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File: 29 KB, 304x400, millhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6021595 No.6021595 [Reply] [Original]

mfw my university just got rated 4th in the world


>> No.6021622

Millhouse IS a particularly good choice here.
I'm sure that is what you look like indeed

>> No.6021617

>Better than Oxford


>> No.6021620

4th best lol, reminds me of Australia

>> No.6021627


>> No.6021630

Start reading about the criterias those rankings use, and how they mash them together.
Most subjective crap in the world.

>> No.6021640

Apart from it being stupid and pointless and whatnot, it was 4th last year as well, so I'm not sure what you're so excited about

>> No.6021656

These guys especially use some of the most subjective measures among all these stupid ranking systems.

>> No.6021658

Given UCL and Imperial College position, I bet they give plenty of points for having more foreign students.

>> No.6021661


Oxford is pretty heavy on the foreigners, at least at postgrad level. Something like 60% of postgraduate students are from overseas?

We're taking all your jobs, Britfags. Expect us.

>> No.6021664

Great! First Latin-american uni on the list.

>> No.6021665

most flawed list i've ever seen

>> No.6021673

So /sci/, while I agree on you this chart is pretty much worthless, do you know a more accurate chart?
It doesn't really need to be of this year, university doesn't really change from one year to another

>> No.6021685


Trying to order universities one by one is a futile affair. For undergraduate, it suffices to know the difference between elite, good, decent and shit universities. For postgraduate, it's location, supervisor and funding.

If you insist on using charts, look for those that order on narrow, explicit criteria, rather than a general notion of goodness.

>> No.6021688

It really depends on what you're looking for.

Wanna go industry? Look at average salaries (per field of employment otherwise it's worthless), or percentage of alumni in Fortune 500 director board, or something like that.

Wanna go research? University doesn't matter then, only the lab does.
Unless it's for undergrad. Then the best rankings are comparative rankings where you take two colleges A and B, and look at the people who were accepted in both A and B.
Then you look at how many chose A and how many chose B. Biggest one wins.

Yes it's not perfect, it only shows general students preference, but at least it's not subjective as fuck. Also student preference is what really matters, since it's the brilliant students that make brilliant colleges.

>> No.6021697
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Not 3rd though, is it?
But yeah, this does seem a bit contrived.

>> No.6021699

this list extremly overrates american unis compared to much better ones overseas
how can you compare students preference from diffrent countries?

>> No.6021703


>> No.6021706

Admitedly it only works for comparing colleges in one country.
However, if you're gonna go abroad for college, you should really have a project, and a solid reason. And by solid, I mean a better one than some ranking.

>> No.6021710


Most of these lists include and employer survey, and most of these employers are Free. So it is natural that Free universities will outrank the enslaved.

>> No.6021712


>> No.6021736

Comparing consensus of the quality of universities is akin to comparing penis size or wealth.

>> No.6021767

Yeah! Brazil stronk. Now gimme money.

>> No.6021776
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>> No.6021790
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>> No.6021820

So which oxbridge college did you get rejected from?

>> No.6021819


>Implying MIT isn't the best university for anything technology related

>> No.6021821


What college you at?

>> No.6021824 [DELETED] 
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mfw I went to number 3

>> No.6021825

>my face when living in Scandinavia and nearly no universities in world class

>> No.6021826

No racism on /sci/

And keep in mind that just going to a good university does not automatically make you good or clever. You also have to work hard, do well, and use the knowledge for something useful.

>> No.6021827

>getting pooled to girton for land ec

>> No.6021830
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>tfw NTNU is low as fuck on the ranking

At least everyone throws money at us

>> No.6021833

maths master race here

>> No.6021841
File: 100 KB, 394x575, 1372754373001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck dragvoll

>> No.6021836

I like to think that NTNU is only low because it offers studies like masters degree in "Dance" and "Africa studies" but it probably doesn't have that much to do with it

>> No.6021838

Tarantino is the most racist man alive.

>> No.6021844

>getting pooled to girton for maths

>> No.6021846

When making films, or any work of fiction for that matter, making racist characters is acceptable, as it often adds to the story. It helps to make a good villain, in most cases.

But when not in fiction or fantasy, it is a personality flaw to be racist in everyday life.

And besides, you are breaking a rule.
>4chan global rule 3: "Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism..."

The N word is a racist word. It is commonly found to be extremely offensive.

>> No.6021849

Is that like a building of NTNU where all the non science takes place?

>> No.6021852

Nah I didn't go to Girton. But I bet you're one of those faggots from trinity or johns who think they're cool

>> No.6021851


Yes, but they're on a different campus

The science campus is gloshaugen, the non science campus is dragvoll

>> No.6021854

I see.

>> No.6021861

>hurr durr I'm in charge of what words mean
Seriously go back to leddit. I know you think "I'm only one person, what difference does it make". But please fuck off

>> No.6021868

>the famous Oxbridge reject troll.

>> No.6021872

>UCL 4th
>Oxford 6th

I was planning to go to Oxford if UCL rejected me.

>> No.6021876

Because you weren't good enough for Cam?

>> No.6021873

>not going to trin or john's
i bet you went to state school as well

>> No.6021886

>Four A*
Though Cambridge is a very good school I just wasn't country bumpkin enough for the Fens.

>Why live anywhere but London

>> No.6021888

>not getting 5
amateur. What course you do bro?

>> No.6021893

>shit for any non-scientific discipline, not even the best for all scientific disciplines
>no CIT
>Yale that low
>UPenn so high
>That completely idiotic South American ranking

Ask me how I know this ranking is pretty much useless

>> No.6021894

Maths with side of Econ

>> No.6021903

Not looking at subject specific ranking

>implying LSE is not glorious second on the planet for my degree field
>implying I didnt get in to the second best university on the planet with AAAB

how does it feel being plebians or hard work/no life sad fucks ?

>> No.6021908

Kill me

>> No.6021924

>hard work
it feels great, and great prep for my dazzling career.
>tfw i love hard work

>> No.6021930

>not full of workhard idiots not smart enough for oxbridge

>> No.6021929

>tfw 500-550

>> No.6021933

>implying hard work is somehow not a virtue

>> No.6021934

least I made the top 50 (and got paid to attend).

#45 to be exact, not bad at all.

>> No.6021940

Oh no don't get me wrong, it is a virtue. It's just places like Imperial/UCL/LSE are mostly full of smart people who work very hard, which puts their grades often on a par with Oxbridge. However, the majority of people in Oxbridge are smarter and work less hard, achieving the same result (pre-university, giving them more scope to up their game at uni. LSE/UCL/Imperial kids have often reached their max potential already, whereas Oxbridge kids usually never really worked at all at school but were smart enough to carry them through. Admissions tests and interviews are designed to work out who got an A* because they worked really hard (a virtue, but not oxbridge material) and who got an A* because they are very clever. Then when they get to Oxbridge itself they use their intellect and on top of that work really hard. The primary concern for admissions tutors is whether they think the candidate can hack it at Oxbridge, and those that are already working flat out at A level will not be able to.

>> No.6021941

you know UCL's maths course is pretty weak , don't you?

IT has a good brand name in general, but among any employer who takes a lot of maths graduates Warwick, Imperial, Oxford and Cambridge will be held in higher regard.

UCL doesn't even make STEP part of their offer, I don't think.

>> No.6021942

LSE is oxbridge-tier for economics and oxford-brookes-tier for basically anything else.

>> No.6021946

Confirmed. If you want to study pure econ the ranking is 1. Cam 2. LSE

>> No.6021966

Not OP, but UCL maths department gets consistent 5* research rankings, and is outstanding in fluids and geometry.

Warwick pretends to be good by using STEP, UCL easily outclasses it. I'm guessing you are at Warwick.

>> No.6021970

>However, the majority of people in Oxbridge are smarter and work less hard, achieving the same result
No one can pass the maths tripos with a decent degree without intense hard work. The less work for same end bullshit is the preserve of high school and lower tier universities.

>> No.6021975

We are not talking hard work at A level. We are talking hard work at uni. Any Cambridge STEM syllabus is about twice the content of, idk, Exeter. You will be worked hard. Humanities/Arts at Oxford is another matter however

>> No.6021976
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mfw my university just got rated 3rd in the world

>> No.6021990


I feel bad for people who actually believe this. Though not overly because they must be incredibly stupid to believe in such insipid nonsense. It's also their fault for not seeking out my opinion before believing in nonsense.

>> No.6021991

>I feel bad

Nobody cares how you feel. Maybe on /pol/ "muh feelings" is an argument but on /sci/ it isn't.

>> No.6021999

darn only 160

>> No.6021997

>We are not talking hard work at A level.
Yes we are read the fucking post you are replying too.

Funny how so many people get buttmad at this kind of post, even when most trained educators in high school know to tell a student who works too hard to lay it off a little bit, otherwise he will just crash and burn in college.

>> No.6022000


You clearly care enough to make a comment about it.

>> No.6022005
File: 46 KB, 750x601, vegina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my school's power ranking is so good it's off the charts

>> No.6022004

>tfw dropped from 50th to 58th

>> No.6022011


The higher the ranking, the worse it is.

>> No.6022012 [DELETED] 

Suck my dick niggers.

>> No.6022023
File: 14 KB, 300x313, noshitsherlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit?

>> No.6022026

>mfw I know from other students, that were at an uni that ranked ~30 and they all said that the math classes they had in their masters were bachelor tier at best at my ~250 ranked uni.
yeah congrats on winning that list OP

>> No.6022031

No racism on /sci/

>> No.6022034
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 5ba44e2c16c42690419b9b706502dd20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Out of the top 5 universities in my country, it's the most conservative
Fuck yeah, not having to put up with communists and bleeding hearts on campus.

>> No.6022041


Second non-UK,USA,Canada university.

>mfw I pay 1200$ per year
>mfw Switzerland is the place to be

>> No.6022047


Yes... which was exactly my point. You need to massively up your game from A levels to Oxbridge, the guys who end up at UCL/LSE/Imperial were equal at A level but were working at 90-100% of their potential, whereas those who actually got into Oxbridge were mostly working at 50-60% of their potential. The rejects were rejected because they wouldn't have been able to cope with it.

>incredibly stupid
>feel like this
This is gleaned from
1) doing STEM undergrad (and postgrad starting next month) at Cambridge
2) Many conversations with my DoS and Tutor (who decide who gets in)
3) Attending a school with ~10% of the sixth form (state grammar) ending up at Oxbridge from ~20% applying, with the rejects ending up at LSE/Imperial/UCL etc. I predicted with close to 90% accuracy who would get in (to Oxbridge) and who wouldn't, just from having known the people (and their capabilities) for 6 years.

>> No.6022043

should i kill myself?
it was 100s last year

>> No.6022054

>the guys who end up at UCL/LSE/Imperial were equal at A level but were working at 90-100% of their potential

lol, you're an idiot if you believe this

>> No.6022059

Nothing I said was racist. Stop shitposting.

>> No.6022065

Perhaps the numbers are an exaggeration, but the point stands. I know a lot of people (from school and intervarsity extracurriculars) at a lot of different Universities, and it is pretty much just true. A levels are easy as fuck and 99% of Oxbridge STEM kids could have gotten A*s with next to 0 work. The same cannot be said for the Imperial/LSE/UCL kids

>> No.6022075

>NTNU below UiO and UiB


>> No.6022078

>The same cannot be said for the Imperial/LSE/UCL kids

Yeah no. Your sample size is invalid

>> No.6022300

>tfw between 150 and 200
>had grades for top 10
>had to stay at home uni

Fuck I'm so dumb. I had the golden ticket but didn't cash it in at all.

I plan to apply for imperial or cambridge for a masters in my subject for a new experience mainly (CV cred also).

1. If imperial/cambridge is so hard, why do they accept students for post-grad from other unis? I mean I've heard that some students can't go straight to the cambridge masters for maths (they need to do a masters at their own uni first), but that's the only one.

2. Not insulting here, but is the stuff you do in cambridge and imperial so "rigorous" that it is basically useless outside of an exam? I'm sure my uni's no better, and I forget everything about 2 days after the exam. Would it be about 2 minutes for cam./imp.?

Is rigorous a codeword for "stuffed with maths"?

The link below is an interesting read. The guy basically says that his camb. EE degree was crap and all the exams required nothing but memorisation.


3. Does anyone have firsthand experience of these imperial horror stories I read about? Like you go there, everyone's foreign, the course is hard as shit, you get no help, there are no vaginas in any of the buildings.

>> No.6022320

no I went to cambridge.

I don't understand why you're mentioning research when talking about the undergraduate course. It's undeniable that Warwick and imperial are both more selective for their maths students than UCL.

>> No.6022325

there is much less competition for post graduate places because far fewer people go on to do postgrad courses...

Isn't that obvious?

>> No.6022326

>If imperial/cambridge is so hard, why do they accept students for post-grad from other unis?
This is because one university doesn't do research on aspects of the subject, just what the research professors are interested in.

>> No.6022332


Most universities don't want (and some won't even allow it) students to attend grad studies where they did they did their undergrad.

>> No.6022385
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tfw when your country is not even on the list

>> No.6022382
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> tfw 338th
> tfw you were born in an Eastern European shithole, in a small town, to a relatively poor family.
> tfw you've lost the genetic lottery and will die forgotten
> tfw


>> No.6022389

1. Some people slip through the net. Some people are good enough for Oxbridge but fucked up/couldn't/didn't want to go for undergrad. People change. They don't judge based solely on academic qualifications (though obviously they are very important).

2. Yes. The guy in the TSR comment has a massive chip on his shoulder for some reason. Not everyone is going to be 100% happy with their course, but take what he says with a pinch of salt. I know a lot of engineers and most of them love it at cam. Of the two I know that didn't, 1 dropped out and one realised he didn't like it part way through 2nd year so just slogged through to graduation and has gone off to work for a hedge fund. I cannot speak for the guy who wrote that but 99% of the people I have come across have had immensely positive opinions of the university, and the grumbling that exists (there will always be some) is no greater than you would expect anywhere else. I suspect that, per capita, there will be more Imperial horror stories than Cam horror stories.

Rigorous means hard and time-intensive. You might forget stuff after the exam but that is personal rather than the fault of the teaching. If you properly learnt the material rather than just cramming (much harder to do at Cam) then you should remember it.

3. Yes. My older brother did the 4 year EEE masters and, after a YINI is starting a PhD there in a few weeks. He hated the foreign students because he said most were just their to get a degree for the piece of paper and had no intention of being engineers. He has a gf he got from Imperial but she is one of the very few girls in the Engineering department. There are more girls but they are in the medical school, which you won't mix with if you do engineering. The course is presumably hard but Cam will be harder, and if you put the effort in you will be fine (they only let people in who can hack it).

>> No.6022394

In depends on the program. University of Toronto dental school is in the top ten but its only 17 on the list.

>> No.6022411


Any knowledge about ChemEng at Cambridge? Are there similar issues to the ones that the EE guy was talking about? I got a very positive image of the course based on the internet, and the department certainly tries to sell itself, but I'd be interested to hear what gripes people have with it. And say I want to pursue a PhD after I'm done with the course, how likely is it that I get to do this at Cambridge if I went there for undergrad?

>> No.6022414

>Mfw it's rated almost entirely on reputation.
>Mfw this has almost nothing to do with undergraduate studies, which everyone suddenly starts bragging about.
>Mfw people think it's better to go to a "good" university because it's "good" rather than one which offers a better course.

>> No.6022415

Rankings don't matter to learning but so many people only care about prestige and money these days instead of knowledge. Actually the best ranked schools are harmful to knowledge because governments have so much influence on them. If you want to teach something or publish something that is against what the government wants you believe then your career is threatened. I have a friend who was a professor in one of those top schools (rather not say which one for the sake of confidential) and he was almost fired for publishing something controversial and instead of letting him publish his paper despite the evidence, they outright threatened him both his job and his life! But he retired early (in his forties) because he couldn't take their hypocrisy anymore and he is much happier these days away from that. Top scholars of today in the western world are hypocrites.

My tip? If you want to make just money don't lie to yourself. Go to one of these top schools and get your degree and fin a job but if you want to actually be a scholar in one these top universities, I suggest you rethink that choice.

>> No.6022416
File: 170 KB, 320x312, 931-baby-reaction-face[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, forgot pic

>> No.6022418


I was about to call you shitposting pop-sci tard but this picture changes everything

>> No.6022421

>tfw my school wouldn't have made the top 1000

>> No.6022422

>pop-sci tard
I know you didn't actually call me it, but I still feel hurt and confused. I have a degree :'(

>> No.6022451

Not really, I know one girl who does it and she seems to enjoy it. Read the course stuff, if you can find an alum ask them. But seriously, uni is not just about the course. Even if all the oxbridge courses were bad, I will still recommend it.

>> No.6022464

>having a STEM degree
>popsci tard
there is a lot more overlap than you think

>> No.6022673

>mine is ranked 240 in the world...

Not bad, better than all you CC fags (9/10 people in this thread are in highschool or CC)

>> No.6022685

Hey faggots, my uni is ranked 4007th in world, but I'm happy and have friends and an awesome, beautiful mating partner.

this is my first post on chan4 and I shan't be coming back.

>> No.6022968

A lot of the highly-ranked public schools actually have extremely poor undergraduate teaching quality. That's probably because in that setting the best way to get more money for research is to enroll more undergrad brats. Big publics have ludicrous class sizes with very little teaching staff well into the second and third years of many programs (The University of Toronto is a prime example of a highly ranked school with Nigeria-tier teaching that kids clamber for).

>> No.6022990

22. Alright, but so far it's been just meh.

>> No.6023080

tfw 212

welp might as well kill myself

>> No.6023215


One seemingly obvious thing to do, if you insist on using this rating, is to filter by academic reputation.


>> No.6023232
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Mine is 279.
Ow, my feels..

>> No.6023235

But what subject do you study? UCL is mid tier in STEM

>> No.6023253

These rankings are pure bollocks. Prime example here:

>U of O


>> No.6023257

86th here, not bad, its the best in the country for Electronic Engineering

>> No.6023258

English major.

>> No.6023260


I'm okay with this.

>> No.6023261
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>no socialists on campus

Do you actually go to St Lucia? The Marxists and Socialist Alliance are almost always there.

>> No.6023264

So I know a guy who managed to get into Oxford. For context, we are from a developing country and he attended undergrad at a shit-tier university that is probably not even top 200 worldwide.

How the fuck did he manage it? He got in for something related to cosmology too, so not some faggot liberal arts shit.

>> No.6023268
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>not being the youngest guy to attend Cambridge since the 18th century
>not being a Christian clerical member

>> No.6023270

>that smug smirk

>> No.6023272

>Not being able to read a book

>> No.6023273

>christian clerical member
Were you a dick before you became a priest or was it part of the training?

>> No.6023274
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>> No.6023282



Here's the best part

>In 1999, TES reported that Faludy "can barely write his name or peel a banana but can expound at length on the rationalist argument for God"


He got in because he could make ontological arguments for God.

>> No.6023286
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>he can't do rational things well, but he does irrational things really well

>> No.6023287

Huh, I would think that that would be a great way to end up in an asylum, not in a university.

>> No.6023289

I am so sick of this student election bullshit.

Can't these retards go play Young Politics somewhere else?

>> No.6023296

They had to do a 2nd one because someone fucked up the first time or something. I fucking hate it when they stalk you across the campus. I've seen a Blue Team, a Yellow Team and a Pink Team all walking along side 1 person and trying to convince them to vote.

I'm 28 so most think I'm a lecturer instead, so don't hassle me. One of the Blue Team followed me and I straight up said "You're wasting your time, I'm not voting" and he got all anal-pained about it, asking me if I knew that student unions provided all the eateries and whatnot. I had to explain to him I honestly didn't care and had zero emotional investment in it. He screwed up his face in dismay/disgust.

Do these people skip classes to participate in this? Are they even students? Are they in their final year and only have literally weeks left to go anyway? Are they first years? I'd love to ask them were it not for the fact that would involve talking to them.

>> No.6023756

bump for hilarity

>> No.6023820

whats this bullshit? my university I went to isnt even on the list.

>> No.6023846

This and only this.

>> No.6023853

>my university I went to
With grammar like that, it's hardly surprising...

>> No.6023880

bite me for not knowing the exact grammer for all 5 languages to use I know on an informal website.

>> No.6023923


of all*

delete: to use

Tell me, which place does english ocuppy on your list of languages?

>> No.6023926


are you german

>> No.6023931 [DELETED] 

German grammar is similar in english and german, compared to latin tongues or the other possible languages this poster "knows"

>> No.6023936

German grammar is similar to english grammar, at least compared to latin tongues or the other possible languages this poster "knows"

>> No.6023947

I know Urdu, Telugu, Hindi, English and a little Spanish.

>> No.6023953

english: The dog ran down the road
german: Down the road the dog ran.

>> No.6023955

and thus proving my point. thanks.

>> No.6023964

Sorry, 2, I didnt read Hindi right.

>> No.6023965


>> No.6023960

You effectively know 1 language then. Dialects are not languages and "speaking a little spanish" is not knowing a language.

>> No.6023969

no thats passive

it's "The dog ran the road down" (doesnt really make sense that way)

>> No.6023971

do you really think these are dialects of one another?

>> No.6023978

Telugu is a Dravidic language. Hindi and Urdu have many loanwords from each other, and are both Indo-European, but more distant than say, English and French. English is v distantly related to both. So I make that 4 languages, plus a little Spanish.

>> No.6023983

Hindu and Urdu are like Bokmal and Nynorsk you faggot

>> No.6023996

You speak three dialects and local variations of Hindu and no español, motherfucker.

>> No.6024007

Not anon who speaks any langauges but my own
>Telugu is a Dravidic language.
Do you know what means. Do you really think Telugu is a Hindi variant?

>> No.6024010

To Indian scholars, there are only five languages in Europe.

>> No.6024013

I know its spoken in some parts of the Indian region and that it has a mixture of a ton of shit, it seems to me like the offsrping dialect of Hindu mixed with local dialects.

>> No.6024021


indian scholars seem pretty stupid

>> No.6024033

Well you are plainly retarded. The Dravidian languages are an entirely separate language family from the north Indian Indo-European language family.

It was sarcasm. anon seems to bundle all languages in India (which contains at least two language *families*, each containing several distinct languages) into one.

>> No.6024035


>> No.6024043

Graduated from 12.
Einstein did as well, your arguments are invalid.

>> No.6024053

Sorry everyone, I am >>6023853 and it was meant as a joke.

I did not mean for it to catalyse this autism explosion.