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6026029 No.6026029 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have a hemorrhagic fever

this hurts like dick, please help me /sci/

what do I do picture unrelated I'm from /mu/ and this is the only board I figured can help

>> No.6026034
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>asking for medical advice from the internet
seriously, just see a fucking doctor

>> No.6026038


nearest doctor is three hours away

i am tripping far too many balls from this fever to drive

just took some ibuprofen

>> No.6026037

>hemorrhagic fever

Holy shit, you need to be quarantined immediately. Call an ambulance.

>> No.6026045


I'm arizonan, we actually have naturally occuring flaviviridae here (dengue, breakbone)

>> No.6026047
File: 3 KB, 126x119, wtfbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearest doctor is three hours away
wtf!??? do you live in a cave on the top of a fucking mountain!??
3 hours?? are you shitting me?

>> No.6026048

doesn't matter, he's dead anyway

>> No.6026052


I don't think I'm dead, the symptons have gotten much better, with hemorrhagic fever they get worse and if they don't crescendo at 2-3 days you're fucked, but they already crescondeoded yesterday(2nd day)

>> No.6026069
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>3 hours
>cant drive
you dont read much, do ya?

>> No.6026067

>hemorrhagic fever
what the fuck OP
go to a fucking hospital right now

>> No.6026071

>living in a shithole

>> No.6026072

>hemorrhagic fever
>nearest doctor is 3 hours away
are you in africa by any chance?

>> No.6026081
File: 16 KB, 362x344, 1306999170756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm arizonan

>> No.6026084

It doesn't have to be a shithole, you know.
I live on a nice farm in the middle of nowhere. 5 hours to nearest town(pop. 5000) by car, 7 hours to a city (pop 31000). But I also haven't been ill or bed-ridden for the past 20 years.

>> No.6026115

alright feverman
listen close and obey
drink 9 8 oz glasses of water in the course of a day. NOT TODAY
your last one of the day put 1 tablespoon of sugar into it
take a hot shower
lay down and do not cover up
next day take 0 blood thinners or you will die
do the same thing with the water and shit just this time dose every glass with 3 tablespoons of lime juice by the next day you WILL feel better i promise
there is one more think if you know your herbs
you live in arizona right?
cactus juice will hydrate you and break down leftover blood without thinning it

>> No.6026125

i aint OP

>> No.6026132

oops sorry
this was meant for op