.6041225

>Live in Australia
>University debt at 20k on completion
>60k starting actuarial job
>3 years later
>taxed 55k

Money brings happiness, don't listen to that faggot.

>> No.6041229

>Live in Australia
You have it bad enough there.
Too bad everything there costs about 3 times what it costs in the US.

>> No.6041236


You are straight fucking up son. I may only be an M1 but it doesnt take a genius to know that working in NYC if you not a fucking punjab or subspecialist is retarded.

you could easily get a raise by working somewhere more rural.

You can do so much with an MD and youre just shitting it away on 4chan.

>> No.6041248

At least you're getting 100K with a doctorate. I'm in my 3rd year of PhD in Environmental Engineering after spending 2 years on a masters degree at another university. If all goes according to plan, I'll have been university for a total of 9 years, and my starting salary might be 55-60K if I work in industry. Academia doesn't look very promising.

>> No.6041253

>You have it bad enough there.
Sure sucks being the richest people in the world. Can't holiday anywhere without being so much richer than the natives. And having the highest standard of living is pretty damn annoying too, always healthy and well fed and happy with heaps of spare time... All I want is to work 365 days a year for pittance like an American. These damn thrice a year month long holidays are getting to be too much.

>> No.6041262
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>$100 for 1Mbps internet
>oppressive government laws
>Kangaroos, Koalas, and Kiwis

>> No.6041281

u can't fool me australians

>> No.6041300

Lol. Only 100k after 4 years of college + medschool? That's what some engineers make fresh out of college brah

>> No.6041352

So OP, what you're telling me is that I shouldn't keep studying Pharmacy just because I want to make a lot of dosh and be a respectable member of society?

I dunno man, it sounds to me like you are just going through some butthurt in your life right now. The alternatives to getting a prestigious degree and making 6 figures are not anywhere as good.

But to each his own I suppose.

>> No.6041369

If you're a hundred grand in debt and have a surfeit of thirty grand a year, save ten grand, pay off twenty of your debt, and in 5 years you will be debt free with a fifty grand lump sum.

I wouldn't let you doctor me since you clearly can't look after yourself in the simplest of ways.

>> No.6041385
File: 122 KB, 768x432, syria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys i'm so sad
>guys omg i'm so depressed i make 100k a year but i'm not happy
>guys give me a hug guys
>meanwhile in syria

>> No.6041392

That's only true up to a point. There is a minimum cutoff where you shouldn't take a job because you enjoy it. The cutoff is about 50k if it requires some semblance of talent.

When you aren't getting paid enough to cover the basics of modern living + 401k/IRA contributions then money is on your mind all the time. It ruins any happiness you might get from the job.

>> No.6041393


>> No.6041394

>implying that one should base one's emotions on data collection
>emotions clearly developed to allow decision making without rigorous data collection
>implying you can turn emotions off, then still feel them anyway

>> No.6041415


How can he do programming if he has no interest in the field?

>> No.6041417

>You're not allowed to suffer, because somewhere else someone has it worse than you.

Fuck off.

>> No.6041421
File: 62 KB, 680x637, 1378547228892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish I could go back in time into the days of the C64, programming basic text games in my parent's garage.

Starting a small company.

Innovating the gaming industry and creating a cult following.

>tfw you will never experience this

>> No.6041437

Game Dev Tycoon.

>> No.6041443

Since we are.on the topic of career enjoyment vs. pay, and since this is the science board..
Can anyone comment on working at a national lab as a physicist? (with doctorate)

I went into physics _purely_ for the knowledge, all the duties of a professor seem like it would take up 90% of my free time with the other 10% being a choice of either leisure, or personal learning.
I just want a job where once I get home I can relax without having to take any work home, under that environment I think I would actually be tremendously more productive.

>> No.6041441


How did you know?

>> No.6041454


and they own a house you fucking retard. if they sold the house and rented or lived in a smaller house, they would have no debt. here are their assets:

$500k house
-$300k mortgage
= +$200k

here is OP

-$100k student debt
= -$100k

how is this remotely hard to understand

>> No.6041456

>buying a $500k house with $300k
>you call him retarded

>> No.6041461

>buying a house with 100% mortgage
>you call him out on calling people retarded

>> No.6041465


did people tell them petro/mining have that pay because the work conditions are shit? to get that $100k you have to be working on a rig with a hundred other sweaty engineers, the reason the graduate pay is so high is that nobody more than a few years out of university wants to do those jobs because most of them have family by then, or are just plain sick of being on a rig 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or constantly at a mine. i know people who work at a mine and actually pay for a plane ticket to fly back to the city every single weekend out of their own pocket because they can afford it and being at a mine for 5 days is so awful. basically the wage is high because conditions are shit and graduates get chucked right in to doing the jobs you'd normally have slightly older engineers doing (who are all at home in office jobs)

enjoy your $130k for committing 120 of your hours in a week to petro/mining and never seeing a chick

>> No.6041471


i don't think buying a house using a high mortgage is a good idea, triply so if you're a fuckhead buy-to-let landlord, but the family with the house and mortage is in a very different situation to OP. house prices would have to plummet at the same time the breadwinner loses their job and they'd still probably end up with less debt than OP


aus is expensive but it still balances out better than the US for cost of living, half its cities have been sitting in the top 10 most liveable cities list for a while now. minimum wage is over $20 compared to something like $7-8 in the US, but goods cost nowhere even triple or even double what they do in america. healthcare and various other welfare programs are also free/better. keynesian supremacy brah

>> No.6041473

>never seeing a chick
what mines do you know? when in university me and some other engineering students had to work at mines multiple times and they got more sex (with girls) then that at university (I didnt due to standards). erevy after work party had girls that seemed to be prostitutes or crack whores and the supervisor even had a competition every week and the winner gets his daughter for the weekend, miners are dodgy as shit.

>> No.6041621

you can choose not to bitch about them

check your privilege mate. and i'm dead serious

1st world problems all over this place

>> No.6041639

>you can choose not to bitch about them
And what good does it do you, or the people in Syria?

>> No.6041707

>I'm in over 100k debt because of college


>mfw I paid approximatively 0€ for my education.

>> No.6041720

You can choose to get less worked up about people harmlessly expressing their emotions and more worked up about actual world issues. Or you can choose to use world issues as some sort guise for your pathetic superiority complex.

>> No.6041776

Are you talking about the field of programming as it pertains to humanity as a whole or the niche political nature that has ascribed to it?

Personally, I'm into programming, changed my major after getting laid off from my graphic design job out of hs, and have a pretty good understanding. The thing about it is that it is not intuitive at all. Like at all. This thing I mean about intuition isn't that crazy idea that we should know what it is already, no. I'm saying that a lot of these systems don't resemble anything at all and don't run very well simply because of the nature of the security measures we have in place for them. I have an interest in programming, I really do. I care about the field and helping it flourish, I really do. I just can't stand that I have to divide a single operation into 3 separate procedures, sometimes, in order to insure that the idiot on the other side of the divide won't type in hello instead of 123 in a goddamn calculator program.

I'm guessing the next vivisection to the field will be what JavaScript is to programming online, where we won't have any kind of low level access and will be able to create front end programs without the fear of compromised security. OH, but that wouldn't be very canonical, now would it?

I still love programming. I just wish I didn't have go to full retard in order to comprehend some of the stuff we have to do.

Then, again, I think this rant has more to do with fucking bitches than programming. Guess you gotta use that part of your brain for something, right? I thought use or lose it only applied to language. Lol.

>> No.6041805
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tfw no university in your country offers the subject you want to study

>> No.6041813
File: 22 KB, 200x213, whyyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in your country
Holy shit anon

No offense, but that's some backwater nation shit right there

>> No.6041815


>> No.6041836

Or maybe he wanted to do women's studies.

>> No.6041843


We might be living in the same country then. What are you aiming for, anon?

>> No.6041849
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>slacker job

nigga you wot?

>> No.6041868

>sitting on your fat ass and typing
>not a slacker job

>> No.6041874

Tiny classified ads.

>> No.6041876

Robotics. Seems to be a very rare subject.

>> No.6041880

Just do a mechanical/computer/electrical engineering degree.

>> No.6041882

I am already doing ee + automation. But I would like a subject that focuses only on robotics and nothing else.

>> No.6041907

Get an arduino, some build-a-bot kit, and frequent /diy/.

>> No.6041911


>anything not schedule 1

OP might live in a state where medical marijuana is legal.

>> No.6041913


>Kangaroos, Koalas, and Kiwis

Those things are actually quite nice.

The Sydney Funnel Web Spider however...

>> No.6041922

Only poofters worry about spiders. Poofters and people who've just been bitten by them.

>> No.6041926

Being a fly, I worry about spiders all the time.

>> No.6041993

>studying Pharmacy
That's peasant studies.
step it up and be a chemistry engineer

>> No.6041999

>want a job where once I get home I can relax without having to take any work home,
>under that environment I think I would actually be tremendously more productive.

>> No.6042031


>100k a year

no shit OP. no fucking shit... move to another place like ohio and stop spending 2k a month on rent and $30 a day on meals.

>> No.6042056

But I can't get into NASA with just a fucking CC degree!

>> No.6042083

In the future, maybe. I'm dead set on my peasant studies and there's nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise.

>> No.6042109

>Highest standard of living

>> No.6042124

You're studies a shit!

>> No.6042145

Do you think NASA can accept canadians like me?

I mean I'm really good at astrophysics..
I'm also good at making cookies..
I promise I can be a good boy..