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/sci/ - Science & Math

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6022504 No.6022504 [Reply] [Original]

I refuse to reproduce because I am mathematically inept.

You're welcome.

>> No.6022507

As long as it is your choice, that's fine.

>> No.6022508


>> No.6022513

Believe it or not I've established that I will give all of my left over money towards something science related when I die to show you guys my gratitude. I suppose that will be my contribution since I am so retarded.

>> No.6022516

Jesus christ, man. Just read a mathematics text book and practice

>> No.6022518 [DELETED] 

I've been working on understanding one point on a physics lecture I was watching online. One person replied on a basic physics forum to which I remained unsatisfied. I'm glued on an interpretation issue what is probably as basic as reciting your alphabet.

>> No.6022521

I've been working on understanding one point on a physics lecture I was watching online. One person replied on a basic physics forum to which I remain unsatisfied. I'm glued on an interpretation issue which is probably as basic as reciting your alphabet.

The problem with me is I'm such an incredibly slow learner that it hinders any hope for substantial progress. I see the potential lingering in the deep crevices of my brain but I cannot muster them to the surface.

>> No.6022527


>> No.6022560

Devote yourself to the arts, then. Yeeeesh

>> No.6022567

Good. You're the reason this world is so far behind.

>> No.6022577


this guy is so good at explaining, he could teach a toddler quantum physics. you don't have to be smart to understand math and science, some people just need more time or better explanations

>> No.6022582


>> No.6022584

to use logical thinking

>> No.6022587

To understand math and science you have to think logically, fool

>> No.6022592

"smart" is something you can learn, through experience.

>> No.6022598
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>> No.6022601

How else would you understand it? Seriously.

>> No.6022610

I would like an explanation as well.

>> No.6022621

>Implying the decision not to reproduce was made by you.

>> No.6022622

by having ambition, discipline and the will to learn?
of course this does not apply to people that are mentally retarded or brain damaged, but I think a person can at least struggle through learning math even though they have a below average IQ
I am studying civil engineering and am at the top 10 of my class. I am in no way the smartest person in the room, I just have to work much harder than most people there

>> No.6022638

The ambition and will exists. My capabilities are limited. But I have learned everything up to this point through my ability (however limited) to logically reason.

>> No.6022698

Boy, I will make your life simple.

With regards to your question that you cant find an answer to, you already know that the radius can be represented by x_0.
Where else do you find the radius?
The same radius that goes alllll the way to the particle.

Take that radius as the hypotenuse, and let the distance to the point along the x axis be "adjacent" to the hypotenuse.

cosine(theta) = adjacent/hypotenuse
cosine(theta) = adjacent/radius
cosine(theta) = adjacent/x_0
You want to find adjacent
x_0 times cosine(theta) = adjacent, which is the position of the particle along the x axis.

Your. Fucking. Welcome.

>> No.6022708 [DELETED] 

Also, just because he says that x_0 is at a "specific" spot", you have to use your logic in that that same distance applies to all angles within that circle. You take things too literally. Loosen up a bit.

>> No.6022714

Also, just because he says that x_0 is at a "specific" spot", doesn't mean that the same x_0 you see later is exactly that same spot. You have to use your logic in that that same distance applies to all angles within that circle. You take things too literally. Loosen up a bit.

>> No.6022724

That is what was troubling me? Oh, you're kidding.

>> No.6023737

Your mathematical ability just like your ability to play an instrument is HEAVILY dependant on your upbringing. I didn't get taught math above multiplication as a child but can rotate and manipulate detailed objects in my head in 3 or 4 dimensions. Why? Because I am autistic and thats the type of shit I've wondered about in my life.