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File: 58 KB, 200x198, This saddening feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6024536 No.6024536 [Reply] [Original]

>"The Voyager-1 is the first man-made object to finally reach inter-stellar space, today."
>You will never witness the rush for human colonization of the Sol System and the stars
>You will never see Man hold sway over a multitude of planets and moons and star systems

>> No.6024561

>You will never see mankind adapt to life on various new worlds
>You will never see the resulting conflicts- political, social, and otherwise- between the new races
>You will never fuck extra-exotic chicks and make sterile babies.
>You will never witness the moment off-earth humans are declared different species
>You will never participate in the final galactic solution

>> No.6024569

>travel to a 65million light years away from earth planet
>watch earth from a telescope
>see the dinasours walk the earth

>traveling 20 light years away from earth
>watching earth from a telescope
>see your child ears again

>> No.6024570

child years*

>> No.6024574

Speak for yourself, I plan to live until we run out of stars.

>> No.6024580

And just how are you planning to live that long?

>> No.6024595



>> No.6024611

>I will not be around for the exploration of other galaxies.
>Voyager took 38 years to reach inter stellar space, another 30,000 years to reach another star.
>Mars, our closest neighbor, is a year away with technology we have now.
>Assuming technology progresses and we learn to go faster, it will be a month away.
>Inter stellar space will be 3.8 years away.

Either this or it still takes 38 years because of lack of fuel, using gravitational assists, etc.

>> No.6024616

>Become immortal
>200 years later
>Reincarnation is proven to exist
>Have to be old forever
>Everyone else offs themselves at 17 after backing up their knowledge

>> No.6024617
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>you were born before the fossil fuels become scarce
>you will not live long enough to see humanity's downfall

>> No.6024619

It sucks that it's not just that the speed of light has to be broken, but that you have to be able to rape it several dozen times over to be able to go fast enough to get to another star in under a year.

>> No.6024620


We can use nuclear energy

>> No.6024623

Humanity survived fine before them. Modern society will collapse to an extent but mankind will be fine in it's neo-1800s steampunk and charcoal era.

>> No.6024627

"The first person to live to 600 years old has already been born." - Neil deGrasse Tyson

You'll be fine.

>> No.6024629

> you will see an artificial world, indistinguishable from the real world, be created
> you will be able to explore it
> you will see the end to most major diseases/afflictions including cancer and aids
> you may witness the first entirely digital human

>> No.6024628

>That feel when he meant the biblical people of old

>> No.6024641

>You will never rent a shitty one room apartment on the first Mars colony
>You will never spend 12 hours a day masturbating to gratuitous anime porn in Mars apartment
>You will never receive noise complaints from fellow tenants in Mars apartment building for blasting lolicore and anime theme song music
>You will never molest the first daughter of a human-extraterrestrial couple

>> No.6024643

Pretty much.

With the way technology is advancing, however, we may have crafts orbiting other stars within the next 50 years.

Coming close to breaking the speed of light is good enough to get to another star within the time it takes to get to Saturn.

On top of that, to be optimistic, Voyager was launched 38 years ago where technology was utter poop. We've advanced so much from then. My phone has more memory than Voyager, which is funny.

I dunno. I'm just trying to make both of us feel happier. We probably won't make it to another star and WON'T colonize anything out of our solar system for the next few hundred.

>> No.6024642


>> No.6024645

>You will never live to see the Mars colonists nuke Earth in the first Martian Revolution.

>> No.6024647

>You will never watch a news report about a colony drop

>> No.6024648

How long before the first interstellar truck stop with an interstellar McDonald's conveniently positioned along a road lined with interstellar billboards?

>> No.6024651
File: 277 KB, 1920x1200, A Secret Report within the Guild - Dune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never live to see humanity rule the Known Universe
>You will never travel in a heighliner starship capable of traversing the stars instantly

>> No.6024653

Humans already rule the known universe. Prove they don't.

>> No.6024656

Prove we do.

>> No.6024661

There are no other species or life forms known in the known universe, thus humans are the sole masters.

>> No.6024662
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Le_Befuddled_Car_Salesman _Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6024713

>You'll never buy and terraform your own personal planet for 3 payments of $39.95

>> No.6024727

you can't rule something you cannot significantly influence by your will.

>> No.6024748

Unless we get alcubierre drives or wormholes working.

>> No.6024749

what's your major/profession?

>> No.6024750
File: 146 KB, 442x960, 1360381597610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be ok


(Links to underwater oil rigs removed because system mistakes them for spam)



Undersea colonization:

Ocean surface colonization:


>> No.6024751

>not 25

how do i into neurology

>> No.6024752

speed of light is a pretty arbitrary value with reference to getting between distant points in our galaxy in a comfortable time frame with reference to the natural lifespan of a healthy human.
we need some means entirely beyond simply using conventional drives.

>> No.6024759

>There are no other species or life forms known in the known universe, thus humans are the sole masters.
Gods above I hope someone takes the keyboard away from you. We're lightyears away from many planets which could hold life. far enough away that even if we could see those planets we would not see what life there could be on them. If you go far enough away from earth and look back we're still a volcano-covered rock with the mass of the moon that mars hasn't smacked away from us yet.

>> No.6024834

You'd also see our space craft. I don't see any alien space craft, ergo no aliens that can claim to rule the stars.

>> No.6024864

>You will never witness the rush for human colonization of the Sol System and the stars

Speak for yourself, I plan to live to one hundred. I'm seeing this shit, no matter the cost.

>> No.6024886

On a scale of 1 to Chopra, how dumb are you?

>> No.6024900
File: 244 KB, 373x327, 2Edgy4Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gods above

Heretic scum, pls fuck off

>> No.6024904
File: 2.20 MB, 337x268, 1372917993997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6024993

What if I told you that somebody was kind enough to build us a big ass nuclear reactor in space a while ago, and that it was ready to use right now?

>> No.6025041 [DELETED] 

Voyager-1 is technically still in the Solar System until is passes out of the Kuiper Belt and into the Oort Cloud

>> No.6025044

>green energy
>plz go

>> No.6025062

This is why I believe in reincarnation. I know that it has bo scientific backing. I also know that it makes no sense due to expanding populations. But I want to believe, and when I die it won't matter anyway.

>> No.6025082
File: 89 KB, 387x580, ff_kurzweil1_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP maybe you won't be alive to witness those things , but I will :)

>> No.6025087

>makes no sense due to expanding populations

It assumes no new people are generated and that you can only come back as human. If you think about it, only a finite amount of things can be alive on earth at once.

>> No.6025100

This. Also, the nature of reincarnation could also be something like some sort of neurological energy being sent out in a burst that spreads and is inherited by budding life and adds to it's perception of the world around it when it is essentially born. In effect you didn't become one new person, but rather your history was taken and spread amongst many new organisms.

>> No.6025103

You guys always talk about this sea exploration stuff, but I hardly ever see it actually talked about on the news. If this were our big future, wouldn't it be more prominent in our media? All I ever hear about it space stuff.

>> No.6025114

>Perhaps the Voyager records will never be intercepted. Perhaps no one in five billion years will ever come upon them. Five billion years is a long time. In five billion years, all human beings will have become extinct or evolved into other beings, none of our artifacts will have survived on Earth, the continents will have become unrecognizably altered or destroyed, and the evolution of the Sun will have burned the Earth to a crisp or reduced it to a whirl of atoms.
Far from home, untouched by these remote events, the Voyagers, bearing the memories of a world that is no more, will fly on.

>> No.6025115
File: 31 KB, 698x305, roybatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a horrible feel, people will look back and think "how did they function without this? i pity them", just how we see people from centuries ago

kill me

>> No.6025118

reincarnation is what allows me to get out of bed

>> No.6025209
File: 81 KB, 803x617, 1378460107646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is making me so fucking sad...

>> No.6025216

until it crashes/gets hit.

>> No.6025219
File: 19 KB, 240x320, 135013561352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colonizing space

Colonization of the South America and the lower half of North America created Africa 2.0.

Do these video game inspired dorks seriously believe spreading favelas and barrios to places like Mars or Europa would be a beautiful thing?

>> No.6025229

Fuck off, Catholic. You and your followers ruined Christianity for almost 2000 and forever and now and were responsible for that Civil War and World War Tragedy.

Sorry for the religious outburst ,mods, I'll get out /sci/ right away after the replies.

>> No.6025251

On the other hand, colonizing Australia made it a first world country. Same with the US.
I guess it depends if there are a lot of natives and on who colonizes it: thus a small chance a colonized moon or Mars turns into a shithole.

>> No.6025258

I would say the sadder fact is that you will never know if they did. I think we'll see some companies set up on the Moon in our time though, but again, we don't how long we'll living by then, so maybe you will.

>> No.6025277

Humanity needs to get past the great filter first or we will go extinct before exploring the stars.

I heard it's really really hard.

>> No.6025306


>> No.6025309

People thought if rom falles, man would become a animal again.

>> No.6025321

But being underwater is scary. I would much rather explore a new planet, wish is somewhat earthlike, and walk through it's untouched nature destroying the wildlife.

>> No.6025337

>the Voyager-1 is the first man-made object to finally reach inter-stellar space, today

Thank Doge that "inter-stellar space" is so precisely defined.

>> No.6025340

I don't think that'll ever happen

>> No.6025344


Earth is home to several species.

captcha: les fartwise

>> No.6025358

It doesn't matter, OP, we still have DMT, that's just enough interstellar space for most people.

>> No.6025359


Dude, you've totally confused information technology with energy. They are not the same. One isn't perfectly exchangeable for the other.

Multiplying Voyager's memory by a billion won't make it go any faster.

>> No.6025361


And why wouldn't it be 'precisely' defined? The news articles claim that during 25 August 2012, Voyager 1 entered interstellar space. Over the span of a day, the spacecraft went about 1.5 million kilometers. How thick would be transition zone from the solar wind and the interstellar medium have to be to satisfy you?

>> No.6025600
File: 26 KB, 480x320, immortalsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since you suggested...