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6026338 No.6026338 [Reply] [Original]

how fast does /sci/ read?
no cheating!

135 wpm here, feels slow man

>> No.6026344



it might be broken

>> No.6026356

335 wpm, 82% comprehension. I took this test a few years ago and scored much worse. I don't recall taking any speed-reading steroids though...

>> No.6026396

When I scroll up and down the page that pic changes colors. Neat.

>> No.6026415

504 wpm @ 82%

>> No.6026435

560 91%

>> No.6026438

375 at 64%

>> No.6026443


>> No.6026461

990 wpm 64%

I read two lines at the same time so 64% is not that bad.

>> No.6026474

its fucking horrible you average reader you

>> No.6026957

469 wpm 91%

>> No.6026974

9121 WPM 90% comprehension

>> No.6026976

I got 50% without reading it at all.

>> No.6026977

300 wpm with 100% comprehension

>> No.6026978

228 wpm with a 90%
Not bad i guess

btw: english is not my native language

>> No.6026979

256 WPM 91%

>> No.6026986

584 at 73%

>> No.6026998

301, 82% = 246 efficient

>tfw English graduate

>> No.6026999

You read at 579 words per minute.

>> No.6027020

360, 73%

>> No.6027048

178wpm/100% comprehension

Any tips on how to read fast and not comprehend anything? I have tried skimming but that's a legit 0% comprehension.

>> No.6027062

I got 230 with 91%
English is also not my native language

>> No.6027094

271 wpm with 73% comprehension.
Not as high as I would have hoped but not terrible either.

>> No.6027096

I doubt whether many of the people who score above 500 were actually reading normally, as opposed to speed reading. The test said to read it as you would read a normal book.

>> No.6027103

319, 73%.

Not a native speaker.

>> No.6027111

382 wpm
Non-native speaker.

It was "fun" (like a game), but not very interesting.
That's just an ad for their products, IMO

I read some books at least 2 times quicker than others, it depends so much of the content, the difficulty of the language, the complexity of the ideas, ...

Just compare your "results" at reading a Shakespeare play and a daily-article of a newspaper...

>> No.6027114

yes, I believe they didn't read that part.

Depends on what you're reading.
If it some deep/complicated/petry material, no clue.

When it's a poor novel or just some news (<3 pages), I just read some part of the sentences, trying to pick the key-words.
It's sufficient to get the idea.

Do you sometimes try to listen to different conversation in the same time ? It looks to me like the same process : sometimes you're focusing because that's an important part, other times it's just blabla you can skip

>> No.6027119

338 with 80% comprehension, eventough I noticed what was going on since the beggining and slowed down to increase my comprehension

>> No.6027123

and I am not a native speaker

>> No.6027128

350 wpm, 100%.

Felt like I was reading slow then. The text was easy enough to read that it felt like I could skip 80% of it and still get the gist, and I think the whole speedreading thing is just that, seeing the important information and skipping the context words that you intuitively grasp from the context of the text. This of course carries the risk of missing something important, but that's a matter of experience.

>> No.6027133

309wpm 82% comprehension, second language
I really don't see how people can score 600+, that seems impossible, like typing 200+ wpm or something

>> No.6027140

Imagine the text in your first language.
You would surely try to read it faster than you do in your daily life. 600+ is just twice that your second language.

I dunno for you, but my wpm are terrible in my 2,3,4 languages.
I need to focus at every moment, even on simple sentences.
Meanwhile when I read novel in my first languages, I don't have the feeling to product an "effort". It's like riding a bike or driving a car. You don't think at what you're doing

>> No.6027181

I refer you to:
You see most people on this board come here to boast and they do tests like this in a dishonest way. It is very possible (and not even that difficult) to read that fast but you have to concentrate far harder than you do in real life.

>> No.6027185

I got 376 wpm, at first i thought i was reading slow lol.

>> No.6027212

it was so boring. I couldn't read any slower.

>> No.6027216

At first I clicked on Start and waited for a new page.
other tab
coming back
Oh, OK, I'm dumb.

Well. I'll redo it. Because if not, I'll score <10 :)

>> No.6027239

286wpm, third language. not bad i guess

>> No.6027252

100% comprehension.
319 wpm

>> No.6027257

Take 10% off of your final reading comprehension score

>> No.6027260

226 with 82% Im ok with this

>> No.6027267

And english is my second language

>> No.6027274

~680 wpm
100% comprehension (piss easy questions)

Honestly this isn't the sort of thing you can improve with practice; I've been speed reading since the 2nd grade (everyone accused me of cheating, even the teacher)

I just had more important things to do than to spend time slowly reading with my stupid classmates so I would read that shit as soon as I could and then play pokemon.

>> No.6027280

300 wpm @ 82% comprehension.

>> No.6027283

460 and 82%. but that test was horrible, questions 1,2,6,8,9,10 and 11 can be answered without even reading the text.

>> No.6027284

225wpm 82%
English is not my native language

>> No.6027317

time for
then. If you score the same, applause :)

>> No.6027327

471 wps

82% comprehension

>> No.6027337

650 at 65%

>> No.6027345
File: 747 KB, 1125x1500, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I scored 320 with 72% comprehension.

In this one:

I scored 419 with 100% comprehension.

What now?

>> No.6027346

> wps

Yeah, right.

>> No.6027366

3 questions for comprehension...

>> No.6027490

50522 WPM, 18% comprehension

>> No.6027500

325 91%, normal reading speed, 834 speed reading

>> No.6027562

735 wpm, 100% comprehension
I got 935 wpm when skimming.

>> No.6027563

so your comprehension is worse than random? nice

>> No.6027565

Cool pic. Augmented swastika. Or gammadion but gammadion can refer to the gamma cross, too.

>> No.6027608

291 wpm 82%

>> No.6027697

203 WPM @ 82%

I read at speaking speed, sometimes I get distracted by my thoughts mid-sentence and realize that I didn't actually digest the sentence I just read, so I start from the beginning of the sentence.

>> No.6027710
File: 511 KB, 1466x1600, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to score the best (I already take the test without cheating some time ago).

Pic related (no modification of the sauce, just quick clicking and right answering with 2 trials to figure out the correct answers)

But honestly, I'm skeptical about the comprehension test. Most of the answers are easily guessable without the text. Scoring under 50% seems difficult...

really, I don't understand how 18% is possible.
It's a test created by a company to demonstrate to you the merits and superiority of speed reading : you can infer most of the answers from that

>> No.6027729

I'm pretty sure he was joking. He just pressed finish immediately and guessed the answers.

>> No.6027733


This is all complete bullshit and a scam.

But whatevs 285 wpm, 100%

>> No.6027746

266 at 73%

>> No.6027754

but scoring 18% at guessing is just "impossible" unless you're a real cretin.

And of course he was joking, 50 000 is less than 2 seconds, maybe even less than 1.

>> No.6027756

381, 91%

>> No.6027768

926wpm 82%

>> No.6027770

I just checked :
score = (60/(t2-t1))*597

t2, t1 in seconds
time used = 35820/score in seconds

>> No.6027774

510 wpm; 45% comprehension. lol

>> No.6027804

819 wpm
91% comprehension

when i was a kid i taught myself to speedread without knowing what speedreading was. i could read at around 1500wpm
sad to see how far i've slipped

>> No.6027947

225 88%
In short bursts I can probably do 500
but the longer I read I probably dip down to 120

>> No.6027980

142 WPM ;_;

But Englisch is not my native language!

>> No.6027986

142 WPM and 91% accuracy

Not bad for a non-native speaker, huh?

>> No.6028008

385 100% accuracy, feels good man

>> No.6028355

234 at 91%
I'm certainly slow, but I always had good comprehension.
I think I should learn to speed read.

>> No.6028378

322 wpm @ 91% reading comprehension

>> No.6028382

www dot spreeder dot com

>> No.6028389
File: 11 KB, 250x312, Thumbs-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

91% comprehension. No cheating, for reals.
Feels averagely awesome, bro.

>> No.6028392

is this good or bad?

>> No.6028397

852 wpm, 82% comprehension

>> No.6028414

418wpm at a 73%, and 350 wpm if I want a 100%

>> No.6028433

380. 100% comprehension.

>> No.6028484

547 words reading, 73% comprehension. I'm improving.

>> No.6028502

343 at 91% wpm stoned.

probably around 400 wpm barrier when sober.