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6032224 No.6032224 [Reply] [Original]

Its science guyz! There've been studies!


>> No.6032302

Of course there are plenty of impressionable idiots that get feedback from everything they hear and let it influence their life choices.

So you probably will find some positive correlation between killing in video games and killing IRL.

In a healthy culture (e.g.: where people are intellectually sound enough to distinguish reality from fantasy) it should be an insignificant issue however. Moreover, there's no reasonable way to stop people from creating violent media or making offensive jokes even ignoring implications for setting a precedent against freedom of speech and expression.

The focus has to be on educating people to tell the difference between a joke and and real life, fantasy and reality, and helping / supervising those that for whatever reason are otherwise incapable.

>> No.6032305

>Humor can be used to covertly deliver messages that can reinforce negative attitudes towards women
>Enhanced negative attitudes towards individuals can lead to aggressive behavior
>Jokes delivered by a comedian are perceived to reflect the views of the comedian

every single one of these is wrong

>> No.6032308
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>there is a rigid dichotemy between "serious mode" and "humor mode"
>citing papers that actually go against every fucking thing you spew

Why is this person still allowed to use the internet

>> No.6032309

I don't know, guys; I think the author of the article might be onto something.

Further testing is required; I say we rape several women and see if their sensitivities to rape jokes increase. Only then can we know if rape jokes are truly harmful.

>> No.6032441

There aren't logical cases against rape jokes or offensive jokes in general.

People are just sensitive and you should be considerate.

How would you feel if your mother died and people around you kept making dead mom jokes at the funeral. Some people are actually fucking raped and struggle to deal with it. Making jokes about something people are so sensitive about is fucking awful (in cases of physical or psychological abuse).

Also, the first reply to this thread is correct, many people are impressionable as fuck and this hearing rape being taken lightly over a long period of time could hypothetically open the average person up to the idea of it.

>> No.6032498

>Puts comedians making rape jokes on a stage on the same level as someone making dead mom jokes at a funeral.

>Implies that the average person is impressionable as fuck in the next paragraph. So much so that apparently jokes can "open them up" to something that's not only a crime, but also one of the biggest taboos in society.