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File: 860 KB, 150x200, HORY SHET1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6027905 No.6027905 [Reply] [Original]

Someone scientifically debunk this picture.

>> No.6027914

Have you never played a bullet hell shmup?

>> No.6027918
File: 63 KB, 686x619, debunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oops. I'm fucking retarded. I mean this picture.

>> No.6027922

>>>/pol/ or
Depending mostly on do you think jews did it or aliens.

>> No.6027923


>> No.6027929

NIST's official report of WTC7 says it only reached fairly low temperatures because it was just office supplies burning. There is also very little structural damage reported.

There really isn't an argument to debunk.

If you really want to though you can read some pop-sci websites dedicated to doing this though.

>> No.6027930


Consciousness exists.

>> No.6027927

nah let's talk touhou instead.

>> No.6027932

One's a steel structure, the other is concrete. Are you seriously this retarded?

>> No.6027938


Which one is made of concrete?

>> No.6027944

your post is confused.

either you think that the government and mainstream media's narrative is wrong , in which there is an argument to debunk, or yu think the government and mainstream media si right, in which case why did you post that thing about hte NIST's official report as though it supported the official government and mainstream media line when it actually does the opposite?

>> No.6027970

Most people didn't bother to read NIST's official report, including the media. They just looked at the conclusion as some sort of blanket statement.

Part of the problem is that WTC7 isn't really what everyone was interested in. NIST's report says that basic explanations and traditional models proved it impossible. It is possible to make a model where the tower collapses but it's somewhat contrived. Either way nothing else was in the realm of possibilities in NIST's research so the somewhat contrived model had to do.

>> No.6027990

me again, >>6027970

I should add that even now you're not going to sit down and read NIST's official report. No matter which side of the argument you support. No one else in the thread will either.

>> No.6027993

they need bleach touhou. that dudes bankai

>> No.6028131


The structural intergrity of the WTC was comprimised. Yes, the Madrid fire was intense and weakened the structural integrity but it was never comprimised, no plane actualy hit both WTC main towers. WTC-7 was damaged by falling debris from both main WTC towers collapsing.

>> No.6028135


>no plane actualy hit both WTC main towers.

No plane actualy hit the tower in Madrid.


>> No.6028166

No plane hit WTC7, and refer to >>6027929

I'm not saying the conspiracy theorists are right or anything, just that your argument is not the right argument for this.

>> No.6029367

It was hit 7 times minimum, under the condition that after it was hit, the strike move that hit it could not continue hitting it after the first strike.

I see nothing of value in this thread.