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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6040457 No.6040457 [Reply] [Original]

Hi dudes, i'm an undergraduate student in computer /sci/ence, i would like to learn algebra and calculus but my professors are really hard to understand, so, which books should i read to be the best for calculus and algebra ?

And do you know stuff like Sigma form k=0 to n and things like that ?

What is the algebra calculus ? How can i do it ?

I'm just a dumb guy who never had math courses in high school...

>> No.6040477

Don't you have a wife to murder or something?

>> No.6040485

Yeah, she's buried in the outgarden near to my old and deprecated filesystem

>> No.6040486

Was in the same boat OP. Ended up with the minor after cheating my ass off for 4 years. Majored in econ. Feelsgoodman

>> No.6040501

What kind of jobs can you get with an econ major from Mediocre State University?

I ask because I'm thinking of switching my major to it.

>> No.6040502

So you've leave the compsci way ?

>> No.6040640

I'm not really sure. I go to a private school on the west coast, ranked in the top 15 US universities last year. I'm still trying to get a job in the tech field somewhere with my minor and work experience.

Because I'm really bad at math and programming. Failed Calc 1 once, got a D the second time. Basically got C's and D's through all comp sci and or math courses. I was never going to be a programmer anyways but I thought the major would at least get me a better job somewhere. Hopefully the minor helps.

>> No.6040648

You are aware that the econ curriculum contains lots of math (in particular calculus), right?
Even then, any job in the financial/business sector (where the majority of econ majors end up) involves staring at numbers 90% of the time.

>> No.6040669

>in computer gayence
>doesn't know babby's first math

kill you are self

>> No.6040695

I know I've taken quite a few econ courses lol but econ math is 100% easier than anything in comp sci.

>> No.6040696

>computer science

>>>/g/ay is that way

>> No.6040719


I like to make fun of retarded comp sci majors as much as everyone else on this board but at least the dude is trying to better himself, kind of.

OP, take a discrete mathematics course. It's generally pretty babby tier and sometimes used as an intro to proofs. Even if it's not a proof based course it will at least help you re-develop some fundamentals you probably missed out on.

>> No.6040722
File: 75 KB, 669x627, feels-recursive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm at the top of all my CS classes and love programming but my brain shuts down as soon as I see equations
>tfw 640 SAT math

>> No.6040724

>but at least the dude is trying to better himself

Then he should start with learning to capitalize his "I"

>> No.6040746

computer science major here
i aint even mad

>> No.6040755
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>> No.6040776

Thank you. We really needed to see that for the thousanth time this month.

>> No.6040777

I don't really understand the hate this guy's getting for trying to better himself, or why people bash each others' majors/interests/careers in general.

>> No.6040783

>MUM I did it again XDDDD

>> No.6040802

It will go away as soon as all the CS majors stop trying to group themselves in with us

>> No.6040813


samefag troll pls go

>> No.6040870

not samefag, though your lack of a sage when non-contributing makes me believe that you are in fact OP samefagging.

>> No.6040872

wtf I used a sage where is it?

>> No.6040960

newfags can't into new saging

>> No.6041002

>about to declare cs in a few months
im starting to wonder if this is true considering we only have to take up to integral calculus and electricity and magnetism for our physics requirement

>> No.6041022
File: 39 KB, 321x475, 51BJ3FFMHGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shilov's book.

Morris Kline's book.

best of the best. don't waste time on other books.

also, get them in print and don't use shitty electronic versions.

both are from Dover.