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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 766 KB, 2126x1397, League of Gentlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6033531 No.6033531 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/, how real do you think this is?

>> No.6033553

it's happening...

>> No.6033567

Stop adding color to shit that didn't have color, god damn it.

>> No.6033583

but for reals, I trust skunkworks as they came up with awesome stuff in the past...like the b2 was developed in the 1970's, and they had to wait for flybywire to catch up as it was too unstable for a pilot (I'm paraphrasing from half remembered aerospace classes, I apologize for any discrepancies), so from a science perspective how out of the realms of possibility is this? Having a 100MW reactor thats 4mx2m seems a bit...impossible, but I know nothing of this area of science

>> No.6033597


not very. I don't think they can get fusion with a non-collapsible field, because you need somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred teslas to get ignition..

also, you can't get a perfect containment field like they claim without magnetic monopoles.. ..which don't exist

>> No.6033605

>it's happening...
Read the adress of that webpage.
It's not happening. This is charlatans we're talking about, they're doing their usual cycle of "public demo soon, commercial product soon, great company cooperation soon, huge product soon" and rinse repeat.

I halfheartedly follwed that waste of time for a year and a half wanting to belive, not anymore.

>> No.6033603
File: 263 KB, 1271x644, skunktube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.6033620

ah damn, thanks for the answers! I did wonder if it might be more of a publicity thing, ah well...I'll just keep my fingers crossed

>> No.6033624

So he didn't say nothing. Top lel. Even if is real they behave as it don't exist.

>> No.6033627

>OP's pic

would love to have killed all those fucking white dudes

>> No.6033646

yeah, its a shame no scientists of any other races had done anything significant enough to warrant an invitation

>> No.6033663

They can't make a decent jet (if they'll ever be one) without costs bloated multiple times over estimated costs along with additional 10-20+ years of fixing fatal design flaws. I'd rather be hopeful, but seeing the current state of their products, i can't help it.

>> No.6033676

no brown skinned dudes be ever doing that cracker witchcraft. i would kill dirac last, hahaha, fuck engineers.

>> No.6033716

Thats kind of evident from the state of the respective regions

>> No.6033754

Won't see no niggers forgettin' an apostrophe for a contraction or omission.

>> No.6033761

Oh, have they started talking about how they're going to do it?

>> No.6033773
File: 19 KB, 500x375, hurrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see this image, all I can see is two guys trying their damnedest to make as much distance as politely possible from Einstein.

>> No.6033793


yeah there was this conference where this guy talked and the concept seems wonky at best.

>> No.6034140

What would that image look like today?

Physicists wearing khakis and a t-shirt?

>> No.6034142

where are all the blacks?

>> No.6034166


Where are all the gentiles?

>> No.6034288

the CEO of lockheed martin claimed on his death bed "we have the technology to take ET home, but it would take a miracle to get it to benefit mankind" so yeah, havent even read the link you posted but im sure they would be able to do it.

>> No.6034328


working as sharecropper debt slaves

>> No.6034349


You couldn't have a conference like that today.

>> No.6034354

How do physicists feel seeing they they haven't made a world changing breakthrough for like 70 years?

Shit all you see now are experimental ones trying to confirm theories thought up decades ago.