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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6025673 No.6025673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any mathfags help me out with a quick problem?
Got a 3rd degree polynomial and a 3rd order matrix
how do I prove the matrix is the root of the matrix polynomial?

>> No.6025678

Fuck you, btw

>> No.6025724

engineering and MEDICINE?! engineering is for those who failed in math. medicine is no science, its just learning things by heart that have been found experimentally

>> No.6025723

That list forgot Linguistics in god tier

>> No.6025726

no one knows what engineers do.

>> No.6025743

I'm not sure what you mean by the order of a matrix, is it a 3 by 3 matrix? In case the roots of the polynomial are the eigenvalues of the matrix, I'd wager that the matrix polynomial is zero.

>> No.6025750

Also, you may need to assume that the matrix has a basis consisting of eigenvectors. A simple condition which ensures this is that it has 3 distinct eigenvalues, of the matrix is 3 by 3.

>> No.6025760

Obviously normality is also sufficient to ensure a basis consisting of eigenvectors.

>> No.6025768

can't tell if sarcastic, but thanks.

We do math (real math even), logic/type theory, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, speech recognition/categorical perception, all sorts of cool shit.

>> No.6025766

Why is medicine up there?

>> No.6025771

You had my attention, now you have my contempt.

>> No.6025770

Probably because it is one of the most important sciences of all, both historically and presently.

>> No.6025784

Not much of a science though

>> No.6025785

Maybe replace medicine with biology

>> No.6025830

If the scientific method is the pillar of science, then medicine is much more scientific that, say, physics or mathematics.

>> No.6025840

How so

>> No.6025844

Rigorous statistical testing of new (and old) products and a blatant disgust with everything that has not yet been properly introduced to the scientific community.

>> No.6025851


>asking a legit question
>choosing that pic

you must be new here.

>> No.6025853


maths is not a science, and how is more scientific that physics?

>> No.6025856

you're correct, math is not a science.

>> No.6025860

The difference being math is invented. Measurements in science are purely observed.

>> No.6025862

Math is the pillar of all science. It's the pillar of everything for that matter,

>> No.6025868

You are aware that theoretical physics is just maths without rigour, right?

>> No.6025871

Is statistics really a good field to be in? I did enjoy it when I took it in college but I cant imagine Statistics being "god tier". Is there something peculiar about it? Job market? Salaries?

>> No.6025876

*cough* Philosophy *cough*

>> No.6025879

Different things. Philosophy is the pillar of the abstract.

>> No.6025877

Statistics has a place in politics and economy, and perhaps marketing. Not much more than that. I'd say about mid-tier.

>> No.6025878
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Just... epik

>> No.6025883

Fine, which one solves more immediate and pressing issues: taking "reality" and using rationality to solve it OR making a model for all possible situations, and picking it. Did math explain why you ended your sentence fucking comma?

>> No.6025884

Statistics is a very lively field, lots of math prizes have been given to statisticians in the past years.

Probably because it's relatively new and unexplored, so the low hanging fruits haven't been picked yet, unlike say, arithmetics or algebra.

>> No.6025888

mathematics is abstract, you dork.

>> No.6025886

Read: >>6025879

>> No.6025899

Calculus is abstract, Algebra is not.

>> No.6025901

Yes, and philosophy is the pillar of mathematics.

>> No.6025903

sorry, i don't act like a retard. go die.

>> No.6025907

Either do all the multiplication and stuff or find the characteristic equation of the matrix. It should be the same as your polynomial (or scaled by some number).

>> No.6025910

arguing about semantics is not a science

>> No.6025912

No one claims it is.

>> No.6025918

>hurr I'm too retarded to understand, I'll just tell him to go die that'll show him

If you can interpret 1+1=2 from a philosophical standpoint I'll agree with you.

Once in a philosophy class we were asked to make an essay on nihilism. A colleague of mine explained the concept of nihilism through a mathematical equation.

Needless to say, he got a 20/20 on that.

My point is, you can use maths to explain everything. The fact that it uses a symbolic language makes it universal and objective ; philosophy is almost the opposite.

>> No.6025917

Mathematics/Philosphy double major here...

>> No.6025920

It's called classmate you pretentious jerkwad.

>> No.6025977

>If you can interpret 1+1=2 from a philosophical standpoint I'll agree with you.

Logic is a sub-field of philosophy. Arithmetics is based on set-theory, which at its core is based on logic.

>My point is, you can use maths to explain everything. The fact that it uses a symbolic language makes it universal and objective ; philosophy is almost the opposite.

This is just a claim, and not a good one at that. Language is symbolic as well, does that make language universal and objective? And how do you explain, in terms of mathematics, the deliciousness that I perceive when this delicious salmon and eggs hit my tastebuds?

>> No.6026027

memes aside, are you trolling or just retarded?

>> No.6026431

English is not my native language.

>> No.6026436

"Deliciousness" is a subjective matter. As I said before, math is an objective "language".

>> No.6026446

>Third order matrix
Hmm, pls rephrase. I'm a mathmo but that chart is a bit mean, though I can occasionally inadvertently insult English students and Bionatscis by mistake.

>> No.6026458

>law pharmacology and toxicology, and geology
>in front of life and computer sciences
>rules, drugs, and rocks
>more complicated than every living thing, and complex machines

>> No.6026459
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>> No.6027069

lul, you shouldn't have posted this picture...
No one tries to answer you question.

If I understand your question, you have a polynomial
and a 3*3 matrix
Let's say :

>how do I prove the matrix is the root of the matrix polynomial?

you just need to plug M when you see X to compute P(M). You will get as a result a 3*3 matrix

here, X^2 becomes M^2={{22,14,18},{7,5,7},{18,14,22}}
and X^3 becomes M^3={{130,94,138},{47,33,47},{138,94,130}}

If the resulting matrix a*M^3+b*M^2+c*M+d*Id
(take care d=d*x^0 becomes d*Id !)
is the null matrix, then
"the matrix is the root of the matrix polynomial"

>> No.6027073

The chart is stupid. Some people have brains more suited to analytics while others are more suited to creativity. Sure there is some subjects that are easier but I can practically guarantee that if all science students were put into English, their average mark would decrease, not increase.

btw, before some jerkoff says something like "Butthurt english major detected", my subject is one that this graph describes as "God Tier".

>> No.6027102
File: 378 KB, 1200x900, titan_river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geology master race reporting in.

Feels good doing one of the very few disciplines that has its own distinct and emergent varieties of the science.

>pic related, just one of the potentially millions of different types of geology in the universe

>What untold wonders lie beneath the ethane seas of Titan? What are the processes that form the ice dunes? Is there a sub-surface ocean? Of what degree does fluvial geomorpholgy affect the topography? Is there evidence of cryovolcanism, like there is on its neighbor Enceladus?

>> No.6027108
File: 33 KB, 494x375, banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw low tier
> tfw always wanted to be a physicist

>> No.6027142

I bump the only satisfying answer to OP question.

Keep discussing on the chart, I'll bump regularly until OP read it. (If he comes back...)

>> No.6027173

My sister does medicine and she works a LOT harder than me and I do maths. Her textbooks are near incomprehensible (just as mine are to her I suppose)

>> No.6027205

my sister is a whore and she works all night long, even on week-ends.

my brother is an autistic dude who everyday reads and remembers the whole content of a random book, in any non-transliterated language.

--> They both work very hard. It's totally "useless" for the community (debatable for my sister).

inb4 inutile sarcasm.
I do know that medicine is fucking hard (and you have a lot of things to memorize), but I think the time you spend of something is not by itself a reliable indicator.